Testing Paypal Express Integration / Sandbox Credentials / I am not a programmer - paypal

I have zero programming skills / knowledge and am trying to integrate paypal express into my shopping cart by following instructions but I don't know what I'm doing and don't understand a lot of it. I would love some help if someone can help me out.
I have created a developer account and gotten the user and password and API certificate and inserted them into my cart settings.
I read on the cart integration instructions I need sandbox credentials to test the integration with a dummy purchase.
So I eventually find some very rough instructions on paypal developer which I dont fully understand, you have to create an app to get tehse credentials? I dont even know what an app is, what its for but I create one somehow, but I dont see any sandbox credentials anywhere, when i look in my manage apps page I see this thing I have created and "sandbox ID" and "Live ID" codes next to them. I am not sure what they are and how I use them, are these credentials?
In paypal developer instructions for the credentials I see it says to go to the paypal account the money will be deposited in, "Get your test credentials by navigating to the Profile > API credentials tab of the Business account you want to use in your request:" but when I go to my paypal account I cannot find this. I do not have a business account (premier) but I was under the impression you didnt have to have a business account to integrate paypal express checkout, you had a choice with either premier or business. Do I need to upgrade to business absolutely? Is this where I find these credentials? Am I barking up the wrong tree with the application stuff? Let's say I finally get these holy grail credentials to test the integration, what do I do with them? I have no idea. I am very sorry for my total lack of knowledge and understanding and thank oyu to anyone willing to help me out.
I am trying to integrate the checkout with Viart shopping cart. Thank you.

You don't need to create an App for Express Checkout. That is only for Adaptive Payments, and Express is not part of that. All you need are the API credentials.
The easiest to get those credentials is to use this tool. Sign in to that with your PayPal account and it will return your username, password, and signature.
Assuming that Viart has PayPal Express Checkout integrated already, then you'll have somewhere in your control panel where you can enable it as a payment gateway on your site, and then within the settings of that somewhere it would be asking you for those credentials. Once you fill those in correctly and enable Express Checkout, it should show up and function for you in whatever way Viart has implemented it.


PayPal Express Checkout without logging in

Is it possible to use Paypal express checkout without signing in even if the user has a Paypal account present?
We have noticed that some folks forget their credentials and don't want to login to Paypal, thus causing us to lose their donation. The Account optional setting seems to still require users, who have a Paypal account linked to the provided email, to sign in even if they would like to pay from the checkout page.
Is there a way to avoid this?
Paypal provide optional guest checkout. https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/express-checkout#overview
Guest Checkout would allow people to use a credit card without signing in or creating an account, but the checkout would still take place in PayPal hosted pages.
If you'd like to process credit cards directly on your site you could use Payments Pro, the REST API, or Braintree. The difference is really just the technical details in integrating it, so your developer could choose which method would work best for your setup, and then you could create that account and integrate it accordingly.
If you're already using and are familiar with PayPal in general I would recommend going with Payments Pro. It typically costs $30/mo, but if you contact me directly I can help you to get that fee waived.
You would also need to make sure your site has an SSL installed and can run from https:// correctly.
Once those things are in place it's just a matter of integrating Payments Pro into your current setup, which depending on what that is, there are a number of different ways that could be done. I would need more detail to be able to help you more specifically with integration.

PayPal account credentials for developer

I am trying to find out how to give a developer the least amount of access they need to my business PayPal account for my app. How should I set this up so I protect my private account information from the developer while allowing them enough access to develop?
They need access to test and develop with the PayPal APIs. I created a sandbox account for the app, I gave the developer the Sandbox ID and API Credentials along with the sandbox test accounts I created.
The developer asked if I could give them the login for my PayPal developer account so they can see the Dashboard for testing and see can transactions. I don't think this is the right way or they could access my bank, and company information.
I have read the PayPal documentation for information about this but can't find much. This guide has the most information I've found but not exactly what I am looking for.
In your account, go to your profile settings and find Manage Users. There you can add a user and select the amount of access they can have. Give them the username and password you make for them, NEVER give your email and password.
To get started using adding users to your account and managing their levels of access, log in to your PayPal account, go to your Profile, and click Manage Users under Account Information.
Your developer does not need access to your account at all, regular paypal.com or developer.paypal.com.
They would simply login to developer.paypal.com with their own PayPal account and create their own test accounts for use in the sandbox. They can build your app using their own test accounts, and then hand it over to you so that you can simply update the API credentials with your live values and ensure the code is running live instead of against the sandbox at that point.
developer from India can create Paypal sandbox account as i am also from India and created sandbox account.
Use this,
go to paypal, all tools, you can see manage API, press update, then you'll see that screen. Im doing it right now, i don't know if it will work.

PayPay Developer account access and production

I am having another developer do the PayPal integration for an app. I want to allow them to do this without giving them access to the real bank account information or anything about the PayPal account which would allow them to have access during production. They requested that I make a PayPal Developer Account and provide the Client ID, Client Secret Key., and Merchant Name.
Do I create a PayPal developer account and give the developer full access to it by giving them the login? Then when the app goes into production how does it use the live PayPal business account without the developer being involved?
Can someone explain the correct process in having a developer do the PayPal integration for development and testing but not have any access to accounts during production?
I've read the PayPal documentation and similar stackoverflow posts but can't find the answer I'm looking for.
You can check the sample app by downloading it from here. It includes both the things sandbox enviornment & real account. You can take reference from this sample app.

Trouble setting up a developer account and understanding how the sandbox environment works

we're not using the API - we just need to integrate a pre-made plugin for our CMS and help our client setup their account.
We've been looking here:
But are having trouble understanding a few things:
If you live outside the US, you can't create a developer account on: https://developer.paypal.com
Do we somehow create a developer account (and dummy sandbox accounts) on paypal.co.nz?
Once we have a developer account, can it granted developer access to the client's PayPal account so we can login and test/trouble shoot any integration issues?
Sorry if this is easy, but we're having trouble finding a good overview or step-by-step of the process.
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
First off, Ebay and PayPal have different APIs and different accounts. So creating an account on Ebay would only let you test against the Ebay API.
Can't comment on the NZ vs US thing. The signup form didn't ask me for a country. But, in theory, the developer site shouldn't care (it's a developer site, not live PayPal).
Granting third party access isn't something you do through the Developer site. That's done with your live PayPal credentials and their authorizing you. Not sure if this can be done in REST but it is possible in Classic
Because the sign up form on developer.paypay.com won't accept non-us addresses, you have to sign up by doing the following:
Go to your local paypal site e.g. paypal.com.au or paypal.co.nz
Sign up for a normal account
Go to developer.paypal.com
Sign in with the normal account you just created
Paypal will then use your new normal account details to create a developer account.
From then on, just login at developer.paypal.com.

Do I need to be a Paypal Certified Dev to implement Paypal on my website?

I'm actually working for a client. I've succesfully implemented paypal pro on the website and everything is working fine, I believe I followed their process and guidelines to make it work the way they meant.
Thus, I've been reading this webpage to turn the website in procuduction, and somewhere in the policies and guidelines , they say (and it is rule nb 1 !):
To make API calls to the PayPal production servers, you must be a
registered PayPal Developer and have a PayPal Premier or Business
Account in good standing.
So ... does that mean that I can't turn it in prod by myself ? I'm not a certified Paypal neither a registered paypal dev.
Please Advice :)
I 've found out that you simply need to register as a Paypal Developer. It takes a few minutes and its free. You need to sign up with your regular paypal account and then turn it into a developer one( just like Facebook did with their API).
Just click on sign up with paypal and follow the instructions:
I made it that way a few months ago.
Hope that help !