Python C API - How to inherit from your own python class? - python-c-api

The newtypes tutorial shows you how to inherit from a base python class. Can you inherit from your own python class? Something like this?
PyObject *mod = PyImport_AddModule("foomod");
PyObject *o = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "BaseClass");
PyTypeObject *t = o->ob_type;
FooType.tp_base = t;
if (PyType_Ready(&FooType ) < 0) return NULL;
though you need to define your struct with the base class as the first member per the documentation so it sounds like this is not possible? ie how would I setup the Foo struct?
typedef struct {
PyListObject list;
int state;
} SubListObject;
What I'm really trying to do is subclass _UnixSelectorEventLoop and it seems like my only solution is to define a python class that derives from my C class and from _UnixSelectorEventLoop with my C class listed first so that it can override methods in the other base class.

I think you're basically right on your assessment:
it seems like my only solution is to define a python class that derives from my C class and from _UnixSelectorEventLoop with my C class listed first so that it can override methods in the other base class.
You can't define a class that inherits from a Python class because it'd need to start with a C struct of basically arbitrary size.
There's a couple of other options that you might like to consider:
You could create a class the manual way by calling PyType_Type. See this useful answer on a question about multiple inheritance which is another sort of inheritance that the C API struggles with. This probably limits you too much, since you can't have C attributes, but you can have C functions.
You could do "inheritance by composition" - i.e. have you _UnixSelectorEventLoop as part of the object, then forward __getattr__ and __setattr__ to it in the event of unknown attributes. It's probably easier to see what I mean with Python code (which is simply but tediously transformed into C API code)
class YourClass:
def __init__(self,...):
self.state = 0
self._usel = _UnixSelectorEventLoop()
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._usel, 'name')
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__dict__:
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
setattr(self._usel, name, value)
# maybe __hasattr__ and __delattr__ too?
I'm hoping to avoid having to write this C API code myself, but the slots are tp_getattro and tp_setattro. Note that __getattr__ will need to be more comprehensive in the C version, since it acts closer to the __getattribute__ in Python. The flipside is that isinstance and issubclass will fail, which may or may not be an issue for you.


Better way to do class type alias?

From time to time, I would like to call a class differently depending on the context or to reduce duplication.
Let's assume, I have the following classes defined:
// in file a.dart
class A {
final String someprop;
// in file b.dart
abstract class BInterface {
String get someprop;
class B = A with EmptyMixin implements BInterface;
For this syntax to check out, I have to define EmptyMixin so that the syntax is OK.
Do you know of a better/prettier way to do this "aliasing" in Dart?
I'm afraid the way you're doing it is the prettiest way to do this at the moment. There is a very old, but still open and active issue: that proposes the typedef B = A; syntax for aliasing types.

AngelScript - Avoid implicit default constructor from running

I'm currently testing some simple AngelScript stuff, and noticed something I find a bit strange when it comes to how objects are initialized from classes.
Let's say I define a class like this:
class MyClass {
int i;
MyClass(int i) {
this.i = i;
I can create an object of this class by doing this:
MyClass obj = MyClass(5);
However it seems I can also create an object by doing this:
MyClass obj;
The problem here is that obj.i becomes a default value as it is undefined.
Additionally, adding a default constructor to my class and a print function call in each one reveals that when I do MyClass obj = MyClass(5); BOTH constructors are called, not just the one with the matching parameter. This seems risky to me, as it could initialize a lot of properties unnecessarily for this "ghost" instance.
I can avoid this double-initialization by using a handle, but this seems more like a work-around rather than a solution:
MyClass# obj = MyClass(5);
So my question sums up to:
Can I require a specific constructor to be called?
Can I prevent a default constructor from running?
What's the proper way to deal with required parameters when creating objects?
Mind that this is purely in the AngelScript script language, completely separate from the C++ code of the host application. The host is from 2010 and is not open-source, and my knowledge of their implementation is very limited, so if the issue lies there, I can't change it.
In order to declare class and send the value you choose to constructor try:
MyClass obj(5);
To prevent using default constructor create it and use:
abort("Trying to create uninitialized object of type that require init parameters");
assert(1>2,"Trying to create uninitialized object of type that require init parameters");
in case that any of those is working in you environment.
declaring the constructor as private seems not to work in AS, unlike other languages.

Inheriting from Sealed classes in MATLAB

In MATLAB, one of the attributes of a class (defined after classdef) is Sealed, which means that no class can use it as a superclass (or to be more precise, "to indicate that these classes have not been designed to support subclasses."1).
For example, if I try to instantiate a class that's defined as below (considering table is Sealed):
classdef SomeLie < table
I would get the 'MATLAB:class:sealed' error:
>> A = SomeLie;
Error using SomeLie
Class 'table' is Sealed and may not be used as a superclass.
As I refuse to be told by a machine what I may or may not do, I would like to subclass a Sealed class, regardless. How can I do that in MATLAB R2017a?
I'm having a hard time believing that this system is completely airtight, so I'm looking for a solution that would cause the Sealed attribute to be silently ignored (or something of that sort). The desired solution should work without modifying any "library class definitions" to remove Sealed from them.
I tried playing around with "reflection", but arrived at a dead end...
classdef SomeLie % < table
properties (Access = private)
innerTable table;
properties (GetAccess = public)
methodHandles struct = struct();
function slObj = SomeLie(varargin)
slObj.innerTable = table(varargin{:});
% methodHandles = methods(slObj.innerTable);
ml = ?table; ml = {ml.MethodList.Name}.';
ml = setdiff(ml,'end');
tmpStruct = struct;
for indM = 1:numel(ml)
tmpStruct.(ml{indM}) = str2func([...
'#(varargin)' ml{indM} '(slObj.innerTable,varargin{:})']);
slObj.methodHandles = tmpStruct;
function varargout = subsref(slObj,varargin)
S = struct(slObj);
varargout{:} = S.methodHandles.(varargin{1}.subs)(varargin{:});
(There's no need to fix the above code, I was just sharing)
I do not think the machine is the problem, but the class designer and he certainly has good motivations to seal the class. "Philosophy" of coding, a part, you could 'own' the class in a wrapper class without defining it sealed.
For example, supposer the class Hello is sealed and has a method (or function, if you wish) sayHello which you would like to use in inherited classes you could define a class FreeHello (public) which contains an instance of Hello. At the constructor you build the corresponding Hello and then you define a sayHello method whose body simply calls your Hello instance and makes it execute the sayHello method (and returns the output, accordingly).
In order to 'open' the sealed class, you need to do these for all properties and public methods; of course you are still not capable of accessing private methods, but now you can subclass your wrapper class, as you wish.

anybody doing a class tree in Dart?

Darts Mirrors are for me currently poorly documented and very difficult to experiment with - they behave differently in code than from within the console.
for my own use, I would love to be able to treat classes (Types) as a trees, with a node being something like:
class Node {
type ... <== Type itself
name ... <== name of current class
super ... <== super of this class, eg, extends super
mixins ... <== mixins used to build this Type
extendChildren ... <== Types for which this type is super
mixinChildren ... <== Types for which this type is a mixin
for the life of me, I cannot get something this basic out of current Mirrors. hoping that somebody smarter than me has given it a shot!!
Below is a simple example which prints the name of the superclass and the name of Foo's members.
Note that the API uses Symbols, not strings. These are required so that dart2js can minify code that uses mirrors, they're a bit of a pain, but they mean that your code will run cross browser, and be compact.
To convert between symbols and strings see MirrorSystem.getName() and MirrorSystem.getSymbol() (Actually I believe you can just use new Symbol('foo') now).
Also note a new feature was recently added giving a special literal syntax for symbols. Up until recently you needed to type const Symbol('foo'), now just #foo, you may see a mix of old an new when looking at examples.
See this article for more information about mirrors.
Warning - probably a few typos in the example.
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Bob {
class Foo extends Bob {
String bar = 'jim';
main() {
var classMirror = reflectClass(Foo);
classMirror.declarations.values.forEach((d) => print(MirrorSystem.getName(d.simpleName)));
Update: Based on what Alan said below (Also untested):
Example source:
library foo;
class B extends A {
class A {
List<ClassMirror> findSubClasses(Symbol libraryName, ClassMirror superClass) =>
.where((d) => d is ClassMirror
&& d.superClass.simpleName == superClass.simpleName);
var cm = reflectClass(A);
var subclasses = findSubClasses(#foo, cm);
There is a #MirrorsUsed attribute that you may want to experiment with if you're interested on compiling to js. It's still experimental so expect this to change.

OOP Terminology: class, attribute, property, field, data member

I am starting studying OOP and I want to learn what constitutes a class. I am a little confused at how loosely some core elements are being used and thus adding to my confusion.
I have looked at the C++ class, the java class and I want to know enough to write my own pseudo class to help me understand.
For instance in this article I read this (.. class attribute (or class property, field, or data member)
I have seen rather well cut out questions that show that there is a difference between class property and class field for instance What is the difference between a Field and a Property in C#?
Depending on what language I am studying, is the definition of
Class variables
different from language to language?
"Fields", "class variables", and "attributes" are more-or-less the same - a low-level storage slot attached to an object. Each language's documentation might use a different term consistently, but most actual programmers use them interchangeably. (However, this also means some of the terms can be ambiguous, like "class variable" - which can be interpreted as "a variable of an instance of a given class", or "a variable of the class object itself" in a language where class objects are something you can manipulate directly.)
"Properties" are, in most languages I use, something else entirely - they're a way to attach custom behaviour to reading / writing a field. (Or to replace it.)
So in Java, the canonical example would be:
class Circle {
// The radius field
private double radius;
public Circle(double radius) {
this.radius = radius;
// The radius property
public double getRadius() {
return radius;
public void setRadius(double radius) {
// We're doing something else besides setting the field value in the
// property setter
System.out.println("Setting radius to " + radius);
this.radius = radius;
// The circumference property, which is read-only
public double getCircumference() {
// We're not even reading a field here.
return 2 * Math.PI * radius;
(Note that in Java, a property foo is a pair of accessor methods called getFoo() and setFoo() - or just the getter if the property is read-only.)
Another way of looking at this is that "properties" are an abstraction - a promise by an object to allow callers to get or set a piece of data. While "fields" etc. are one possible implementation of this abstraction. The values for getRadius() or getCircumference() in the above example could be stored directly, or they could be calculated, it doesn't matter to the caller; the setters might or might not have side effects; it doesn't matter to the caller.
I agree with you, there's a lot of unnecessary confusion due to the loose definitions and inconsistent use of many OO terms. The terms you're asking about are used somewhat interchangeably, but one could say some are more general than others (descending order): Property -> Attributes -> Class Variables -> Fields.
The following passages, extracted from "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design" by Grady Booch help clarify the subject. Firstly, it's important to understand the concept of state:
The state of an object encompasses all of the (usually static) properties of the object plus the current (usually dynamic) values of each of these properties. By properties, we mean the totality of the object's attributes and relationships with other objects.
OOP is quite generic regarding certain nomenclature, as it varies wildly from language to language:
The terms field (Object Pascal), instance variable (Smalltalk), member object (C++), and slot (CLOS) are interchangeable, meaning a repository for part of the state of an object. Collectively, they constitute the object's structure.
But the notation introduced by the author is precise:
An attribute denotes a part of an aggregate object, and so is used during analysis as well as design to express a singular property of the class. Using the language-independent syntax, an attribute may have a name, a class, or both, and optionally a default expression: A:C=E.
Class variable: Part of the state of a class. Collectively, the class variables of a class constitute its structure. A class variable is shared by all instances of the same class. In C++, a class variable is declared as a static member.
In summary:
Property is a broad concept used to denote a particular characteristic of a class, encompassing both its attributes and its relationships to other classes.
Attribute denotes a part of an aggregate object, and so is used during analysis as well as design to express a singular property of the class.
Class variable is an attribute defined in a class of which a single copy exists, regardless of how many instances of the class exist. So all instances of that class share its value as well as its declaration.
Field is a language-specific term for instance variable, that is, an attribute whose value is specific to each object.
I've been doing oop for more than 20 years, and I find that people often use different words for the same things. My understanding is that fields, class variables and attributes all mean the same thing. However, property is best described by the stackoverflow link that you included in your question.
Generally fields, methods, static methods, properties, attributes and class (or static variables) do not change on a language basis... Although the syntax will probably change on a per language basis, they will be function in the way you would expect across languages (expect terms like fields/data members to be used interchangably across languages)
In C#....
A field is a variable that exists for a given instance of a class.
public class BaseClass
// This is a field that might be different in each instance of a class
private int _field;
// This is a property that accesses a field
protected int GetField
return _field;
Fields have a "visibility" this determines what other classes can see the field, so in the above example a private field can only be used by the class that contains it, but the property accessor provides readonly access to the field by subclasses.
A property lets you get (sometimes called an accessor) or set (sometimes called a mutator) the value of field... Properties let you do a couple of things, prevent writing a field for example from outside the class, change the visibility of the field (eg private/protected/public). A mutator allows you to provide some custom logic before setting the value of a field
So properties are more like methods to get/set the value of a field but provide more functionality
public class BaseClass
// This is a field that might be different in each instance of a class
private int _field;
// This is a property that accesses a field, but since it's visibility
// is protected only subclasses will know about this property
// (and through it the field) - The field and property in this case
// will be hidden from other classes.
protected int GetField
// This is an accessor
return _field;
// This is a mutator
// This can perform some more logic
if (_field != value)
Console.WriteLine("The value of _field changed");
_field = value;
OnChanged; // Call some imaginary OnChange method
} else {
Console.WriteLine("The value of _field was not changed");
A class or static variable is a variable which is the same for all instances of a class..
So, for example, if you wanted a description for a class that description would be the same for all instance of the class and could be accessed by using the class
public class BaseClass
// A static (or class variable) can be accessed from anywhere by writing
public static string DESCRIPTION = "BaseClass";
public class TestClass
public void Test()
string BaseClassDescription = BaseClass.DESCRIPTION;
I'd be careful when using terminology relating to an attribute. In C# it is a class that can be applied to other classes or methods by "decorating" the class or method, in other context's it may simply refer to a field that a class contains.
// The functionality of this attribute will be documented somewhere
public class TestClass
public void TestMethod()
Some languages do not have "Attributes" like C# does (see above)
Hopefully that all makes sense... Don't want to overload you!
Firstly, you need to select a language. For example, I would recommend you to select Ruby language and community. Until you select a language, you cannot escape confusion, as different communities use different terms for the same things.
For example, what is known as Module in Ruby, Java knows as abstract class. What is known as attributes in some languages, is known as instance variables in Ruby. I recommend Ruby especially for its logical and well-designed OOP system.
Write the following in a *.rb file, or on the command line in irb (interactive Ruby interpreter):
class Dog # <-- Here you define a class representing all dogs.
def breathe # <-- Here you teach your class a method: #breathe
puts "I'm breathing."
def speak # <-- Here you teach your class another method: #speak
puts "Bow wow!"
Now that you have a class, you can create an instance of it:
Seamus =
You have just created an instance, a particular dog of class Dog, and stored it in the constant Seamus. Now you can play with it:
Seamus.breathe # <-- Invoking #breathe instance method of Seamus
#=> I'm breathing.
Seamus.speak # <-- Invoking #speak instance method of Seamus
#=> Bow wow!
As for your remaining terminology questions, "property" or "attribute" is understood as "variable" in Ruby, almost always an instance variable. And as for the term "data member", just forget about it. The term "field" is not really used in Ruby, and "class variable" in Ruby means something very rarely used, which you definitely don't need to know at this moment.
So, to keep the world nice and show you that OOP is really simple and painless in Ruby, let us create an attribute, or, in Ruby terminology, an instance variable of Dog class. As we know, every dog has some weight, and different dogs may have different weights. So, upon creation of a new dog, we will require the user to tell us dog's weight:
class Dog
def initialize( weight ) # <-- Defining initialization method with one argument 'weight'
#weight = weight # <-- Setting the dog's attribute (instance variable)
attr_reader :weight # <-- Making the dog's weight attribute visible to the world.
Drooly = 16 ) # <-- Weight now must provide weight upon initialization.
Drooly.weight # <-- Now we can ask Drooly about his weight.
#=> 16
Remember, with Ruby (or Python), things are simple.
I discovered in my question that Properties as defined in .Net are just a convenience syntax for code, and they are not tied to underlying variables at all (except for Auto-Implemented Properties, of course). So, saying "what is the difference between class property and class field" is like saying: what is the difference between a method and an attribute. No difference, one is code and the other is data. And, they need not have anything to do with each other.
It is really too bad that the same words, like "attribute" and "property", are re-used in different languages and ideologies to have starkly different meanings. Maybe someone needs to define an object-oriented language to talk about concepts in OOP? UML?
In The Class
public class ClassSample
private int ClassAttribute;
public int Property
get { return ClassAttribute; }
set { ClassAttribute = value; }
In the Program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var objectSample = new ClassSample();
//Get Object Property
var GetProperty = objectSample.Property;