Kotlin: using google-guava static methods as extensions - guava

Is it possible to use existing java static methods as extensions from the box?
Lets consider com.google.common.collect.Iterables.transform. Now, because I don't know how to deal with this, to use proposed method as the extension, I have to write something like:
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables.transform
public fun <F, T> Iterable<F>.transform(function: Function<in F, out T>) : Iterable<T> {
return transform(this, function);
So, after this I could use it with iterables:
Iterable<A> input;
Function<A, B> function;
Iterable<B> output = input.transform(function);
But I think that declaring extension myself is unnecessary. How to omit this declaration?
My question has two main subquestions:
Is it possible to import existing (static) methods as extensions?
No, for now it isn't possible.
How to reuse existing guava's Functions, e.g. to transform Iterables?
Instead of transform you should use map extension, as proposed in answers. To reuse Functions it is possible to use extension like this:
public fun <T, R> Function<T, R>.asFun(): (T) -> R
= { input -> apply(input) };

You shouldn't bring Guava's workarounds for Java into Kotlin. Such API is already a part of Kotlin runtime. So you can write:
val input = listOf(1,2,4,8)
val output = input.map { /*transform function*/ it + 1 }
All others you can easily discover in IDE's suggestions


Kotlin creating a Word class for an 8-bit emulator

I'm looking for help with a resurrection of a 6502 emulator I wrote in Java many moons ago and now converting to Kotlin. Yes, there's lot out there, but this is my implementation so I could learn how to create emulators and now, how to use Kotlin.
I require a Word class for addresses, i.e.:
class Word(initValue: Int = 0x0000) {
var value = initValue
get() = field
set(newValue) {
field = newValue and 0xFFFF
I can't extend Int, thus I assume I have an internal copy inside my class (if there's a better way, I'd love to hear it).
Using this:
val address = Word()
Is trivial and I can use it with lots of address.value += 123 to move to another location. Further to this, I can add functions to perform Add, Inc, Dec etc.
However, is there a way I can modify the class so I can:
address += 123
I'm not sure how or what the approach is for this? I'd prefer NOT to have a lot of:
address.add(123) or address.value += 123
in my emulator.
Any advice would be really appreciated.
Unlike Java, Kotlin allows for operator overloading.
Find the documentation here
From the documentation you can use operator keyword to create overloaded function
data class Counter(val dayIndex: Int) {
operator fun plus(increment: Int): Counter {
return Counter(dayIndex + increment)

Python C API - How to inherit from your own python class?

The newtypes tutorial shows you how to inherit from a base python class. Can you inherit from your own python class? Something like this?
PyObject *mod = PyImport_AddModule("foomod");
PyObject *o = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "BaseClass");
PyTypeObject *t = o->ob_type;
FooType.tp_base = t;
if (PyType_Ready(&FooType ) < 0) return NULL;
though you need to define your struct with the base class as the first member per the documentation so it sounds like this is not possible? ie how would I setup the Foo struct?
typedef struct {
PyListObject list;
int state;
} SubListObject;
What I'm really trying to do is subclass _UnixSelectorEventLoop and it seems like my only solution is to define a python class that derives from my C class and from _UnixSelectorEventLoop with my C class listed first so that it can override methods in the other base class.
I think you're basically right on your assessment:
it seems like my only solution is to define a python class that derives from my C class and from _UnixSelectorEventLoop with my C class listed first so that it can override methods in the other base class.
You can't define a class that inherits from a Python class because it'd need to start with a C struct of basically arbitrary size.
There's a couple of other options that you might like to consider:
You could create a class the manual way by calling PyType_Type. See this useful answer on a question about multiple inheritance which is another sort of inheritance that the C API struggles with. This probably limits you too much, since you can't have C attributes, but you can have C functions.
You could do "inheritance by composition" - i.e. have you _UnixSelectorEventLoop as part of the object, then forward __getattr__ and __setattr__ to it in the event of unknown attributes. It's probably easier to see what I mean with Python code (which is simply but tediously transformed into C API code)
class YourClass:
def __init__(self,...):
self.state = 0
self._usel = _UnixSelectorEventLoop()
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._usel, 'name')
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__dict__:
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
setattr(self._usel, name, value)
# maybe __hasattr__ and __delattr__ too?
I'm hoping to avoid having to write this C API code myself, but the slots are tp_getattro and tp_setattro. Note that __getattr__ will need to be more comprehensive in the C version, since it acts closer to the __getattribute__ in Python. The flipside is that isinstance and issubclass will fail, which may or may not be an issue for you.

Better way to do class type alias?

From time to time, I would like to call a class differently depending on the context or to reduce duplication.
Let's assume, I have the following classes defined:
// in file a.dart
class A {
final String someprop;
// in file b.dart
abstract class BInterface {
String get someprop;
class B = A with EmptyMixin implements BInterface;
For this syntax to check out, I have to define EmptyMixin so that the syntax is OK.
Do you know of a better/prettier way to do this "aliasing" in Dart?
I'm afraid the way you're doing it is the prettiest way to do this at the moment. There is a very old, but still open and active issue: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/2626 that proposes the typedef B = A; syntax for aliasing types.

PyBind11 Template Class of Many Types

I'd like to use PyBind11 to wrap a specialized array class. However, the array is available in many flavours (one per each plain-old-datatype). The code looks like this:
py::class_<Array2D<float>>(m, "Array2Dfloat", py::buffer_protocol(), py::dynamic_attr())
.def("size", &Array2D<float>::size)
.def("width", &Array2D<float>::width)
.def("height", &Array2D<float>::height)
The only way I've thought of to tell PyBind11 about these classes is by duplicating the above for each POD through the use of a very large macro.
Is there a better way to do this?
You can avoid using macros and instead go with a templated declaration function:
template<typename T>
void declare_array(py::module &m, std::string &typestr) {
using Class = Array2D<T>;
std::string pyclass_name = std::string("Array2D") + typestr;
py::class_<Class>(m, pyclass_name.c_str(), py::buffer_protocol(), py::dynamic_attr())
.def(py::init<Class::xy_t, Class::xy_t, T>())
.def("size", &Class::size)
.def("width", &Class::width)
.def("height", &Class::height);
And then call it multiple times:
declare_array<float>(m, "float");
declare_array<int>(m, "int");

Need help understanding Generics, How To Abstract Types Question

I could use some really good links that explain Generics and how to use them. But I also have a very specific question, relater to working on a current project.
Given this class constructor:
public class SecuredDomainViewModel<TDomainContext, TEntity> : DomainViewModel<TDomainContext, TEntity>
where TDomainContext : DomainContext, new()
where TEntity : Entity, new()
public SecuredDomainViewModel(TDomainContext domainContext, ProtectedItem protectedItem)
: base(domainContext)
this.protectedItem = protectedItem;
And its creation this way:
DomainViewModel d;
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, MyEntityType>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
Assuming I have 20 different EntityTypes within MyContext, is there any easier way to call the constructor without a large switch statement?
Also, since d is DomainViewModel and I later need to access methods from SecuredDomainViewModel, it seems I need to do this:
if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, MyEntityType>)d).CanEditEntity)
But again "MyEntityType" could actually be one of 20 diffent types. Is there anyway to write these types of statements where MyEntityType is returned from some sort of Reflection?
Additional Info for Clarification:
I will investigate ConstructorInfo, but I think I may have incorrectly described what I'm looking to do.
Assume I have the DomainViewModel, d in my original posting.
This may have been constructed via three possible ways:
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Order>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Invoice>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
d = new SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Consumer>(this.context, selectedProtectedItem);
Later, I need to access methods on the SecuredDomainViewModel, which currently must be called this way:
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Order)d).CanEditEntity)
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Invoice)d).CanEditEntity)
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, Consumer)d).CanEditEntity)
Assuming I have N+ entity types in this context, what I was hoping to be able to do is
something like this with one call:
ex: if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, CurrentEntityType)d).CanEditEntity)
Where CurrentEntityType was some sort of function or other type of call that returned Order, Invoice or Consumer based on the current item entity type.
Is that possible?
You can create a non-generic interface that has the CanEditEntity property on it, make SecuredDomainViewModel inherit off that, then call the property through the interface...
Also, the new() constructor allows you to call a constructor on a generic type that has no arguments (so you can just write new TEntity()), but if you want to call a constructor that has parameters one handy trick I use is to pass it in as a delegate:
public void Method<T>(Func<string, bool, T> ctor) {
// ...
T newobj = ctor("foo", true);
// ...
//called later...
Method((s, b) => new MyClass(s, b));
I can't help on the links, and likely not on the type either.
If you have the Type, you can get the constructor:
ConstructorInfo construtor = typeof(MyEntityType).GetConstructor(new object[]{TDomainContext, ProtectedItem});
I'm not really sure what you're looking for, but I can only see something like
if (((SecuredDomainViewModel<MyContext, entityType>)d).CanEditEntity)
being what you want.