is there a simple way to output to xlsx? - powershell

I am trying to output a query from a DB to a xlsx but it takes so much time to do this because there about 20,000 records to process, is there a simpler way to do this?
I know there is a way to do it for csv but im trying to avoid that, because if the records had any comma is going to take it as a another column and that would mess with the info
this is my code
$xlsObj = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlsObj.DisplayAlerts = $false
$xlsWb = $xlsobj.Workbooks.Add(1)
$xlsObj.Visible = 0 #(visible = 1 / 0 no visible)
$xlsSh = $xlsWb.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value, $xlsWb.Worksheets.Item($xlsWb.Worksheets.Count))
$xlsSh.Name = "QueryResults"
$DataSetTable= $ds.Tables[0]
Write-Output "DATA SET TABLE" $DataSetTable
[Array] $getColumnNames = $DataSetTable.Columns | SELECT *
Write-Output "COLUMN NAMES" $DataSetTable.Rows[0]
[Int] $RowHeader = 1
foreach ($ColH in $getColumnNames)
$xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader).font.bold = $true
$xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader) = $ColH.ColumnName
Write-Output "Nombre de Columna"$ColH.ColumnName
[Int] $rowData = 2
[Int] $colData = 1
foreach ($rec in $DataSetTable.Rows)
foreach ($Coln in $getColumnNames)
$xlsSh.Cells.NumberFormat = "#"
$xlsSh.Cells.Item($rowData, $colData) = $rec.$($Coln.ColumnName).ToString()
$rowData++; $ColData = 1
$xlsRng = $xlsSH.usedRange
[void] $xlsRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit()
#Se elimina la pestaña Sheet1/Hoja1.
$xlsWb.Sheets(1).Delete() #Versión 02
$xlsFile = "directory of the file"
[void] $xlsObj.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($xlsFile)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 700
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsRng)) {''}
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsSh)) {''}
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsWb)) {''}
While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsObj)) {''}
[gc]::collect() | Out-Null
[gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null

I'm trying to avoid [CSV files], because if the records had any comma is going to take it as a another column and that would mess with the info
That's only the case if you try to construct the output format manually. Builtin commands like Export-Csv and ConvertTo-Json will automatically quote the values as necessary:
PS C:\> $customObject = [pscustomobject]#{ID = 1; Name = "Solis, Heber"}
PS C:\> $customObject
ID Name
-- ----
1 Solis, Heber
PS C:\> $customObject |ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
"1","Solis, Heber"
Notice, in the example above, how:
The string value assigned to $customObject.Name does not contain any quotation marks, but
In the output from ConvertTo-Csv we see values and headers clearly enclosed in quotation marks
PowerShell automatically enumerates the row data when you pipe a [DataTable] instance, so creating a CSV might (depending on the contents) be as simple as:
$ds.Tables[0] |Export-Csv table_out.csv -NoTypeInformation
What if you want TAB-separated values (or any other non-comma separator)?
The *-Csv commands come with a -Delimiter parameter to which you can pass a user-defined separator:
# This produces semicolon-separated values
$data |Export-Csv -Path output.csv -Delimiter ';'
I usually try and refrain from recommending specific modules libraries, but if you insist on writing to XSLX I'd suggest checking out ImportExcel (don't let the name fool you, it does more than import from excel, including exporting and formatting data from PowerShell -> XSLX)


Powershell Array Output to html

Apologies if this is irrelevant but I'm new to powershell and I've been scratching my head on this for a few days on and off now. I'm trying to write a script that will output two columns of data to a html document. I've achieved most of it by learning through forums and testing different combinations.
The problem is although it gives me the result I need within powershell itself; it will not properly display the second column results for Net Log Level.
So the script looks at some folders and pulls the * value which is always three digits (this is the Site array). It then looks within each of these folders to the Output folder and grabs a Net Log Level node from a file inside there. The script is correctly listing the Sites but is only showing the last value for Net Log Level which is 2. You can see this in the screenshot above. I need this to take every value for each Site and display as appropriate. The image of the incorrect result is below. I need the result to be 1,4,2,2,2. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
function getSite {
Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts\ServiceInstalls\*\Output\'Config.exe.config' | foreach {
$Site = $_.fullname.substring(27, 3)
[xml]$xmlRead = Get-Content $_
$NetLogLevel = $xmlRead.SelectSingleNode("//add[#key='Net Log Level']")
$NetLogLevel = $NetLogLevel.value
New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$List1 += #([System.Collections.ArrayList]#($Site))
New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$List2 += #([System.Collections.ArrayList]#($NetLogLevel))
$Results = #()
ForEach($Site in $List1){
$Results += [pscustomobject]#{
"Site ID" = $Site
"Net Log Level" = $NetLogLevel
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Property 'Site','Net Log Level' | Set-Content Output.html
Invoke-Item "Output.html"
Restructure your code as follows:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Scripts\ServiceInstalls\*\Output\Config.exe.config' |
ForEach-Object {
$site = $_.fullname.substring(27, 3)
[xml]$xmlRead = Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName
$netLogLevel = $xmlRead.SelectSingleNode("//add[#key='Net Log Level']").InnerText
# Construct *and output* a custom object for the file at hand.
[pscustomobject] #{
'Site ID' = $site
'Net Log Level' = $netLogLevel
} | # Pipe the stream of custom objects directly to ConvertTo-Html
ConvertTo-Html | # No need to specify -Property if you want to use all properties.
Set-Content Output.html
As for what you tried:
New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList in effect does nothing: it creates an array-list instance but doesn't save it in a variable, causing it to be enumerated to the pipeline, and since there is nothing to enumerate, nothing happens.
There is no point in wrapping a [System.Collections.ArrayList] instance in #(...): its elements are enumerated and then collected in a regular [object[]] array - just use #(...) by itself.
Using += to "grow" an array is quite inefficient, because a new array must be allocated behind the scenes every time; often there is no need to explicitly create an array - e.g. if you can simply stream objects to another command via the pipeline, as shown above, or you can let PowerShell itself implicitly create an array for you by assigning the result of a pipeline or foreach loop as a whole to a variable - see this answer.
Also note that when you use +=, the result is invariably a regular [object[] array, even if the RHS is a different collection type such as ArrayList.
There are still cases where iteratively creating an array-like collection is necessary, but you then need to use the .Add() method of such a collection type in order to grow the collection efficiently - see this answer.
Instead of populating two separate lists, simply create the resulting objects in the first loop:
function getSite {
$Results = Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts\ServiceInstalls\*\Output\'Config.exe.config' | ForEach-Object {
$Site = $_.fullname.substring(27, 3)
[xml]$xmlRead = Get-Content $_
$NetLogLevel = $xmlRead.SelectSingleNode("//add[#key='Net Log Level']")
$NetLogLevel = $NetLogLevel.value
"Site ID" = $Site
"Net Log Level" = $NetLogLevel
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Property 'Site', 'Net Log Level' | Set-Content Output.html
Invoke-Item "Output.html"

How can subtract a character from csv using PowerShell

I'm trying to insert my CSV into my SQL Server database but just wondering how can I subtract the last three character from CSV GID column and then assigned it to my $CSVHold1 variable.
My CSV file look like this
GID Source Type Message Time
KLEMOE Od Hello 12/22/2022
EEINGJ Od hey 12/22/2022
Basically I'm trying to get only the first three character from GID and pass that value to my $CSVHold1 variable.
$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
$CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
$CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
I'm trying to do like above but some reason I'm getting an error.
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Your original line 3 was/is not valid syntax as Santiago pointed out.
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
You are calling $_.$GID but you're wanting $_.GID
You also don't need to pipe the object into a loop to achieve what it seems you are asking.
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
$csvimport = Import-Csv -Path $env:HOMEDRIVE\Powershell\TestCSVs\test1.csv
##$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID.SubString(0, $CSVLine1.GID.Length - 3)
$CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
$CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
Write-Output -InputObject ('Changing {0} to {1}' -f $CSVLine1.gid, $CSVHold1)
Using your sample data, the above outputs:
C:> . 'C:\Powershell\Scripts\dchero.ps1'
Changing KLEMOE to KLE
Changing EEINGJ to EEI
Lastly, be aware that that the SubString method will fail if the length of $CSVLine1.GID is less than 3.

Iterating over multiple find and replace object

I know the solution below is quite simple but I am not able to get it to work. I created an object with a find and replace string property. The goal to replace all strings in the text file but it is not working properly. The code below would only replace the last object in the list. I've searched several stack over flow questions but was only able to find multiple files, not multiple find/replace strings.
Input File:
Expected Output:
Actual Output:
class FindReplace {
[System.Collections.Generic.List[FindReplace]]$FindReplaceList = #()
$Obj1 = New-Object FindReplace
$Obj1.FindString = "AVERAGE"
$Obj1.ReplaceString = "AVG"
$Obj2 = New-Object FindReplace
$Obj2.FindString = "TEMPERATURE"
$Obj2.ReplaceString = "TEMP"
write-host $FindReplaceList.Count
for($i = 0; $i -lt $FindReplaceList.Count; $i++)
Write-Host "Replacing string" $FindReplaceList[$i].FindString "to" $FindReplaceList[$i].ReplaceString " where input file:" $inputTextFilePath "and output file:" $outputTextFilePath
(Get-Content $inputTextFilePath).Replace($FindReplaceList[$i].FindString, $FindReplaceList[$i].ReplaceString) | Set-Content $outputTextFilePath
As #AdminOfThings mentioned in the comments. The problem is that you are reading the file once, and then writing twice. So you don't end up with all of the replacements like you are expecting.
See below. I've done a little bit of cleanup, but this is what you could do...
I'm reading the contents of the file into memory once, storing it as a variable. Then performing the replacements on the variable, and then writing the contents of the variable to file:
$inputTextFilePath = 'D:\StackOverflow\fart\test.txt'
$outputTextFilePath = 'D:\StackOverflow\fart\test_output.txt'
class FindReplace {
[System.Collections.Generic.List[FindReplace]]$FindReplaceList = #()
$Obj1 = New-Object FindReplace
$Obj1.FindString = "AVERAGE"
$Obj1.ReplaceString = "AVG"
$Obj2 = New-Object FindReplace
$Obj2.FindString = "TEMPERATURE"
$Obj2.ReplaceString = "TEMP"
write-host $FindReplaceList.Count
$fileContent = Get-Content $inputTextFilePath;
foreach ($item in $FindReplaceList)
Write-Host "Replacing string $($item.FindString) to $($item.ReplaceString) where input file: $inputTextFilePath and output file: $outputTextFilePath";
$fileContent = $fileContent.Replace($item.FindString, $item.ReplaceString);
Set-Content -Value $fileContent -Path $outputTextFilePath;
And of course, since "[F]ind [A]nd [R]eplace [T]ext" questions only come up every so often...I had to make use of that fancy acronym :)

Windows PowerShell: How to parse the log file?

I have an input file with below contents:
27/08/2020 02:47:37.365 (-0516) hostname12 ult_licesrv ULT 5 LiceSrv Main[108 00000 Session 'session1' (from 'vmpms1\') request for 1 additional licenses for module 'SA-XT' - 1 licenses have been allocated by concurrent usage category 'Unlimited' (session module usage now 1, session category usage now 1, total module concurrent usage now 1, total category usage now 1)
27/08/2020 02:47:37.600 (-0516) hostname13 ult_licesrv ULT 5 LiceSrv Main[108 00000 Session 'sssion2' (from 'vmpms2\') request for 1 additional licenses for module 'SA-XT-Read' - 1 licenses have been allocated by concurrent usage category 'Floating' (session module usage now 2, session category usage now 2, total module concurrent usage now 1, total category usage now 1)
27/08/2020 02:47:37.115 (-0516) hostname141 ult_licesrv CMN 5 Logging Housekee 00000 Deleting old log file 'C:\Program Files\PMCOM Global\License Server\diag_ult_licesrv_20200824_011130.log.gz' as it exceeds the purge threashold of 72 hours
27/08/2020 02:47:37.115 (-0516) hostname141 ult_licesrv CMN 5 Logging Housekee 00000 Deleting old log file 'C:\Program Files\PMCOM Global\License Server\diag_ult_licesrv_20200824_021310.log.gz' as it exceeds the purge threashold of 72 hours
27/08/2020 02:47:37.625 (-0516) hostname150 ult_licesrv ULT 5 LiceSrv Main[108 00000 Session 'session1' (from 'vmpms1\') request for 1 additional licenses for module 'SA-XT' - 1 licenses have been allocated by concurrent usage category 'Unlimited' (session module usage now 2, session category usage now 1, total module concurrent usage now 2, total category usage now 1)
I need to generate and output file like below:
27/08/2020,02:47:37.365 (-0516),hostname12,1,1,1,1
27/08/2020,02:47:37.600 (-0516),hostname13,2,2,1,1
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141,0,0,0,0
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141,0,0,0,0
27/08/2020,02:47:37.625 (-0516),hostname150,2,1,2,1
The output data order is: Date,time,hostname,session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage.
Put 0,0,0,0 if no entry for session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage
I need to get content from the input file and write the output to another file.
I have created a file input.txt in F drive and pasted the log details into it.
Then I form an array by splitting the file content when a new line occurs like below.
$myList = (Get-Content -Path F:\input.txt) -split '\n'
Now I got 5 items in my array myList. Then I replace the multiple blank spaces with a single blank space and formed a new array by splitting each element by blank space. Then I print the 0 to 3 array elements. Now I need to add the end values (session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage).
PS C:\Users\user> $myList = (Get-Content -Path F:\input.txt) -split '\n'
PS C:\Users\user> $myList.Length
PS C:\Users\user> $myList = (Get-Content -Path F:\input.txt) -split '\n'
PS C:\Users\user> $myList.Length
PS C:\Users\user> for ($i = 0; $i -le ($myList.length - 1); $i += 1) {
>> $newList = ($myList[$i] -replace '\s+', ' ') -split ' '
>> $newList[0]+','+$newList[1]+' '+$newList[2]+','+$newList[3]
>> }
27/08/2020,02:47:37.365 (-0516),hostname12
27/08/2020,02:47:37.600 (-0516),hostname13
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141
27/08/2020,02:47:37.625 (-0516),hostname150
If you really need to filter on the granularity that you're looking for, then you may need to use regex to filter the lines.
This would assume that the rows have similarly labeled lines before the values you're looking for, so keep that in mind.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$filteredRows = #()
$log = Get-Content -Path C:\logfile.log
foreach ($row in $log) {
$rowIndex = $log.IndexOf($row)
$date = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'^\d+\/\d+\/\d+')).value
$time = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+\s\(\S+\)')).value
$hostname = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=\d\d\d\d\) )\w+')).value
$sessionModuleUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=session module usage now )\d')).value
if (!$sessionModuleUsage) {
$sessionModuleUsage = 0
$sessionCategoryUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=session category usage now )\d')).value
if (!$sessionCategoryUsage) {
$sessionCategoryUsage = 0
$moduleConcurrentUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=total module concurrent usage now )\d')).value
if (!$moduleConcurrentUsage) {
$moduleConcurrentUsage = 0
$totalCategoryUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=total category usage now )\d')).value
if (!$totalCategoryUsage) {
$totalCategoryUsage = 0
$hash = [ordered]#{
Date = $date
time = $time
hostname = $hostname
session_module_usage = $sessionModuleUsage
session_category_usage = $sessionCategoryUsage
module_concurrent_usage = $moduleConcurrentUsage
total_category_usage = $totalCategoryUsage
$rowData = New-Object -TypeName 'psobject' -Property $hash
$filteredRows.Add($rowData) > $null
$csv = $filteredRows | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," | foreach {$_ -replace '"',''}
$csv | Out-File C:\results.csv
What essentially needs to happen is that we need to get-content of the log, which returns an array with each item terminated on a newline.
Once we have the rows, we need to grab the values via regex
Since you want zeroes in some of the items if those values don't exist, I have if statements that assign '0' if the regex returns nothing
Finally, we add each filtered item to a PSObject and append that object to an array of objects in each iteration.
Then export to a CSV.
You can probably pick apart the lines with a regex and substrings easily enough. Basically something like the following:
# Iterate over the lines of the input file
Get-Content F:\input.txt |
ForEach-Object {
# Extract the individual fields
$Date = $_.Substring(0, 10)
$Time = $_.Substring(12, $_.IndexOf(')') - 11)
$Hostname = $_.Substring(34, $_.IndexOf(' ', 34) - 34)
$session_module_usage = 0
$session_category_usage = 0
$module_concurrent_usage = 0
$total_category_usage = 0
if ($_ -match 'session module usage now (\d+), session category usage now (\d+), total module concurrent usage now (\d+), total category usage now (\d+)') {
$session_module_usage = $Matches[1]
$session_category_usage = $Matches[2]
$module_concurrent_usage = $Matches[3]
$total_category_usage = $Matches[4]
# Create custom object with those properties
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Date = $Date
time = $Time
hostname = $Hostname
session_module_usage = $session_module_usage
session_category_usage = $session_category_usage
module_concurrent_usage = $module_concurrent_usage
total_category_usage = $total_category_usage
} |
# Ensure column order in output
Select-Object Date,time,hostname,session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage |
# Write as CSV - without quotes
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '"' } |
Out-File F:\output.csv
Whether to pull the date, time, and host name from the line with substrings or regex is probably a matter of taste. Same goes for how strict the format must be matched, but that to me mostly depends on how rigid the format is. For more free-form things where different lines would match different regexes, or multiple lines makes up a single record, I also quite like switch -Regex to iterate over the lines.

Powershell get repadmin /istg in array?

Is this possible?
I'm brand new to powershell and am currently in the process of converting a vbscript script to Powershell. The following one-liner command seems to do exactly what the entire vbscript does:
Repadmin /istg
which outputs
Repadmin: running command /istg against full DC
Gathering topology from site BR-CORP (
================== =================
Portland ST-DC4
Venyu ST-DC5
BR-Office ST-DC3
The problem is I need to return this info (namely the last 4 lines) as objects which contain a "Site" and "ISTG" field. I tried the following:
$returnValues = Repadmin /istg
But this didin't return anything (possibly because Repadmin writes out the lines instead of actually returning the data?)
Is there a way to get the Info from "Repadmin /istg" into an array?
Here's one possible way, using regular expressions:
$output = repadmin /istg
for ( $n = 10; $n -lt $output.Count; $n++ ) {
if ( $output[$n] -ne "" ) {
$output[$n] | select-string '\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)$' | foreach-object {
$site = $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
$istg = $_.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value
new-object PSObject -property #{
"Site" = $site
"ISTG" = $istg
} | select-object Site,ISTG
You have to start parsing the 10th item of output and ignore empty lines because repadmin.exe seems to insert superflous line breaks (or at least, PowerShell thinks so).