Use ionic framework with -

I just started using which is a project for seeding MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and NodeJS. I wonder how I could integrate ionic with it? I used bower to install ionic into bower_components folder, but the js/css file doesn't load automatically. When I manually add ionic.bundle.js and ionic.css into my custom package using
Ionic.aggregateAsset('css', 'ionic.css');
Ionic.aggregateAsset('js', 'ionic.bundle.js');
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public/assets/css/'));
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public/assets/js/'));
I get hundreds of errors from jshint...

-> /app/config/env/all.js
Here you can insert your external libs, in this case ionic main js file.
Do the same with css files. I dont know how Ionic is built, but if it has modular structure, you will also have to inject it into angular module.


How to Use CoffeeScript with Phoenix Framework?

I need to integrate a few CoffeeScript functions with my Phoenix application.
How do I get CoffeeScript files to compile and run alongside my application?
I know that phoenix uses Brunch for the asset pipeline - is there a brunch package or something for CoffeeScript?
The Phoenix "Static Assets" page has instructions on how to set this up. Scroll a little more than halfway down that page.
Add coffee-script-brunch to package.json above javascript-brunch.
Run npm install.
Create .coffee files in web/static/js (make sure they are referenced in app.js).
I also had to restart the Phoenix server.

How to extend angular-cli via a custom plugin

I want to extend angular-cli via a custom plugin. I want to write this plugin by myself. How can i do this? If i write an ember-cli plugin, can i use this one in angular-cli? I read that not all ember-cli plugins are working in angular-cli. I would like to have an example, or some information about the architecture of angular-cli.

Eclipse import Phonegap project

I have the HTML/JS/config.xml files of an app that was built using online phonegap build. How can I import these files into a project that I can work on with Eclipse/Phonegap CLI ?
The documentation here is all you need, just follow the steps.
First you will need to create a new project using your existing HTML/JS/CSS/icons
put your files in a folder, let's say c:\oldproject
create a new cordova project using the CLI and tell it to import your existing files (replace foldername, and TestApp with proper values)
cordova create foldername TestApp --copy-from=c:\oldproject
Replace phonegap.js reference with cordova.js
In index.html, replace the inclusion of phonegap.js with cordova.js (note that you may choose to use phonegap CLI instead of cordova CLI to create/build the project, in that case, you could continue to use phonegap.js)
Then put back the config and add plugins
replace the generated config.xml in the project with the one of your old project
If your config.xml contains plugins (lines begining with <gap:plugin) you will have to use the CLI to add each plugin.
For example if you have the line
<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.file"
you would have to call
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
Then you have to add the android platform and build the project.
cordova platform add android
cordova build android
Now your project is ready to be imported in eclipse.
Please note that I don't really see any interest in using eclipse now that you can build projects using CLI. (I personnaly use a text editor that handles javascrit much better than eclipse and then do everything with the CLI).
Final warning
If you edit code in eclipse, you will be editing files in platforms/android/assets/www/, not in /www folder.
If you use the cli commands cordova build android or cordova prepare android, the CLI will take the content of the root www folder and put it in platforms/android/assets/www, so all your changes will be lost.
So if you choose to use eclipse to edit javascript/CSS, you will have to choose either save your changes to the root www folder before you use the CLI or stop using the CLI (so if you want to add a plugin you'd have to use plugman).

are you unable to use plugins in since version 3.0?

I was using in it's simplest way. That is: no sdk and no phonegap framework installed on my computer; no git or svn repository used. I just upload a zip with my html, css and js files.
But now I need to use the File plugin.
I found several posts (here and elsewhere) taking about using the CLI to add plugins and to build remotely since phonegap 3.0 (which doesn't use the config.xml to add plugins anymore, but instead it uses the CLI).
If you just used to upload a zip file to, are you now unable to use plugins since phonegap 3.0??
If that virtue is gone, what is now the simplest way for doing it? I currently use Aptana 3.0. Do I have to install Eclipse and install the phonegap framework? Do I have to create git of svn repository? Is that now the simplest way for using plugins in the cloud-based build service?
Is there a way to use the service with phonegap 2.x?? I have not found it yet.
This is taking me out of schedule for the imminent delivery of an ongoing project.
Please advise.
Put the config.xml in the www directory. And then upload only on
In phonegap 2.x plugins like File were part of the core, so there was no need to include them through the config.xml file.
In phonegap 3.x every plugin has to be included through the config.xml file. BUT for plugins to work, the root index.html header must have a
<script src="phonegap.js"></script>
phonegap.js is provided (kind of injected) by the service, so I don't have to have it on my source code.
The script tag was the only thing I was missing.

how do i include another project in github

I have created a plugin for a javascript library and want to upload this to github as a new project. Within my plugin directory, i include the current code for the javascript plugin.
So it's easy for users to get my plugin plus the javascript library, i thought i would include the javascript project inside my directory. My intention was not to make changes to the js library but to allow the user to download my project and get the latest version of the js library at the same time.
I could do this manually by forking the js library project into my directory and then syncing it each time a new version comes out but is there a way to do this automatically ?
Check out git submodule, it does exactly what you describe!