How can I determine why onFailure is triggered in GWT-RPC? - gwt

I have a project that does 2 RPC calls and then saves the data that the user provided in tha datastore. The first RPC call works ok, but from the second I always recieve the onFailure() message. How can I determine why the onFailure() is triggered? I tried caught.getCause() but it doesn't return anything.
new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Show the RPC error message to the user
public void onSuccess(String result) {

Throwable instance is instance of an Exception. You can check if it is a custom Exception like this:
if (caught instanceOf CustomException){
or if you want to show the message of exception you can use the getMessage():
Window.alert("Failure: " + caught.getMessage());

GWT-rpc is not not easy to ebug if an error occurs.
The easiest part is th check if the Exception is part of StatusCodeException.
A Statuscode of 404 means, you are pointing to a wrong endpoint
0 means, that
The searver is unreachable
You don't have permissions to check, if the server is available (X-domain-request)
You can use the Chrome-Web-Inspector to bedug GWT-RPC
You should be able to see all calls from the browser to you backend.
The most common failures are because of serialization of object. You have to ensure, that all dtransferred object implement

Most of the time it will just be a server side exception being raised which fires the onFailure() method.
Try putting breakpoints on your server side. That should help you pinpoint what's going wrong.


Vertx not able to handle internal code error to client automatically

I have a verticle which accepts REST request, get data from other verticle through event bus and respond back to client.
vertx.exceptionHandler(event -> logger.error("Vertx exception ", event));
public void routerHandler(RoutingContext rc) {
vertx.eventBus().request("data", param,
result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {"Request handled successfully");
// intentionally creating exception body() will return String
JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) result.result().body();
logger.error("Request failed");
When a exception is raised it is printed in exception handler that I setup in vertx instance but after that the vertx is not reporting back the exception immediately to client instead it waits for timeout(30 secs) to occur.
I tried attaching error handler to router object and failure handler to route object but nothing helps to report the exception immediately to client. I know I can have a try catch and report the error in catch block. But I want know if there is any other way to handle this like Servlet or Spring MVC reports back to client even though the exception is not handled in code.
router.errorHandler(500,routingContext -> {
routingContext.response().end("Exception ");
router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create()).failureHandler(routingContext -> {
Uncaught exceptions are reported to the context exceptionHandler. By default it prints the exception to the console.
You can configure it but you will not get a reference to the corresponding HTTP request anyway (the exception may come from different things).
Most problems like this are usually found during unit/integration/acceptance testing.
And for the remainders you could set a timeout handler on your router definition to make sure the request is ended before the default 30 seconds.
If you don't want to miss any uncaught exception, you should switch to the Vert.x Rxified API. When using RxJava, any exception thrown will be reported to the subscriber.

What is best apprach to attempt multiple times same RPC call

What is best way to attempt multiple time same RPC call while failing RPC call?
just example: Here one case like if RPC get failed due to network connection, it will catch in onFailure(Throwable caught).
Now here it should recall same RPC again for check network connection. The maximum attempt should be 3 times only then show message to user like "Network is not established"
How can I achieve it?
Some couple of thoughts like call same rpc call in onFailure but here request become different.but I want same request have a three request and it is not good approach and I don't know if any good solution for it.
Thanks In Advance.
Use a counter in your AsynCallBack implementation. I recommend as well to use a timer before requesting the server again.
This code should work:
final GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
final String textToServer = "foo";
greetingService.greetServer(textToServer, new AsyncCallback<String>() {
int tries = 0;
public void onSuccess(String result) {
// Do something
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
if (tries ++ < 3) {
// Optional Enclose the new call in a timer to wait sometime before requesting the server again
new Timer() {
public void run() {
greetingService.greetServer(textToServer, this);
#Jens given this answer from Google Groups.
You could transparently handle this for all your requests of a given GWT-RPC interface by using a custom RpcRequestBuilder. This custom RpcRequestBuilder would make 3 request attempts and if all 3 fail, calls the onFailure() method.
MyRemoteServiceAsync service = GWT.create(MyRemoteService.class);
((ServiceDefTarget) service).setRpcRequestBuilder(new RetryThreeTimesRequestBuilder());
The custom RequestBuilder could also fire a "NetworkFailureEvent" on the eventBus if multiple application components may be interested in that information. For example you could overlay the whole app with a dark screen and periodically try sending Ping requests to your server until network comes back online. There is also the onLine HTML 5 property you can check, but its not 100% reliable (

In GWT, when is the AsyncCallback:onFailure method called in a json-p request using JsonpRequestBuilder

I've been implementing a GWT application that calls a REST-service (which we're also developing). When the REST-service returns anything with a HTTP-status other than 200 I would expect the onFailure method of AsyncCallback to be called. However I can't get this to happen.
To test it further I created a test GWT app and a test servlet. The part of the GWT app that calls the service looks like this:
JsonpRequestBuilder jsonp = new JsonpRequestBuilder();
jsonp.requestObject(url, new AsyncCallback<JavaScriptObject>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
Window.alert("Failure: " + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(JavaScriptObject result)
The servlet-code looks like this:
public class MyRestServlet extends HttpServlet
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws ServletException, IOException
String padding = httpServletRequest.getParameter("_jsonp_failure");
PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter();
out.println(padding + "({\"some\":\"json\"});");
OnFailure eventually gets called when the request times out, but I would expect it to be called as soon as the http response arrives(if it's a failure). I guess there is something I haven't understood and I would really appreciate to get some help with this.
According to HTML5, if there's an error loading the script, an error event should be dispatched, and GWT doesn't listen for it (because almost no browser actually fires it AFAICT).
For best browser compatibility, you'd better always send a 200 status, but then call the failure callback (or in other words, return an error state/condition, rather than throw an exception).
Also, the argument to the failure callback is expected to be a string (will be the message of the exception).
From the server code where you call the REST service, throw an exception yourself if the response is something other than 200 (by writing code to check the response yourself). This way it will persist to the client side as an error and onFailure will be called in client side.
In GWT's mind currently nothing went wrong. It sent a request, got some result did not matter what, the call was successful. It does call the onFailure on a timeout because something did go wrong with the request "physically", and GWT persisted the exception to the client side as a failure.

How to know weathere the page is started navigating or not?

I am facing this Problem Since last day .Here it is and need help of you .
I am working on a web application, and Sending and retrieving data from Server through an RPC .
My problem is that If I clicked on any action , i am sending an request and if I Clicked on any other links which are navigate the page to other view, without retrieving data of first RPC i am getting the Exception because of that navigation .
I need to avoid it by knowing the navigation .
here i written the code .Lets check once :
public void onFailure(Throwable exception) {
if (exception instanceof StatusCodeException) {
if (((StatusCodeException) exception).getStatusCode() == 403) {
MyExcclass.showMessage("session expired");
} else {
MyExcclass.showInformation("unable to perform the action");
I am getting the unable to perform action .
If the page is unloaded when the RPC response comes back, you should see a StatusCodeException with getStatusCode() of 0.
If you want, you can preemptively cancel the requests within a Window.addCloseHandler. This means you'd have to provide your own RpcRequestBuilder for each remote service to keep the Request instances around (in a Set) until they're completed (you'd wrap the RequestCallback to remove the associated Request from the Set in onSuccess or onFailure); and in your CloseHandler you'd iterate on the Set to cancel() all pending Request. Overall, it's easier to handle the getStatusCode() == 0 case in your AsyncCallback.onFailure methods.

RequestFactory service inheritance on the client in GWT 2.4

GWT 2.4 brings service inheritance on the client (issue 6234, issue 6035).
I've been waiting for this future for a long time, as it saves a lot of duplicated code on the client. I've started implementing it, but so for with mixed success.
This is my code:
public interface BaseEntityRequest<T>
Request<Void> put(T entity);
Request<List<T>> getAllOrderBy(String propertyName);
Request<List<T>> getRangeAndFilter(int limit,int offset, QueryInfoProxy queryInfo);
#Service(value = EgdDao.class, locator = DaoServiceLocator.class)
public interface EgdRequest extends RequestContext, BaseEntityRequest<EgdProxy>
Request<Void> exportToExcel(QueryInfoProxy queryInfo, String userName);
So far getAllOrderBy and getRangeAndFilter work fine, but put(T entity) does not.
I get the following error in the console:
[ERROR] Unexpected error
and this gets returned in the receiver onFailure ServerFailure message:
Problem accessing /gwtRequest. Reason:
The only cause, that I can see, for the put method not to work, when the others do, is that it uses the generic parameter T. When I move the put method in the EgdRequest interface (using EgdProxy as a parameter instead of T) it starts to work, so I know my server code is fine.
Does anybody have any idea how to implement this correctly?
It's a GWT bug. See