Zend service solr update document - zend-framework

In Zend_Service_Solr I can add or delete a record.
Is there any way that I can update a record. I couldn't find any document for that. Or is there any extension for doing the same.

In most cases updating a document in Solr is to add the same document again (with the same value for the uniqueKey field).
It's possible to perform certain updates in more recent versions of Solr, but these require all fields to be stored (so that the document can just be re-added internally) and a custom update syntax. There are also some work in progress with non-textual DocValues being updatable without having to resubmit the complete document, but this is currently not in any released version of Solr.
The best way to handle this is usually to just re-submit the document with updated values, and have a straight forward way of doing that in your application code.


In MongoDB, is there a way to update many documents and get the documents that were modified in a single call?

I'm working with the Mongo Java Driver, but looking through Mongo's documentation, it doesn't look driver specific.
update(filter, update) can update multiple documents but returns a WriteResult which only provides flags/counts.
findOneAndUpdate(filter, update) returns the actual document that was modified, but it can only update one document at a time.
Is there no way to do this in one call? If not, the client would have to call find(filter), then update(filter, update), then find(...) with a new filter matching the IDs obtained in the initial find (since the update can potentially change document values that were in the initial filter).
Is there a better way?
I am unaware of any write commands that return a cursor, which is essentially what you are asking for, nor am I seeing anything relevant in driver source.

MongoDb concurrency best practices

I am new with MongoDb, I am creating an application that manage a very big list of items (resources), and for each resources the application should manage a kind of booking.
My idea is to embed booking document inside resource document, and to avoid concurrency problem I need to lock the resource during booking.
I see that MongoDB allow locks at collection level, but this will create a bottleneck on the booking functionality because all resources inside the collection will be looked until the current booking is in progress, so for a large amount of users and large amount of resources this solution will have poor performance.
In addition to that, in case of a deadlock occurred booking a resource, all resources will be locked.
Are there alternative solutions or best practices to improve performance and scalability of this use case?
A possible solution should be to have a lock not at collection level but a document level (the resource in my example), in this way a user booking a resource doesn't lock another user to book another resource, even if (also in this case) I am not sure of the final result because write commands are not executed in parallel: I suppose I'll probably also need a cluster of servers to manage multiple writes in parallel.
You are absolutely right, you should definitely not lock the entire collection for just updating a single document.
Now this problem depends on how you update your document.
If you update your document with a single update query, then since document update is atomic you would have no problem.
But if you first have to read the document, change the document, save the document, then you would have the concurrency problem. Just before you save the changed document, it could be updated by some other request and the document you have read would no longer be up to date, hence your new updates will not be right either.
The simple solution to this concurrency problem is solved by storing a version number(usually _v) in each of your documents. And for every update you increment the version number. Then every time you do a read & change & update, you make sure that the version of your read document and the version of that document in the database are identical. When the version number differs the update will fail and you can simply try again.
If you are using node.js, then you are probably using mongoose and mongoose will generate _v and do concurrency checks behind the scenes. So you do not have to do any extra job to solve this concurrency issue.

Parallel update issue in MongoDB

We have one field which gets updated on user action, admin action, and in cron at the same time then what should we do in order to handle this kind of scenario in MongoDB.
e.g There is a "balance" field in the user's collection when the cron is running user's balance is decreased, now at the same time if the user is recharging and admin is refunding then the balance is not getting updated.
So please suggest any solution for this problem.
If possible, use update operations. They are atomic at the document level, so this should not be a problem.
If you are using a recent version of mongodb, you can use transactions for read-update-writes.
If you cannot do any of these, you can emulate an optimistic locking scheme using versioning to prevent unintended overwrites. There are several ways this can be done, but it generally goes like this:
Read the document. Document has a version field (which can be an integer, or a unique ObjectId. Don't use timestamp)
Make modifications in memory and update the version (increment the integer, or generate a new ObjectId)
Update the document with query containing (version: oldVersion)
This will fail if someone updated the document after you read it but before you updated it. If it fails, retry.

Why mongodb only updates the first matching document in the collection?

Consider a collection student contains the following documents.
I want to update all the documents whose name is “Nithin” as age=60.
If we execute the following query it will only update the first document.
For update all the documents I have to use the query
What is the reason by default mongodb not updating all the documents by executing db.student.update({name:”Nithin”},{age:60}) ? What is the motivation for creating separate queries for updating all the documents? Is it improving the performance?
Originally, in the early early days of MongoDB (pre 1.1) it was not possible to update multiple documents. This was a feature added around 1.1.3.
You can see it in the release notes, New Feature 268.
I'm guessing this was not enabled by default for backwards compatibility with previous versions.
This may not really be the reason but I find the additional multi parameter as a safeguard to prevent accidental update of multiple records when one intends to update a single document only, something like accidentally performing UPDATE...SET on SQL without specifying additional constraints.
Again this is just an assumption but may not really be the case.
I suppose part of the reason might be to avoid people coming from the SQL world to think about multi-document updates as isolated transactions.
In fact, during a long update MongoDB will periodically yield control to other queries which can potentially modify the same dataset.
So, by explicitly setting multi=true you are somewhat acknowledging this fact (well, not really, but I guess that's the spirit...)

Will adding another embedded document into my MongoDB user model affect the older data without those embedded documents?

In the project I've been working on, I've added a new field - an embedded document. Will this addition affect data prior to the change? From what I've read this shouldn't affect prior data, and this is actually one of the benefits of using MongoDB. Its just the previous data won't have that field.
No it won't affect your previous documents - each document in your collection can have it's own unique fields if you want. It is up to you to handle this at application level.