Customize eclipse taskbar - eclipse

I use a lot of eclipse shortcuts, but for some tasks there arnt any convenient ones. For example I frequently look at the subversion history for java files.
I see these icons next to the right-click menu items that I assume I should be able to place on the eclipse taskbar so that I can save a couple of mouse clicks. But I havnt been able to figure out how to do that yet.
I am talking about the icon next to RightClick-Team-Show History once you install the subclipse plugin. I would like this icon to be on my taskbar so I can just do a single click and look at the history.
Any suggestions?
Other tips on customizing eclipse for java development are also welcome.

Take a look at my answer for similar question: How to add undo / redo buttons to toolbar in Eclipse?
It is possible to do the same for Show History command. Differences are: 1) you need to declare dependency on org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui plugin, and command ID you are looking for is org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.showresourceinhistoryaction. You may want to include custom icon to avoid having long "Show History" button on your toolbar.
Update: Here is downloadable plugin for you: showsvnhistory_1.0.0.jar

The only way I know of to "customize" the Eclipse taskbar is via Window -> Customize Perspective. Oddly enough, the "Commands" tab has some influence on the toolbar.
But the developer of whatever component you want to use must have enabled the commmand and (at least for me), SVN doesn't offer a history button.
Maybe some XML hacking is more helpful here?


Eclipse Package Explorer no longer collapsible

Version: Neon.2 Release (4.6.2)
Very straight-forward question - to my surprise I could not find an answer on here, or elsewhere.
This is what I see in my Eclipse IDE:
This is what I have seen until recently (circled in green):
(Yes - this image is not showing package explorer, this is cut from a random internet search pic)
How do I make the Package Explorer collapsible again?
Needing to fully close it for space, and then open it again later is a big pain.
If someone get the same problem, what I know so far is the reset perspective solution...
Window → Perspective -> Reset perspective...
This will save you many hours, believe me!
You can also do the reset, by right click the icon of the perspective type.
Option 1. Using the Window menu.
Option 2. Right click the perspective icon
(You might need to customize your perspective if you configured own settings, the reset perspective does not damage your workspace! See customize perspective to get an idea of what the settings are.)

eclipse navigate showing java source in directory hierachy instead of package

Due to some reason I found, when displaying the source ,my navigator changed from the right side (preferred) to the left side , which need more clicks to access the source file. I remembered that I did accept some chance unconsciously which result in this unpleasant change but can not find a way go back...
Thanks for your help!
Your best friend in eclipse is CTRL+3 (quick access), press that and then search for what you want, try perspectives and views, see below.
Check what perspective you are in (now). In the top right of eclipse there is a list of perspectives. Sometimes when you carry out an action it asks you if you want to change perspectives. This can change your views/layouts. You might want the Java or Java EE perspective.
There are multiple views of your files. What is the name of the tab where ComputeBench is showing up? Try opening the "Project Explorer" or the "Package Explorer" views.

Setting up a 'Search Text in Project' shortcut in Springsource?

I'm working in STS 3.1.0, and I use the Search->Text->Project menu item a lot (and workspace, file as well). I've looked through the Command Availability options, menu options and such. I don't see a way to add this command to either the toolbar or better, a keyboard shortcut.
Here's what I'm talking about:
Am I missing something or is it not possible?
If you are using STS 3.3 or later version - you can just do (CTRL+SHIFT+L or CMD+SHIFT+L on Mac) opens the below dialog from any context and get instant search results.
Go to preferences (cmd+, on mac as far I remember) then General>Keys and search for the action you need to add the keybinding.
Here is a snapshot of the keys that might interest you

Google AppEngine button has disappeared from Eclipse

I have been using Eclipse to develop for AppEngine, and have always had a handy blue button in the toolbar to use for deployments. Now it's gone, and I don't know how to deploy any more!
I've tried:
Looking for likely options in the "Customize Perspective" dialog... but I'm not sure what to look for
Updating the Google Plugin for Eclipse... but apparently it's already up to date
Unfortunately, I'm not sure what changed in order to cause this. Please help me get my button back!
In your eclipse top menu choose WINDOW --> SHOW VIEW and it should be one of the options. If not, choose OTHER and navigate the dialog till you find it under Google.

Choose-Command popup in Eclipse

I would like to ask if there exists some functionality in eclipse where it's possible to choose all available commands, instead of having to remember all the shortcuts.
Something like the command palette in sublime text 2. Where you by pressing ctrl+shift+p (windows/linux) get an input popup box where all availble commands can be choosen.
Does such a feature exists for eclipse, or should I develop it by myself?
Thanks in advance.
I just bumped into this feature by accident but looking up to see if I figure how to get to it. it looked like it popped up when I started typing after having launched eclipse without focusing on any particular view... more to come as soon as I find out for sure.
EDIT: Apparently when you first launch Eclipse the focus is on the "Quick Action" search box on the top right of the tool bar and that's where you can start typing command names for it to list and let you pick in good Sublime Text style. Not sure how to shortcut into the box other than clicking it, but apparently there's the feature.
EDIT#2: describes Ctrl+3 as being the shortcut to get there, on the Mac it translates to Cmd+3.
I haven't been able to find anything, so I have started on developing my own plugin.