Not able to bring Bitbucket repo to azure devops - azure-devops

I have generated the app password and took the clone URL correctly, although azure devops seems to be not recognizing. Please help , below are the screenshots with error

I can reproduce your issue:
To clone a repository, the app password should at least have
Repositories -> Read premission:
When importing the repository, the username should be your account
name rather than app password name.


Authentication error cloning Azure Devop's repo in OS X

I have created a project in my Azure DevOps but when I try to clone it with Visual Studio Code or SourceTree it asks me for the password and the password I use is the one associated with my account, which is the Azure tenant administrator account with which I have logged into Azure DevOps and with which I have created the project.
but he always rejects me
I have the latest git version installed in OSX
Any idea, please?
This should be related to the Git credential in your local, try to remove them and try again.
If it still does not work, you could use PAT(personal access token) to clone the repo, it should work.
git clone https://<Your-PAT-Here>

Azure Devops clone This is not a valid source path in source tree

I have managed to finally add my devops account in sourcetree using the path
Now I am having issues cloning the repository
I am using the path that devops gives me
but I get an error saying
This is not a valid source
The details reveal authentication issues... Yet it authenticated fine when adding the account.
What is going on? Does the azure account have to be the default account?
I managed to fix this by changing from the sourcetree embedded git to my system git Tools>Options>Git>Git Version>Select System. Afterwards when trying again it prompted me to login on my organization domain with 2 factor as if logging in on the devops web app directly.
My system Git is using manager-core for the credential management which is probably not the same system which the embedded version used.
I tried the above solutions (and more) but for me what in the end solved the problem was that the git-password I first wrongly entered when I tried to access the repo had been saved in Keychain (MacOS) and when I tried again this password was used without giving me the option to type it in again. I deleted the password to the Azure DevOps project in Keychain and then got prompted to enter the password again whereafter I pasted the Personal Access Token (!!) generated in Azure Devops and it finally worked!
It could happen when you entered wrong credentials and you don't get asked again, try this:
Go to : Sourtree->Preferences->Advance (tab)
Under: "Default usernames for URLs which do not include one:" delete your wrong credentials.
Try accessing your repo again with right credentials.
This is not the issue which caused by Azure devops. No matter, or the URL which like, they should all available git source.
For me, I just try with multi different git URLs, and found the few of URLs are failed with same error with you. But it prompt This is a git repository after I exit the SourceTree and re-configure the clone with same URL which encountered the error previously.
This seems be the most common Sourcetree problem which encountered by many users, not just the URL of azure devops that you occurred.
Check this thread, and try with its recommend way:
Open source tree, Tools -> Options -> Click on Git Tab -> Update
Embedded Git.
Or, consider the method I used: exit the Sourcetree, and re-configure the clone with same URL. (Not recommend since this can not permanently solve this issue)

Authentication failed importing VSTS Git repo into BitBucket

I'm attempting to move my Git repo from (VSTS) to BitBucket, and I'm working through the BitBucket UI and choosing to import the repo. I've supplied the repo url in the following format:
And I supply my login credentials in the fields below, but I'm getting an authentication error as per the screenshot. Any ideas on what to do?
Use a personal authentication token. Provide the PAT as your username and leave the password blank.

How to give the push access to github repo without giving the github account credentials?

I wrote the tool which use the one github repo as a cloud storage.
I need to give the write (push) access for this tool to one github repo, but I do not want to use the github user credentials (user name and password), because anyone can use it to logon to github and change the credentials or delete the repo.
You can generate an OAuth authorization for your specific app.
See an example here: it supposed you have registered you app in your account.

Use GitHub for Windows for GitLab project when the GitLab account is setup through GitHub

I an account on GitLab that was created using the sign in through GitHub option. When I attempt to connect a repository hosted on GitLab using the GitHub for Windows (GHfW) application, it asks for my username and password for GitLab. The problem is I technically don't have a username and password for GitLab. On the off chance it would work, I tried using my GitHub username and password, but that doesn't work.
I haven't been able to find anything that solves this issue. Is there anything I can do to get the GHfW application to work with this account and repository?