Ionic app sidemenus don't work after closing $ionicPopup - modal-dialog

The Ionic app I'm working on displays a $ionicPopup when it starts and after closing the popup, the two sidemenus the app contains don't work at all. If I remove the popup from the code, the sidemenus work well.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

Add the following code to the controller that contains the slidebox:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(){
I had the same problem than you. I resolved with this.

I was facing this same problem.
In my case, this was happening because, the enable-menu-with-back-views="true" option in ion-side-menu was set false.
It got back to work when setting it to true. =)


Ionic 3 Error - fullscreen and ion-refresher don't work together

After adding fullscreen to my ion-content, my ion-refresher is no longer visible. Changing CSS is every way possible doesn't help. I've found this post, which seems to indicate that this is a genuine Ionic bug, but it's been almost a year and so far I couldn't find anything else on this:
Does anyone know a workaround? Or any advice will be highly appreciated.

ionic header bar disappears after reloading the state in angularjs

I am working on a project where I need to use a messaging system.
I have an inbox: When I used the $state.reload() to show the newly sent message but when the state gets reloaded the header bar gets disappeared and doesn't gets visible until i do the manual refresh. I am using ionic 1.1.1 version
I searched a lot but didn't get any suitable reason that why it is happening. Kindly suggest me on this.
So, after searching a lot for ways to solve this problem, that I am also stuck on, I found out there is not! Unfortunatelly updating to the new version of Ionic did not help, and the workaround provided at Ionic's GitHub desn't work for me. It is:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(e) {
But if you have custom buttons in your header, this code doesn't work as expected. There are some jQuery solutions too, but I think it's not what we really need.
So, I've worked on a pure Javascript solution, for my situation, and here it is. Hope it can help.
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(e) {
$timeout(function() {
}, 1000);
function showHeader() {
// Having the nav-bar in your template, set an ID to it.
var header = document.getElementById('header_id');
if (header.classList) {
if (header.classList.contains('hide')) {
For me what was causing that issue came from the solution of this problem:
Once i removed this line:
from my config phase the action bar started to work again.

Custom PickerView froze up (With sample project)

Background: I have been wanting a PickerView that is exactly matches that of Safari. I looked through many Gits and found none that work quite as exactly. I decided to build my own. It is complete now, but there is a bug that would not go away.
Problem: If you run the sample project you will be greeted with 2 text fields.
Tap on one of the textfields - it brings up the BTPickerView. Everything works just as you would expect.
Choose the fourth choice, then press done.
Tap on the same textfield. This time, the debug log will show you that you have executed an infinite loop, which freezes the app.
Question: What did I do to cause it? And how do I fix it?
I have tried everything to boil it down. It comes down to this and I could not go any further. Please advise.
Edit: Here is the sample code you can download in case anyone missed the blue link above.
The issue seems to be with the constraints in BTPickerLabel. If you temporarily disable the constraints from BTPickerLabel, code works fine. Enforcing constraint might trigger the reloading of entire picker view infinitely. I hope it should help you to fix the problem.

Icefaces ace:autoCompleteEntry not working

I'm trying to use ace:autoCompleteEntry but it doesn't seem to work. I use it as simple as possible by just having a f:selectItems child. If I change the component to h:selectOneMenu then everything works fine so there is nothing wrong with f:selectItems. My question is if anyone has worked with the component and can confirm that is working.
I don't know if it can be of any help but I had the same issue and I just found out that ace:autoCompleteEntry doesn't work if it's inside an ace:tabSet. Was that your case?
It works well with ice:panelTabSet instead.
based on my experiment,
just add <ace:ajax execute="#this" /> under f:selectItems (inside ace:autoCompleteEntry)
it will activate its dropdown

Zend PHPUnit var_dump not working in controllers

I just ran into an unusual problem:
While testing controllers in Zend using PHPUnit, all of a sudden all occurrences of var_dump() placed in Controllers stopped working. In models and test-classes, they still show up, and when I navigate to the specified controller with a browser, all var_dumps are executed.
I'm completely at a loss here, does anyone know how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance.
I think the problem is, that the output is buffered.
You could do this in your Controller:
error_log(print_r($var, true)); // instead of var_dump
or this in your test case:
$return = $this->getFrontController()->getResponse()->getBody();
Or you can try my "extended debug" class and use dd($something); ;)