Use GitHub for Windows for GitLab project when the GitLab account is setup through GitHub - github

I an account on GitLab that was created using the sign in through GitHub option. When I attempt to connect a repository hosted on GitLab using the GitHub for Windows (GHfW) application, it asks for my username and password for GitLab. The problem is I technically don't have a username and password for GitLab. On the off chance it would work, I tried using my GitHub username and password, but that doesn't work.
I haven't been able to find anything that solves this issue. Is there anything I can do to get the GHfW application to work with this account and repository?


Not able to bring Bitbucket repo to azure devops

I have generated the app password and took the clone URL correctly, although azure devops seems to be not recognizing. Please help , below are the screenshots with error
I can reproduce your issue:
To clone a repository, the app password should at least have
Repositories -> Read premission:
When importing the repository, the username should be your account
name rather than app password name.

How do I fix problem synching with github on second PC?

I use private repositories on github and can access these quite successfully from my development PC and from some Azure VMs. I do not do anything at commend line. I do everything via TortoiseGit. These are all running windows 10.
On my second PC I used to be able to pull and push, but now it keeps asking ffor github login details, but it rejects these as invalid. I can log into github itself from the PC with the same user name and password. Any idea how I can synch with githib again on this PC ?
GitHub recently disabled password login for Git actions. YOu need to use a special app token.

Jenkins giving Permission denied (publickey) on adding github repo

I am using Jenkins Github plugin and was using public/private key for one repo, which was working alright. But I got problem when I added another repo, because github doesn't allow sharing public key across multiple repos.
So i integrated jenkins using github token (in Jenkins > manage > configure system and service in github) and removed private/public keys in jenkins server and github. Now when I add repo, I get Permission denied (publickey) error (image attached)
How do i integrate multiple github repos with my jenkins server?
Found the problem. There is key attached to account of user who's token was added to jenkins. My assumption was it should not have mattered as token was added. But that's not correct.
Added private keys of user who's token was used, in jenkins server and everything returns to normal
Got hint from Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository

How to give the push access to github repo without giving the github account credentials?

I wrote the tool which use the one github repo as a cloud storage.
I need to give the write (push) access for this tool to one github repo, but I do not want to use the github user credentials (user name and password), because anyone can use it to logon to github and change the credentials or delete the repo.
You can generate an OAuth authorization for your specific app.
See an example here: it supposed you have registered you app in your account.

How to configure Ubuntu 14.04 Jenkins to connect to GitHub

I found the answer. You can't use a pass phrase when you generate the key. (It's an easy mistake to make, since the GitHub instructions strongly suggest that you do use a pass phrase. Presumably the case of deploy keys is an exception).
Have been trying to setup a Jenkins server on Ubuntu 14.04. Have installed Jenkins no problems, but am unable to connect to the secure repository URL. I'm getting permission denied (public key). I have tried a lot of solutions that I researched on the web, but still no success.
Here are the details:
Jenkins installed no problems and running as user jenkins
GitHub plugin is installed
Have followed the github instructions on keygen. I tried this as my own user (kim) on the ubuntu machine, and have also done it as the jenkins user
Am loading the public key as a deploy key against the github repo
Am loading the private key directly in the credentials in jenkins
Have tried numerous different usernames in the Jenkins credentials setup (including git,, and my git hub user name)
The authentication test (ssh -T works no bother
I have tried this solution, Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository. Again, the ssh test works fine (against the alias), but Jenkins still fails
I'm running out of ideas?