Mongoose Return One Object from Array - mongodb

I use mongoose and I have this data in my mongodb :
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e1edf7c56a896987c191"),
"deleted" : false,
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Klinik",
"lastName" : "Koding",
"resetToken" : null,
"workspaces" : [
"status" : "active",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e124f7c56a896987c18e"),
"code" : "kk",
"name" : "Klinik Koding",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
"status" : "invited",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e13ff7c56a896987c190"),
"code" : "rm",
"name" : "The Manage",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
How can I return only one workspace? The output that I need is like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e1edf7c56a896987c191"),
"deleted" : false,
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Klinik",
"lastName" : "Koding",
"resetToken" : null,
"workspaces" : [
"status" : "active",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e124f7c56a896987c18e"),
"code" : "kk",
"name" : "Klinik Koding",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
Anyone can help me with this query?

Try this.
async function retrieve(){
// You can retrieve it by any field. I used email because it is unique.
let data=await yourModelName.findOne({email:""})
console.log("your final result",data)


How get query for array of objects in Mongodb?

I need to form a query in such a way to get only status : active list. It should list only the active status. need to filter it down .
"users" : {
"assigned" : [
"userId" : ObjectId("5d9fd84b3d598088d2ea5e0b"),
"firstName" : "ramasamy",
"userImage" : "69_20160719103303_user.png",
"status" : "inactive",
"assignedDate" : ISODate("2017-05-25T05:18:37Z")
"userId" : ObjectId("5d9fd8233d598088d2ea5dd1"),
"firstName" : "karthik",
"userImage" : "karthik_1589782232510.jpeg",
"status" : "active",
"assignedDate" : null
"incharge" : [{
"userId" : ObjectId("5d9fd81f3d598088d2ea5dcc"),
"firstName" : "sathish",
"status" : "inactive",
"assignedDate" : ISODate("2017-04-12T16:43:24Z")
{ "userId" : ObjectId("5d9fd8203d598088d2ea5dcd"),
"firstName" : "santhana vadivelan",
"status" : "active",
"assignedDate" : ISODate("2017-05-09T18:20:25Z")
I tried using find query,but noting worked out.
I need the result to be like.
"users" : {
"assigned" : [
"userId" : ObjectId("5d9fd8233d598088d2ea5dd1"),
"firstName" : "karthik",
"userImage" : "karthik_1589782232510.jpeg",
"status" : "active",
"assignedDate" : null
"incharge" : [{ "userId" : ObjectId("5d9fd8203d598088d2ea5dcd"),
"firstName" : "santhana vadivelan",
"status" : "active",
"assignedDate" : ISODate("2017-05-09T18:20:25Z")
You can use the $ keyword.
This will allow you to perform queries on all the elements in an inner array.
For example: db.collection.find({'users.assigned.$.status': 'active'})

A query to return a single attribute of a document in mongodb

[ "_id" : ObjectId("59d1f4d0539f772aacf90f61"),
"user_id" : 1222.0,
"user_name" : "jadenn",
"email" : "",
"phone" : 333333333.0,
"image_ref" : "static/image/123IMG_20170917_232813.jpg",
"stories" : [
"title" : "accident",
"description" : "kjsbskns",
"longitude" : 19.2,
"latitude" : 81.4,
"location" : "isl",
"date" : 12.0,
"reactions" : [
"type" : "seen",
"date" : "1234",
"user_id" : 123.0
"type" : "seen",
"date" : "1234",
"user_id" : 123.0
"comments" : [
"comment" : "djksnjknfkjguye",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 123.0
"comment" : "this is the accident case ",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 123.0
"reports" : [
"description" : "uye",
"date" : 123.0,
"user_id" : 1232321.0
"catagory_name" : [
"type" : "uye"
Here is my document I want a query which will return only list of stories. Not a complete document of user. I searched but could not find the solution. Every solution return complete document by applying "Where condition as MYSQL"]1
You need to project on stories key from your document as below:
db.youCollection.find({}, {stories:1, _id:0})

Issue with firebase query

My query:
let query = recentRef.queryOrderedByChild(FRECENT_GROUPID).queryEqualToValue(group_id)
query.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
And database structure is :
And my query looks like:
(/Recent {
ep = fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c;
i = groupId;
sp = fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c;
and getting Snap (Recent) <null> when I print(snapshot).
Its strange that it was working fine but now its suddenly stopped working.
Complete JSON:
"Message" : {
"fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c" : {
"-Kp0jed1EZ5BLllL5_cm" : {
"createdAt" : 1.500046597341153E9,
"groupId" : "fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c",
"objectId" : "-Kp0jed1EZ5BLllL5_cl",
"senderId" : "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2",
"senderName" : "Test1 Test1",
"status" : "",
"text" : "hi",
"type" : "text",
"updatedAt" : 1.50004659734136E9
"Recent" : {
"-Kp0jecwejhzQbbm62CW" : {
"counter" : 0,
"createdAt" : 1.500046600967624E9,
"description" : "Test1 Test1",
"groupId" : "fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c",
"lastMessage" : "hi",
"members" : [ "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2", "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2" ],
"objectId" : "-Kp0jecwejhzQbbm62CV",
"picture" : "",
"type" : "private",
"updatedAt" : 1.500046600967647E9,
"userId" : "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2"
"-Kp0jed-FU1PXt1iPr29" : {
"counter" : 0,
"createdAt" : 1.500046600971885E9,
"description" : "Srikant Root",
"groupId" : "fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c",
"lastMessage" : "hi",
"members" : [ "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2", "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2" ],
"objectId" : "-Kp0jed-FU1PXt1iPr28",
"picture" : "",
"type" : "private",
"updatedAt" : 1.500046600971896E9,
"userId" : "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2"
"User" : {
"fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2" : {
"createdAt" : 1.500045753102713E9,
"email" : "",
"firstname" : "Srikant",
"fullname" : "Srikant Yadav",
"handle" : "Srikant",
"lastname" : "Yadav",
"networkImage" : "",
"objectId" : "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2",
"online" : false,
"updatedAt" : 1.500045753102731E9
"lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2" : {
"createdAt" : 1.500045791892967E9,
"email" : "",
"firstname" : "Test1",
"fullname" : "Test1 Test1",
"handle" : "test1",
"lastname" : "Test1",
"networkImage" : "",
"objectId" : "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2",
"online" : false,
"updatedAt" : 1.500046571456235E9

Inconsistent query results with embedded documents on MongoDB

I've got a collection called payments with an example of its document shown below:
"_id" : ObjectId("579b5ee817e3aaac2f0aebc1"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T11:04:01.209-03:00"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T10:49:28.113-03:00"),
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5763f56010cd7b03008147d4"),
"contract" : ObjectId("578cb907f1575f0300d84d09"),
"recurrence" : [
"when" : ISODate("2016-05-29T11:03:45.606-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2d"),
"transaction" : {
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-05-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"tid" : "9999999999999999B01A",
"status" : 4,
"code" : "00",
"message" : "Transação autorizada"
"status" : "PAGO"
"when" : ISODate("2016-06-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2c"),
"transaction" : {
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-06-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"tid" : "9999999999999999B01A",
"status" : 4,
"code" : "00",
"message" : "Transação autorizada"
"status" : "PAGO"
"when" : ISODate("2016-07-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2b"),
"status" : "ERRO",
"transaction" : {
"code" : "56",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T11:04:01.196-03:00"),
"message" : "Autorização negada",
"status" : 5,
"tid" : "1006993069000730B88A"
"when" : ISODate("2016-07-30T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2a"),
"status" : "PENDENTE"
"when" : ISODate("2016-07-31T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e29"),
"status" : "PENDENTE"
"when" : ISODate("2016-08-01T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e28"),
"status" : "PENDENTE"
"status" : "PAGO",
"conditions" : {
"originalValue" : 7406.64,
"totalValue" : 7400,
"upfrontValue" : 1500,
"upfrontInstallments" : 3,
"balanceInstallments" : 9
"__v" : 0,
"transaction" : {
"code" : "00",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T10:49:46.610-03:00"),
"message" : "Transação autorizada",
"status" : 6,
"tid" : "1006993069000730AF5A"
If I run the query below, I get the desired document shown above:
db.payments.find({ "recurrence.transaction.tid": "1006993069000730B88A" })
However, if I run this other query, MongoDB returns my entire collection (presumably because it didn't match the subdocument's id):
db.payments.find({ "recurrence._id": ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2b") })
Both queries should return the same result! I also checked some other questions including this one so unless I'm going crazy I'm doing the same thing. Not sure why the inconsistent results though.
Tryout this:
db.payments.find({ recurrence : { $elemMatch: { "transaction.tid": "1006993069000730B88A"} } }).pretty()

Query to filter the information from a mongodb collection

I have to retrieve a list of users from list of documents which matches the condition. The document structure look like below
"_id" : ObjectId("660ff865d4f9075d40a1101c"),
"orderFormId" : "OF-rJw4elBYK",
"orderDetails" : [
"courseId" : "53fc31f443fa1fe885d3ad61",
"userInfo" : [
"dob" : "2015-03-22T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "M",
"status" : "Pending Appproval",
"eMail" : "",
"firstName" : "Arun"
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdasd",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "asdafasd",
"userId" : "RQ-11xDPALgR",
"eMail" : ""
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdaf",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "fsdsdf",
"userId" : "RQ-OdoXAOLrB",
"eMail" : ""
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdas",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "asdasd",
"userId" : "RQ-Bw2Xokmda",
"eMail" : ""
"userCount" : 5,
"Name" : "Compilers",
"coursePrice" : 1000,
"coursetype" : "offline"
"courseId" : "53fc31f443fa1fe885d3ad62",
"userInfo" : [
"dob" : "2015-03-22T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "Raj",
"status" : "requested",
"eMail" : "",
"firstName" : "Nithul"
"dob" : "2015-03-22T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "P C",
"status" : "requested",
"eMail" : "",
"firstName" : "Kahyoom"
"userCount" : 1,
"Name" : "Computer Science 101",
"coursePrice" : 0,
"coursetype" : "offline"
"courseId" : "57fc31f443fa1fe885d3ad64",
"userInfo" : [
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdasd",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "aasdasd",
"userId" : "RQ-WqEXBkjv5",
"eMail" : ""
"userCount" : 1,
"coursePrice" : 0,
"Name" : "Introduction to Haptics: Self-Paced",
"coursetype" : "offline"
"companyId" : ObjectId("54128cc57525614f6e3e710a"),
"createdDate" : ISODate("2015-03-23T11:26:29.027Z"),
"updatedDate" : ISODate("2015-03-24T15:00:33.248Z"),
"crmId" : ObjectId("660ab20bd4f9075d40a10d52"),
"urmId" : ObjectId("660ab20bd4f9075d40a10d52"),
"activeFlag" : 0,
"customCompanyCode" : "baa-106",
"status" : "Pending approval"}
From above document i have to get the users who have the status "Approved" in userInfo object which exists inside this document. I have created one query but this will output all the users who have different status.My query look like below,
db.clnTrainingRequest.find({companyId:ObjectId('54128cc57525614f6e3e710a'), "orderDetails.userInfo.status":{$in:['Approved']}}).toArray()
Please any one help me to sort out this issue
You can use aggregation. You need to $unwind orderDetails and the userInfo arrays and then use the $match to get users with status Approved
[ { "$match": { "companyId": ObjectId('54128cc57525614f6e3e710a') },
{ "$unwind": "$orderDetails" },
{ "$unwind": "$orderDetails.userInfo" },
{ "$match": { "orderDetails.userInfo.status": "Approved" }}