Installing PG_SIMILARITY on PostgreSQL, Windows - postgresql

I am trying to install the pg_similarity extension for Windows PostgreSQL 9.1 x64.
I believe I have placed the necessary files into the /share/contrib directory and also the /share/extension directory as instructed in the documentation.
When running CREATE EXTENSION pg_similarity; I get this error:
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/pg_similarity": No such file or directory
I believe this is because I do not have the pg_similarity.dll file in the /lib/ directory.
The instructions at (for Windows) say to generate that file by "executing pg_config --libdir" which obviously does not work in and of itself. I assume other steps are implied or left out.
Could someone please explain how to complete that part of the installation and/or generate the needed .dll file and provide it? The installation instructions for Windows are not very detailed.
The only other part of the instructions I did not follow was:
"Edit contrib/Makefile and add pg_similarity to SUBDIRS variable;" however that file already contains a line subdir = contrib/pg_similarity which sounds as though that has already been set. If not I certainly don't know what needs to be changed and that's all there is to the explanation of what to change.


Postgres: PostGIS extension in a separate path

The Linux machine I use has SuSE 12.1 with Postgres 9.4 installed (as root). I was able to compile and install the PostGIS 2.5 extension in a user area. Under this installation, I see, among other things, contrib folder, some sql files and .so files etc.
I can launch Postgres using my personal user. How can I let Postgres know to refer to this directory where all the PostGIS extension related files/objects are available?
When I try creating the extension, I get the following error:
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql94/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory
Of course, some error is expected as Postgres doesn't know about my PostGIS installation. But the latter does not have such a file, postgis.control.
I am guessing the solution is to ensure Postgres can see the .so files (may be set LD_LIBRARY_PATH?) or create a postgis.control file with all the relevant details etc.
Any assistance including simply pointing to documentation will be appreciated.
I see a few similar questions but no one seems to address my issue of the extension - PostGIS - in a separate directory. They assume root access.
Like every extension, PostGIS has to be installed in the PostgreSQL extension subdirectory (under share).
When PostGIS is configured, it looks for pg_config on the PATH, or you can explicitly specify the --with-pgconfig option to configure.
Once you have built PostGIS, make install will automatically put all files in the proper place.
You are not very specific how you built PostGIS, but you must have strayed from the correct path somewhere. If you share some details, we might be able to figure out what went wrong.
Re-reading your question I get the impression that you installed PostGIS somewhere outside the PostgreSQL software directory because you lack the necessary root privilege. That simply won't work, and there is no workaround.
You'd have to install PostgreSQL somewhere where you have write access.

How to uninstall berrybrew—perlbrew for Windows?

I have been running berrybrew on Windows
(here's the home page and GitHub repository).
I'm having some trouble with it and I want to uninstall and reinstall it, but I can't figure out how to do that.
I am hoping it is as simple as just deleting the directory where it was installed and C:\berrybrew, which is where it seems to keep files, but I don't know for sure. The instructions contain installation instructions, but no uninstallation instructions.
Disclaimer: berrybrew author here...
To uninstall and return your system back to default:
berrybrew off
berrybrew unconfig
then delete the directory you downloaded it to, as well as the installation directory (by default, C:\berrybrew)
Edit your PATH variable to remove any entries that start with C:\berrybrew (or the base install directory if you've changed it from the default). One of the path entries will point to C:\berrybrew\bin, and there may be one more that points to the currently in-use Perl installation (also under C:\berrybrew\...). Technically speaking, there shouldn't be any after the first two commands are run, but one should always verify
Essentially, there's really nothing to "uninstall". It comes down to removing $ENV{PATH} ie. specific environment variables that point to a) berrybrew.exe binary itself, and b) the Perl installation that you last used.
I will update the documentation to provide more clarity in this regard.

Changing installation directory of installed DB2 in AIX 7.1

I have installed DB2 10.1 in AIX 7.1 at /opt/IBM/db2/V10.1. But there is a script which is expecting DB2 at /opt/db2_10_1.
I am not sure if it is possible to change the directory of an installed software and if I do it, what are the points I have to keep in my mind before performing this step.
FYI- I am not an AIX or DB2 expert. I am just performing this task as instructed.
Did your instructions specify a non-default path for the Db2-installation?
(The path /opt/IBM/db2/V10.1 is a typical default for AIX )
Do not manually hack to change the installation directory of Db2, just because a script is badly written! Responsible admins would never allow such mistakes on production environments.
It is an error for a script to hard-code a Db2-installation path. That script should be coded correctly to determine the Db2-installation path, or to have that information provided via configuration or arguments.
A possible option is to create a symbolic link so that /opt/db2_10_1 points to the real path at /opt/IBM/db2/V10.1 , but this is not guaranteed to work for all situations, it depends on how badly written is the script - so other different errors may appear later from that script (although Db2 itself will function normally).
A separate matter is that it is unwise to install a Db2 version that is already out of support (end of life). Does the business understand the consequences of installing an out-of-support version? (unless the business has purchased an extended support contract from IBM).
You have to make new install
stop instance
rename sqllib directory
recreate instance using db2icrt in new binaries in install directory
import catalogued database with db2cfimp previously exported using db2cfexp

Cannot install Qt postgreSQL driver

I'm posting here with the hopes that someone will be kind enough to help me. Just to clarify, I'm sort of a newb, so I'd be really grateful if you give more details to your explanations.
I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, QT 5.9.1, PostgreSQL is 9.6.3 version.
I'm working on a project, where I need to get a postgresql database running and connect it to the code I'm doing right now. Unfortunately, when I try to install the driver, I run into all kinds of problems. I've been reading on threads on sites, but they are outdated and some folders do not match, which my first problem arises. For some reason I cannot get qmake to work, even though I edit the path in the variables.
I tried running the commands from here.
cd %QTDIR%\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\ps
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/psql/include" "LIBS+=C:/psql/lib/ms/libpq.lib"
Basically my folders don't aren't 100% as the guide, also I don't have a libpq.lib file
On my final attempt I tried the following:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/PostgreSQL/pg96/include" "LIBS+=C:/PostgreSQL/pg96/lib/libpq.lib"
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'cl'. Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
You'll need to have PostgreSQL installed so you have libpq.lib and libpq.dll. You cannot compile the Qt PostgreSQL driver without these. You'll also need to find the include directory for your PostgreSQL install, the one that contains libpq-fe.h.
Then determine the paths to those. Set the PATH to include the directory with libpq.dll. Set LIBS to include the directory with libpq.lib. And set the INCLUDEPATH to include the directory with libpq-fe.h.
You'll probably need to do this within a "Visual Studio Command Prompt" or run vcvarsall.bat fist, too, so qmake can find Visual Studio.

unable to run php cli from the command line when xampp portable is installed in another drive

I have installed a xampp portable package on my drive D, added the php folder path inside it on the system environment so I would be able to run php basically anywhere from the command line. but when i try to check if its working by executing the "php -v" command, it runs but i get this following error/warning messages.
"Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'xampp-portable\php\ext[:any].dll - The specified module could not be found."
*the [:any] there just means some dll filename.
and i get a lot of that warnings with just varying dll filenames,
anyway, here's the catch. when i do change my current path in the command line to somewhere in drive D, and then run the same command "php -v" it runs smoothly.
so what configuration should i do to fix this problem?
by the way, i do the same with mysql, putting its bin directory path on the system enviroment, run it in both inside drive C and drive D. and it runs smoothly. so i guess this problem is only on php.
I've posted the same question in xampp forums and this is the answer that was given to me. I'll be quoting the answer as it was and give credit to the one who answere it.
XAMPP is very proud that it don't have to set any environment
variables or registry values.
What you want to do is not possible with XAMPP portable without
mapping to a specific Drive letter. All configurations in xampp
portable have relative paths, so if you want to use cli from a
different drive letter, php can be executed, but all extensions of
them throw errors.
I would install the full version of XAMPP, map it to the current drive
letter with help of the setup_xampp.bat file and use the XAMPP control
panel Shell instead of default command line (advantage: The XAMPP
control panel shell sets local include paths to the needed XAMPP
Works for me (i can even use pear, git, composer, and other cli
scripts with the Xampp Shell if correct integrated).
best wishes, Altrea
credits to Altrea
Open your php.ini file, replace all relative paths to absolute paths. Eg: \xampp\ to C:\xampp\