How to extend angular-cli via a custom plugin - plugins

I want to extend angular-cli via a custom plugin. I want to write this plugin by myself. How can i do this? If i write an ember-cli plugin, can i use this one in angular-cli? I read that not all ember-cli plugins are working in angular-cli. I would like to have an example, or some information about the architecture of angular-cli.


Customize babel configuration in project created using create-react-app

I want to use a babel plugin (babel-plugin-module-resolver) in a project created using create-react-app.
I know how to change babel configuration using npm run eject, but I would like to avoid it.
I was going to use react-app-rewired but I heard that there is the possibility to configure babel without ejecting and without additional libraries.
(if possible), how can I do it?

Artifactory plugin calling another plugin

Is there a way to call another artifactory plugin from an artifactory plugin?
We use artifactory user plugins a lot in our company and it works fine but sometime we could see the need to call directly another plugin instead of copying the code around...
If your goal is reusing logic between plugins, you can encapsulate this logic in Java classes and import them in your plugins. You can package the reusable code in a java archive (jar) and place it as a library under the ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/etc/plugins/lib directory.

Add Ionic 3 Plugin from Github Fork

I want to add a plugin from a github fork of the InAppBrowser. This is the fork I want to use. I know how to add the plugin. I simply use Ionic Cordova plugin add
But how can I import it to the modules.ts? I think it is necessary to add it to npm correct? I think I have to install the npm module to import it in my modules.ts file.
I tried to use cordova.plugins.InAppBrowser but it doesn't work.
Thanks to everyone.
You never add the Plugin to the Module. What you add to the Modules.ts is the native Wrapper from Ionic. You can use Plugins without this Wrapper, but they are developed for an easier use. I don't know if they work with Forks, normally they are developed to work with the original plugin.
So try to just add the Plugin via
ionic cordova plugin add path_to_fork
And use it without the Wrapper, as described in the Plugins Read Me

How to use external angular modules in own Grafana plugin

I’m developing my datasource plugin based on simple-json. I want to use the library angular-ivh-treeview, but I do not understand how to use it in the plugin. Can someone help me?
To use an external JavaScript lib in a plugin, you have to include it in the plugin code. JavaScript libraries in node_modules are only used at build time and are not included in the output.
To take an example, here is the Plotly panel plugin that includes the Plotly lib in a subdirectory named lib:
and then uses it here:
Another example - the GeoLoop plugin that includes the mapboxgl library:

How to bundle a js plugin without global namespace clashes

I'm in the process of building a javascript plugin that people will be able to install by simply pasting a script tag into their HTML. At times I may wish to include a third-party library in my plugin, but I want to make sure that my plugin will still work if used on a web site that relies on a different version of this same library. Is there a tool I can use to somehow modify the namespace of my required dependencies so that they don't interfere with any other existing scripts or libraries? I have been researching browserify but it's not immediately clear to me from the docs that it can be used to avoid this problem.