Unity3D ScrollView/ScrollBar from bottom to top - unity3d

I'm trying to create a terminal emulator in Unity. I'm able to enter text and have it displayed as output above, and the output will generate a scrollbar when enough text is entered via a ScrollView.
However I can't figure out how to make the scrollbar jump to the bottom when a user enters text.
This is the method used to draw the GUI Window.
// relevant instance variables
private Rect _windowPosition = new Rect();
List<string> output = new List<string>();
string user_input = "";
Vector2 scroll_pos = new Vector2(1,1);
private void onWindow(int windowID){
// Output is placed here. Is Scrollable
scroll_pos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scroll_pos );
GUILayout.Label( String.Join("\n", output.ToArray()) );
// Output ends here. Next piece is user input
user_input = GUILayout.TextField(user_input);
if (Event.current.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent("return"))) {
user_input = ""; //clears the TextField
scroll_pos.x = 1;
scroll_pos.y = 1;
From my searching, I'd seen it said that I should just change the scroll_pos variable, since that's used to control/read the scrollbar's position. The scrollbar's value is normalized between 0 - 1.
I've tried forcing the scroll_pos values to be both, 0 and 1, but it has no impact. Beyond this I'm not sure how to approach the problem.

Try to change
scroll_pos.x = 1;
scroll_pos.y = 1;
scroll_pos.y += 9999;
if you want to force scroll on horizontal do it with X too but usually consoles doesn't generates horizontal scroll, they force line breaks based on how many columns you configure.


Unity3D - Sizing LayoutElements Within A Layout Group

I've been trying to work on this concept for a chat system. I just wanted to create a chat message prefab with a horizontal group. And three objects inside of it. Avatar(Image), TimeStamp and User(Text), Message (Text).
The avatar needs to have the height and width locked.
The timestamp and username need to have the height locked, but stretch to the content.
The message needs to take up the rest of the width in the panel, and also stretch in height
The issue I have right now is as follows: If the message has too much text in it, squish the username and timestamp. Also, this issue also occurs when instantiating additional versions of the prefab.
Visual of what the chat looks like so far.
The avatar's layout element settings
The timestamp and username layout element settings
The message layout element settings
And then the code I use to instantiate the prefab.
void sendMessage(string m) //for testing only.
Message newMessage = new Message();
newMessage.stamp = DateTime.Now;
newMessage.stampname = newMessage.stamp.ToString("[hh:mm:ss] ") + localPlayer.name + ": "; //Takes the time stamp and the player name
newMessage.text = m;
parser.text = "";
GameObject nm = Instantiate(messageUI);
Vector2 font = nm.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().GetPreferredValues(newMessage.stampname);
Debug.Log("Pref Size" + font.x);
nm.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = newMessage.stampname;
nm.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = newMessage.text;
nm.transform.SetParent(messageList.transform, true);

Hw to Freeze the Button in Scroll bar

I am using unity 2018.3.7. In my project I have instantiate 25 buttons in the scroll bar..I am scrolling the button. It is working well.
Actually i want freeze the 12 the button.When i scroll the button. The 12 th button should be constantly should be there and other button should scroll go up.
scrolling should be done but the freeze button should be constantly there.
Like Excel. If we freeze the top row. The top row is constantly there and scrolling is happened.
Like that i have to do in unity.
How to Freeze the button in scroll bar.
Actually I have uploaded new gif file. In that gif file 2 row is freezed (Row Heading1,Row Heading2, Row Heading3,RowHeading4).
2nd row is constantly there. Rest of the the rows 4 to 100 rows are going up.
Like that i have to do ...
How can i do it..
Though your question still is very broad I guess I got now what you want. This will probably not be exactly the solution you want since your question is quite vague but it should give you a good idea and starting point for implementing it in the way you need it.
I can just assume Unity UI here is the setup I would use. Since it is quite complex I hope this image will help to understand
so what do we have here:
has the RowController script attached. Here reference the row prefab and adjust how many rows shall be added
Panel is the only child of Canvas. I just used it as a wrapper for having a custom padding etc - it's optional
Here we will add the fixed rows on runtime
Initially has a height of 0!
Uses anchore pivot Y = 1! This is later important for changing the height on runtime
Uses a Vertical Layout Group for automatically arranging added children
ScrollView - Your scrollview as you had it but
Uses streched layout to fill the entire Panel (except later the reduced space for the fixed rows)
Uses anchor pivot Y = 1! Again important for changing the height and position on runtime later
Viewport afaik it should already use streched anchors by default but not sure so make it
Uses a Vertical Layout Group
Initially has a height of 0 (but I set this in the code anyway) and will grow and shrink accordingly when adding and removing rows
And finally RowPrefab
I didn't add its hierachy in detail but it should be clear. It has a Toggle and a Text as childs ;)
Has the Row script attached we use for storing and getting some infos
Now to the scripts - I tried to comment everything
The Row.cs is quite simple
public class Row : MonoBehaviour
// Reference these via the Inspector
public Toggle FixToggle;
public Text FixTogText;
public Text RowText;
public RectTransform RectTransform;
// Will be set by RowController when instantiating
public int RowIndex;
private void Awake()
if (!RectTransform) RectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (!FixToggle) FixToggle = GetComponentInChildren<Toggle>(true);
if (!FixTogText) FixTogText = FixToggle.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(true);
And here is the RowController.cs
public class RowController : MonoBehaviour
public Row RowPrefab;
public RectTransform ScrollView;
public RectTransform Content;
public RectTransform FixedRowParent;
public int HowManyRows = 24;
public List<Row> CurrentlyFixedRows = new List<Row>();
public List<Row> CurrentlyScrolledRows = new List<Row>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
private void Start()
// initially the content has height 0 since it has no children yet
Content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Content.sizeDelta.x, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < HowManyRows; i++)
// Create new row instances and set their values
var row = Instantiate(RowPrefab, Content);
// store the according row index so we can later sort them on it
row.RowIndex = i;
row.RowText.text = $"Row Number {i + 1}";
// add a callback for the Toggle
row.FixToggle.onValueChanged.AddListener(s => HandleToggleChanged(row, s));
// increase the content's size to fit the children
// if you are using any offset/padding between them
// you will have to add it here as well
Content.sizeDelta += Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
// don't forget to add them to this list so we can easily access them
// called every time a row is fixed or unfixed via the Toggle
private void HandleToggleChanged(Row row, bool newState)
if (newState)
// Update the button text
row.FixTogText.text = "Unfix";
// Move this row to the fixedRow panel
// be default we assume we want the first position
var targetIndex = 0;
// if there are other fixed rows already find the first child of FixedRowParent that has a bigger value
if (CurrentlyFixedRows.Count > 0) targetIndex = CurrentlyFixedRows.FindIndex(r => r.RowIndex > row.RowIndex);
// handle case when no elements are found -> -1
// this means this row is the biggest and should be the last item
if (targetIndex < 0) targetIndex = CurrentlyFixedRows.Count;
// and finally in the hierachy move it to that position
// insert it to the fixed list and remove it from the scrolled list
CurrentlyFixedRows.Insert(targetIndex, row);
// Make the fixed Panel bigger about the height of one row
FixedRowParent.sizeDelta += Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
// Make both the scrollView and Content smaller about one row
Content.sizeDelta -= Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
ScrollView.sizeDelta -= Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
// Move the scrollView down about one row in order to make space for the fixed panel
ScrollView.anchoredPosition -= Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
// SET UNFIXED - Basically the same but the other way round
// Update the button text
row.FixTogText.text = "Set Fixed";
// Move this row back to the scrolled Content
// be default we assume we want the first position
var targetIndex = 0;
// if there are other scrolled rows already find the first child of Content that has a bigger value
if (CurrentlyScrolledRows.Count > 0) targetIndex = CurrentlyScrolledRows.FindIndex(r => r.RowIndex > row.RowIndex);
// handle case when no elements are found -> -1
// this means this row is the biggest and should be the last item
if (targetIndex < 0) targetIndex = CurrentlyScrolledRows.Count;
// and finally in the hierachy move it to that position
// insert it to the scrolled list
CurrentlyScrolledRows.Insert(targetIndex, row);
// and remove it from the fixed List
// shrink the fixed Panel about ne row height
FixedRowParent.sizeDelta -= Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
// Increase both Content and Scrollview height by one row
Content.sizeDelta += Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
ScrollView.sizeDelta += Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
// Move scrollView up about one row height to fill the empty space
ScrollView.anchoredPosition += Vector2.up * row.RectTransform.rect.height;
As you can see I can now fix and unfix rows dynamically while keeping their correct order within both according panels.

Winform chart label wrong position

See Image. The £12,845.63 is 1st columns label. I've tried running below code on a blank, fresh chart, with all default settings (white background too) it does the same thing.
I'm populating chart like this:
private void InitializeData()
double i = 0;
double spacing = 0.1;
foreach (DataRow rows in DailyBarChartT.Rows)
Series series = chart1.Series.Add(rows[0].ToString());
series.Points.AddXY(i, rows[1]);
series.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
series.LabelFormat = "C";
series.LabelForeColor = Color.White;
i = i + spacing;
I'm guessing the number doesn't fit above the blue bar? how could I fix this?
I've tried setting label margins to 0 and a few other things.
setting my "spacing" variable to 0, sets the label to correct position.
How can I have it in a correct position with spacing?
You create a new series for every value, which is not how you are supposed to do it. The spacing works properly if you make one single series for all values.
Quick sample code (works on default chart):
string[] values =
"12845.63", "1174.89",
"344.04", "180.83",
"82.50", "55.00"
chart1.ChartAreas[0].BackColor = Color.Black;
Series series = new Series();
series.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
series.LabelFormat = "C";
series.LabelForeColor = Color.White;
foreach (var value in values)
var pointIndex = series.Points.AddY(value);
series.Points[pointIndex].AxisLabel = "Custom label for each value here";

How to slide a panel from right to left using bunifuTransition in c#

I have bunifutransition1 that slides my mainpanel from left to right upon clicking showbutton. (It shows the hidden mainpanel.)
What I want is, when I click closebutton, the mainpanel will slide from right to left (to hide the mainpanel again). It seems that bunifuTransition does not have an animation that reverses the animation of VertSlide or HorizSlide.
What should I do to slide my mainpanel from right to left to hide it again on my form?
I was having the exact same issue but upon reading your question the answer finally became prevalent in my mind. The solution here is to stop using BunifuTranisition altogether and go for the good ol' for loops and the other mods, puns intended.
int originalWidth = panel.width;
int menuClicksIndex = 0;
private void beginTransition()
if (menuClickIndex % 2 == 0)
//This executes on the first click
for(int i = originalWidth-1; i>=0; i--)
// Loops from original width to 0
panel.Width = i;
for (int i = 0; i <= originalWidth; i++)
panel.Width = i;
This works for me but it glitches on the way back from left to right. So a mixed version with BunifuTransitions for the opener and the for loop for the closer would be the ideal solution here.
UPDATE 1: It seems as if while changing the width of the panel from 0 to say, 350, the content inside the panel doesn't render until the height is set to the max, but while decreasing the height from 350 to 0, the content is already rendered and so it seems smooth to close but cluttery to open, hence probably explaining why BunifuTransition is unable to do that as well.
Solution Here.
Just go bunifu transition properties
Open or dragdown DefaultAnimation. Find this option in menu ("Side Coeff") It Show value of
X and Y {X=1, Y=0} . You just change this value {X=-1, Y=0}.
Then Start your project and check. Your slider sliding left to right. :)
Keep enjoy.
Haris Ali
Use this command: bunifuTransition1.HideSync(guna2Panel1); before any code on event button click!

remove graphics from inside a class as3

When I click a button in my game it draws shapes using the graphics in as3. simple shapes such as circles and rectangles.
I want to remove the graphics that have been drawn when something happens in one of my classes.
Basically when there is a hitTestObject (which works fine) I want all graphics on stage to be cleared.
if (gb2.hitTestObject(h1s2))
trace ("holed")
var mcSplash:MovieClip =parent.getChildByName("mcSplash") as MovieClip;
My attempt using parent.drawings.graphics.clear(); was unsuccessful, it gives me this error:
Line 481 1119: Access of possibly undefined property drawings through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
Anyone have any suggestions
this is how, on the min time line, the drawings occur.
var drawings:Shape = new Shape;
for (i=0; i<numRecs; i++)
recStartX = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].startpoint.#ptx);
recStartY = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].startpoint.#pty);
recWidth = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].dimensions.#w);
recHeight = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].dimensions.#h);
lineThick = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].look.strokethick);
lineColor = int(xmlContent.rec[i].look.strokehex);
drawings.graphics.lineStyle(lineThick, lineColor);
Create an array and push in each shape/rect.
Then iterate through this and remove..
for(var iteration:int = 0; iteration < rectArray.length; iteration++)
or if you are calling this from a class, use
Hopefully this is helpful :)
What's drawings?! If you draw in mcSplash, you should use mcSplash.graphics.clear(). If you draw in a child called drawings, you should first get it as a child (after mcSplash get): var drawings = mcSplash.getChildByName('drawings); drawings.graphics.clear();. You could write checks to see what's going on: if (mcSlpash) { if (drawings) {, etc..