How should I pick ScheduleToStartTimeout and StartToCloseTimeout values for ActivityOptions - cadence-workflow

There are four different timeout options in the ActivityOptions, and two of those are mandatory without any default values: ScheduleToStartTimeout and StartToCloseTimeout.
What considerations should be made when selecting values for these timeouts?

As mentioned in the question, there are four different timeout options in ActivityOptions, and the differences between them may not be super clear to a new Cadence user. Let’s first briefly explain what those are:
ScheduleToStartTimeout: This configuration specifies the maximum
duration between the time the Activity is scheduled by a workflow and
it’s picked up by an activity worker to start executing it. In other
words, it configures the time a task spends in the queue.
StartToCloseTimeout: This one specifies the maximum time taken by
an activity worker from the time it fetches a task until it reports
the completion of it to the Cadence server.
ScheduleToCloseTimeout: This configuration specifies an end-to-end
timeout duration for an activity from the time it is scheduled by the
workflow until it is completed by an activity worker.
HeartbeatTimeout: If your activity is a heartbeating activity, this
configuration basically specifies the maximum duration the Cadence
server would wait for a heartbeat before assuming the activity worker
has failed.
How to select a proper timeout value
Picking the StartToCloseTimeout is fairly straightforward when you know what it does. Essentially, you should make this long enough so that the activity can complete under normal circumstances. Therefore, you should account for everything that can affect the time taken by an activity worker the latency of your down-stream (ie. services, networking etc.). On the other hand, you should aim to keep this value as small as it’s feasible to make your end-to-end system more responsive. If you can’t make this timeout less than a couple of minutes (ideally 1 minute or less), you should consider using a HeartbeatTimeout config and implement heartbeating in your activity.
ScheduleToCloseTimeout is also easy to understand, but it is more common to face issues caused by picking a less-than-ideal value here. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that a moment to pay some extra attention to this configuration.
Basically, you should consider everything that can create a backlog in the activity task queue. Some common events that contribute to a backlog are:
Reduced worker pool throughput due to deployments, maintenance or
network-related issues.
Down-stream latency spikes that would increase the time it takes to
complete each activity task, which then reduces the throughput of the
worker pool.
A significant spike in the number of workflow instances that schedule
the activity; especially if one of the upstream services is also an
asynchronous queue/stream processor which can create its own backlog
and suddenly start processing it at a very high-volume.
Ideally, no activity should timeout while waiting in the task queue, especially if the queue is backed up and the activity is configured to be retried. Because the retries would add more activity tasks to the queue and subsequently make it harder to recover from backlog or make it even worse. On the other hand, there are many use cases where business requirements really limit the total time the system can take to process an activity. Therefore, it’s usually not a bad idea to aim for a high ScheduleToCloseTimeout value as long as the business requirements allow. Depending on your use case, it might not make sense to keep your activity in the queue for more than a few minutes or it might be perfectly fine to keep it there for several days before timing out.


Whether the workflow worker in uber-cadence has control of the number of coroutines?

If the workflow executes for a long time (for example, the workflow executes sleep), will a large number of coroutines be generated?
Cadence or Temporal workflow only needs a worker to generate the next steps to execute. When it is blocked waiting for an external event like a timer it doesn't consume any worker resources. So a single worker can process a practically unlimited number of workflows given that it can keep up with their execution rate.
As an optimization workflows are cached on a worker. But any of them can be kicked out of cache at any time without affecting their correctness.

Why doesn't my Azure Function scale up?

For a test, I created a new function app. I added two functions, one was an http trigger that when invoked, pushed 500 messages to a queue. The other, a queue trigger to read the messages. The queue trigger function code, was setup to read a message and randomly sleep from 1 to 30 seconds. This was intended to simulate longer running tasks.
I invoked the http trigger to create the messages, then watched the que fill up (messages were processed by the other trigger). I also wired up app insights to this function app, but I did not see is scale beyond 1 server.
Do Azure functions scale up soley on the # of messages in the que?
Also, I implemented these functions in Powershell.
If you're running in the Azure Functions consumption plan, we monitor both the length and the throughput of your queue to determine whether additional VM resources are needed.
Note that a single function app instance can process multiple queue messages concurrently without needing to scale across multiple VMs. So if all 500 messages can be consumed relatively quickly (again, in the consumption plan), then it's possible that you won't scale at all.
The exact algorithm for scaling isn't published (it's subject to lots of tweaking), but generally speaking you can expect the system to automatically scale you out if messages are getting added to the queue faster than your functions can process them. Your app will also scale out if the latency of the first message in the queue is continuously increasing (meaning, messages are sitting idle and not getting processed). The time between VMs getting added is usually in the tens of seconds.
There are some thresholds based on queue count as well. For example, the system tries to ensure that there is at least 1 VM for every 1K queue messages, but usually the scale decisions are based on message throughput as I described earlier.
I think #Chris Gillum put it well, it's hard for us to push the limits of the server to the point that things will start to scale.
Some other options available are:
Use durable functions and scale with Threading:
Another method could be to use Event Hubs which are designed for massive scale. Instead of queues, have Function #1 trigger an Event, and your Function #2 subscribed to that Event Hub trigger. Adding Streaming Analytics, could also be an option to more fully expand on capabilities if needed.

How can I create a Scheduled Task that will run every Second in MarkLogic?

MarkLogic Scheduled Tasks cannot be configured to run at an interval less than a minute.
Is there any way I can execute an XQuery module at an interval of 1 second?
Considering the situation where the Task Server is fully loaded and I need to make sure that the secondly scheduled task gets the Task Server thread whenever it needs.
Please let me know if there is anything in MarkLogic that can be used to achieve this.
Wanting rapid-fire scheduled tasks may be a hint that the design needs rethinking.
Even running a task once a minute can be risky, and needs careful thought to manage the possibilities of overlapping tasks and runaway tasks. If the application design calls for a scheduled task to run once a second, I would raise that as a potentially serious problem. Back up a few steps, and if necessary ask a new question about the higher-level problem that led to looking at scheduled tasks.
There was a sub-question about managing queue priority for tasks. Task priorities can handle some of that. There are two priorities: normal and higher. The Task Server empties the higher-priority queue first, then the normal queue. But each queue is still a simple queue, and there's no way to change priorities after a task has been spawned. So if you always queue tasks with priority=higher, then they'll all be in the higher priority queue and they'll all run in order. You can play some games with techniques like using server fields as signals to already-running tasks. But wanting to reorder tasks within a queue could be another hint that the design needs rethinking.
If, after careful thought about all the pitfalls and dangers, I decided I needed a rapid-fire task of some kind.... I would probably do it using external requests. Pick any scripting language and write a simple while loop with an HTTP request to the MarkLogic cluster. Even so, spend some time thinking about overlapping requests and locking. What happens if the request times out on the client side? Will it keep running on the server? Will that lead to overlapping requests and require deadlock resolution? Could it lead to runaway resource consumption?
Avoid any ideas that use xdmp:sleep. That will tie up a Task Server thread during the sleep period, and then you'll have two problems.

Work around celerybeat being a single point of failure

I'm looking for recommended solution to work around celerybeat being a single point of failure for celery/rabbitmq deployment. I didn't find anything that made sense so far, by searching the web.
In my case, once a day timed scheduler kicks off a series of jobs that could run for half a day or longer. Since there can only be one celerybeat instance, if something happens to it or the server that it's running on, critical jobs will not be run.
I'm hoping there is already a working solution for this, as I can't be the only one who needs reliable (clustered or the like) scheduler. I don't want to resort to some sort of database-backed scheduler, if I don't have to.
There is an open issue in celery github repo about this. Don't know if they are working on it though.
As a workaround you could add a lock for tasks so that only 1 instance of specific PeriodicTask will run at a time.
Something like:
if not cache.add('My-unique-lock-name', True, timeout=lock_timeout):
Figuring out lock timeout is well, tricky. We're using 0.9 * task run_every seconds if different celerybeats will try to run them at different times.
0.9 just to leave some margin (e.g. when celery is a little behind schedule once, then it is on schedule which would cause lock to still be active).
Then you can use celerybeat instance on all machines. Each task will be queued for every celerybeat instance but only one task of them will finish the run.
Tasks will still respect run_every this way - worst case scenario: tasks will run at 0.9*run_every speed.
One issue with this case: if tasks were queued but not processed at scheduled time (for example because queue processors was unavailable) - then lock may be placed at wrong time causing possibly 1 next task to simply not run. To go around this you would need some kind of detection mechanism whether task is more or less on time.
Still, this shouldn't be a common situation when using in production.
Another solution is to subclass celerybeat Scheduler and override its tick method. Then for every tick add a lock before processing tasks. This makes sure that only celerybeats with same periodic tasks won't queue same tasks multiple times. Only one celerybeat for each tick (one who wins the race condition) will queue tasks. In one celerybeat goes down, with next tick another one will win the race.
This of course can be used in combination with the first solution.
Of course for this to work cache backend needs to be replicated and/or shared for all of servers.
It's an old question but I hope it helps anyone.

Least load scheduler

I'm working on a system that uses several hundreds of workers in parallel (physical devices evaluating small tasks). Some workers are faster than others so I was wondering what the easiest way to load balance tasks on them without a priori knowledge of their speed.
I was thinking about keeping track of the number of tasks a worker is currently working on with a simple counter and then sorting the list to get the worker with the lowest active task count. This way slow workers would get some tasks but not slow down the whole system. The reason I'm asking is that the current round-robin method is causing hold up with some really slow workers (100 times slower than others) that keep accumulating tasks and blocking new tasks.
It should be a simple matter of sorting the list according to the current number of active tasks, but since I would be sorting the list several times a second (average work time per task is below 25ms) I fear that this might be a major bottleneck. So is there a simple version of getting the worker with the lowest task count without having to sort over and over again.
EDIT: The tasks are pushed to the workers via an open TCP connection. Since the dependencies between the tasks are rather complex (exclusive resource usage) let's say that all tasks are assigned to start with. As soon as a task returns from the worker all tasks that are no longer blocked are queued, and a new task is pushed to the worker. The work queue will never be empty.
How about this system:
Worker reaches the end of its task queue
Worker requests more tasks from load balancer
Load balancer assigns N tasks (where N is probably more than 1, perhaps 20 - 50 if these tasks are very small).
In this system, since you are assigning new tasks when the workers are actually done, you don't have to guess at how long the remaining tasks will take.
I think that you need to provide more information about the system:
How do you get a task to a worker? Does the worker request it or does it get pushed?
How do you know if a worker is out of work, or even how much work is it doing?
How are the physical devices modeled?
What you want to do is avoid tracking anything and find a more passive way to distribute the work.