Intel XDK hierarchical table - intel-xdk

Graphs and Maps are well done through Intel XDK tools.
Is there a 'nice' hierarchical table (like in wijmo 5) tool to handle a hierarchical 'down edge' with drill up and down?

You can use libraries like Wijmo and jQuery UI with the XDK. You may not be able to use them with App Designer, but you can create your HTML/CSS layout using other tools or by hand. You are not required to use App Designer to build a Cordova app with the XDK.


Material UI in Intel XDK

I am new with App development using Intel XDK. I need to incorporate material UI in my app which is developed using Intel XDK. Please give me a solution with examples.. Thanks in advance
This can be accomplished by using any material design UI, a popular one being:
Intel XDK takes web applications made with CSS/JS/HTML and wraps them as "native applications" so they can be distributed as phone apps. Intel XDK comes packaged with some example projects that help show this process. I recommend checking out their ionic framework example to start.

Migrate Existing GWT Project to GWT Mobile Application and PhoneGap

I have an existing gwt project. I want to run it on various mobile platform. So I choose GWT Mobile and PhoneGap would be the ideal to start with. But the project is quite big, code-wise. Is there some tool available to migrate the code to new gwt-mobile(m-gwt) and gwt-phonegap? Or I have to write the code from scratch?
As far as I know there are no tools to migrate the code from gwt to mgwt. The code changes should be some 20 % percentage of your project, if you followed MVP pattern suggested by GWT. If you would have followed MVP, then you can reuse all the layers except View layer and in any case I don't think you can just replace GWT components with mgwt components. As the mobiles have a different form factor and usage patterns, you will need to design your views suited to mobile. Just scaling down the website to mobile form factor will not provide a good user experience. So the page designs needs to be changed and you will need to code for that using mgwt and where ever you want to access the native layers of the mobile, you can use gwt phonegap.

Difference between Fusion Charts and sencha touch charts?

What is the difference between sencha and Fusion charts when we use in Mobile Browsers(iphone,ipad,blackberry)?What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?
FusionCharts v3.2 and later, leverages both Flash and JavaScript (HTML5) to create stunning data visualizations. It works with both XML and JSON data and can be integrated with any server-side technology (ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion and Ruby on Rails etc.) and database.
Whereas, Sencha is the world’s first purely HTML5-based, mobile charting and drawing product. allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry touch devices but it does not support Flash.
In FusionCharts, the charts can be rendered on devices like iPhone/iPad using the in-built JavaScript rendering capabilities, powered by Highcharts library. It gives the option of either using automatic fallback, wherein the charts figure out the best mode of rendering (either Flash or JavaScript, based on availability of Flash Player), or lets you configure whether to render charts exclusively using JavaScript.
Flash Player is currently available for Andorid (2.2), where the FusionCharts Flash based charts will automatically be enabled but JavaScript charts would not be supported, as of now.
In the further advanced versions, both Flash and JavaScript charts would be supported.
FusionCharts currently supports the rendering of only the JavaScript (HTML5) charts on BlackBerry OS 6+. But, Flash version of FusionCharts isn't supported on BlackBerry devices, as of now.

Is it possible to develop an Entity Layer with ANSI C/C++ or Embedded C to be used both in Android & iPhone platforms?

I need to create a common entity layer for my mobile phone application developments.(especially iPhone and Android platforms).Later on I want to develop some parts of business logic and interfaces with specific tools /languages used to develop for those two platforms.
(I've been searching about cross mobile frameworks and I know about most of the popular ones.
Rhodes,PhoneGap,Appcelerator,Corona,MoSync,Sencha Touch,jQuery etc.
People made various combinations with those frameworks to create native,native-like,mobile web based applications.
To create a cross platform application is not my main goal.)
This blogpost suggests ANSI C/C++ for porting applications across iOS and Android platforms.
Due to this blogpost I think it is possible to create an entity layer to be mapped and used on two platforms.
Had anybody ever tried to achieve this? Or know any other way to implement an entity layer to be used in both iPhone and Android?
By using ANSI C/C++, i.e. standard C/C++ without extensions, it will make an easier porting, but it also depends on the libraries (libc version an so on). With Android you can either use the JNI or code a native activity, but obviously that isn't portable and the idea of using native code is performance, not portability.

How can designers and developers work together with Monotouch? Is itt different than with the SDK?

For web applications you can have one designer create a mockup, and then another one (Perhaps Off Shore) generate CSS, templates, themes, skins...whatever.
How can you do something similar with Monotouch?
How would it differ from what can be done in SDK workflow?
Can you use some of the same tools as for WPF/Silverlight?
(And still be like a native iPhone app).
MonoTouch doesn't use WPF or Silverlight at all. The virtual machine is similar to the Silverlight one, but that's where the similarities stop. MonoTouch uses Apple's tools for development, including Interface Builder, which is a kind of UI designer, and in theory would replace the WPF editor in Visual Studio or Blend.
In reality though, most developers prefer to simply write most or all the UI in code, because of the simplicity of the API. Designers need to work directly with the developers, not the tools, to make sure their design works and can be implemented.