Strange behaviour of Interaction Graph in Orange - orange

I am new to Orange and I am trying to make an "Interaction Graph" in orange. When I try it with example from orange web site the graph works fine.
I have made a tab file with my data and I get some strange behaviour. It is connected to unselected attributes. First, the selected attributes list is not correct. Second, when I click on an attribute in the graph, some other attribute is shown in unselected attributes. I would have attached a picture if I was allowed to. I selected ModeSAddress and WeekDayOfFlight is displayed in unselected attributes list. It works like this for all attributes. For any attribute I select some other attribute is displayed in the unselected attributes list.
Since this feature does not work I cannot be sure the Interaction Graph is correct. What can I do?
I am using Orange 2.7 in Ubuntu 64bit.

This is (was) an error in Orange. It is now fixed in the master development branch.


Apache AGE - AGE Viewer does not show the options for graphs or label selection

When I open AGE Viewer there is no option for selecting the edge labels, nor the node labels and even the graphs doesn't appear anymore so I can select which I'm using. Despite that, I am able to query the graph and see what the graphs created store. But I need to do this manually. Can anyone help me get back to the normal state of AGE? Here are some images to show what I'm getting:
There is a little catch you need to select the graph name from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, so currently no graph is selected. I have attached the screenshot.
Your dropdown:
Working state:
After this you can get the option for selecting the edge labels and the node labels.
Thumbs up if this works
Tip: There is a new version of age-viewer avaliable on Github and it provides some additional features do give it a try.
To select the graph name check the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, you can have all the graphs in your database in that drop-down.
Once you select the required graph you will have nodes and edges labels with their data if they are not empty.
Suppose I ran some edges related query
But if you have created the graph with some nodes but it is empty like you don't have data in it then:
So no relationship will be defined at the edge level so nothing will be displayed.

Echarts 5 line graph click to change colour not working

I'm trying to make a line graph change color on mouse click by using the select.lineStyle.color attribute.
I'm able to trigger a colour change for the points upon mouse click using select.itemStyle.color and I'm expecting the select.lineStyle.color attribute to change the color of the graph but , it doesn't seem to work despite the documentation saying that select should work for all series.
I even programmatically fired the "select" event (not in the sandbox) but no changes were observed in my line graph.
My code sandbox
Extract from the docs
In addition, we've added click to select to all series, an interaction that was previously only available in a few series such as pie charts and maps, allowing developers to set it to single or multiple selection mode, and to listen to the selectchanged event to get all the selected shapes for further processing. As with emphasis and blur, the selection style can also be configured in select.
Please help me. I've been working on this for a week and found no solutions here. Is there something I'm missing?
Got my answer directly via posting an issue on their Github page.
Apparently, select is only applicable for data object, not series objects(or whatever you call it). So this feature is not available.
What I did, like most people, is to listen to the mouseclick event and update the series-line.lineStyle.opacity property in options directly to blur out other lines. Set triggerLineEvent:true so that clicking any part of the line will fire the mouseclick event, instead of just the data points.

mapbox with markers and checkboxes - disable all from showing on initial load?

I have a page I built to display wind direction/velocity in various locations along a bike trail:
I have several markers in a legend, with check boxes to enable/disable them from showing up on the map.
My goal is to have NONE of the checkable markers show up on the initial load. However, when the page is loaded for the first time, ALL show up-- even though they're not checked. If I select 1, they all go away except for the one I selected, which will then disappear if I un-check that box.
Is there a way to make them all be invisible at first, and only show up if they're selected?
(You can view the source of the link above to see the code. I wasn't sure if I should post that all, since it's kinda long with all the points I've added.)
Resolved. The 'var map' needed to be defined earlier in the code. Working properly now.

How to create custom labels for issues on GitHub?

I've noticed that some organizations on GitHub have different labels that they can apply to issues.
For example, one organization that I am a part of allows any of these labels to be applied:
However, on my personal account, I am limited to only these labels, and I can't find a way to create my own custom ones:
Any ideas on how I can go about creating my own?
It looks like you might be accessing GitHub on a mobile device, which likely exposes a somewhat different interface.
On the full web interface, simply navigate to and click the green "New label" button at the top right. Existing labels can be edited or deleted on the same page.
You can also get to this page by clicking on "issues" and then "labels".
Here's a quick GIF to make the process as easy as it can be. (recorded at my GitHub profile)
⚡️ GIF —
Labels can be applied to issues and pull requests to signify priority, category, or any other information that you find useful.
▶ On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.
Issues Labels buttonNext to the search field, click Labels.
Click New Label to create a new label, or click Edit to edit an existing one.
In the text box, type your new label name.
Select a color for the label from the color bar. You can customize this color by editing the hexadecimal number above the color bar.
Click Create Label to save the new label.
I hope it helps. Upvote it if it does.
The ui makes it hard to find!
You should be able to go to
There's a github blog post that explains this in detail.
If you find yourself doing this a lot, then you might want to try using my python script (or creating something similar) so that you can set up your own labels for each new repository...

Google Charts API value misaligned

I am using the Google Chart API to display some game outcomes, however, the highest value always shows up aligned to the edge within the green bar instead of above the bar (or at least with some padding between the top and the text).
I use the following URL to generate the chart:
This generates a chart that looks like the following (I need 2 more rep on SO to post images, can someone please edit to include this image?):
There is actually a 2 above the red bar that is aligned correctly, but since the background on SO is white, it's not showing up.
How can I make it appear ABOVE the green bar. I've torn the API a part and tried seemingly every combination with no avail.
The API reference is available here:
The problem is with "chm".
I removed the color specifications, and now the link works perfectly.,2.1&chp=1.57079633&chs=300x155&chl=|&chco=43A443|D53030|3B74CA|FFDC00&chf=bg,s,00000000&chbh=70&chds=0,14&chp=10&chm=N,,0,-1,20,,ve::15