Enterprise Architect Quick LInker Arrow Hide/Show - enterprise-architect

My quick linker arrow has disappeared. After looking at the user guide, I cannot find how hide/show it. It was there last week, but not today. I had my friend open up the same file on his computer and the quick linker arrow is displayed.

The quick linker can be switched on or off by going to Tools > Options > Links and setting or clearing the Quick Linker "Enable" option.


Eclipse Package Explorer no longer collapsible

Version: Neon.2 Release (4.6.2)
Very straight-forward question - to my surprise I could not find an answer on here, or elsewhere.
This is what I see in my Eclipse IDE:
This is what I have seen until recently (circled in green):
(Yes - this image is not showing package explorer, this is cut from a random internet search pic)
How do I make the Package Explorer collapsible again?
Needing to fully close it for space, and then open it again later is a big pain.
If someone get the same problem, what I know so far is the reset perspective solution...
Window → Perspective -> Reset perspective...
This will save you many hours, believe me!
You can also do the reset, by right click the icon of the perspective type.
Option 1. Using the Window menu.
Option 2. Right click the perspective icon
(You might need to customize your perspective if you configured own settings, the reset perspective does not damage your workspace! See customize perspective to get an idea of what the settings are.)

How to view Output and Debug Console in Visual Studio Code at the same time?

Maybe a stupid question, but I'm unable to find the setting where it would enable it. Right now, if I enable one, the other is hidden. It's very annoying.
With the January/17 update you now see Output, Problems, Debug Console and Terminal, at the same time. Just click in the titles to switch between them.
With v1.44 you can now drag any of the panel items into the explorer area to see both at the same time: (demo from Insiders' Build)

How to Display VS Code output window to side rather than below

In my VS Code set up I see the output/FSI frame below the main text editor pane like this:
whereas I would love it to appear to the right in the side-by-side view like it does on the images in this link: http://www.wintellect.com/devcenter/jwood/a-quick-look-at-f-in-visual-studio-code
Is there a config option I cannot find somewhere?
I tried Googling but drew a blank and cannot see anything obvious in the config options mentioned on the vs code site page describing the config options
as of version 1.51.1 right click in the right corner on the output panel. then select option 'move panel right'
I don't believe you can detach/move the output windows in Visual Studio Code. You can move the side bar to the left/right side, but that's it. There is no config option, sorry.
You could try posting a feature request on the GitHub page: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode
EDIT: This was changed in VS Code 0.10.8, it was once on the side but was moved to the bottom. See this GitHub issue: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/2806
This feature is not available yet in VS Code. However as of today (March 30, 2017) it's on 6 months roadmap so it should be done in a near feature.
This feature is available from version 1.18.0+
Simply click this icon to dock to the right:
Just follow the steps mentioned:
In Visual Studio Code -
View Tab > Appearance > Toggle Panel Position
That's it.
Your original link to the view your desire is obsolete, so it is a guess as to what you wanted. But here is a demo of setting up a terminal/output look side-by-side. It is a little tricky - you drag your Outline header over the Terminal header which will then allow you the option of putting it to the left or right of the Terminal:
its easy. just right-click on the terminal, select 'move panel right' like in the image below and voila
the image can be found here
Vertical Split:
From VS Code Menu bar:
View >> Appearance >> Move Panel Right
Version 1.47.0 of VS Code (at the moment of posting this, the latest one) allows you to drag output (or any other panel tab, e.g. terminal) to the activity bar. This way you can obtain output to the side of the editor.
Just right click on the panel of output section then select "Move panel left or right" as per your wish.
here your can see the move panel left option.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + P
Select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)
Insert (or change if it is there --search for it) the following config line:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",
Save file.
That will work for new workspaces. VS-Code saves your preferences for each folder you start it in. So, if you navigate to a folder you previously called VS-Code in (I mean, from the terminal), it will open the output panel in the same location it was the last time you have used VS-Code from the same location.
After making the change above, go to a new place, like /opt and start VS-Code there to make a test.

Netbeans keyboard shortcut for navigating to next error marker in editor

Is there any keyboard shortcut key for navigating to the next error (red markers created in error stripe) in Netbeans editor?
As of NetBeans 8 there doesn't appear to be a way to navigate through errors exclusively in the editor. If you look at tools->options->keymap an action does exist for this (next error in editor), but the shortcut is blank. I set it to Alt+E on my IDE, this will navigate through all annotations - not just errors. So if you don't mind cycling through all hints, warnings errors, etc, this will work.
The closest I've been able to get for navigating specifically through errors is using the action items window. Add a filter for errors, then you can use Ctrl+. and Ctrl+, to navigate through the list (see How to display all compile errors in Netbeans as a task list?).
That would be Ctrl-Period ::: (Period means .)
Links to many shortcuts:
Highlights of NetBeans IDE 8.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code
134 Shortcuts for NetBeans 8 (Windows)
EDITED--URLs NOW VALID thru ver. 8
Add the Action Items window to your IDE. This lists all of your errors and is dynamic, so will be updated when you save.
From the menu bar: Window->Action Items.
(Took me forever to understand why when I would save, I wouldn't see any compile errors, but then it wouldn't run.)
Actually question is about "next error in editor". At least in my configuration (NetBeans profile) this function doesn't have any shortcut by default so if you go to Tools->Options->Keymap and in search field you write "Next Error in Editor" you can add any shortcut that fits the best to you
On a Mac things are different and there is no keyboard shortcut for navigating to a usage/compile error as far as I can tell.
You can go to Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts Card to see the full list of short cuts for your platform.
See https://netbeans.org/kb/articles/mac.html for info for macs and https://usersguide.netbeans.org/shortcuts.pdf for the default shortcuts for PCs.
No. there is no good and easy way on keyboard.
just clicking on those red marks (by mouse) is the fastest way. (it's not an easy/good way. but the best possible.)

Customize eclipse taskbar

I use a lot of eclipse shortcuts, but for some tasks there arnt any convenient ones. For example I frequently look at the subversion history for java files.
I see these icons next to the right-click menu items that I assume I should be able to place on the eclipse taskbar so that I can save a couple of mouse clicks. But I havnt been able to figure out how to do that yet.
I am talking about the icon next to RightClick-Team-Show History once you install the subclipse plugin. I would like this icon to be on my taskbar so I can just do a single click and look at the history.
Any suggestions?
Other tips on customizing eclipse for java development are also welcome.
Take a look at my answer for similar question: How to add undo / redo buttons to toolbar in Eclipse?
It is possible to do the same for Show History command. Differences are: 1) you need to declare dependency on org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui plugin, and command ID you are looking for is org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.showresourceinhistoryaction. You may want to include custom icon to avoid having long "Show History" button on your toolbar.
Update: Here is downloadable plugin for you: showsvnhistory_1.0.0.jar
The only way I know of to "customize" the Eclipse taskbar is via Window -> Customize Perspective. Oddly enough, the "Commands" tab has some influence on the toolbar.
But the developer of whatever component you want to use must have enabled the commmand and (at least for me), SVN doesn't offer a history button.
Maybe some XML hacking is more helpful here?