adding input to doc2vec - neural-network

I've recently started using word2vec and doc2vec methods. They are amazing!
But I want to play around with them a bit. As I compared the two methods I saw that the difference is that in doc2vec method, there is one extra input to the neural net, docMatrix. I want to add one more input to the neuralNet (which is a trained vector from somewhere else) and get the output vector for the document. Is it easy to do? Can someone help me to understand what exactly going on in word2vec code?
Thanks :)


neural network for sudoku solver

I recently started learning neural networks, and I thought that creating a sudoku solver would be a nice application for NN. I started learning them with backward propagation neural network, but later I figured that there are tens of neural networks. At this point, I find it hard to learn all of them and then pick an appropriate one for my purpose. Hence, I am asking what would be a good choice for creating this solver. Can back propagation NN work here? If not, can you explain why and tell me which one can work.
Neural networks don't really seem to be the best way to solve sudoku, as others have already pointed out. I think a better (but also not really good/efficient) way would be to use an genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithms don't directly relate to NNs but its very useful to know how they work.
Better (with better i mean more likely to be sussessful and probably better for you to learn something new) ideas would include:
If you use a library:
Play around with the networks, try to train them to different datasets, maybe random numbers and see what you get and how you have to tune the parameters to get better results.
Try to write an image generator. I wrote a few of them and they are stil my favourite projects, with one of them i used backprop to teach a NN what x/y coordinate of the image has which color, and the other aproach combines random generated images with ine another (GAN/NEAT).
Try to use create a movie (series of images) of the network learning to create a picture. It will show you very well how backprop works and what parameter tuning does to the results and how it changes how the network gets to the result.
If you are not using a library:
Try to solve easy problems, one after the other. Use backprop or a genetic algorithm for training (whatever you have implemented).
Try to improove your implementation and change some things that nobody else cares about and see how it changes the results.
List of 'tasks' for your Network:
XOR (basically the hello world of NN)
Pole balancing problem
Simple games like pong
More complex games like flappy bird, etc.
Choose more problems that you find interesting, maybe you are into image recognition, maybe text, audio, who knows. Think of something you can/would like to be able to do and find a way to make you computer do it for you.
It's not advisable to only use your own NN implemetation, since it will probably not work properly the first few times and you'll get frustratet. Experiment with librarys and your own implementation.
Good way to find almost endless resources:
Use google search and add 'filetype:pdf' in the end in order to only show pdf files. Search for neural network, genetic algorithm, evolutional neural network.
Neither neural nets not GAs are close to ideal solutions for Sudoku. I would advise to look into Constraint Programming (eg. the Choco or Gecode solver). See for example. Should solve any 9x9 sudoku in a matter of milliseconds (the daily Sudokus of "Le monde" journal are created using this type of technology BTW).
There is also a famous "Dancing links" algorithm for this problem by Knuth that works very well
Just like was mentioned in the comments, you probably want to take a look at convolutional networks. You basically input the sudoku bord as an two dimensional 'image'. I think using a receptive field of 3x3 would be quite interesting, and I don't really think you need more than one filter.
The harder thing is normalization: the numbers 1-9 don't have an underlying relation in sudoku, you could easily replace them by A-I for example. So they are categories, not numbers. However, one-hot encoding every output would mean a lot of inputs, so i'd stick to numerical normalization (1=0.1, 2 = 0.2, etc.)
The output of your network should be a softmax with of some kind: if you don't use softmax, and instead outupt just an x and y coordinate, then you can't assure that the outputedd square has not been filled in yet.
A numerical value should be passed along with the output, to show what number the network wants to fill in.
As PLEXATIC mentionned, neural-nets aren't really well suited for these kind of task. Genetic algorithm sounds good indeed.
However, if you still want to stick with neural-nets you could have a look at As answered Thomas W, 3x3 looks nice.
If you don't want to deal with CNN, you could find some answers here as well.

Training a model for Latent-SVM

I am very into train a new model from my own data set of faces!
I have found no information about this topic, then I hope my information could help people and I can get some answers as well.
I will try to explain the steps I have needed to do to train my own model and later on some questions...
I have download the Latent code from:
I have download the PASCAL VOC 2008 code (devkit) from:
I have emulate the structure of files/folders of the VOC PASCAL but in my own data set:
Annotations. I have created a .xml where I have defined a object, face, (in each image I only have one face). I didn't define difficulties or poses...
JPEGImages where I have stored all the images
ImageSets where I have defined three files:
test.txt, where I wrote the file name of my positive samples
train.txt, where I wrote the file name of my negative samples
trainval.txt, where I wrote the file name of my positive samples (exactly the same file than test.txt).
I have change some things in globals.m and VOCinit.m (to tell the algorithm the path and the location of some files...)
Then I run the training with the command: pascal('face', 1);
Following these steps I have achieved that the training run completely and doesn't fail and I get my own model BUT I have some doubts...
Can you see anything weird in my explanation? Could it work?
Must the files test.txt/trainval.txt be equal? Why... What does it mean?
Do I have to choose the number of parts I want in the model INSIDE the function?
Please, you imagine I have two kind of samples (frontal faces and side faces) and I want to detect both... How can I address this issue? I thought I have to train a model with two components... but How can I tell to the training code which are frontal or side samples?? In the annotations with the label pose?? (I don't think so...) Are there other way to handle this purpose?
Thank you for your time!!
I hope you can solve my doubts :)
I think test.txt should contain samples (images) that will be used to estimate how good the system is after learning the faces. However, trainval.txt is used during the learning stage (training) to fine-tune the parameters of the model; it is an essential part of supervised learning.
Also, it is very hard to have one single SVM to classify faces that are both frontal and sideways. Here is my suggestion:
Train one SVM to detect if the input image is a frontal face or a sideways face. Call this something like SVM-0.
Train another SVM for frontal faces. This SVM will classify all your individuals. Note, however, that SVM is usually a binary classifier, so make sure you choose the right SVM, one that as a multiclass architecture. Call this SVM-F.
Tran a final SVM for sideways faces. Again, use a multiclass SVM. Call it SVM-S.
Present the input image to SVM-0 and if it detects it is a frontal face, present the input again to SVM-F; otherwise, give the input to SVM-S.
In my experience, you should expect very low performance in SVM-S. It is a hard problem to solve. But frontal faces is not a big deal, unless you are working with faces that vary in pose, illumination, and expression (PIE). Face recognition is affected greatly with PIE variations in the images.
I recommend you this website, it contains very good information and tutorials for starters, with or without experience.

NuPIC on MNIST Dataset

I am a newbie. I think idea of NuPIC is really cool and therefore wanted to apply KNN Classifier on
NuPIC's output. I saw there is a KNNClassifier object already in python. I am confused about the input
patter that I should use. In case of MNIST dataset I will be having images where each image is a 2D
array of numbers and will be sparse. I can understand the format of output can be encoded using
categorical encoder in NuPIC but there is no such example of encoding an input that comes in the
form of arrays.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
This might help: There are some good discussions on our mailing lists about MNIST.

som toolbox + prediction missing valuse and outliers

i wanna use SOM toolbox ( for predicting missing values or outliers . but i can't find any function for it.
i wrote a code for visualizaition and getting BMU(Best maching unit) but i'don't know how to use it in prediction. could you help me?
thank you in advance .
If still interests you here goes one solution.
Train your network with a training set with all the inputs that you will further on analyze. After learning, you give the new test data to classify with only the inputs that you have. The network give you back which was the best matching unit (for the features you have), and with this you can access to which of the features you do not have/outliers the BMU corresponds to.
This of course leads to a different learning and prediction implementation. The learning you implement straightforward as suggested in many tutorials. The prediction you need to make the SOM ignore NaN and calculate the BMU based on only the other values. After that, with the BMU you can get the corresponding features and use that to predict missing values or outliers.

Get Features Extraction for offline character recognition using HMM

I'm implementing an character recognition system with Hidden Markov Model(HMM). I have used skeleton to extract features of image. And I thought to use HMM for training images.
My question is how I can give those features to HMM? I got to know that I have to save those features into a file and then that file should feed to the HMM.
Can someone please help me? I am stuck here for two months. Still, I couldn't find the solution for this.
Appreciate your help a lot.
I was passing by and just saw this question.
Maybe you looked somewhere because your question is almost a month ago.
You give the features to HMM by clustering your data, you can use k-means, or you can use windows with lengths. If you use k-means, you will obtain the centers, you can use the centers to obtain the features, after this you need to crossfold validation to see if it really learns the features you labeled. Also K-means gives you the states and the initial transition probabilities.
Hope this helps you