Mongodb Update/Upsert array exact match - mongodb

I have a collection :
gStats : {
"_id" : "id1",
"criteria" : ["key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"],
"groups" : [
{"id":"XXXX", "visited":100, "liked":200},
{"id":"YYYY", "visited":30, "liked":400}
I want to be able to update a document of the stats Array of a given array of criteria (exact match).
I try to do this on 2 steps :
Pull the stat document from the array of a given "id" :
"criteria" : {$size : 2},
"criteria" : {$all : [{"key1" : "2096955"},{"value1" : "2015610"}]}
$pull : {groups : {"id" : "XXXX"}}
Push the new document
query : {
"criteria" : {$size : 2},
"criteria" : {$all : [{"key1" : "2015610"}, {"key2" : "2096955"}]}
update : {
$push : {groups : {"id" : "XXXX", "visited" : 29, "liked" : 144}}
upsert : true
The Pull query works perfect.
The Push query gives an error :
2014-12-13T15:12:58.571+0100 findAndModifyFailed failed: {
"value" : null,
"errmsg" : "exception: Cannot create base during insert of update. Cause
d by :ConflictingUpdateOperators Cannot update 'criteria' and 'criteria' at the
same time",
"code" : 12,
"ok" : 0
} at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:614

Neither query is working in reality. You cannot use a key name like "criteria" more than once unless under an operator such and $and. You are also specifying different fields (i.e groups) and querying elements that do not exist in your sample document.
So hard to tell what you really want to do here. But the error is essentially caused by the first issue I mentioned, with a little something extra. So really your { "$size": 2 } condition is being ignored and only the second condition is applied.
A valid query form should look like this:
query: {
"$and": [
{ "criteria" : { "$size" : 2 } },
{ "criteria" : { "$all": [{ "key1": "2015610" }, { "key2": "2096955" }] } }
As each set of conditions is specified within the array provided by $and the document structure of the query is valid and does not have a hash-key name overwriting the other. That's the proper way to write your two conditions, but there is a trick to making this work where the "upsert" is failing due to those conditions not matching a document. We need to overwrite what is happening when it tries to apply the $all arguments on creation:
update: {
"$setOnInsert": {
"criteria" : [{ "key1": "2015610" }, { "key2": "2096955" }]
"$push": { "stats": { "id": "XXXX", "visited": 29, "liked": 144 } }
That uses $setOnInsert so that when the "upsert" is applied and a new document created the conditions specified here rather than using the field values set in the query portion of the statement are used instead.
Of course, if what you are really looking for is truly an exact match of the content in the array, then just use that for the query instead:
query: {
"criteria" : [{ "key1": "2015610" }, { "key2": "2096955" }]
Then MongoDB will be happy to apply those values when a new document is created and does not get confused on how to interpret the $all expression.


Mongodb aggregate lookup return only one field of array

i have some collections for our project.
Casts collection contains movie casts
Contents collection contains movie contents
i want to run aggregate lookup for get information about movie casts with position type.
i removed collections details unnecessary fields.
Casts details:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6cf47415621604942386cd"),
"fa_name" : "",
"en_name" : "Ehsan",
"fa_bio" : "",
"en_bio" : ""
Contents details:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6b8b734f1408137f79e2cc"),
"casts" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6cf47415621604942386cd"),
"fa_fictionName" : "",
"en_fictionName" : "Ehsan2",
"positionType" : {
"id" : 3,
"fa_name" : "",
"en_name" : "Director"
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6cf47415621604942386cd"),
"fa_fictionName" : "",
"en_fictionName" : "Ehsan1",
"positionType" : {
"id" : 3,
"fa_name" : "",
"en_name" : "Writers"
"status" : 0,
"created" : Timestamp(1516997542, 4),
"updated" : Timestamp(1516997542, 5)
when i run aggregate lookup with bellow query, in new generated lookup array only one casts contents If in accordance with above casts array value aggregate lookup should return two casts content with two type. in casts array value exists two type of casts, 1) writers and directors. but returned director casts content. _casts should contains two object not one object!
aggregate lookup query:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6b8b734f1408137f79e2cc"),
"casts" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6cf47415621604942386cd"),
"fa_fictionName" : "",
"en_fictionName" : "Ehsan2",
"positionType" : {
"id" : 3,
"fa_name" : "",
"en_name" : "Director"
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6cf47415621604942386cd"),
"fa_fictionName" : "",
"en_fictionName" : "Ehsan1",
"positionType" : {
"id" : 3,
"fa_name" : "",
"en_name" : "Writers"
"_casts" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6cf47415621604942386cd"),
"fa_name" : "",
"en_name" : "Ehsan",
"fa_bio" : "",
"en_bio" : ""
"status" : 0,
"created" : Timestamp(1516997542, 4),
"updated" : Timestamp(1516997542, 5)
finally my problem is solved. i have only one problem with this query, this query doesn't show root document fields. finally solve this problem. finally query exists in EDIT-2.
{"$group":{"_id":"$_id", "casts":{"$push":"$casts"}}},
{$group:{"_id":"$_id", "data":{"$first":"$$ROOT"}, "casts":{"$push":"$casts"}}},
This is expected behavior.
From the docs,
If your localField is an array, you may want to add an $unwind stage
to your pipeline. Otherwise, the equality condition between the
localField and foreignField is foreignField: { $in: [
localField.elem1, localField.elem2, ... ] }.
So to join each local field array element with foreign field element you have to $unwind the local array.
Vendor Collection
Items Collection
{ $match:
Your Casts collection shows only 1 document. Your Contents collection, likewise, shows only 1 document.
This is 1 to 1 - not 1 to 2. Aggregate is working as designed.
The Contents document has 2 "casts." These 2 casts are sub-documents. Work with those as sub-documents, or re-design your collections. I don't like using sub-documents unless I know I will not need to use them as look-ups or join on them.
I would suggest you re-design your collection.
Your Contents collection (it makes me think of "Movies") could look like this:
You can create a MovieCasts collection like this:
movieId (this is _id from Contents collection, above)
castId (this is _id from Casts collection, below)

How to search document with condition of not having exact object in array of objects?

I have a collection of persons whose schema looks like the collection of following documents.
Document: {
Now I wanna show all the persons who has not done xyz education from abc university in year 2005.
I think two possible queries for this need but not sure which one to use as both of them are giving me the output
Query 1:
Query 2:
I'm quite confused about operator $ne and $not, which one should I use with $elemMatch as both of them are giving me the output.
Given this $elemMatch: {"title":"xyz","passed_year":2005,"univercity":"abc"} I think you want to exclude any documents which contain an sub document in the educations array which contains all of these pairs:
"title" : "xyz"
"passed_year" : 2005
"univercity" : "abc"
This query will achieve that:
"educations": {
$not: {
$elemMatch:{"title": "xyz", "passed_year": 2005, "univercity": "abc"}
In your question you wrote:
both of them are giving me the output
I suspect this is because your query is specifying education whereas the correct attribute name is educations. By specifying education you are adding a predicate which cannot be evaluated since it references a non existent document attribute so regardless of whether that predicate uses $ne or $not it will simply not be applied.
In answer to the question of which operator to use: $not or $ne: if you run the above query with .explain(true) you'll notice that the parsed query produced by Mongo is very different for each of these operators.
Using $ne
"parsedQuery" : {
"$not" : {
"educations" : {
"$eq" : {
"$elemMatch" : {
"title" : "xyz",
"passed_year" : 2005,
"univercity" : "abc"
Using $not:
"parsedQuery" : {
"$not" : {
"educations" : {
"$elemMatch" : {
"$and" : [
"passed_year" : {
"$eq" : 2005
"title" : {
"$eq" : "xyz"
"univercity" : {
"$eq" : "abc"
So, it looks like use of $ne causes Mongo to do something like this psuedo code ...
not educations equalTo "$elemMatch" : {"title" : "xyz", "passed_year" : 2005, "univercity" : "abc"}
... i.e. it treats the elemMatch clause as if it is the RHS of an equality operation whereas use of $not causes Mongo to actually evaluate the elemMatch clause.

get a mongo document based in two different values

I have the following document structure
"_id" : "aaa0001",
"path" : "/some/path",
"information" : {
"name" : "info"
"colors" : {
"colors" : [
"key" : "AAAA001",
"name" : "White"
"key" : "BBBB002",
"name" : "Black"
the idea is that I have to return the document by the color key. I have two parameters the "path" and the "color", so, I was trying to make something like this
{"path" : "/some/path"},
{"colors":{"colors" : {$elemMatch: { "key" : "AAAA001" } } } }
I'm getting the following message "Script is executed successfully, but there is no results to show".
Can anyone give me some directions regarding this?
Use the following query:
"path": "/some/path",
"colors.colors.key" : "AAAA001"
MongoDB expects query document to contain field-value pairs { <field>: <value> }. So, in your example you're querying for a document with colors field equal to:
{"colors" : {$elemMatch: { "key" : "AAAA001" } } }
As for $and and $elemMatch operators, you don't need them in such a simple query.
For more information read Query Documents.
You can also select only matching subdocument from colors array using Positional Operator $:
"path": "/some/path",
"colors.colors.key" : "AAAA001"
}, {
_id: 0,
"colors.colors.$": 1
Though, you won't be able to change your documents structure, thus getting
{ "colors" : { "colors" : [ { "key" : "AAAA001", "name" : "White" } ] } }

sort by date with aggregate request in mongodb

I would like to retrieve a list of values ​​that comes from the oldest document currently signed.But i failed to select a document absed on the date.Thanks
here is json :
"ad" : "noc3",
"createdDate" : ISODate(),
"list" : [
"id" : "p45",
"value" : 21,
"id" : "p6",
"value" : 20,
"id" : "4578",
"value" : 319
and here my aggregate request :
db.friends.aggregate({$match:{advertiser:"noc3", {$sort:{timestamps:-1},{$limit:1} }},{$unwind:"$list"},{$project:{_id: "$", value:{$add:[0]}}});
Your aggregate query is incorrect. You add the sort and limit to the match, but that's now how you do that. You use different pipeline operators:
db.friends.aggregate( [
{ $match: { advertiser: "noc3" } },
{ $sort: { createdDate: -1 } },
{ $limit: 1 },
Your other pipeline operators are bit strange too, and your code vs query mismatches on timestamps vs createdDate. If you add the expected output, I can update the answer to include the last bits of the query too.

MongoDb - How to search BSON composite key exactly?

I have a collection that stored information about devices like the following:
/* 1 */
"_id" : {
"startDate" : "2012-12-20",
"endDate" : "2012-12-30",
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount"]
"data" : {
"results" : "1"
/* 2 */
"_id" : {
"startDate" : "2012-12-20",
"endDate" : "2012-12-30",
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount", "noOfUsers"]
"data" : {
"results" : "2"
/* 3 */
"_id" : {
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount", "noOfUsers"]
"data" : {
"results" : "3"
And I am trying to query the documents using the _id field which will be unique. The problem I am having is that when I query for all the different attributes as in:
db.collection.find({$and: [{"_id.dimensions":{ $all: ["manufacturer","model"], $size: 2}}, {"_id.metrics": { $all:["noOfUsers","deviceCount"], $size: 2}}]});
This matches 2 and 3 documents (I don't care about the order of the attributes values), but I would like to only get 3 back. How can I say that there should not be any other attributes to _id than those that I specify in the search query?
Please advise. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I think the closest you can get to narrowing your query results to just unordered _id.dimensions and unordered _id.metrics requires you to know the other possible fields in the _id subdocument field, eg. startDate and endDate.
db.collection.find({$and: [
{"_id.dimensions":{ $all: ["manufacturer","model"], $size: 2}},
{"_id.metrics": { $all:["noOfUsers","deviceCount"], $size: 2}},
If you don't know the set of possible fields in _id, then the other possible solution would be to specify the exact _id that you want, eg.
db.collection.find({"_id" : {
"dimensions" : ["manufacturer", "model"],
"metrics" : ["deviceCount", "noOfUsers"]
but this means that the order of _id.dimensions and _id.metrics is significant. This last query does a document match on exact BSON representation of _id.