Allegro5 showing text doesnt work - allegro5

I have this kind of problem: I want to show the message "Hello!" near the centre of the Allegro screen before the game starts. Don't know why there is always only full window white colour after I compile the program not message "Hello!". I don't know why it doesn't show message "Hello!" . But if I erase the code between comment lines //***** program show the message "Hello!" well. Can someone can tell me how to solve this problem?
using namespace std;
int main(){
int ScreenWidth = 800, ScreenHeight = 600;
if (!al_init())
al_show_native_message_box(NULL, NULL, NULL, "Could not initialize Allegro 5", NULL, NULL);
return -1;
ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = al_create_display(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);//creating window with dimensions: 800:600 px
al_set_window_position(display, 200, 100);//place from left top positioning the frame of display
al_set_window_title(display, "Try to catch me!");
if (!display)//show this message if sth wrong with display
al_show_native_message_box(display, "Sample Title", "Display Settings", "Display window was not created succesfully", NULL, ALLEGRO_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR);
return -1;
al_init_font_addon();//initialization font addon
al_init_ttf_addon();//initialization ttf(true type font) addon
ALLEGRO_FONT *fontOrbionBlack36 = al_load_font("fonts/Orbitron Black.ttf", 36, NULL);
al_draw_text(fontOrbionBlack36, al_map_rgb(44, 117, 255), ScreenWidth / 2, ScreenHeight / 2, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, "Hello!" );
ALLEGRO_COLOR electricBlue = al_map_rgb(44, 117, 255);
ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue = al_create_event_queue();
al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source());
bool done = false;
int x = 10, y = 10;
int moveSpeed = 5;
while (!done)
al_wait_for_event(event_queue, &events);
if (events.type = ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
switch (events.keyboard.keycode)
y += moveSpeed;
y -= moveSpeed;
done = true;
al_draw_rectangle(x, y, x + 20, y + 20, electricBlue, 2.0);
al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0));
al_rest(10.0);//rest is very simmilar to Sleep() it is waitg function, waiting 3s then close the allegro display
al_destroy_display(display);//destroy the display at the end of the programm
return 0;

There are a few problems here that are preventing you from seeing the text.
You've set up a 'wait-for-event then draw' loop that is normally associated with the use of a timer, but you have no timer. This means that unless you trigger some sort of event (e.g. by pressing a keyboard key), al_wait_for_event will stall indefinitely and your program will never reach the call to al_flip_display. You can read more about timers here, but for the time being just know you will have to press a keyboard key to get this program to progress.
The ordering of your clear/draw/flip calls is a bit confusing.
Try something like this within your main loop:
al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0));`
al_draw_rectangle(x, y, x + 20, y + 20, electricBlue, 2.0);
al_draw_text(fontOrbionBlack36, al_map_rgb(44, 117, 255), ScreenWidth / 2, ScreenHeight / 2, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, "Hello!" );
In other words, clear first, then draw, then flip. Currently you only draw the text once (before your main loop). This means that clearing the screen will clear the text -- you need to draw the text every frame after clearing the screen but before flipping the display.
If you change those two things, you should be able to see the text after pressing a keyboard button. However, there are a few other changes that might help:
I'd remove those calls to al_rest unless they serve a useful purpose. Currently they just make you wait 5 seconds before you start your main loop (meaning you won't be able to see the text immediately even if you do press a key).
There's no reason to flip the display after your main loop exits, although I guess this was left over from your earlier experiments with showing text.
When checking the event type, use events.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN instead of events.type = ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN. Currently, you're actually assigning the value ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN to events.type, overwriting whatever its original value was. Your compiler may (and probably should) have warned you about this.


Working with PDFKit: How to make page breaks?

Looking for some direction
I'm working with PDFKit. Everything is going fine but having trouble finding the methods (documentation / WWDC / elsewhere ) on how to stop text from drawing at a certain y position and start the next page. Any saved references or a snippet of code would be a great help.
I dont know, wether this is the best way to implement your use case, but it worked for me.
When adding a new line into the PDF_Context, I recalculate a variable the keeps tracking of the current content height of my PDF_Page. When it exceeds a certain value, I create a NEW page, set the content height to zero and go on filling, ...
And you might wanna find some good answers, practices HERE -> RayWenderlich.
// my initial value
private var myCurrentPageContentHeight: CGFloat = 20
// in your PDF fill procedures add something like
myCurrentPageContentHeight += 40
// I also have a struct the encapsulates
// PageSize with padding, ...
enum PDF_PageSize {
case din_A4_Portrait
case din_A4_Landscape
// -------------------------------
// getPDF_TotalRect
// -------------------------------
func getPDF_TotalRect() -> CGRect {
switch self {
case .din_A4_Portrait : return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 595, height: 842)
case .din_A4_Landscape : return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 842, height: 595)
// ....

How to slide a panel from right to left using bunifuTransition in c#

I have bunifutransition1 that slides my mainpanel from left to right upon clicking showbutton. (It shows the hidden mainpanel.)
What I want is, when I click closebutton, the mainpanel will slide from right to left (to hide the mainpanel again). It seems that bunifuTransition does not have an animation that reverses the animation of VertSlide or HorizSlide.
What should I do to slide my mainpanel from right to left to hide it again on my form?
I was having the exact same issue but upon reading your question the answer finally became prevalent in my mind. The solution here is to stop using BunifuTranisition altogether and go for the good ol' for loops and the other mods, puns intended.
int originalWidth = panel.width;
int menuClicksIndex = 0;
private void beginTransition()
if (menuClickIndex % 2 == 0)
//This executes on the first click
for(int i = originalWidth-1; i>=0; i--)
// Loops from original width to 0
panel.Width = i;
for (int i = 0; i <= originalWidth; i++)
panel.Width = i;
This works for me but it glitches on the way back from left to right. So a mixed version with BunifuTransitions for the opener and the for loop for the closer would be the ideal solution here.
UPDATE 1: It seems as if while changing the width of the panel from 0 to say, 350, the content inside the panel doesn't render until the height is set to the max, but while decreasing the height from 350 to 0, the content is already rendered and so it seems smooth to close but cluttery to open, hence probably explaining why BunifuTransition is unable to do that as well.
Solution Here.
Just go bunifu transition properties
Open or dragdown DefaultAnimation. Find this option in menu ("Side Coeff") It Show value of
X and Y {X=1, Y=0} . You just change this value {X=-1, Y=0}.
Then Start your project and check. Your slider sliding left to right. :)
Keep enjoy.
Haris Ali
Use this command: bunifuTransition1.HideSync(guna2Panel1); before any code on event button click!

P5.js createCapture failure callback

Is there a callback function for p5.js’ createCapture function fails? (i.e. when user permission is denied or video camera stream is unsupported by user browser).
I notice in the src there is a success callback, but can’t seem to find one for failure.
In the browser console, p5 also reports ‘DOMException: Permission denied’, however, I would like to handle this in a more user-friendly fashion.
If there is no callback, what is the best practice for handling media failure with createCapture as it doesn’t seem to be discussed in the docs.
Ok so this answer is more than a year late but posting this as it may be useful for others stuck on the same issue. Rather than error testing the capture itself as suggested in comments below or perhaps reworking createCapture() (best done through opening an issue request if you feel it should be changed) I suggest testing the pixels array of the capture and only if it has been set then proceeding with doing whatever your script does. This could be done simply like so:
//load pixel data of webcam capture
//all values in the pixel array start as zero so just test if they are
//greater than zero
if (cap.pixels[1] > 0)
//put the rest of your script here
A full example of this in action is below:
var canvas;
var cap;
var xpos = 0;
function setup()
canvas = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);"display", "block");
//create an instance of the webcam
cap = createCapture(VIDEO);
cap.size(640, 480);
function draw()
//load pixel data of webcam capture
//if the first pixel's R value is set continue with the rest of the script
if (cap.pixels[1] > 0)
var w = cap.width;
var h = cap.height;
copy(cap, w/2, 0, 10, h, xpos, (height / 2) - (h / 2), 10, h);
xpos = xpos + 1;
if (xpos > width) xpos = 0;
I believe you can use a try and catch to detect when you get an error. Something like this:
capture = createCapture(VIDEO);
// error handling here
More info on W3Schools and MDN.

Unity3D ScrollView/ScrollBar from bottom to top

I'm trying to create a terminal emulator in Unity. I'm able to enter text and have it displayed as output above, and the output will generate a scrollbar when enough text is entered via a ScrollView.
However I can't figure out how to make the scrollbar jump to the bottom when a user enters text.
This is the method used to draw the GUI Window.
// relevant instance variables
private Rect _windowPosition = new Rect();
List<string> output = new List<string>();
string user_input = "";
Vector2 scroll_pos = new Vector2(1,1);
private void onWindow(int windowID){
// Output is placed here. Is Scrollable
scroll_pos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scroll_pos );
GUILayout.Label( String.Join("\n", output.ToArray()) );
// Output ends here. Next piece is user input
user_input = GUILayout.TextField(user_input);
if (Event.current.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent("return"))) {
user_input = ""; //clears the TextField
scroll_pos.x = 1;
scroll_pos.y = 1;
From my searching, I'd seen it said that I should just change the scroll_pos variable, since that's used to control/read the scrollbar's position. The scrollbar's value is normalized between 0 - 1.
I've tried forcing the scroll_pos values to be both, 0 and 1, but it has no impact. Beyond this I'm not sure how to approach the problem.
Try to change
scroll_pos.x = 1;
scroll_pos.y = 1;
scroll_pos.y += 9999;
if you want to force scroll on horizontal do it with X too but usually consoles doesn't generates horizontal scroll, they force line breaks based on how many columns you configure.

bufferuntil('\n) won’t trigger serialevent processing with Eclipse

I want to do the simplest thing to plot a graph from the serial port of Arduino with the Processing software. I use Eclipse.
I did as the tutorials say about the plugins. I also copied the code from the Arduino site which is this:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // The serial port
int xPos = 1; // Horizontal position of the graph
void setup () {
// Set the window size:
size(400, 300);
// List all the available serial ports
// I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac
// is always my Arduino, so I open Serial.list()[0].
// Open whatever port is the one you're using.
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
// Don't generate a serialEvent() unless you get a newline character:
// Set the initial background:
void draw () {
// Everything happens in the serialEvent()
void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
// Get the ASCII string:
String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (inString != null) {
// Trim off any whitespace:
inString = trim(inString);
// Convert to an int and map to the screen height:
float inByte = float(inString);
inByte = map(inByte, 0, 1023, 0, height);
// Draw the line:
stroke(127, 34, 255);
line(xPos, height, xPos, height - inByte);
// At the edge of the screen, go back to the beginning:
if (xPos >= width) {
xPos = 0;
else {
// Increment the horizontal position:
There is a problem that the bufferUntil('\n') does not trigger the serialevent.
I know that there was a bug. In case you try to set an 8-bit int to a 32-bit int, it goes to hell.
The Processing IDE works great though. Eclipse does not trigger at all. Is there a solution?
Note that bufferUntil('\n') takes an integer value. You're giving it a char. At the very least try bufferUntil(10) just to see if there's some oddness going on there, but it might be worth simply printing the values see coming in on myPort and see what comes by when you send a newline.