Could not install package 'Facebook 6.8.0' - facebook

I have installed Xamarin Starter version, and want the App to access posts of some users on Facebook. I tried to add package the Facebook SDK for .Net, but it throws the error : "Could not install package 'Facebook 6.8.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v5.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author."
I tried to change the target framework version, but that did not help. Any ideas?

There is a Facebook Component for Xamarin. Xamarin also has a Xamarin Social component that includes Facebook integration. You cannot use any arbitrary Nuget package with Xamarin - it has to be one that targets a compatible framework. Unfortunately the Nuget manager does not allow you to easily filter out incompatible packages.

I downloaded the package contents via Nuget and manually added it as a reference to my solution and it compiled and referenced correctly. I tried the first example in an iPhone solution from this tutorial and everything worked. Hope that helps.


can't load brother SDK to capacitor custom plug in

I have been searching all over and I have not found any good documentation in how can I create a custom ionic capacitor plug-in with an external SDK (Brother printer SDK). This SDK is located locally in my computer.
The Error I keep getting is the following.
No such module 'BRLMPrinterKit'
I'm building the plug in with
npm init #capacitor/plugin#latest
I follow the steps found in
How to embed third party framework on ionic capacitor custom plugin?
I was expecting to use the Brother printer SDK in the custom capacitor plug in. Any tip in how can I implement a custom plug in with any framework?
I don't know very well about ios plugins for ionic, but I recommend you to use this post to create the plugin step by step (I used it for android plugins):
I think you can use this other post to solve that specific issue: How to import framework into XCode project?
I know it's not the best answer, but I hope it helps.

How do I check if a nuget package supports Universal Windows App (UWP)?

I am building a Xamarin application. Currently Supporting Android and iOS.
I would like to expand my application to Universal Windows App using the Xamarin guide
Before doing so I would like to check whether the nuget packages I am currently using support Universal Windows App
For example I have been trying to check if Xamarin.Insights supports Universal Windows App and checking the nuget page I can't see any mention of supported platforms
The contents of the actual nuget package but as I don't know what I'm looking for I can't tell from here either
So what am I looking for in the package to check if a nuget package supports Universal Windows App?
A UWP app will look in folders in the following order:
uap10.0 > uap > netcore451 > netcore > dotnet
Without these folders there isn't a guarantee that the library will work, but it might. There's some trial and error in this as class library targets are undergoing a large overhaul in NuGet and .NET Core. Oren Novotny has a great post on it and there's a NuGet post on UWP specifically.

Cordova / phonegap tracking APPs install with Facebook SDK

Related question: How do I implement Facebook Mobile Install Ad tracking in Phonegap/Cordova project?
I have a working cordova/phonegap application. I would like to track the APP install using the plugin facebook. I installed the cordova facebook connect plugin with:
cordova plugin add --variable APP_ID="myappid" --variable APP_NAME="myappname"
The plugin is installed and usable as this report 'true':
alert('fb plugin usable: ' + typeof facebookConnectPlugin != 'undefined')
However I am no seeing anything in the "Most recently logged events" in the facebook developer section for this app. I added the correct Package Name and Class Name in the settings but the events are not just showing up.
Is there anything that I am missing or more info that I can provide ? I cannot find a good tutorial on this that explains the full process.
Should the APP install event just be logged by adding the plugin without any JS call in the app?
I dug a bit in the plugin implementation and noted the activateApp was not implement at all. I cloned the repo and add the functionality for Android [following the FB guide for android ]:
The modifications required on the code are: code changes in plugin and : how to use in the JS code. In this way I can just call
facebookConnectPlugin.activateApp(fb_success, fb_fail);
where the callbacks are just dummy empty function.
and the FB is SDK tracks when there is an installation. I noticed however that the events are generated only when there is a FB app installed on the device [do not know if this is supposed to be like that].
Probably my solution is old, I guess that now the official plugin for Facebook has already the feature implemented directly without the need of any additional customization in the JS files or touching the Java files.

Use Facebook SDK .Net in Portable class library

I'm starting to develop an App for Windows phone 8 and Windows 8 and I'm creating a portable class library to share some classes in both projects. In this PCL I would like to do some Facebook operations but when I try to add the package from Nuget I get the following error:
Could not install package 'Facebook 6.4.2'. You are trying to install
this package into a project that targets 'portable-net45+wp80+win',
but the package does not contain any assembly references or content
files that are compatible with that framework. For more information,
contact the package author.
Is it posible to use the Facebook SDK for .NET in a shared Project for Windows phone 8 and Windows 8?

Installing the Facebook C# SDK

I want to implement login using facebook in my windows phone 7.1 application
When I try to install Facebook C# SDK using the nuget package manager console. It is added successfully, but when I try to add the reference to my project its giving following error.
I did not write any code or anything. I just want to add the reference to facebook like using facebook; in my code behind file
I just tested this and I cannot reproduce the error.
Make sure you uninstall any old version of the SDK.
Then, right-click the project and add the SDK using nuget.
Do not install by hand.
That error message seems pretty clear - your project is set to target Windows Phone 7.1, but that version of the Facebook SDK doesn't support Windows Phone 7.1
See if there's an updated version of the SDK which supports 7.1, or target your project at a version that the Facebook SDK does support