unity doesn't show preview - unity3d

My question is quite simple. I am learning Unity and watching a tutorial about making a 2D game.
In the tutorial, there is a Preview section at the bottom right corner. But in my Unity, there is nothing there. There is Inspector on the right and below of Add Component there is nothing.
Can anyone explain to me how can I activate that part? Thanks in advance!
This is what I want:

This preview box is for resources. It shows a preview of the resource. To get this to show up you must click on one of your resources(Like an image).
However when you do not have a resource selected it will not show up

Maybe this is a little too late but in order to get the model to show up:
Right click on the little model figure on the bottom right corner of the Preview window
Click on Select Other ...
Select my prefab
You should be able to hit the Play bttn to see your animation afterwards
FYI I'm currently on Unity 2019.2.17f1


Main camera not showing what my scene is looking like

Could anyone tell me why the Main Camera is not showing what my actual Scene is showing ?
Any problem in the hierarchy or ?
enter image description here
I tried to google my problem but didn't succeed to find any solution. For info I'm using a tile palette
Your camera's z is behind your tile pallette - you're looking behind it. Move the camera back.

how can I undo this mode in the unreal engine 4.27

I'm new to ue4 and while working on a project have clicked on something that turned the 3D viewspace which is movable with right click plus w,a,s,d, I changed some mode (I believe) so that it turned to a 2D space which I can move only right and left, up and down and zoom in or out, but cannot tilt the camera. TRight clich and drag gives me some measurement of distance I believe.
How do I return to the default mode of view in ue4?
Thank you all in advance!
below is the screenshot of how my editor looks like right now
You just accidentally changed your Viewport Mode.
It's as easy as clicking that little car button with the text that says "Back", which will open a dropdown. Then choose "Perspective" or whatever applies to you. It's at the top left corner of the viewport window, right below the "Save Current" button.

can't click bake button

I am trying to make a NavMesh in Unity.
So when I look up any of the tutorials, they show / tell that you can simply make a plane for example navigation static, and then go to window -> AI -> navigation and click the bake button.
However, both the bake as well as the clear button stay grey and they are not clickable at all.
I cannot find an answer, so if anybody got an idea, ill be very gratefull.
Always make sure you are not in play mode!!

Unity AR UI not showing up

I have created a simple Unity AR Foundation app which places objects on a plane whenever the screen is touched. I would like to add some UI so the user can press a button rather than anywhere on the screen.
I have followed several different tutorials which seem to be doing mostly the same thing. I right-click the Hierarchy -> UI -> Button. I have scaled it so it should fit my mobile screen and anchored it to the center so it should be easy enough to find.
These are the canvas settings:
Might the UI somehow be hidden behind the camera feed from the AR Session Origin -> AR Camera? Am I missing any steps to anchor the UI to the screen?
As you can probably tell, I am very new to Unity but I feel like I have followed the tutorials for creating a UI, but it simply won't show. If you need more information, please just ask and I will provide.
Not sure but sounds like you might need to have that Canvas Scalar to scale with the screen size. Change the UI scale mode to Scale with Screen Size.
I was compiling the wrong scene. I had two very similar scenes, so when I compiled I didn't realize there were no changes and that I was inspecting the entirely wrong scene.
Once I changed to the correct scene the setup above worked as expected.

Unity Scene rotation arrows went missing suddenly

How to enable the one that allows me to rotate the scene during development in unity (Scene Gizmo), which is the one located at the top right of the scene. That one suddenly disappears when I click onto it to change the position of the view but it have been working fine all along until now. Could someone please tell me fix this?
thank you
Press "W" to make the arrows come back: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PositioningGameObjects.html
Oh i had found a way, I press "Add Tab" followed by "Scene:, the Arrows appears again YAY
W = arrows (for position transform) E = sphere (for rotation transform) R = blocks (for scaling transform)
Got editor bug with the arrows (move/rotation) disappear. (not the first time, 8 years experience with unity)
Some of these steps should help:
Press W/E (also F few times to focus object root)
Click Add Tab -> Scene (on Game tab header)
Switch to 2D view and back
If you using ProBuilder, be sure to be in object mode, otherwise controls be hidden
Try change editor layout in Window->Layouts
The final. You need to call the code from editor script: UnityEditor.Tools.hidden = false;
Right click on Scene tab. Hover over Overlays and check Orientation.