Switch strings in a file - powershell

I have a string needs to be changed in a file between two values. What I want to do is if I found value A then change to value B, if I found value B then change to value A. there will be a message box popup saying that value has been changed to [xxxxx] then background picture will be also changed accordingly.
$path = c:\work\test.xml
$settings = get-content $path
$settings | % { $_.replace($A, $B) } | set-content $path
I could not figured out how to use IF A then replace with B or IF B then replace A. Also, the code above will delete rest of contents in the file and only save the part that I modified back to the file.

Assuming that $A and $B contain just simple strings rather than regular expressions you could use a switch statement with wildcard matches:
$path = 'c:\work\test.xml'
$A = 'AAAAA'
$B = 'BBBBB'
(Get-Content $path) | % {
switch -wildcard ($_) {
"*$A*" { $_ -replace [regex]::Escape($A), $B }
"*$B*" { $_ -replace [regex]::Escape($B), $A }
default { $_ }
} | Set-Content $path
The [regex]::Escape() makes sure that characters having a special meaing in regular expressions are escaped, so the values are replaced as literal strings.
If you're aiming for something a little more advanced, you could use a regular expression replacement with a callback function:
$path = 'c:\work\test.xml'
$A = 'AAAAA'
$B = 'BBBBB'
$rep = #{
$A = $B
$B = $A
$callback = { $rep[$args[0].Groups[1].Value] }
$re = [regex]("({0}|{1})" -f [regex]::Escape($A), [regex]::Escape($B))
(Get-Content $path) | % {
$re.Replace($_, $callback)
} | Set-Content $path

This isn't tested extensively, but I think it should work:
path = c:\work\test.xml
$A = 'AAAAA'
$B = 'BBBBB'
[regex]$regex = "$A|$B"
$text =
Get-Content $path |
foreach {
$regex.Replace($text,{if ($args[0].value -eq $A){$B} else {$A}})
$text | Set-Content $path
Hard to be sure without knowing exactly what the data looks like.


Powershell overwriting file contents with match instead of editing single line

I have a text file that contains a string I want to modify.
Example text file contents:
If I run this code:
$file = "c:\test.txt"
$MinX = 100
$MinY = 100
$a = (Get-Content $file) | %{
if($_ -match "def=(\d*)"){
if($Matches[1] -gt $MinX){$_ -replace "$($Matches[1])","$($MinX)" }
The result is:
If I omit the greater-than check like so:
$a = (Get-Content $file) | %{
if($_ -match "def=(\d*)"){
$_ -replace "$($Matches[1])","$($MinX)"
The result is correct:
I don't understand how a simple integer comparison before doing the replace could screw things up so badly, can anyone advise what I'm missing?
The comparison operator -gt will never get you a value of $true because you need to
cast the $matches[1] string value to int first so it compares two integer numbers
2 is never greater than 100.. Change the operator to -lt instead.
Your code outputs only one line, because you forgot to also output unchanged lines that do not match the regex
$file = 'c:\test.txt'
$MinX = 100
$MinY = 100
$a = (Get-Content $file) | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^def=(\d+)'){
if([int]$matches[1] -lt $MinX){ $_ -replace $matches[1],$MinX }
else {
Or use switch (is also faster than using Get-Content):
$file = 'c:\test.txt'
$MinX = 100
$MinY = 100
$a = switch -Regex -File $file {
'^def=(\d+)' {
if([int]$matches[1] -lt $MinX){ $_ -replace $matches[1],$MinX }
default { $_ }
That's because the expression ($Matches[1] -gt $MinX) is a string comparison. In Powershell, the left-hand side of a comparison dictates the comparison type and since that is of type [string], Powershell has to cast/convert the right-hand side of the expression to [string] also. You expression, therefore, is evaluated as ([string]$Matches[1] -gt [string]$MinX).

Powershell - Store hash table in file and read its content

As follow-up, suggested by Doug, on my previous question on anonymizing file (
PowerShell - Find and replace multiple patterns to anonymize file) I need to save all hash tables values in single file "tmp.txt" for further processing.
Example: after processing the input file with string like:
the tmp.txt file contains:
qwerty-qwer12-qwer56 : RequestId-1
and this is perfect. The problem is when working with many strings, in the tmp.txt file there are more pairs than there should be. In my example below in tmp.txt I should see 4 times the "RequestId-x" but there are 6. Also when there are 2 or more "match" on the same line, only the first is updated/replaced. Any idea from where these extra lines comes from? Any why the script doesn't continue to check till the end of the same line?
Here is my test code:
$log = "C:\log.txt"
$tmp = "C:\tmp.txt"
Clear-Content $log
Clear-Content $tmp
<requestId>qwerty-qwer12-qwer56</requestId>qwertykeyId>Qwd84lPhjutf7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNQwd84lPhjutZ7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNPozDr5</ABC reportId>poGd56Hnm9q3Dfer6Jh</msg:reportId>
<requestId>qwerty-qwer12-qwer56</requestId>abcde reportId>plmkjh8765FGH4rt6As</msg:reportId>
'# | Set-Content $log -Encoding UTF8
$requestId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$keyId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$reportId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$output = switch -Regex -File $log {
'(\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6})' {
$req = $requestId.matches += #{$matches.1 = "RequestId-$($requestId.count)"}
$req.keys | %{ Add-Content $tmp "$_ : $($req.$_)" }
$_ -replace $matches.1,$requestId.matches.($matches.1)
'keyId>(\w{70})</' {
$kid = $keyId.matches += #{$matches.1 = "keyId-$($keyId.count)"}
$kid.keys | %{ Add-Content $tmp "$_ : $($kid.$_)" }
$_ -replace $matches.1,$keyId.matches.($matches.1)
'reportId>(\w{19})</msg:reportId>' {
$repid = $reportId.matches += #{$matches.1 = "Report-$($reportId.count)"}
$repid.keys | %{ Add-Content $tmp "$_ : $($repid.$_)" }
$_ -replace $matches.1,$reportId.matches.($matches.1)
default {$_}
$output | Set-Content $log -Encoding UTF8
Get-Content $log
Get-Content $tmp
If you don't care about the order in which they were found, which I assume you wouldn't if you don't want duplicates, just export them all at the end. I would still keep them in an "object" form so you can easily import/export them. Csv would be an ideal candidate for the data.
$requestId,$keyid,$reportid | Foreach-Object {
foreach($key in $_.matches.keys)
Original = $key
Replacement = $_.matches.$key
The data output to console for this example
Original Replacement
-------- -----------
qwerty-qwer12-qwer56 RequestId-1
zxcvbn-zxcv12-zxcv56 RequestId-2
1234qw-12qw12-12qw56 RequestId-3
Qwd84lPhjutf7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNQwd84lPhjutZ7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNPozDr5 keyId-1
Zdjgi76Gho3sQw0ib5Mjk3sDyoq9zmGdZdjgi76Gho3sQw0ib5Mjk3sDyoq9zmGdLkJpQw keyId-2
poGd56Hnm9q3Dfer6Jh Report-1
plmkjh8765FGH4rt6As Report-2
Just pipe it into Export-Csv
$requestId,$keyid,$reportid | Foreach-Object {
foreach($key in $_.matches.keys)
Original = $key
Replacement = $_.matches.$key
} | Export-Csv $tmp -NoTypeInformation

How can I transpose and parse a large vertical text file into a CSV file with headers?

I have a large text file (*.txt) in the following format:
; KEY 123456
; Any Company LLC
; 123 Main St, Anytown, USA
SEC1 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC2 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC3 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC4 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC5 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC6 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is repeated for about 350 - 400 keys. These are HASP keys and the SEC codes associated with them. I am trying to parse this file into a CSV file with KEY and SEC1 - SEC6 as the headers, with the rows being filled in. This is the format I am trying to get to:
I have been able to get a script to export to a CSV with only one key in the text file (my test file), but when I try to run it on the full list, it only exports the last key and sec codes.
$keysheet = '.\AllKeys.txt'
$holdarr = #{}
Get-Content $keysheet | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "KEY") {
$key, $value = $_.TrimStart("; ") -split " "
$holdarr[$key] = $value }
elseif ($_ -match "SEC") {
$key, $value = $_ -split " = "
$holdarr[$key] = $value }
$hash = New-Object PSObject -Property $holdarr
$hash | Export-Csv -Path '.\allsec.csv' -NoTypeInformation
When I run it on the full list, it also adds a couple of extra columns with what looks like properties instead of values.
Any help to get this to work would be appreciated.
Here's the approach I suggest:
$output = switch -Regex -File './AllKeys.txt' {
'^; KEY (?<key>\d+)' {
if ($o) {
$o = #{
KEY = $Matches['key']
'^(?<sec>SEC.*?)\s' {
$o[$Matches['sec']] = ($_ | ConvertFrom-StringData)[$Matches['sec']]
default {
Write-Warning -Message "No match found: $_"
# catch the last object
$output += [pscustomobject]$o
$output | Export-Csv -Path './some.csv' -NoTypeInformation
This would be one approach.
& {
$entry = $null
switch -Regex -File '.\AllKeys.txt' {
"KEY" {
if ($entry ) {
$entry = #{}
$key, $value = $_.TrimStart("; ") -split " "
$entry[$key] = [int]$value
"SEC" {
$key, $value = $_ -split " = "
$entry[$key] = $value
} | sort KEY | select KEY,SEC1,SEC2,SEC3,SEC4,SEC5,SEC6 |
Export-Csv -Path '.\allsec.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Lets leverage the strength of ConvertFrom-StringData which
Converts a string containing one or more key and value pairs to a hash table.
So what we will do is
Split into blocks of text
edit the "; Key" line
Remove an blank lines or semicolon lines.
Pass to ConvertFrom-StringData to create a hashtable
Convert that to a PowerShell object
$path = "c:\temp\keys.txt"
# Split the file into its key/sec collections. Drop any black entries created in the split
(Get-Content -Raw $path) -split ";\s+KEY\s+" | Where-Object{-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | ForEach-Object{
# Split the block into lines again
$lines = $_ -split "`r`n" | Where-Object{$_ -notmatch "^;" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}
# Edit the first line so we have a full block of key=value pairs.
$lines[0] = "key=$($lines[0])"
# Use ConvertFrom-StringData to do the leg work after we join the lines back as a single string.
[pscustomobject](($lines -join "`r`n") | ConvertFrom-StringData)
} |
# Cannot guarentee column order so we force it with this select statement.
Select-Object KEY,SEC1,SEC2,SEC3,SEC4,SEC5,SEC6
Use Export-CSV to your hearts content now.

String trim and split

I have a text file that I read and I need to get the values from.
Example text file:
[Site 01]
[Site 02]
Currently my code reads through the file and places each each as an array entry for each line DBServer= that is found and this text file can have many sites:
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites |
Select-String -Pattern "DBServer=" -Context 0,3
$i = 0
$NumOfSites | ForEach-Object {
$svr = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'DBServer=').Trim()[1] }
$db = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'DBName='.Trim())[1] }
$uid = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'Username='.Trim())[1] }
$pswd = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'Password='.Trim())[1] }
$i = $i+1
I can't get each attribute to split out properly without some extra spaces or something nicely as a string variable.
I just need to extract the info to put into an SQL connection line as variables from the format of the file example I have.
Other than the record headers (i.e. [Site 01]) the rest can be handled by ConvertFrom-StringData just fine. We can just convert the records to objects directly splitting on the header row more or less. ConvertFrom-StringData turns a multi-line string into a hashtable, and you can just cast that as a [PSCustomObject] and viola, you have objects that are easy to use.
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites -raw
$SiteObjects = $NumOfSites -split '\[.+?\]'|%{[PSCustomObject](ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $_)}
Then you can manipulate $SiteObjects however you see fit (output to CSV if you want, or filter on any property using Select-Object). Or, if you're looking to make connections you can loop through it building your connections as needed...
ForEach($Connection in $SiteObjects){
$ConStr = "Server = {0}; Database = {1}; Integrated Security = False; User ID = {2}; Password = {3};" -f $Connection.DBServer.Trim(), $Connection.DBName.Trim(), $Connection.Username.Trim(), $Connection.Password.Trim()
<Do stuff with SQL>
Edit: Updating my answer since the sample text was changed to add <pre> and </pre>. We just need to remove those, and since the OP is getting errors about methods on null values we'll filter for null as well.
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites -raw
$SiteObjects = $NumOfSites -replace '<.*?>' -split '\[.+?\]' | ?{$_} |%{[PSCustomObject](ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $_)}
ForEach($Connection in $SiteObjects){
$svr = $Connection.DBServer.Trim()
$db = $Connection.DBName.Trim()
$uid = $Connection.Username.Trim()
$pwd = $Connection.Password.Trim()
Here's a suggestion if you only care about getting the value after the equals:
Get-Content Example.txt |
ForEach-Object {
Switch -Regex ($_) {
'dbs.+=' { $svr = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim()
.. etc ..
Get-Content piped to ForEach-Object will interpret each line as its own object.
You were most of the way there, but it's unnecessary to -split the lines
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites | Select-String -pattern "DBServer=" -Context 0,3
$NumOfSites | ForEach-Object {
Switch -Wildcard ($_) {
'DBS*=' { $svr = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }
'DBN*=' { $db = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }
'U*=' { $uid = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }
'P*=' { $pw = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }

Using Context in Powershell Select-String

I have a script that searches for a series of strings (stored in a txt file) in the contents of files in a directory. I would like to modify it to also list the text around the string found (these are regular strings, not regex expressions). I played around a lot and it seems like I need to use -Context, but I am not sure how to get the text from that.
Also, the files I am searching may not have linefeeds, so if it could just get the xx characters before and after the search term, that would be better.
Here's what I have so far (I omitted the looping though files parts):
$result = Get-Content $file.FullName | Select-String $control -quiet
If ($result -eq $True)
$match = $file.FullName
"Match on string : $control in file : $match" | Out-File $output -Append
Write-host "Match on string : $control in file : $match"
If it could write the context, that would be perfect. Seems like I need to use $_Matches, but not sure how.
If $control is just a regular string, can you turn it into a regular expression?
$n = 3
$re = "(.{0,$n})(" + [Regex]::Escape($control) + ")(.{0,$n})"
$result = (Get-Content $file.FullName) -match $re
With this, the $matches hashtable should give you access to the $n characters before and after the match:
if ($result.Length -gt 0) {
echo "Before: $($matches[1])"
echo "After: $($matches[3])"
Here is what I have now and it seems to work:
$regex = "[\s\S]{0,$ContextChars}$SearchTerm[\s\S]{0,$ContextChars}"
$results = Get-Content $file.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value }
if ($results)
foreach($result in $results)
$display = $result
"File: $file Match ---$display---"
The only thing I wish I had but don't know how to get it is the line number the match is found on.