How do i remove array item from collection - mongodb

How do i remove array item from collection in mongodb? Below is my structure.
"__v" : 12,
"_id" : ObjectId("52cc27daasdsc797ec7s8000001"),
"email" : "",
"joindate" : ISODate("2014-01-07T16:14:18.158Z"),
"location" : "Canada",
"name" : "Albert",
"oauthID" : 58558855,
"myvideos" : [
"vid" : "wssEoGquzsiw1c",
"date" : ISODate("2014-06-01T05:28:32.713Z")
"vid" : "0_Vko7RXsdsmoI",
"date" : ISODate("2014-06-01T05:29:01.888Z")
"vid" : "ctbvhucsds050g",
"date" : ISODate("2014-06-01T05:29:27.395Z")
"username" : "myusername"
I would like to remove item vid (ctbvhucsds050g) from the myvideos array.
Appreciate any advice.

Found a solution to this.
db.users.update({"name":"Albert"}, {'$pull': {"myvideos": {"vid": "ctbvhucsds050g" }}});


Mongoose Return One Object from Array

I use mongoose and I have this data in my mongodb :
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e1edf7c56a896987c191"),
"deleted" : false,
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Klinik",
"lastName" : "Koding",
"resetToken" : null,
"workspaces" : [
"status" : "active",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e124f7c56a896987c18e"),
"code" : "kk",
"name" : "Klinik Koding",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
"status" : "invited",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e13ff7c56a896987c190"),
"code" : "rm",
"name" : "The Manage",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
How can I return only one workspace? The output that I need is like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e1edf7c56a896987c191"),
"deleted" : false,
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Klinik",
"lastName" : "Koding",
"resetToken" : null,
"workspaces" : [
"status" : "active",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e124f7c56a896987c18e"),
"code" : "kk",
"name" : "Klinik Koding",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
Anyone can help me with this query?
Try this.
async function retrieve(){
// You can retrieve it by any field. I used email because it is unique.
let data=await yourModelName.findOne({email:""})
console.log("your final result",data)

Delete a child record from a specific parent record

I am pretty new to mongodb. I have 3 levels of documents.
Parent > Child > Child, all having _id field.
"_id" : "n2qw5sojs4bajrj",
"Title" : "Mr",
"Instance" : "HQ",
"FirstName" : "ppp",
"LastName" : "uuuu",
"Position" : "BF",
"EmailAddress" : "",
"Requests" : [
"_id" : "121",
"Date" : "12/02/2018",
"Status" : "New",
"ApprovedBy" : {
"_id" : "sdfsdf",
"Name" : "MAN"
"PPE" : [
"_id" : "121",
"Code" : "PPE",
"Status" : "New",
"Title" : "Trousers",
"Type" : "STD",
"Size" : "10111116",
"Qty" : 1,
"LostDamage" : {
"Reason" : "asdaD",
"Location" : "Station",
"Damage" : "Damged"
"_id" : "122",
"Code" : "PPEOPP",
"Status" : "New",
"Title" : "TrousASDASDASDers",
"Type" : "STD",
"Size" : "10111116",
"Qty" : 1,
"LostDamage" : {
"Reason" : "asdaD",
"Location" : "Station",
"Damage" : "Damged"
I would like find out how to delete the last PPE Element (Parent > Request > PPE) by the _id column.
So I would to delete the following child:
"_id" : "121",
"Code" : "PPE",
"Status" : "New",
"Title" : "Trousers",
"Type" : "STD",
"Size" : "10111116",
"Qty" : 1,
"LostDamage" : {
"Reason" : "asdaD",
"Location" : "Station",
"Damage" : "Damged"
Any tips / help would be great.
You can use MongoDb $pop to remove your last element from array. Like this go to
db.collection.update({id:1}, { $pop:{ 'request.PPE':1}});

A query to return a single attribute of a document in mongodb

[ "_id" : ObjectId("59d1f4d0539f772aacf90f61"),
"user_id" : 1222.0,
"user_name" : "jadenn",
"email" : "",
"phone" : 333333333.0,
"image_ref" : "static/image/123IMG_20170917_232813.jpg",
"stories" : [
"title" : "accident",
"description" : "kjsbskns",
"longitude" : 19.2,
"latitude" : 81.4,
"location" : "isl",
"date" : 12.0,
"reactions" : [
"type" : "seen",
"date" : "1234",
"user_id" : 123.0
"type" : "seen",
"date" : "1234",
"user_id" : 123.0
"comments" : [
"comment" : "djksnjknfkjguye",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 123.0
"comment" : "this is the accident case ",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 123.0
"reports" : [
"description" : "uye",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 1232321.0
"catagory_name" : [
"type" : "uye"
Here is my document I want a query which will return only list of stories. Not a complete document of user. I searched but could not find the solution. Every solution return complete document by applying "Where condition as MYSQL"]1
You need to project on stories key from your document as below:
db.youCollection.find({}, {stories:1, _id:0})

MongoDB $lookup on array of object

I have 2 collections structured as below. I have tried $lookup to get the result but I am not getting any result because of my local and foreign fields are in array of object.
Below is my structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("5795a3531d3f3afc19caefef"),
"name" : "category1",
"updatedAt" : "1469431592786",
"resources" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adde"),
"title" : "resource1",
"availability" : false
"_id" : ObjectId("5795a3771d3f3afc19caeff0"),
"title" : "resource2",
"availability" : true
Above "categories" schema have resources array of object. this resource _id is stored in bookings collection in following way:
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8000ca7a46b7ef683"),
"name" : "1469491200000",
"__v" : 0,
"schedule" : [
"resourceId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adde"),
"userId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adcve"),
"title" : "grofep",
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8f9f9951c1fc923b1")
"resourceId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3bddz"),
"userId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adcve"),
"title" : "mr3",
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8f9f9951c1fc923b2")
"resourceId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adde"),
"userId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adcve"),
"title" : "grofep23",
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8f9f9951c1fc923b3")
Now I want to get all the schedule of booking collection with their resource information.I want to fetch resources from categories table on the basis of booking schedule.
Desired output:
"name" : "1469491200000",
"resourceId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adde"),
"bookings": [
"userId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adcve"),
"title" : "grofep",
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8f9f9951c1fc923b1")
"userId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adcve"),
"title" : "grofep23",
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8f9f9951c1fc923b3")
"name" : "1469491200000",
"resourceId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3bddz"),
"bookings": [
"userId" : ObjectId("5791be003fa3bedc15d3adcve"),
"title" : "mr3",
"_id" : ObjectId("57960aa8f9f9951c1fc923b2")
Help me to get this desired result.

Mongo DB : remove document from collection

Here is one of my document of my collection "entities", I can't figure out how to remove it.
"_id" : {
"id" : "sensors:StreetLight2",
"type" : "sensors",
"servicePath" : "/egmmqttpath"
"attrNames" : [
"attrs" : {
"PING_status" : {
"value" : "delivered but no respond",
"type" : "string",
"md" : [
"name" : "TimeInstant",
"type" : "ISO8601",
"value" : "2015-11-20T09:02:53.114688"
"creDate" : 1448010161,
"modDate" : 1448010172
"TimeInstant" : {
"value" : "2015-11-20T09:02:53.114834",
"type" : "ISO8601",
"creDate" : 1448010122,
"modDate" : 1448010172
"creDate" : 1448010122,
"modDate" : 1448010172
Any ideas? how can I remove the above document? Thanks in advance.
From doc:
Removes documents from a collection.
1) By _ID: Since _ID is unique.
db.entities.remove( {"_id" :
"id" : "sensors:StreetLight2",
"type" : "sensors",
"servicePath" : "/egmmqttpath"
I would pass the _id to remove it.
"_id" : {
"id" : "sensors:StreetLight2",
"type" : "sensors",
"servicePath" : "/egmmqttpath"
remove document in mongodb
query = {"_id": <value of _id>}
"_id" : {
"id" : "sensors:StreetLight2",
"type" : "sensors",
"servicePath" : "/egmmqttpath""id" : "sensors:StreetLight2"
you can also take any key-value pair from documents for remove
you can refer these links for better understanding
In mongo shell you should use .remove():
"_id" :
"id" : "sensors:StreetLight2",
"type" : "sensors",
"servicePath" : "/egmmqttpath"