AutoHotKey & Steam Overlay Interaction - overlay

Might already be answered but here we go. I wanted to write an AutoRun script using AutoHotKey for DayZ. It basically consists of two keys being constantly pressed and then slept. Easy script. But I want it to do one more thing. I want to be able to shift tab in the standalone to the web browser and still autorun while browsing say, facebook. Is there any way this can be possibly done? Thanks in advance.
Would probably help if I pasted the script to make it more concise.
SendMode Input
#IfWinActive, DayZ
Send {w Down}
Send {lshift Down}
Super simple. Basically the only issue, as I said, is that when I use the steam overlay to shift + tab to the browser, my keypresses, and therefore, autorun macro, doesn't persist. I am not sure if there's any way to remedy this but any help would be appreciated.

Your keys don't persist because they depend on DayZ being active. When the steam overlay is active, well the game is no longer active.
Use ControlSend, to send keys to inactive windows.
See the following example:
SendMode Input
ControlSend, , {w Down}, DayZ
ControlSend, , {lshift Down}, DayZ


Ctrl+Click to Simple Click on explorer - AHK

I'm trying to make Ctrl+Click just simple Click on explorer with AutoHotkey.
#IfWinActive ahk_exe explorer.exe
^LButton:: LButton
#IfWinActive ahk_exe explorer.exe
^LButton:: Send {Ctrl Up}{LButton}
I tried these two scripts, but they didn't work.
Still, with ^LButton, I could select multiple files.
Thanks for the help.
^LButton::LButton shouldn't work, because internally the easy remapping syntax expands to a send command with {Blind}. Or more clearly said, modifiers, that are held down, are left as is.
However, ^LButton::Send, {Ctrl Up}{LButton} should be fine.
And it does work on my system as expected.
{Ctrl Up} is redundant though, since the Send command automatically releases modifiers before sending (unless in blind mode).
Maybe try this just in case:
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe explorer.exe
^LButton::SendInput, {LButton}
Also switched over to SendInput(docs) due to it being the recommended faster and more reliable send mode.

Unsure why AHK script isn't working as intended

I use chrome bookmarks a lot, and I also often have to send people screen snippets very often, however I don't want all my bookmarks on display (some are sorta private). I know I could add them to the Other Bookmarks folder, but would rather easy access. What I've been doing for a while is hitting the bookmark shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+B), then the snipping tool (WIN+SHIFT+S), taking my screenshot and then putting the Bookmarks back (CTRL+SHIFT+B). Eventually I decided to bite the bullet and spend some time automating it, so that hitting CTRL+SHIFT+S would close the Bookmark Bar, and letting go of the mouse (after taking the clipping) would put it back. This is what I came up with:
~#+s:: Send, ^+B
KeyWait, LButton, D
Send, ^+B
Although the first half works (Bookmarks go away, snipping tools open) at no point does the bar return. I've tried many things including setting up a timer, and waiting for the space bar instead of the mouse button, which i'd only hit when ready. I have also tested, and manually pressing the keys immediately after letting go the mouse button did indeed re-open the Bookmarks.
Would anyone be able to explain why this is happening? I would really appreciate any help!
First problem is that you put the first command on the same line as the hotkey definition.
This will create a one liner hotkey and the rest of the code below wont run.
Second problem is that you're sending the input to show bookmarks again while the screenshotting window is active. You're going to want to wait until chrome is active again.
This works:
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe
SendInput, ^+b
Sleep, 2000
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe
SendInput, ^+b
A bit of sleep so the screenshot window has time to open, and also added in #IfWinActive, because I'd assume you only want that hotkey to be active while you're on chrome.
Also switched over to SendInput and made the b lower case. Having it as uppercase would send Shift+B (on most keyboard layouts).

How do you remap alt+tab in autohotkey?

How do you make your alt+tab functionality work like OSX where it uses meta+tab and not alt+tab, while also respecting the shift key?
I have the solution for this. Note the date of this post because I've gone through many apparently obsolete solutions before figuring this out. I've worked on this problem for a total of about 4 hours and have encountered a plethora of solutions that don't work. I'm a professional developer of 10 years but this problem nearly killed me.
There is a special keyword to replicate Alt + Tab functionality.
I also realized that AutoHotkey will block keyboard signals until you've completed the shortcut by releasing all keys, so any additional tabs that are sent while I held down the control key are ignored.
Yes, it does that. Hotkeys create something they call "threads" and by default there can be only one. So if you want to trigger the same hotkey again before the previous "thread" has finished, you can use #MaxThreadsPerHotkey directive.
The code below swaps Alt + Tab and Ctrl + Tab functionality — that is Ctrl + Tab will switch between apps and Alt + Tab between tabs in a browser. The thread limit is 255 which means that you can hold Ctrl and (in theory) press Tab 255 times before it stops working.
SendMode Input
#MaxThreads 255
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 255
Send {LCtrl down}{Tab}
Keywait LAlt
Send {LCtrl up}
I think I've spent more time trying to make AHK hotkeys do what I want than they could possibly save me even if I lived to a hundred.
This will remap "win + tab" to "alt tab". It also works with multiple presses of the tab key.
Note: I've mapped RControl onto my LWin key via Windows registry, so autohotkey sits on top of that.
I found many solutions that said simply
Send {LAlt down}{Tab}
KeyWait RControl
Send {LAlt up}
The issue here is that it doesn't handle alt+tab+tab+tab to go 3 programs back.
I also realized that AutoHotKeys will block keyboard signals until you've completed the shortcut by releasing all keys, so any additional tabs that are sent while I held down the control key are ignored.
What I realized is I needed a 2nd AutoHotKeys process to force that through. It seems like a rather redundant thing to write but here's my 2nd script:
#IfWinActive "ahk_class TaskSwitcherWnd"
Tab::Send {Tab}
If you're not familiar, the #IfWinActive stuff is just to make it so that this isn't firing every time the Tab key is sent - it's only while Windows' task switcher is in focus. Ultimately, this script simply says Tab::Send {Tab}.
Then you need to tell it to also react to the shift key. Oddly, the task switcher listens for that just fine but not Tab, so we don't need to forward the Shift key in that script too.
Ultimately, my two scripts look like this:
Script 1
#IfWinNotActive ahk_class TaskSwitcherWnd
; Remap Ctrl-Tab to Alt-Tab
Send {Alt down}{Tab}
Keywait Control
Send {Alt up}
; Remap Ctrl-Shift-Tab to Alt-Shift-Tab
Send {Alt down}{Shift down}{Tab}
Keywait Control
Send {Alt up}{Shift up}
Script 2
#IfWinActive ahk_class TaskSwitcherWnd
Tab::Send {Tab}
Run these simultaneously.

How to activate a window after it has lost focus?

So i am using this great software called Website-Watcher, which is rss feed reader and web content tracker.
I have configured it to open external links in firefox, which is opening tabs in the background.
BUT the problem is that Website-Watcher looses focus after i hit some link, so is there a way to open a link, regain lost focus and send click to be able to scroll, i have found a script that activates window on mouse scroll BUT the scroll functionality of program is not regained.
Please, give me some ideas!
EDIT UPDATE::: I have finally made it work, the problem was with the Windows 8.1 Admin rights, because i run Website-Watcher elevated, script that i was using stopped working.
The scripts are here:
With those scripts you can perform scroll without activating windows or if you use the former you can even activate windows with mouse scroll.
Use WinActivate
For example, WinActivate Untitled - Notepad would activate (bring focus to) the window "Untitled - Notepad". This title must be exact and is case-sensitive.
It might be easiest to do this in a low-tech way. I'm not familiar with Website-Watcher, so I'll share a script I use that you should be able to adapt.
I use Feedly in Chrome for RSS reading, and hitting "v" in Feedly opens the story in a new tab. I use my Media Play button to hit "v" and bring me back to Feedly:
send v
sleep 50
send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}{Tab}{Shift Up}{Ctrl Up}
So, define your hotkey, have it trigger the link to open in Firefox, and then hit Alt-Tab to jump back:
send y
sleep 50
send {Alt Down}{Tab}{Alt Up}
Obviously, replace "X" and "y" above.
I don't care about using my Media Play button for anything else, but if you want your hotkey to be context sensitive, use #IfWinActive.
Use "WinGet, variableName , List, yourWindowName" (without quote)
then call your variableName contate it with 1 in every ControlSend
for example :
WinGet, nexid, List, myHyperTerminal
ControlSend, , {shift down}at=cmgs{shift up}=303{ENTER}, ahk_id %nexid1%
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {shift down}sms{shift up}{space}10000, ahk_id %nexid1%
sleep, 1000
if you want to use control key such as shift, ctrl, alt, don't forget to add "SetKeyDelay, intDelay, intPressDuration" (without quote)
for example the script will be list this
#usehook on
SetKeyDelay, 50, 20
WinGet, nexid, List, zz1
ControlSend, , {shift down}at=cmgs{shift up}=303{ENTER}, ahk_id %nexid1%
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {shift down}sms{shift up}{space}10000, ahk_id %nexid1%
sleep, 1000
it will be sent to active/inactive window "zz1" as :
SMS 10000

Having Problems running Auto Hot Key in "ahk_class SWT_Window0" windows

I'm not sure if this is common or not but I cannot get my code to run in this type of window. It works in all of my other windows except for the one, ahk_class SWT_Window0, I want it to work in... go figure.
My code is:
SendInput {Click 166,350}
Pretty simple just move the cursor and click. It works in google chrome wundow spy scite and various other windows but not with the correct window. Any help would be awesome thanks!
Have you tried to use the scan codes directly in your application?
Here is an example. It clicks the mouse at the current location and then sends a {Tab}. You need to change this for your needs. You can move your mouse to the right location first with MouseMove,%XPos3%,%YPos3%
F8:: ; Press F8 to start macro
Send, {vk01} ; Click left mouse button
;Send, {scYYY} ;
Send, {vk09sc00F} ; Send the Vk and SC codes for the {Tab} key.
Let me know if this works