Object doesn't conforms to protocol - swift

struct IsProtocol<Pr> {
static func implementedInObject<T>(object: T) -> Bool {
return object is Pr
protocol A : class {}
class B : A {}
let b = B()
Returns false. What should i do to it returns true?

Checking conformance to protocols works only for protocols that are Objective-C compatible, i.e. marked with #objc directive. This is a limitation of Swift language and as much as I'd love to see it gone, we have to run with it for now.
Here comes the extract from documentation:
You can check for protocol conformance only if your protocol is marked
with the #objc attribute, as seen for the HasArea protocol above. This
attribute indicates that the protocol should be exposed to Objective-C
code and is described in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C. Even
if you are not interoperating with Objective-C, you need to mark your
protocols with the #objc attribute if you want to be able to check for
protocol conformance.
Note also that #objc protocols can be adopted only by classes, and not
by structures or enumerations. If you mark your protocol as #objc in
order to check for conformance, you will be able to apply that
protocol only to class types.
After you add #objc, it works properly:
struct IsProtocol<Pr> {
static func implementedInObject<T>(object: T) -> Bool {
return object is Pr
#objc protocol A {}
class B : A {}
let b = B()


Can swift function return different types conforming to same protocol? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a Dictionary (actually a HashSet) keyed on a custom protocol in Swift, but it is giving me the error in the title:
Protocol 'myProtocol' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
and I can't make heads nor tails of it.
protocol Observing: Hashable { }
var observers = HashSet<Observing>()
Protocol Observing inherits from protocol Hashable, which in turn inherits from protocol Equatable. Protocol Equatable has the following requirement:
func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
And a protocol that contains Self somewhere inside it cannot be used anywhere except in a type constraint.
Here is a similar question.
To solve this you could use generics. Consider this example:
class GenericClass<T: Observing> {
var observers = HashSet<T>()

Protocol extensions on Structs causes compile error 'Self' constrained to non-protocol type

I'm attempting to apply a constrained protocol extension to a struct (Swift 2.0) and receiving the following compiler error:
type 'Self' constrained to non-protocol type 'Foo'
struct Foo: MyProtocol {
let myVar: String
init(myVar: String) {
self.myVar = myVar
protocol MyProtocol {
func bar()
extension MyProtocol where Self: Foo {
func bar() {
let foo = Foo(myVar: "Hello, Protocol")
I can fix this error by changing struct Foo to class Foo but I don't understand why this works. Why can't I do a where Self: constrained protocol a struct?
This is an expected behaviour considering struct are not meant to be inherited which : notation stands for.
The correct way to achieve what you described would be something like equality sign like:
extension MyProtocol where Self == Foo {
func bar() {
But this doesn't compile for some stupid reason like:
Same-type requirement makes generic parameter Self non-generic
For what it's worth, you can achieve the same result with the following:
protocol FooProtocol {
var myVar: String { get }
struct Foo: FooProtocol, MyProtocol {
let myVar: String
protocol MyProtocol {}
extension MyProtocol where Self: FooProtocol {
func bar() {
where FooProtocol is fake protocol which only Foo should extend.
Many third-party libraries that try to extend standard library's struct types (eg. Optional) makes use of workaround like the above.
I just ran into this problem too. Although I too would like a better understanding of why this is so, the Swift language reference (the guide says nothing about this) has the following from the Generic Parameters section:
Where Clauses
You can specify additional requirements on type parameters and their
associated types by including a where clause after the generic
parameter list. A where clause consists of the where keyword, followed
by a comma-separated list of one or more requirements.
The requirements in a where clause specify that a type parameter
inherits from a class or conforms to a protocol or protocol
composition. Although the where clause provides syntactic sugar for
expressing simple constraints on type parameters (for instance, T:
Comparable is equivalent to T where T: Comparable and so on), you can
use it to provide more complex constraints on type parameters and
their associated types. For instance, you can express the constraints
that a generic type T inherits from a class C and conforms to a
protocol P as <T where T: C, T: P>.
So 'Self' cannot be a struct or emum it seems, which is a shame. Presumably there is a language design reason for this. The compiler error message could certainly be clearer though.
As Foo is an existing type, you could simply extend it this way:
struct Foo { // <== remove MyProtocol
let myVar: String
init(myVar: String) {
self.myVar = myVar
// extending the type
extension Foo: MyProtocol {
func bar() {
From The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2.2):
If you define an extension to add new functionality to an existing type, the new functionality will be available on all existing instances of that type, even if they were created before the extension was defined.

When should I use class-only protocol rathar than #objc?

When we want to limit protocol adoption to class types, we can use :class protocol or #objc protocol.
But, I fail to see the advantage of "class-only protocol" over #objc protocol.
The differences I know:
#objc is more space efficient.
#objc protocol ProtocolObjC {}
protocol ProtocolClass: class {}
sizeof(ProtocolObjC) // -> 8
sizeof(ProtocolClass) // -> 16
Checking for Protocol Conformance
Only for #objc protocol
#objc protocol ProtocolObjC {}
protocol ProtocolClass: class {}
let obj:AnyObject = NSObject()
obj is ProtocolObjC // -> false
obj is ProtocolClass // < [!] error: cannot downcast from 'AnyObject' to non-#objc protocol type 'ProtocolClass'
Optional Protocol Requirements
Only for #objc protocol
#objc protocol ProtocolObjC {
optional func foo()
protocol ProtocolClass: class {
optional func foo() // < [!] error: 'optional' can only be applied to members of an #objc protocol
So, is there any use case where we should use : class protocol? or someone know any disadvantages of #objc?
ADDED: Thanks #Antonio !
enum MyEnum { case A,B,C }
#objc protocol ProtoObjC {
// Generics
typealias FooType
var foo:FooType {get set}
// Tuple
var bar:(Int,Int) {get set}
// Enum
var baz:MyEnum {get set}
All of them causes compile error.
I think they are 2 different things not to be compared to each other.
My rule of thumb is that native swift protocols should always be used, unless objc compatibility is needed, or unless a certain feature available through #objc only is needed..
However the advantage of using swift protocols is that all swift related features, non available in objc, can be used, such as:
swift enums
But regardless of that, I'd still stick with swift protocols for a pure stylistic choice.

Further constraining a generic function from a Swift Protocol

I have a Swift protocol defined like this:
protocol MyProtocol {
func genericMethod<T:MyProtocol>(param:T) -> ()
I can implement the generic method in a base class like this:
class MyBaseClass : MyProtocol {
func genericMethod<T where T:MyProtocol>(param:T) -> () {
println("Performing generic method for type \(T.self)")
class MySubClass : MyBaseClass {
So far, so good. I can implement this method and it compiles and runs just fine.
Now, I want to do something similar but in my base class I want to further constrain the type of the generic method by requiring it to conform with a protocol such as Comparable. I try this:
class MyBaseClass : MyProtocol {
func genericMethod<T where T:MyProtocol, T:Comparable>(param:T) -> () {
println("Performing generic method for type \(T.self)")
Once I add this additional constraint on type T, the class MyClass will not compile because it does not conform to the protocol anymore.
It seems like adding an additional constraint on a generic type should not cause it to cease conforming with a protocol. What am I missing? It seems to me that the protocol is saying that genericMethod must be passed a parameter of a type that conforms with MyProtocol. When I go to implement this in MyBaseClass - just one possible implementation of MyProtocol - that I should be able to restrict that implementation further by saying that the parameter myst conform with Comparable in addition to MyProtocol
Is there a way to refine a generic type in a base implementation like I'm trying to do here?
Adding the additional constraint on a generic type should cause it to cease conforming with the protocol because the protocol is supposed to guarantee conformance, and conformance cannot be guaranteed with subtypes that aren't Comparable. If you want all MyProtocol objects to conform to Comparable then you should make it part of the MyProtocol definition.
protocol MyProtocol: Comparable {
I haven't tried this, but it might also work if you make MyBaseClass a Comparable type.
One solution is to go the other way - define your protocol's version of the generic as the most restrictive case. This compiles:
protocol P {
func genericMethod<T where T:P, T:Comparable>(param:T) -> ()
class C1 : P {
func genericMethod<T> (param:T) -> () {} // compiles even though omits Comparable
func test() {
genericMethod(C1()) // compiles even though C1 is not a Comparable

How do I specify that a non-generic Swift type should comply to a protocol?

I'd like to implement a Swift method that takes in a certain class type, but only takes instances of those classes that comply to a specific protocol. For example, in Objective-C I have this method:
- (void)addFilter:(GPUImageOutput<GPUImageInput> *)newFilter;
where GPUImageOutput is a particular class, and GPUImageInput is a protocol. Only GPUImageOutput classes that comply to this protocol are acceptable inputs for this method.
However, the automatic Swift-generated version of the above is
func addFilter(newFilter: GPUImageOutput!)
This removes the requirement that GPUImageOutput classes comply with the GPUImageInput protocol, which will allow non-compliant objects to be passed in (and then crash at runtime). When I attempt to define this as GPUImageOutput<GPUImageInput>, the compiler throws an error of
Cannot specialize non-generic type 'GPUImageOutput'
How would I do such a class and protocol specialization in a parameter in Swift?
Is swift you must use generics, in this way:
Given these example declarations of protocol, main class and subclass:
protocol ExampleProtocol {
func printTest() // classes that implements this protocol must have this method
// an empty test class
class ATestClass
// a child class that implements the protocol
class ATestClassChild : ATestClass, ExampleProtocol
func printTest()
Now, you want to define a method that takes an input parameters of type ATestClass (or a child) that conforms to the protocol ExampleProtocol.
Write the method declaration like this:
func addFilter<T where T: ATestClass, T: ExampleProtocol>(newFilter: T)
Your method, redefined in swift, should be
func addFilter<T where T:GPUImageOutput, T:GPUImageInput>(newFilter:T!)
// ...
as your last comment, an example with generics on an Enum
enum OptionalValue<T> {
case None
case Some(T)
var possibleInteger: OptionalValue<Int> = .None
possibleInteger = .Some(100)
Specialized with protocol conformance:
enum OptionalValue<T where T:GPUImageOutput, T:GPUImageInput> {
case None
case Some(T)
you can use generics even with instance variables:
Let's say you have a class and an instance variable, you want that this instance variable takes only values of the type ATestClass and that conforms to ExampleProtocol
class GiveMeAGeneric<T: ATestClass where T: ExampleProtocol>
var aGenericVar : T?
Then instantiate it in this way:
var child = ATestClassChild()
let aGen = GiveMeAGeneric<ATestClassChild>()
aGen.aGenericVar = child
If child doesn't conform to the protocol ExampleProtocol, it won't compile
this method header from ObjC:
- (void)addFilter:(GPUImageOutput<GPUImageInput> *)newFilter { ... }
is identical to this header in Swift:
func addFilter<T: GPUImageOutput where T: GPUImageInput>(newFilter: T?) { ... }
both method will accept the same set of classes
which is based on GPUImageOutput class; and
conforms GPUImageInput protocol; and
the newFilter is optional, it can be nil;
From Swift 4 onwards you can do:
func addFilter(newFilter: GPUImageOutput & GPUImageInput)
Further reading:
Multiple Type Constraints in Swift