How to set wait timeout for a queue in Amazon redshift? - amazon-redshift

I know there exists a wlm timeout which times out when the query 'executes' more than that time. But can i set a timeout for the amount of time a query waits in the queue ?

You can control the amount of time that query spends waiting in queue indirectly by specifying statement_timeout configuration parameter on session or whole cluster level in addition to max_execution_time parameter on WLM level. If both WLM timeout (max_execution_time) and statement_timeout are specified, the shorter timeout is used. In this case the maximum time that query will be able to wait in the queue is "statement_timeout" minus "max_execution_time".

You can modify your WLM configuration to create separate queues for the queries on the basis of time they require to run and at runtime, you can route queries to the queues according to user groups or query groups. Hope that is what you want.


Difference between eventTimeTimeout and processingTimeTimeout in mapGroupsWithState

What is the difference between eventTimeTimeout and processingTimeTimeout in mapGroupsWithState?
Also, is possible to make a state expire after every 10 min and if the data for that particular key arrives after 10 min the state should be maintained from the beginning?
In short:
processing-based timeouts rely on the time/clock of the machine your job is running. It is independent of any timestamps given in your data/events.
event-based timeouts rely on a timestamp column within your data that serves as the event time. In that case you need to declare this timestamp as a Watermark.
More details are available in the Scala Docs on the relevant class
With ProcessingTimeTimeout, the timeout duration can be set by calling GroupState.setTimeoutDuration. The timeout will occur when the clock has advanced by the set duration. Guarantees provided by this timeout with a duration of D ms are as follows:
Timeout will never be occur before the clock time has advanced by D ms
Timeout will occur eventually when there is a trigger in the query (i.e. after D ms). So there is a no strict upper bound on when the timeout would occur. For example, the trigger interval of the query will affect when the timeout actually occurs. If there is no data in the stream (for any group) for a while, then their will not be any trigger and timeout function call will not occur until there is data.
Since the processing time timeout is based on the clock time, it is affected by the variations in the system clock (i.e. time zone changes, clock skew, etc.).
With EventTimeTimeout, the user also has to specify the event time watermark in the query using Dataset.withWatermark(). With this setting, data that is older than the watermark are filtered out. The timeout can be set for a group by setting a timeout timestamp usingGroupState.setTimeoutTimestamp(), and the timeout would occur when the watermark advances beyond the set timestamp. You can control the timeout delay by two parameters - (i) watermark delay and an additional duration beyond the timestamp in the event (which is guaranteed to be newer than watermark due to the filtering). Guarantees provided by this timeout are as follows:
Timeout will never be occur before watermark has exceeded the set timeout.
Similar to processing time timeouts, there is a no strict upper bound on the delay when the timeout actually occurs. The watermark can advance only when there is data in the stream, and the event time of the data has actually advanced.
"Also, is possible to make a state expire after every 10 min and if the data for that particular key arrives after 10 min the state should be maintained from the beginning?"
This is happening automatically when using mapGroupsWithState. You just need to make sure to actually remove the state after the 10 minutes.

How should I pick ScheduleToStartTimeout and StartToCloseTimeout values for ActivityOptions

There are four different timeout options in the ActivityOptions, and two of those are mandatory without any default values: ScheduleToStartTimeout and StartToCloseTimeout.
What considerations should be made when selecting values for these timeouts?
As mentioned in the question, there are four different timeout options in ActivityOptions, and the differences between them may not be super clear to a new Cadence user. Let’s first briefly explain what those are:
ScheduleToStartTimeout: This configuration specifies the maximum
duration between the time the Activity is scheduled by a workflow and
it’s picked up by an activity worker to start executing it. In other
words, it configures the time a task spends in the queue.
StartToCloseTimeout: This one specifies the maximum time taken by
an activity worker from the time it fetches a task until it reports
the completion of it to the Cadence server.
ScheduleToCloseTimeout: This configuration specifies an end-to-end
timeout duration for an activity from the time it is scheduled by the
workflow until it is completed by an activity worker.
HeartbeatTimeout: If your activity is a heartbeating activity, this
configuration basically specifies the maximum duration the Cadence
server would wait for a heartbeat before assuming the activity worker
has failed.
How to select a proper timeout value
Picking the StartToCloseTimeout is fairly straightforward when you know what it does. Essentially, you should make this long enough so that the activity can complete under normal circumstances. Therefore, you should account for everything that can affect the time taken by an activity worker the latency of your down-stream (ie. services, networking etc.). On the other hand, you should aim to keep this value as small as it’s feasible to make your end-to-end system more responsive. If you can’t make this timeout less than a couple of minutes (ideally 1 minute or less), you should consider using a HeartbeatTimeout config and implement heartbeating in your activity.
ScheduleToCloseTimeout is also easy to understand, but it is more common to face issues caused by picking a less-than-ideal value here. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that a moment to pay some extra attention to this configuration.
Basically, you should consider everything that can create a backlog in the activity task queue. Some common events that contribute to a backlog are:
Reduced worker pool throughput due to deployments, maintenance or
network-related issues.
Down-stream latency spikes that would increase the time it takes to
complete each activity task, which then reduces the throughput of the
worker pool.
A significant spike in the number of workflow instances that schedule
the activity; especially if one of the upstream services is also an
asynchronous queue/stream processor which can create its own backlog
and suddenly start processing it at a very high-volume.
Ideally, no activity should timeout while waiting in the task queue, especially if the queue is backed up and the activity is configured to be retried. Because the retries would add more activity tasks to the queue and subsequently make it harder to recover from backlog or make it even worse. On the other hand, there are many use cases where business requirements really limit the total time the system can take to process an activity. Therefore, it’s usually not a bad idea to aim for a high ScheduleToCloseTimeout value as long as the business requirements allow. Depending on your use case, it might not make sense to keep your activity in the queue for more than a few minutes or it might be perfectly fine to keep it there for several days before timing out.

How to timeout idle user sessions in Redshift?

I am looking for a way to terminate user sessions that have been inactive or open for an arbitrary amount of time in Redshift. I noticed that in STV_SESSIONS I have a large number of sessions open, often for the same user, sometimes having been initialized days earlier. While I understand that this might be a symptom of a larger issue with the way some things close out of Redshift, I was hoping for a configurable timeout solution.
In the AWS documentation I found PG_TERMINATE_BACKEND (, but I was hoping for a more automatic solution.
the timeout is only for timing out queries and not for a session.
Timeout (ms)
The maximum time, in milliseconds, queries can run before being canceled. If a read-only query, such as a SELECT statement, is canceled due to a WLM timeout, WLM attempts to route the query to the next matching queue based on the WLM Queue Assignment Rules. If the query doesn't match any other queue definition, the query is canceled; it is not assigned to the default queue. For more information, see WLM Query Queue Hopping. WLM timeout doesn’t apply to a query that has reached the returning state. To view the state of a query, see the STV_WLM_QUERY_STATE system table.
JSON property: max_execution_time
You can use Workload Management Configuration in AWS redshift. Where you can set the user group, query group, and timeout sessions. You can group all the same users together and assign a group name to them and set the timeout session for them. This is how I do it. Set the Query queue, based on your priority and then set concurrency level for the user group and the timeout in ms.
For more information, you can refer to AWS documentation.
Source - Workload Management
- Configuring Workload Management
Its pretty easy and straight forward.
If I’ve made a bad assumption please comment and I’ll refocus my answer.
You can use the newly introduced idle session timeout feature in Redshift. It is available both when creating a user and post creation (using Alter statement). Lookup the SESSION TIMEOUT parameter.

How to put a rate limit on a celery queue?

I read this in the celery documentation for Task.rate_limit:
Note that this is a per worker instance rate limit, and not a global rate limit. To enforce a global rate limit (e.g., for an API with a maximum number of requests per second), you must restrict to a given queue.
How do I put a rate limit on a celery queue?
Turns out it cant be done at queue level for multiple workers.
IT can be done at queue level for 1 worker. Or at queue level for each worker.
So if u say 10 jobs/ minute on 5 workers. Your workers will process upto 50 jobs per minute collectively.
So to have only 10 jobs running at a time you either chose one worker. Or chose 5 workers with a limit of 2/minute.
Update: How to exactly put the limit in settings/configuration:
task_annotations = {'tasks.<task_name>': {'rate_limit': '10/m'}}
or change the same for all tasks:
task_annotations = {'*': {'rate_limit': '10/m'}}
10/m means 10 tasks per minute, /s would mean per second. More details here: Task annotations setting
hey I am trying to find a way to do rate limit on queue, and I find out Celery can't do that, however Celery can control the rate per tasks, see this:
so for a workaround, maybe you can set up one tasks per queue(which makes sense in a lot of situations), and put the limit on task.
You can set this limit in the flower > worker pane.
there is a specified blank space for entering your limit there.
The format that is suggested to be used is also like the below:
The rate limits can be specified in seconds, minutes or hours by appending “/s”, >“/m” or “/h” to the value. Tasks will be evenly distributed over the specified >time frame.
Example: “100/m” (hundred tasks a minute). This will enforce a minimum delay of >600ms between starting two tasks on the same worker instance.

How to kill KDB queries in RDB or HDB?

We have a ticker plant and sometimes someone mistakenly runs queries in HDB without a date or in RDB without a time or with some other processing logic which may kill KDB. How can we find and kill the query without restarting KDB instance?
You can set client query time out in your service:
param: '-T '
From wiki: The timeout parameter (note upper case) is an int that specifies the number of seconds any call from a client will execute before it is timed out and terminated. The default value is 0 which means no timeout. This parameter corresponds to the command \T.
Ex: start your q process as:
q -T 40
it will set client query timeout to 40 seconds.
As #Rahul says, you can use T for timeout.
If you're on a unix system you can also kill -SIGINT <pid> - which kills the current thread. In multithreaded mode you might get mixed results though.