Powershell fixed width export - powershell

I am having a text file wich uses fixed width for separating columns.
I'm loading the file and create a new column which concatinates the values of the first two columns.
The problem I have that when exporting the data I need to define a fixed column width of 13 for Column C.
Column A (3) Column B(9) Column C(13)
MMA 12345 12345_MMA
MMO 987222 987222_MMO
Basically for this example in the export I am missing 4 spaces for the first row and 3 for the second row.
Thisis my current code, which also includes a new row for MD5 creation.
# Load input data
$PreSystem = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\FILE.txt")
# Initiate md5-hashing
$md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
$utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding
# Split input data by lines
$all = $PreSystem.split("`n")
# Loop over lines
for($i = 0; $i -lt $all.length-1; $i += 1) {
# Access distinct lines
$entry = "$($all[$i])"
# Get the different parameters
$market_code = $entry.substring(1,3)
$soc = $entry.substring(4,9)
# Hash the SOC element
$hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash($utf8.GetBytes($soc)))
# Create desired format for each entry
$output = $hash.Replace("-","")+$soc.Replace(" ","") + "_" + $market_code + $all[$i]
# Write to file
"$output" | Out-File -Filepath C:\"C:\FILE.txt" -Append -encoding ASCII
Thanks in advance

You can create a custom table format using the tip explained here. Here is an example for Get-Process:
$a = #{Expression={$_.Name};Label="Process Name";width=25}, `
#{Expression={$_.ID};Label="Process ID";width=15}, `
#{Expression={$_.MainWindowTitle};Label="Window Title";width=40}
Get-Process | Format-Table $a
Basically, you build an expression through wich Format-Table will pipe
each row. Instead of taking care of the formating yourself for each row, you build a hash and pipe it through Format-Table.

It's still not quite clear to me what output you actually want to achieve, but maybe this will give you some idea.
One of the most convenient ways to get formatted string output is using the format operator (-f). You specify a format string with placeholders in curly brackets, and fill it with the values of an array:
PS C:\> '_{0}:{1}:{2}_' -f 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
Column widths can be specified in the format string like this:
PS C:\> '_{0,-5}:{1,7}:{2,-9}_' -f 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
_foo : bar:baz _
As you can see, negative values align the column to the left, positive values align it to the right.
If there's a chance that a value is too long for the give column width you need to truncate it, e.g. with the Substring() method:
PS C:\> $s = 'barbarbar'
PS C:\> $len = [math]::Min(7, $s.Length)
PS C:\> '_{0,-5}:{1,7}:{2,-9}_' -f 'foo', $s.Substring(0, $len), 'baz'
_foo :barbarb:baz _

You can quickly have a fixed size left-aligned content string using the following code:
Write-Host "$myvariable $(" " * 60)".Substring(0,60)
this will give you a fixed width of 60 characters with the contents aligned to the left

One of the solutions is for each of the rows use this mechanism when concatenating:
$a = "MMA"
$b = "12345"
$str = "$($b)_$($a)"
if (($str.Length) -ge 13 ) {
Write-Host "$($str)"
} else {
$padStr = " " * (13 - ($str.Length))
Write-Host "$($str)$($padStr)"
So instead of Write-Host CmdLet you can use the appropriate CmdLet for your purpose.
Edit, after adding actual code. So the above logic would translate into:
$market_code = $entry.subString(1,3)
$soc = $entry.subString(4,9)
$str = $soc.Replace(" ", "") + "_" + $market_code
if (($str.Length) -ge 13 ) {
$output = $hash.Replace("-","") + $str + $all[$i]
} else {
$padStr = " " * (13 - ($str.Length))
$output = $hash.Replace("-","") + $str + $padStr + $all[$i]

You can do fixed size using next code:
$data = "Some text"
$size = 20
$str = [string]::new(' ',$size).ToCharArray()
$str = $str -join ''


How can subtract a character from csv using PowerShell

I'm trying to insert my CSV into my SQL Server database but just wondering how can I subtract the last three character from CSV GID column and then assigned it to my $CSVHold1 variable.
My CSV file look like this
GID Source Type Message Time
KLEMOE http://google.com Od Hello 12/22/2022
EEINGJ http://facebook.com Od hey 12/22/2022
Basically I'm trying to get only the first three character from GID and pass that value to my $CSVHold1 variable.
$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
$CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
$CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
I'm trying to do like above but some reason I'm getting an error.
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Your original line 3 was/is not valid syntax as Santiago pointed out.
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
You are calling $_.$GID but you're wanting $_.GID
You also don't need to pipe the object into a loop to achieve what it seems you are asking.
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
$csvimport = Import-Csv -Path $env:HOMEDRIVE\Powershell\TestCSVs\test1.csv
##$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID.SubString(0, $CSVLine1.GID.Length - 3)
$CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
$CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
Write-Output -InputObject ('Changing {0} to {1}' -f $CSVLine1.gid, $CSVHold1)
Using your sample data, the above outputs:
C:> . 'C:\Powershell\Scripts\dchero.ps1'
Changing KLEMOE to KLE
Changing EEINGJ to EEI
Lastly, be aware that that the SubString method will fail if the length of $CSVLine1.GID is less than 3.

PowerShell read column value from csv file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can you use an object's property in a double-quoted string?
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
This is my below input data which is in CSV format and roles,admin, accountant and security are columns.
roles, admin,accountant,security
Engineer, ,x , ,
I want to get value of rows using columns with below code, example , foreach for accountant column should return 'x', but I am getting something else.
$path = "$PSScriptRoot\Test.csv"
$csv = Import-Csv -path $path -Delimiter ","
$columns = $csv | Get-member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
$csv | ForEach-Object {
$row = $_
foreach ($col in $columns) {
Write-Host " vaalue of scripting is : $col "
Write-Host " vaalue of scripting row is : $row.$col "
Start-Sleep -s 10
Output I get is
vaalue of scripting is : accountant
vaalue of scripting row is : #{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.accountant
vaalue of scripting is : admin
vaalue of scripting row is : #{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.admin
vaalue of scripting is : roles
vaalue of scripting row is : #{roles=Engineer; admin=; accountant=x ; security=}.roles
How can I get 'x' for accountant column or any other column value using
Following from my comment, short answer was to use the Subexpression operator $( ), which would allow PowerShell to reference the property $col of the object $row.
Short extract from MS Docs:
Use this when you want to use an expression within another expression. For example, to embed the results of command in a string expression.
To give you a short explanation of why this is needed, using this as an example:
$object = [pscustomobject]#{
foo = 'var'
$property = 'foo'
When we do "$object.$property" or in simple terms, "$object.foo", the double quotes "..." are not allowing PowerShell to reference the foo property from $object because the dot . is interpreted as literal and not as a dot method. In addition, the quotes are converting $object to its stringified ? representation #{foo=var} followed by the literal dot . followed by the variable expansion of $property.
Another extract from about_Properties:
The most common way to get the values of the properties of an object is to use the dot method. Type a reference to the object, such as a variable that contains the object, or a command that gets the object. Then, type a dot (.) followed by the property name.
Lastly, what other alternatives do we have to get around this besides $(...):
String Formatting and String.Format method:
'Value of $object.$property is "{0}".' -f $object.$property
[string]::Format('Value of $object.$property is "{0}".', $object.$property)
Using + to concatenate strings is also a very known one:
'Value of $object.$property is "' + $object.$property + '".'
As a side note, and unrelated to the actual issue, this might be a more direct way of approaching your code:
'# |
ConvertFrom-Csv | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 1 } -Process {
foreach($Property in $_.PSObject.Properties.Name)
'Value of Row {0} Column "{1}" is "{2}"' -f
$i, $Property, (
'NULL', ($val = $_.$Property)
Note the use of .PSObject to access the object's properties and methods, an alternative to Get-Member.
The above would result in:
Value of Row 1 Column "roles" is "Engineer"
Value of Row 1 Column "admin" is "NULL"
Value of Row 1 Column "accountant" is "x"
Value of Row 1 Column "security" is "NULL"
Value of Row 2 Column "roles" is "Operator"
Value of Row 2 Column "admin" is "NULL"
Value of Row 2 Column "accountant" is "y"
Value of Row 2 Column "security" is "NULL"
I wrote this based on your csv file, let me know if it worked (change the folder path and file name).
$folderspath = 'C:\Test'
$csvfilename = 'info.csv'
$csvfilepath = $folderspath + "\" + $csvfilename
$csvfilepath = $csvfilepath.ToString()
$csvfile = Import-CSV -Path $csvfilepath -Delimiter ","
ForEach ($row in $csvfile) {
IF($row.security -eq "High") {
$Roles = $row.roles
$Admin = $row."admin"
$Accountant = $row.accountant
$Security = $row."security"
Write-Host "Roles: " $Roles "; Admin:" $Admin "; Accountant:" $Accountant "; `
Security:" $Security
The csv file I used
roles, admin,accountant,security
Engineer, ,x , ,
Engineer2,Yes ,x ,High,
Engineer3, No, , Low,

is there a simple way to output to xlsx?

I am trying to output a query from a DB to a xlsx but it takes so much time to do this because there about 20,000 records to process, is there a simpler way to do this?
I know there is a way to do it for csv but im trying to avoid that, because if the records had any comma is going to take it as a another column and that would mess with the info
this is my code
$xlsObj = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlsObj.DisplayAlerts = $false
$xlsWb = $xlsobj.Workbooks.Add(1)
$xlsObj.Visible = 0 #(visible = 1 / 0 no visible)
$xlsSh = $xlsWb.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value, $xlsWb.Worksheets.Item($xlsWb.Worksheets.Count))
$xlsSh.Name = "QueryResults"
$DataSetTable= $ds.Tables[0]
Write-Output "DATA SET TABLE" $DataSetTable
[Array] $getColumnNames = $DataSetTable.Columns | SELECT *
Write-Output "COLUMN NAMES" $DataSetTable.Rows[0]
[Int] $RowHeader = 1
foreach ($ColH in $getColumnNames)
$xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader).font.bold = $true
$xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader) = $ColH.ColumnName
Write-Output "Nombre de Columna"$ColH.ColumnName
[Int] $rowData = 2
[Int] $colData = 1
foreach ($rec in $DataSetTable.Rows)
foreach ($Coln in $getColumnNames)
$xlsSh.Cells.NumberFormat = "#"
$xlsSh.Cells.Item($rowData, $colData) = $rec.$($Coln.ColumnName).ToString()
$rowData++; $ColData = 1
$xlsRng = $xlsSH.usedRange
[void] $xlsRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit()
#Se elimina la pestaña Sheet1/Hoja1.
$xlsWb.Sheets(1).Delete() #Versión 02
$xlsFile = "directory of the file"
[void] $xlsObj.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($xlsFile)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 700
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsRng)) {''}
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsSh)) {''}
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsWb)) {''}
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsObj)) {''}
[gc]::collect() | Out-Null
[gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null
I'm trying to avoid [CSV files], because if the records had any comma is going to take it as a another column and that would mess with the info
That's only the case if you try to construct the output format manually. Builtin commands like Export-Csv and ConvertTo-Json will automatically quote the values as necessary:
PS C:\> $customObject = [pscustomobject]#{ID = 1; Name = "Solis, Heber"}
PS C:\> $customObject
ID Name
-- ----
1 Solis, Heber
PS C:\> $customObject |ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
"1","Solis, Heber"
Notice, in the example above, how:
The string value assigned to $customObject.Name does not contain any quotation marks, but
In the output from ConvertTo-Csv we see values and headers clearly enclosed in quotation marks
PowerShell automatically enumerates the row data when you pipe a [DataTable] instance, so creating a CSV might (depending on the contents) be as simple as:
$ds.Tables[0] |Export-Csv table_out.csv -NoTypeInformation
What if you want TAB-separated values (or any other non-comma separator)?
The *-Csv commands come with a -Delimiter parameter to which you can pass a user-defined separator:
# This produces semicolon-separated values
$data |Export-Csv -Path output.csv -Delimiter ';'
I usually try and refrain from recommending specific modules libraries, but if you insist on writing to XSLX I'd suggest checking out ImportExcel (don't let the name fool you, it does more than import from excel, including exporting and formatting data from PowerShell -> XSLX)

powershell - mystery whitespace from output of loops

I am getting whitespace added to my output from the following section of code. I need to format this a certain way so for sake of finding out where this whitespace is coming from I am just outputting the variables. I even added .trim() to make sure it wasn't coming from the variables themselves. Where in the heck is this whitespace coming from?
#sort by Name and sort Values of each
$output += foreach($icon in $table.GetEnumerator() | sort -Property Name) {
foreach($type in $icon.Value | sort) {
#Output to file
"version: " + $fa_version + "`r`nicons:`r`n" + $output | Out-File $output_file
example output file :
version: 5.13.0
arrow-circle-right solid regular calendar-week regular users solid usb-drive solid file-alt regular key solid user-graduate solid comment-dots regular plus solid calendar-check regular spinner regular stopwatch regular file-search solid user-chart solid map-marker-alt regular calculator regular apple brands
Running powershell version 5 on Windows 10.
That's a strange way to create a string... I recommend a safer way, where no output functions of PowerShell are involved:
#sort by Name and sort Values of each
$output = ""
foreach($icon in $table.GetEnumerator() | sort -Property Name) {
$output += $icon.Name
foreach($type in $icon.Value | sort) {
$output += $fa_types[$type]
#Output to file
"version: " + $fa_version + "`r`nicons:`r`n" + $output | Out-File $output_file
Reason this is happening is because you are printing an array within a string. When you loop over your items and print just the $fa_types[$type], it writes it as item of an array to the $output.
If you print only $output, you will see multiple items separated new line but if you put that inside of a string, its represented by a space delimiter.
$outp = foreach($var in (0..5)) { $var }
# shows the following output
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
Write-Output "string $outp end"
# prints it in a single line
# string 0 1 2 3 4 5 end
You can concatenate your array via a join so no spaces are printed in your output.
"version: " + $fa_version + "`r`nicons:`r`n" + $output -join "" | Out-File $output_file
"version: " + $fa_version + "`r`nicons:`r`n" + -join $output | Out-File $output_file

powershell (Get-WmiObject win32_physicalmedia).serialnumber output hex

When I used (Get-WmiObject win32_physicalmedia).serialnumber the output was in hex. Example: 31323334353637383930. Then then I used the code below
$t=(Get-WmiObject win32_physicalmedia).serialnumber
$t -split '(.{2})' |%{ if ($_ -ne "") { $pass+=[CHAR]([CONVERT]::toint16("$_",16)) }}
write host $pass
The output was: 1234567890. The problem is that 1234567890 is not the serial number -- the real serial number is 2143658709. I need a script to swap the number $input "1234567890" to $output "214365768709".
this presumes your SN string is an even number of characters, and that the real number simply reverses the character pairs.
$InString = '1234567890'
$OutString = ''
foreach ($Index in 0..($InString.Length / 2))
$CurPos = $Index * 2
$OutString += $InString[$CurPos + 1] + $InString[$CurPos]
output = 2143658709
I think this is called "middle endian" format, where every two bytes are reversed: middle-endian
Coming from a post here: WMI Win32_PhysicalMedia SMART ID in Vista and 7 Permissions