Unsure why AHK script isn't working as intended - autohotkey

I use chrome bookmarks a lot, and I also often have to send people screen snippets very often, however I don't want all my bookmarks on display (some are sorta private). I know I could add them to the Other Bookmarks folder, but would rather easy access. What I've been doing for a while is hitting the bookmark shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+B), then the snipping tool (WIN+SHIFT+S), taking my screenshot and then putting the Bookmarks back (CTRL+SHIFT+B). Eventually I decided to bite the bullet and spend some time automating it, so that hitting CTRL+SHIFT+S would close the Bookmark Bar, and letting go of the mouse (after taking the clipping) would put it back. This is what I came up with:
~#+s:: Send, ^+B
KeyWait, LButton, D
Send, ^+B
Although the first half works (Bookmarks go away, snipping tools open) at no point does the bar return. I've tried many things including setting up a timer, and waiting for the space bar instead of the mouse button, which i'd only hit when ready. I have also tested, and manually pressing the keys immediately after letting go the mouse button did indeed re-open the Bookmarks.
Would anyone be able to explain why this is happening? I would really appreciate any help!

First problem is that you put the first command on the same line as the hotkey definition.
This will create a one liner hotkey and the rest of the code below wont run.
Second problem is that you're sending the input to show bookmarks again while the screenshotting window is active. You're going to want to wait until chrome is active again.
This works:
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe
SendInput, ^+b
Sleep, 2000
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe
SendInput, ^+b
A bit of sleep so the screenshot window has time to open, and also added in #IfWinActive, because I'd assume you only want that hotkey to be active while you're on chrome.
Also switched over to SendInput and made the b lower case. Having it as uppercase would send Shift+B (on most keyboard layouts).


Basic AutoHotKey Use For Multiple Key Presses

How can I use AutoHotKey to simulate pressing control quote, then the menu bar button, then the down arrow when I press control p?
As a beginner, I have just been fiddling around with it, but I did not manage to make it work.
Send ^{'}
Send {AppsKey}
Send {Down}
Right now, to me at least, it seems as though the only line of the code that is executing is "Send ^{'}" without anything under it executing.

How would I hold down a click keystroke in AutoHotKey?

I am having a problem when using my AHK script.
I want to hold down the left click for 13 seconds.
Click down
Sleep, 13000
Click up
It works on Google Chrome when I am clicking on text and I drag my mouse it highlights (meaning of course it is clicking down).
When I go on my game it wont click anything.
Am I doing it wrong or is it a problem with AutoHotKey?
See SendPlay docs:
SendPlay's biggest advantage is its ability to "play back" keystrokes and mouse clicks in a broader variety of games than the other modes.
SendPlay {LButton down}
sleep 13000
SendPlay {LButton up}
Furthermore, I often find that running my scripts as administrator helps solve most of my problems when scripting for games, especially if the game itself is ran on administrator levels.

AutoHotKey script fails after first use

I am working with a Help file as a Word 2007 document. I need to update the screenshots as I go through, so I'm trying to get AHK to select the 'Change Picture' option from the right click drop down menu when I press my key combination. I've got the code, and it works perfectly... the first time I use it. After that, I only see the right click menu flash and disappear. I suspect that the script from Send {Down 4} on is not executing because I can just barely see the 'Cut' option highlighted, but the selected image is not cut from the document, indicating that the Send {Enter} is also not being executed.
I cannot find anyone else who seems to be having this problem. If I manually reload my script, it works fine again, but only the once. Then it's back to flashing the drop down and nothing else. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get this process down to as few clicks as possible, but it's getting to the point where I'm wasting more time trying to solve my macro problems than I would just doing it the slow awkward way.
My script as it is now:
Send +{F10}
Send {Down 4}
Send {Enter}
For clarification's sake:
When I remove everything following Send +{F10} and then use my hotkey, I get the right click menu displayed and not flashed, but again, only the first time I use it. After that, the menu goes back to flashing on the screen once. To compare, actually pressing Shift and {F10} displays the right click menu, and it does not disappear on lift.
If I move all three Send commands into one line to get Send +{F10} {Down 4} {Enter} The script executes the 'Cut' option from the right click menu, then moves the cursor down 4 lines and then sends the {Enter} keystroke. This set of actions works after the first use of the script, unlike previous instances.
In my copy of Word, the control key causes a secondary 'Layout Options' menu to pop up if there is an image selected. While I'm not sure why it's working for you the first time but not subsequently, when I test this at my end it works if I change two things:
Use mouseclick, right instead of Send +{F10}
Change the shortcut modifier from shift-ctrl to Win, i.e. set it to #z
You can try sending the keyboard shortcut instead of down command
SetBatchLines, 1
SetKeyDelay , 100 ; in miliseconds, keep increasing until your pc can hadle it
!x:: ; your hotkey in my case alt + x which is similar to ctrl + x for cutting text
Send +{F10}
Send {t} ; use the cut keyboard shortcut, for word should be 't'. if for some weird reason isn't change it
Send {Enter}

Having Problems running Auto Hot Key in "ahk_class SWT_Window0" windows

I'm not sure if this is common or not but I cannot get my code to run in this type of window. It works in all of my other windows except for the one, ahk_class SWT_Window0, I want it to work in... go figure.
My code is:
SendInput {Click 166,350}
Pretty simple just move the cursor and click. It works in google chrome wundow spy scite and various other windows but not with the correct window. Any help would be awesome thanks!
Have you tried to use the scan codes directly in your application?
Here is an example. It clicks the mouse at the current location and then sends a {Tab}. You need to change this for your needs. You can move your mouse to the right location first with MouseMove,%XPos3%,%YPos3%
F8:: ; Press F8 to start macro
Send, {vk01} ; Click left mouse button
;Send, {scYYY} ;
Send, {vk09sc00F} ; Send the Vk and SC codes for the {Tab} key.
Let me know if this works

autohotkey activate window twice deactivate it?

i have this code AutoHotkey Code:
If WinExist("Mozilla Thunderbird")
WinActivate, Mozilla Thunderbird
Run "c:/Users/xah/Desktop/Mozilla Thunderbird.lnk"
activated by a key.
but when run twice (sometimes pressed the key twice), it seems to deactivate the window and change mouse position.
how to fix that?
(this is a pain for me because i have auto window focus on. When mouse position changes to another location, that window pops up to front)
someone at ahk forum answered it.
basically, my script is actually running the Else clause everytime.
What i need is to add
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
in the beginning, so the title matches if it contains the string.