Convert Any to Double using asInstanceOf? - scala

Is there a supported way to achieve a conversion of any numeric type to a double. E.g.
val i = 12345
val f = 1234.5F
val d = 1234.5D
val arr = Array[Any](i,f,d)
val anotherD = arr(0).asInstanceOf[Numeric].toDouble
Naturally the above code is not correct as given - since Numeric requires Type arguments.
scala> val i = 12345
i: Int = 12345
scala> val f = 1234.5F
f: Float = 1234.5
scala> val d = 1234.5D
d: Double = 1234.5
scala> val arr = Array[Any](i,f,d)
arr: Array[Any] = Array(12345, 1234.5, 1234.5)
scala> val anotherD = arr(0).asInstanceOf[Numeric].toDouble
<console>:11: error: type Numeric takes type parameters
val anotherD = arr(0).asInstanceOf[Numeric].toDouble
Now I realize the above may be achieved via match/case , along the following lines:
(a, e) match {
case (a : Double, e : Double) =>
Math.abs(a - e) <= CompareTol
case (a : Float, e : Float) =>
Math.abs(a - e) <= CompareTol
.. etc
But I was wondering if there were a means to more compactly express the operation. This code is within TEST classes and efficiency is not an important criterion. Specifically: reflection calls are OK. Thanks.

I assume you are on the JVM. The Number class does like what you want to achieve with the doubleValue method:
val arr = Array[Number](i,f,d)
val ds =

This is horrible, and probably not efficient, but it works (on your example) :p
scala> import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
scala>[{ def toDouble: Double }].toDouble)
res2: Array[Double] = Array(12345.0, 1234.5, 1234.5)


scala string interpolation with a variable length

I use scala f string interpolator as follows:
def format(id: Int) = f"A$id%04d"
format(21) // A0021
However, I would like to be able to define a length once and for all (before fixed to 4), and get a function that it is going to format the string with that length.
So, instead of having
def format(length: Int, id: Int) = ???
f(5, 21) // A00021
I would like to have this:
def format(length: Int)(id: Int) = ???
val f = format(5)
f(21) // A00021
How can I implement this using scala f interpolator or other?
I was not looking for such a solution involving the compiler at runtime, but I appreciate som-snytt's answer. Here there is a working solution based on his answer:
def defFormat(length: Int): Int => String = {
val code = raw"""(i: Int) => f"A$$i%0${length}d""""
tb.eval(tb.parse(code)).asInstanceOf[Int => String]
val format = defFormat(length = 5)
scala> def format(n: Int)(i: Int) =
| f"A%%0${n}d" format i
format: (n: Int)(i: Int)String
scala> format(5) _
res0: Int => String = <function1>
scala> .apply(21)
res1: String = A00021
scala> import,scala.reflect.runtime._,universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime._
import universe._
scala> val tb = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
tb:[reflect.runtime.universe.type] =$ToolBoxImpl#2d10e0b1
scala> def f(n: Int)(i: Int): String = {
| val code = raw"""f"A$${$i}%0${n}d""""
| tb.eval(tb.parse(code)).asInstanceOf[String]
| }
f: (n: Int)(i: Int)String
scala> val g = f(5) _
g: Int => String = <function1>
scala> g(21)
res9: String = A00021
That doesn't actually help much. You really want to
scala> tb.typecheck(tb.parse(code)) reflective typecheck has failed: illegal conversion character 'k'
which throws if the format is bad.
scala> val code = raw"""(i: Int) => f"A$${i}%k0${10}d""""
code: String = (i: Int) => f"A${i}%k010d"
scala> tb.typecheck(tb.parse(code)) reflective typecheck has failed: illegal conversion character 'k'
at scala.reflect.internal.Trees$class.wrappingIntoTerm(Trees.scala:1716)
at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.wrappingIntoTerm(SymbolTable.scala:16)
... 32 elided
scala> val code = raw"""(i: Int) => f"A$${i}%0${10}d""""
code: String = (i: Int) => f"A${i}%010d"
scala> tb.typecheck(tb.parse(code))
res19: tb.u.Tree =
((i: Int) => ({
val arg$macro$9: Int = i;
new scala.collection.immutable.StringOps("A%010d").format(arg$macro$9)
}: String))
You can't do it using f because its whole point is to make sure it can check the format string for type errors, so the format string has to be static. f could support this scenario explicitly, but it doesn't.
You could make format a macro, but this seems like an overkill. Not to mention that it would have to be defined in a separate module, which looks very inconvenient for this scenario.

scalaz - function composition - WriterT

Let's define a Kleisli on \/:
abstract class MyError
case class NumericalError(msg: String) extends MyError
// Either is a Monad with two type parameters: M[A,B] which represent left and right respectively
// Let's create an ad-hoc type
type EEither[+T] = \/[MyError, T]
and one ad-hoc function for testing purposes:
def safeSqrtEither(t: Double): EEither[Double] =
safeSqrtOpt(t) match {
case Some(r) => r.right
case None => NumericalError("Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0").left
val kSafeSqrtEither = Kleisli.kleisli( (x: Double) => safeSqrtEither(x) )
Function composition works smoothly:
val pipeEither = kSafeSqrtEither >>> kSafeSqrtEither
val r5b = pipeEither2 run 16.0
//which gives r5b: EEither[Double] = \/-(2.0)
I'd like to add logging:
type LoggedROCFun[I,O] = I => WriterT[EEither,scalaz.NonEmptyList[String],O]
val sqrtWithLog: LoggedROCFun[Double, Double] =
(t: Double) =>
WriterT.put(kSafeSqrtEither(t))(s"squared $t".wrapNel)
which seems having the desired behaviour:
val resA = sqrtWithLog(16.0)
// resA: scalaz.WriterT[EEither,scalaz.NonEmptyList[String],Double] = WriterT(\/-((NonEmpty[squared 16.0],4.0)))
Sleek. However, I am struggling to put together an operator which:
combines the values in the WriterT applying >>>
chains (appends) each log, keeping track of each step made
Desired output:
val combinedFunction = sqrtWithLog >>> sqrtWithLog
val r = combinedFunction run 16.0
// r: WriterT(\/-((NonEmpty[squared 16.0, squared 4.0],2.0)))
My best shot:
def myCompositionOp[I,A,B](f1: LoggedROCFun[I,A])(f2: LoggedROCFun[A,B]): LoggedROCFun[I,B] =
(x: I) => {
val e = f1.apply(x)
val v1: EEither[A] = e.value
v1 match {
case Right(v) => f2(v)
case Left(err) =>
val lastLog = e.written
val v2 = err.left[B]
In the above I first apply f1 to x, and then I pass along the result to f2. Otherwise, I short-circuit to Left.
This is wrong, because in the case Right I am dropping the previous logging history.
One last Q
val safeDivWithLog: Kleisli[W, (Double,Double), Double] =
Kleisli.kleisli[W, (Double, Double), Double]( (t: (Double, Double)) => {
val (n,d) = t
WriterT.put(safeDivEither(t))(s"divided $n by $d".wrapNel)
val combinedFunction2 = safeDivWithLog >>> sqrtWithLog
val rAgain = combinedFunction2 run (-10.0,2.0)
// rAgain: W[Double] = WriterT(-\/(NumericalError(Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0)))
Not sure why the logs are not carried through after a pipeline switches to Left. Is it because:
type MyMonad e w a = ErrorT e (Writer w) a is isomorphic to (Either e a, w)
type MyMonad e w a = WriterT w (Either e) a is isomorphic to Either r (a, w)
therefore I have flipped the order?
Sources: here, scalaz, here, and real world haskell on transformers
You're very close—the issue is just that you've buried your Kleisli, while you want it on the outside. Your LoggedROCFun is just an ordinary function, and the Compose instance for ordinary functions demands that the output of the first function match the type of the input of the second. If you make sqrtWithLog a kleisli arrow it'll work just fine:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
abstract class MyError
case class NumericalError(msg: String) extends MyError
type EEither[T] = \/[MyError, T]
def safeSqrtEither(t: Double): EEither[Double] =
if (t >= 0) math.sqrt(t).right else NumericalError(
"Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0"
type W[A] = WriterT[EEither, NonEmptyList[String], A]
val sqrtWithLog: Kleisli[W, Double, Double] =
Kleisli.kleisli[W, Double, Double](t =>
WriterT.put(safeSqrtEither(t))(s"squared $t".wrapNel)
val combinedFunction = sqrtWithLog >>> sqrtWithLog
val r = combinedFunction run 16.0
Note that I've modified your code slightly for the sake of making it a complete working example.
In response to your comment: if you want the writer to accumulate across failures, you'll need to flip the order of Either and Writer in the transformer:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
abstract class MyError
case class NumericalError(msg: String) extends MyError
type EEither[T] = \/[MyError, T]
def safeSqrtEither(t: Double): EEither[Double] =
if (t >= 0) math.sqrt(t).right else NumericalError(
"Sqrt on double is not define if _ < 0"
type W[A] = Writer[List[String], A]
type E[A] = EitherT[W, MyError, A]
val sqrtWithLog: Kleisli[E, Double, Double] =
Kleisli.kleisli[E, Double, Double](t =>
EitherT[W, MyError, Double](safeSqrtEither(t).set(List(s"squared $t")))
val constNegative1: Kleisli[E, Double, Double] =
Kleisli.kleisli[E, Double, Double](_ => -1.0.point[E])
val combinedFunction = sqrtWithLog >>> constNegative1 >>> sqrtWithLog
And then:
res9: scalaz.Id.Id[List[String]] = List(squared 16.0, squared -1.0)
Note that this won't work with NonEmptyList in the writer, since you need to be able to return an empty log in the case of e.g. I've used a List, but in real code you'd want a type with less expensive appends.

get first 2 values in a comma separated string

I am trying to get the first 2 values of a comma separated string in scala. For example
a,b,this is a test
How do i store the values a,b in 2 separate variables?
To keep it easy and clean.
KISS solution:
1.Use split for separation. Then use take which is defined on all ordered sequences to get the elements as needed:
scala> val res = "a,b,this is a test" split ',' take 2
res: Array[String] = Array(a, b)
2.Use Pattern matching to set the variables:
scala> val Array(x,y) = res
x: String = a
y: String = b*
Another solution using Sequence Pattern match in Scalaenter link description here
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_65).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> val str = "a,b,this is a test"
str: String = a,b,this is a test
scala> val Array(x, y, _*) = str.split(",")
x: String = a
y: String = b
scala> println(s"x = $x, y = $y")
x = a, y = b
Are you looking for the method split ?
"a,b,this is a test".split(',')
res0: Array[String] = Array(a, b, this is a test)
If you want only the first two values you'll need to do something like:
val splitted = "a,b,this is a test".split(',')
val (first, second) = (splitted(0), splitted(1))
There should be some regex options here.
scala> val s = "a,b,this is a test"
s: String = a,b,this is a test
scala> val r = "[^,]+".r
r: scala.util.matching.Regex = [^,]+
scala> r findAllIn s
res0: scala.util.matching.Regex.MatchIterator = non-empty iterator
scala> .toList
res1: List[String] = List(a, b, this is a test)
scala> .take(2)
res2: List[String] = List(a, b)
scala> val a :: b :: _ = res2
a: String = a
b: String = b
scala> val a :: b :: _ = (r findAllIn "a" take 2).toList
scala.MatchError: List(a) (of class scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon)
... 33 elided
or if you're not sure there is a second item, for instance:
scala> val r2 = "([^,]+)(?:,([^,]*))?".r.unanchored
r2: scala.util.matching.UnanchoredRegex = ([^,]+)(?:,([^,]*))?
scala> val (a,b) = "a" match { case r2(x,y) => (x, Option(y)) }
a: String = a
b: Option[String] = None
scala> val (a,b) = s match { case r2(x,y) => (x, Option(y)) }
a: String = a
b: Option[String] = Some(b)
This is a bit nicer if records are long strings.
Footnote: the Option cases look nicer with a regex interpolator.
If your string is short, you may as well just use String.split and take the first two elements.
val myString = "a,b,this is a test"
val splitString = myString.split(',') // Scala adds a split-by-character method in addition to Java's split-by-regex
val a = splitString(0)
val b = splitString(1)
Another solution would be to use a regex to extract the first two elements. I think it's quite elegant.
val myString = "a,b,this is a test"
val regex = """(.*),(.*),.*""".r // all groups (in parenthesis) will be extracted.
val regex(a, b) = myString // a="a", b="b"
Of course, you can tweak the regex to only allow non-empty tokens (or anything else you might need to validate) :
val regex = """(.+),(.+),.+""".r
Note that in my examples I assumed that the string always had at least two tokens. In the first example, you can test the length of the array if needed. The second one will throw a MatchError if the regex doesn't match the string.
I had originally proposed the following solution. I will leave it because it works and doesn't use any class formally marked as deprecated, but the Javadoc for StringTokenizer mentions that it is a legacy class and should no longer be used.
val myString = "a,b,this is a test"
val st = new StringTokenizer(",");
val a = st.nextToken()
val b = st.nextToken()
// You could keep calling st.nextToken(), as long as st.hasMoreTokens is true

Different types in Map Scala

I need a Map where I put different types of values (Double, String, Int,...) in it, key can be String.
Is there a way to do this, so that I get the correct type with map.apply(k) like
val map: Map[String, SomeType] = Map()
val d: Double = map.apply("double")
val str: String = map.apply("string")
I already tried it with a generic type
class Container[T](element: T) {
def get: T = element
val d: Container[Double] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[String] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
but it's not possible since Container takes an parameter. Is there any solution to this?
This is not straightforward.
The type of the value depends on the key. So the key has to carry the information about what type its value is. This is a common pattern. It is used for example in SBT (see for example SettingsKey[T]) and Shapeless Records (Example). However, in SBT the keys are a huge, complex class hierarchy of its own, and the HList in shapeless is pretty complex and also does more than you want.
So here is a small example of how you could implement this. The key knows the type, and the only way to create a Record or to get a value out of a Record is the key. We use a Map[Key, Any] internally as storage, but the casts are hidden and guaranteed to succeed. There is an operator to create records from keys, and an operator to merge records. I chose the operators so you can concatenate Records without having to use brackets.
sealed trait Record {
def apply[T](key:Key[T]) : T
def get[T](key:Key[T]) : Option[T]
def ++ (that:Record) : Record
private class RecordImpl(private val inner:Map[Key[_], Any]) extends Record {
def apply[T](key:Key[T]) : T = inner.apply(key).asInstanceOf[T]
def get[T](key:Key[T]) : Option[T] = inner.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
def ++ (that:Record) = that match {
case that:RecordImpl => new RecordImpl(this.inner ++ that.inner)
final class Key[T] {
def ~>(value:T) : Record = new RecordImpl(Map(this -> value))
object Key {
def apply[T] = new Key[T]
Here is how you would use this. First define some keys:
val a = Key[Int]
val b = Key[String]
val c = Key[Float]
Then use them to create a record
val record = a ~> 1 ++ b ~> "abc" ++ c ~> 1.0f
When accessing the record using the keys, you will get a value of the right type back
scala> record(a)
res0: Int = 1
scala> record(b)
res1: String = abc
scala> record(c)
res2: Float = 1.0
I find this sort of data structure very useful. Sometimes you need more flexibility than a case class provides, but you don't want to resort to something completely type-unsafe like a Map[String,Any]. This is a good middle ground.
Edit: another option would be to have a map that uses a (name, type) pair as the real key internally. You have to provide both the name and the type when getting a value. If you choose the wrong type there is no entry. However this has a big potential for errors, like when you put in a byte and try to get out an int. So I think this is not a good idea.
import reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
class TypedMap[K](val inner:Map[(K, TypeTag[_]), Any]) extends AnyVal {
def updated[V](key:K, value:V)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = new TypedMap[K](inner + ((key, tag) -> value))
def apply[V](key:K)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = inner.apply((key, tag)).asInstanceOf[V]
def get[V](key:K)(implicit tag:TypeTag[V]) = inner.get((key, tag)).asInstanceOf[Option[V]]
object TypedMap {
def empty[K] = new TypedMap[K](Map.empty)
scala> val x = TypedMap.empty[String].updated("a", 1).updated("b", "a string")
x: TypedMap[String] = TypedMap#30e1a76d
scala> x.apply[Int]("a")
res0: Int = 1
scala> x.apply[String]("b")
res1: String = a string
// this is what happens when you try to get something out with the wrong type.
scala> x.apply[Int]("b")
java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: (b,Int)
This is now very straightforward in shapeless,
scala> import shapeless._ ; import syntax.singleton._ ; import record._
import shapeless._
import syntax.singleton._
import record._
scala> val map = ("double" ->> 4.0) :: ("string" ->> "foo") :: HNil
map: ... <complex type elided> ... = 4.0 :: foo :: HNil
scala> map("double")
res0: Double with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("double")] = 4.0
scala> map("string")
res1: String with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("string")] = foo
scala> map("double")+1.0
res2: Double = 5.0
scala> val map2 = map.updateWith("double")(_+1.0)
map2: ... <complex type elided> ... = 5.0 :: foo :: HNil
scala> map2("double")
res3: Double = 5.0
This is with shapeless 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT as of the date of this answer.
I finally found my own solution, which worked best in my case:
case class Container[+T](element: T) {
def get[T]: T = {
val map: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("a" -> Container[Double](4.0), "b" -> Container[String]("test"))
val double: Double = map.apply("a").get[Double]
val string: String = map.apply("b").get[String]
(a) Scala containers don't track type information for what's placed inside them, and
(b) the return "type" for an apply/get method with a simple String parameter/key is going to be static for a given instance of the object the method is to be applied to.
This feels very much like a design decision that needs to be rethought.
I don't think there's a way to get bare map.apply() to do what you'd want. As the other answers suggest, some sort of container class will be necessary. Here's an example that restricts the values to be only certain types (String, Double, Int, in this case):
sealed trait MapVal
case class StringMapVal(value: String) extends MapVal
case class DoubleMapVal(value: Double) extends MapVal
case class IntMapVal(value: Int) extends MapVal
val myMap: Map[String, MapVal] =
Map("key1" -> StringMapVal("value1"),
"key2" -> DoubleMapVal(3.14),
"key3" -> IntMapVal(42))
myMap.keys.foreach { k =>
val message =
myMap(k) match { // map.apply() in your example code
case StringMapVal(x) => "string: %s".format(x)
case DoubleMapVal(x) => "double: %.2f".format(x)
case IntMapVal(x) => "int: %d".format(x)
The main benefit of the sealted trait is compile-time checking for non-exhaustive matches in pattern matching.
I also like this approach because it's relatively simple by Scala standards. You can go off into the weeds for something more robust, but in my opinion you're into diminishing returns pretty quickly.
If you want to do this you'd have to specify the type of Container to be Any, because Any is a supertype of both Double and String.
val d: Container[Any] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[Any] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
Or to make things easier, you can change the definition of Container so that it's no longer type invariant:
class Container[+T](element: T) {
def get: T = element
override def toString = s"Container($element)"
val d: Container[Double] = new Container(4.0)
val str: Container[String] = new Container("string")
val m: Map[String, Container[Any]] = Map("double" -> d, "string" -> str)
There is a way but it's complicated. See Unboxed union types in Scala. Essentially you'll have to type the Map to some type Int |v| Double to be able to hold both Int and Double. You'll also pay a high price in compile times.

Extracting a value from an option inside an option in Scala

Given the following:
val x = Some(Some(1))
What would be the cleanest way to get the 1 (or -1 if the one did not exist)?
I'm creating an object instance from a tuple returned from a database query. One of the values in the tuple looks like this, so I would like a nice short 'one liner' to just get the value or set a parameter to -1.
x.flatten is what you are looking for. Here it will give you Some(1).
If you really want to get -1 for the case where "the one did not exist", just do x.flatten.getOrElse(-1):
scala> Some(Some(1)).flatten.getOrElse(-1)
res1: Int = 1
scala> Some(None).flatten.getOrElse(-1)
res2: Int = -1
scala> None.flatten.getOrElse(-1)
res3: Int = -1
for-comprehensions are often a very readable way to use these kinds of nested structures:
val x = Some(Some(1))
val result = for {
firstLevel <- x
secondLevel <- firstLevel
} yield {
// We've got an int, now transform it!
(secondLevel * 100).toString
The result is an Option[String], and the transformation only happens when you have two Some(s).
You can also use pattern matching:
val result2 = for {
Some(v) <- x
} yield {
// We've got a int, now transform it!
(v * 100).toString
Although not a "one-liner" you could make a function to extract the value. If you make it generic and pass in the default value it might be pretty handy.
scala> def fetchFromOptions[A](default: A)(x: Option[Option[A]]) = x match {
| case Some(Some(a)) => a
| case _ => default
| }
fetchFromOptions: [A](default: A)(x: Option[Option[A]])A
scala> fetchFromOptions(-1)(Some(Some(1)))
res0: Int = 1
scala> fetchFromOptions(-1)(Some(None))
res1: Int = -1
This is what I've come up with:
scala> val x = Some(Some(1))
x: Some[Some[Int]] = Some(Some(1))
scala> val y =
y: Int = 1
scala> val x = Some(None)
x: Some[None.type] = Some(None)
scala> val y =
y: Int = -1
This only works when your first-level Some is not None
If you actually know that its Some(Some(1)), then you can use the irrefutable pattern match notation:
scala> val ssi1 = Some(Some(1))
ssi1: Some[Some[Int]] = Some(Some(1))
scala> val Some(Some(i1)) = ssi1
i1: Int = 1
If there may be any of the possible None in the mix, then you have to use the more cautious and verbose forms suggested by others.
For those that find this a bizarre notation, think of it as what you'd write in a case in a match construct or PartialFunction literal to match against a scrutinee that is Some(Some(1)).