Execution stops on Cookies.getCookie() call with no exceptions - gwt

I'm trying to read a Cookie value in my server side implementation class. After some debugging my code now looks like this:
logger.info("Initiating login");
String oracleDad;
try {
logger.info("inside try");
oracleDad = Cookies.getCookie("dad");
logger.info("Read dad from cookie: " + oracleDad);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to read dad from cookie", e);
oracleDad = "gtmd";
When I execute this code my onFailure block is fired with a Status code Exception:
com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.StatusCodeException: 500 The call
failed on the server; see server log for details
My logging output on the server looks like this:
[INFO] c.g.e.server.rpc.MyProjectImpl - Initiating login
[INFO] c.g.e.server.rpc.MyProjectImpl - inside try
How is it possible that neither logger, the INFO or the ERROR, fire after the Cookies.getCookie() call? I'd hoped that by adding the catch(Exception e) I'd get some error message explaining why the code fails. But execution just seems to stop silently.
I'm using com.google.gwt.user.client.Cookies. I thought client code can be run on the server, just not vice versa. Is that correct? Is there something else I'm missing?

I'm using com.google.gwt.user.client.Cookies. I thought client code can be run on the server, just not vice versa. Is that correct? Is there something else I'm missing?
No, that's not correct, yes there is something you are missing: Server code can't run on the client, and client code can't run on the server.
You are not getting an Exception. You are getting an Error or some other Throwable.
Try catching Throwable in your try/catch block, and you'll see that you are getting an error where the server JVM is unable to load the Cookies class, because something is wrong. The JVM thinks that a native library is missing (because it doesn't know what JSNI is or how to run it), so it throws an UnsatisfiedLinkError:
Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine cannot find an appropriate native-language definition of a method declared native.
In GWT, the Cookies class is meant to interact with the browser itself to see what cookies have been defined on the currently loaded page. To use cookies on a J2EE server, ask the HttpServletRequest object for the cookies it knows about, and their values.


Vertx not able to handle internal code error to client automatically

I have a verticle which accepts REST request, get data from other verticle through event bus and respond back to client.
vertx.exceptionHandler(event -> logger.error("Vertx exception ", event));
public void routerHandler(RoutingContext rc) {
vertx.eventBus().request("data", param,
result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
logger.info("Request handled successfully");
// intentionally creating exception body() will return String
JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) result.result().body();
logger.error("Request failed");
When a exception is raised it is printed in exception handler that I setup in vertx instance but after that the vertx is not reporting back the exception immediately to client instead it waits for timeout(30 secs) to occur.
I tried attaching error handler to router object and failure handler to route object but nothing helps to report the exception immediately to client. I know I can have a try catch and report the error in catch block. But I want know if there is any other way to handle this like Servlet or Spring MVC reports back to client even though the exception is not handled in code.
router.errorHandler(500,routingContext -> {
routingContext.response().end("Exception ");
router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create()).failureHandler(routingContext -> {
Uncaught exceptions are reported to the context exceptionHandler. By default it prints the exception to the console.
You can configure it but you will not get a reference to the corresponding HTTP request anyway (the exception may come from different things).
Most problems like this are usually found during unit/integration/acceptance testing.
And for the remainders you could set a timeout handler on your router definition to make sure the request is ended before the default 30 seconds.
If you don't want to miss any uncaught exception, you should switch to the Vert.x Rxified API. When using RxJava, any exception thrown will be reported to the subscriber.

vertx timeout if async result is failed

I am seeing a timeout in the browser when the server-side service ends in a failed result. Everything works fine if the service call succeeds but it seems as though the browser never receives a response if the call fails.
My service passes a result handler to a DAO containing the following code:
final SQLConnection conn = ar.result();
conn.updateWithParams(INSERT_SQL, params, insertAsyncResult -> {
if (insertAsyncResult.failed()) {
resultHandler.handle(ServiceException.fail(1, "TODO"));
} else {
I'm not sure where to go from here. How do I debug what the framework is sending back to the client?
The problem was that I needed to register a ServiceExceptionMessageCodec in an intermediate Verticle, one that was sitting between the browser and the Verticle that was performing the database operation.

How to configure Citrus LogginReporter to show full stack trace when there is an ActionTimeoutException?

While running test (with Citrus or not) an exception may occurs if the test expects a message on a queue but the message isn't received before the timeout expires.
In this case I'd like know which line throws the Exception.
Unfortunatelly citrus doesn't show this information.
Here's my code :
public void testFail() {
mycheckNoError3(), //this one fails , we want to know it and which line throws the ActionTimeoutException
protected AbstractActionContainer mycheckNoError3() {
AbstractActionContainer aCatch = catchException().exception(ActionTimeoutException.class)
return aCatch;
And here's the stacktrace of citrus, that doesn't show the line that throws the exception:
INFO .c.r.LoggingReporter|
ERROR .c.r.LoggingReporter| TEST FAILED MyTest.test <package.test> Nested exception is:
com.consol.citrus.exceptions.ActionTimeoutException: Action timed out while receiving JMS message on 'testQueue'
at com.consol.citrus.jms.endpoint.JmsConsumer.receive(JmsConsumer.java:95) ~[citrus-jms-2.7.5.jar:na]
at com.consol.citrus.jms.endpoint.JmsConsumer.receive(JmsConsumer.java:60) ~[citrus-jms-2.7.5.jar:na]
at com.consol.citrus.jms.endpoint.JmsSyncConsumer.receive(JmsSyncConsumer.java:60) ~[citrus-jms-2.7.5.jar:na]
The only way I found was to pass the stacktrace as parameter of a method timeoutException() I wrote:
private TestAction timeoutException(StackTraceElement[] methodName) {
System.out.println("++++++++++ timeout Exception at line " + methodName[1].getLineNumber() + " in method: [" + methodName[1].getMethodName() + "]");
return null;
But I guess there is a better way to do this.
Is there a way to configure properly citrus and/or override the LoggingReporter to show the line number that make the exception happen ?
(in this case, this is the line: when(receive("for_soap_q")...)
You can overwrite the default Logging reporter by placing a bean named 'loggingReporter' in the Spring application context. In addition to that you can add custom reporters and test listeners when choosing different bean naming. Just add the custom listeners to the Spring application context and they will get test events and throwable errors for reporting.
Also make sure to use the TestRunner fluent API instead of the TestDesigner fluent API. Designer is slightly more straight forward but runner will execute the test actions immediately while building the test case with the fluent API. So you will get more detailed stack traces with correct line numbers and the ability to set breakpoints for better debugging.

Scalatra: printing the HTTP status code of all APIs

I have a scalatra servlet with multiple REST APIs. For logging purposes, I use the after() method to print out the return status code after each API is called.
after() {
logger.info("request {} {} returned with status code {}", request.getMethod, request.getRequestURL, response.getStatus.toString)
I have noticed that when a method returns with halt, the status code is printed correctly, but when the method return a status code in the last line (without halt), the status code which will be printed will always be 200, regardless of real status returned.
For example:
post("/users/:user") {
try {
//some logic here...
halt(InternalServerError("DB error")) //this will cause status 500 to be printed in the 'after' method
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
InternalServerError("an unknown error occurred") //this will cause status 200 to be printed in the 'after' method
The user gets back the real status code (500) in both cases.
Any idea why this happens? Is this a bug?
I posted this question on the scalatra-user mailing list, but the list seems to be quite inactive.
(disclaimer: I'm not a Scalatra developer but I have been using it for a project. This is based on me reading the code some time ago.)
This has to do with the way Scalatra is handling thrown exceptions (the relevant code seems to be start from this one). If the somewhere in runActions an exception is thrown (halt throws a HaltException), the catch block of cradleHalt will be called and we go to renderHaltException which will set the response status code.
It's not exactly the same when you're not calling halt but returns an ActionResult directly. In that case, executeRoutes seems to produce a value which is then passed on to renderResponse, which will then call renderResponseBody and finally the renderPipeline. This block seems to be the place where the actual status code from an ActionResult is actually set. However, the after function is already called (it was called in actionResult, before executeRoutes returns). So what you get is exactly your behavior: when you don't use halt, the correct response status is only set in the actual response but not your logging call.
You've probably tried this, but the quick fix to your InternalServerError not generating the correct HTTP status code when logged is to simply wrap it in another halt call.
As to whether this is a bug, I can't say. I'm guessing probably not, because they did say in the executeRoutes documentation that after is called before the actionResult is passed to renderResponse. What was not clear was that the act of rendering actionResult also sets the HTTP error code, which you wanted to log before.
You'll have to confirm with them on that :).

How can I determine why onFailure is triggered in GWT-RPC?

I have a project that does 2 RPC calls and then saves the data that the user provided in tha datastore. The first RPC call works ok, but from the second I always recieve the onFailure() message. How can I determine why the onFailure() is triggered? I tried caught.getCause() but it doesn't return anything.
new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Show the RPC error message to the user
public void onSuccess(String result) {
Throwable instance is instance of an Exception. You can check if it is a custom Exception like this:
if (caught instanceOf CustomException){
or if you want to show the message of exception you can use the getMessage():
Window.alert("Failure: " + caught.getMessage());
GWT-rpc is not not easy to ebug if an error occurs.
The easiest part is th check if the Exception is part of StatusCodeException.
A Statuscode of 404 means, you are pointing to a wrong endpoint
0 means, that
The searver is unreachable
You don't have permissions to check, if the server is available (X-domain-request)
You can use the Chrome-Web-Inspector to bedug GWT-RPC
You should be able to see all calls from the browser to you backend.
The most common failures are because of serialization of object. You have to ensure, that all dtransferred object implement java.io.Serializable
Most of the time it will just be a server side exception being raised which fires the onFailure() method.
Try putting breakpoints on your server side. That should help you pinpoint what's going wrong.