String trim and split - powershell

I have a text file that I read and I need to get the values from.
Example text file:
[Site 01]
[Site 02]
Currently my code reads through the file and places each each as an array entry for each line DBServer= that is found and this text file can have many sites:
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites |
Select-String -Pattern "DBServer=" -Context 0,3
$i = 0
$NumOfSites | ForEach-Object {
$svr = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'DBServer=').Trim()[1] }
$db = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'DBName='.Trim())[1] }
$uid = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'Username='.Trim())[1] }
$pswd = $NumOfSites[$i] -isplit "\n" |
% { ($_ -isplit 'Password='.Trim())[1] }
$i = $i+1
I can't get each attribute to split out properly without some extra spaces or something nicely as a string variable.
I just need to extract the info to put into an SQL connection line as variables from the format of the file example I have.

Other than the record headers (i.e. [Site 01]) the rest can be handled by ConvertFrom-StringData just fine. We can just convert the records to objects directly splitting on the header row more or less. ConvertFrom-StringData turns a multi-line string into a hashtable, and you can just cast that as a [PSCustomObject] and viola, you have objects that are easy to use.
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites -raw
$SiteObjects = $NumOfSites -split '\[.+?\]'|%{[PSCustomObject](ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $_)}
Then you can manipulate $SiteObjects however you see fit (output to CSV if you want, or filter on any property using Select-Object). Or, if you're looking to make connections you can loop through it building your connections as needed...
ForEach($Connection in $SiteObjects){
$ConStr = "Server = {0}; Database = {1}; Integrated Security = False; User ID = {2}; Password = {3};" -f $Connection.DBServer.Trim(), $Connection.DBName.Trim(), $Connection.Username.Trim(), $Connection.Password.Trim()
<Do stuff with SQL>
Edit: Updating my answer since the sample text was changed to add <pre> and </pre>. We just need to remove those, and since the OP is getting errors about methods on null values we'll filter for null as well.
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites -raw
$SiteObjects = $NumOfSites -replace '<.*?>' -split '\[.+?\]' | ?{$_} |%{[PSCustomObject](ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $_)}
ForEach($Connection in $SiteObjects){
$svr = $Connection.DBServer.Trim()
$db = $Connection.DBName.Trim()
$uid = $Connection.Username.Trim()
$pwd = $Connection.Password.Trim()

Here's a suggestion if you only care about getting the value after the equals:
Get-Content Example.txt |
ForEach-Object {
Switch -Regex ($_) {
'dbs.+=' { $svr = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim()
.. etc ..
Get-Content piped to ForEach-Object will interpret each line as its own object.
You were most of the way there, but it's unnecessary to -split the lines
$NumOfSites = Get-Content $Sites | Select-String -pattern "DBServer=" -Context 0,3
$NumOfSites | ForEach-Object {
Switch -Wildcard ($_) {
'DBS*=' { $svr = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }
'DBN*=' { $db = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }
'U*=' { $uid = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }
'P*=' { $pw = ($_ -replace '.+=').Trim() }


Powershell - Store hash table in file and read its content

As follow-up, suggested by Doug, on my previous question on anonymizing file (
PowerShell - Find and replace multiple patterns to anonymize file) I need to save all hash tables values in single file "tmp.txt" for further processing.
Example: after processing the input file with string like:
the tmp.txt file contains:
qwerty-qwer12-qwer56 : RequestId-1
and this is perfect. The problem is when working with many strings, in the tmp.txt file there are more pairs than there should be. In my example below in tmp.txt I should see 4 times the "RequestId-x" but there are 6. Also when there are 2 or more "match" on the same line, only the first is updated/replaced. Any idea from where these extra lines comes from? Any why the script doesn't continue to check till the end of the same line?
Here is my test code:
$log = "C:\log.txt"
$tmp = "C:\tmp.txt"
Clear-Content $log
Clear-Content $tmp
<requestId>qwerty-qwer12-qwer56</requestId>qwertykeyId>Qwd84lPhjutf7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNQwd84lPhjutZ7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNPozDr5</ABC reportId>poGd56Hnm9q3Dfer6Jh</msg:reportId>
<requestId>qwerty-qwer12-qwer56</requestId>abcde reportId>plmkjh8765FGH4rt6As</msg:reportId>
'# | Set-Content $log -Encoding UTF8
$requestId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$keyId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$reportId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$output = switch -Regex -File $log {
'(\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6})' {
$req = $requestId.matches += #{$matches.1 = "RequestId-$($requestId.count)"}
$req.keys | %{ Add-Content $tmp "$_ : $($req.$_)" }
$_ -replace $matches.1,$requestId.matches.($matches.1)
'keyId>(\w{70})</' {
$kid = $keyId.matches += #{$matches.1 = "keyId-$($keyId.count)"}
$kid.keys | %{ Add-Content $tmp "$_ : $($kid.$_)" }
$_ -replace $matches.1,$keyId.matches.($matches.1)
'reportId>(\w{19})</msg:reportId>' {
$repid = $reportId.matches += #{$matches.1 = "Report-$($reportId.count)"}
$repid.keys | %{ Add-Content $tmp "$_ : $($repid.$_)" }
$_ -replace $matches.1,$reportId.matches.($matches.1)
default {$_}
$output | Set-Content $log -Encoding UTF8
Get-Content $log
Get-Content $tmp
If you don't care about the order in which they were found, which I assume you wouldn't if you don't want duplicates, just export them all at the end. I would still keep them in an "object" form so you can easily import/export them. Csv would be an ideal candidate for the data.
$requestId,$keyid,$reportid | Foreach-Object {
foreach($key in $_.matches.keys)
Original = $key
Replacement = $_.matches.$key
The data output to console for this example
Original Replacement
-------- -----------
qwerty-qwer12-qwer56 RequestId-1
zxcvbn-zxcv12-zxcv56 RequestId-2
1234qw-12qw12-12qw56 RequestId-3
Qwd84lPhjutf7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNQwd84lPhjutZ7Nmwr56hJndcsjy34imNPozDr5 keyId-1
Zdjgi76Gho3sQw0ib5Mjk3sDyoq9zmGdZdjgi76Gho3sQw0ib5Mjk3sDyoq9zmGdLkJpQw keyId-2
poGd56Hnm9q3Dfer6Jh Report-1
plmkjh8765FGH4rt6As Report-2
Just pipe it into Export-Csv
$requestId,$keyid,$reportid | Foreach-Object {
foreach($key in $_.matches.keys)
Original = $key
Replacement = $_.matches.$key
} | Export-Csv $tmp -NoTypeInformation

How can I transpose and parse a large vertical text file into a CSV file with headers?

I have a large text file (*.txt) in the following format:
; KEY 123456
; Any Company LLC
; 123 Main St, Anytown, USA
SEC1 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC2 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC3 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC4 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC5 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SEC6 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is repeated for about 350 - 400 keys. These are HASP keys and the SEC codes associated with them. I am trying to parse this file into a CSV file with KEY and SEC1 - SEC6 as the headers, with the rows being filled in. This is the format I am trying to get to:
I have been able to get a script to export to a CSV with only one key in the text file (my test file), but when I try to run it on the full list, it only exports the last key and sec codes.
$keysheet = '.\AllKeys.txt'
$holdarr = #{}
Get-Content $keysheet | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "KEY") {
$key, $value = $_.TrimStart("; ") -split " "
$holdarr[$key] = $value }
elseif ($_ -match "SEC") {
$key, $value = $_ -split " = "
$holdarr[$key] = $value }
$hash = New-Object PSObject -Property $holdarr
$hash | Export-Csv -Path '.\allsec.csv' -NoTypeInformation
When I run it on the full list, it also adds a couple of extra columns with what looks like properties instead of values.
Any help to get this to work would be appreciated.
Here's the approach I suggest:
$output = switch -Regex -File './AllKeys.txt' {
'^; KEY (?<key>\d+)' {
if ($o) {
$o = #{
KEY = $Matches['key']
'^(?<sec>SEC.*?)\s' {
$o[$Matches['sec']] = ($_ | ConvertFrom-StringData)[$Matches['sec']]
default {
Write-Warning -Message "No match found: $_"
# catch the last object
$output += [pscustomobject]$o
$output | Export-Csv -Path './some.csv' -NoTypeInformation
This would be one approach.
& {
$entry = $null
switch -Regex -File '.\AllKeys.txt' {
"KEY" {
if ($entry ) {
$entry = #{}
$key, $value = $_.TrimStart("; ") -split " "
$entry[$key] = [int]$value
"SEC" {
$key, $value = $_ -split " = "
$entry[$key] = $value
} | sort KEY | select KEY,SEC1,SEC2,SEC3,SEC4,SEC5,SEC6 |
Export-Csv -Path '.\allsec.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Lets leverage the strength of ConvertFrom-StringData which
Converts a string containing one or more key and value pairs to a hash table.
So what we will do is
Split into blocks of text
edit the "; Key" line
Remove an blank lines or semicolon lines.
Pass to ConvertFrom-StringData to create a hashtable
Convert that to a PowerShell object
$path = "c:\temp\keys.txt"
# Split the file into its key/sec collections. Drop any black entries created in the split
(Get-Content -Raw $path) -split ";\s+KEY\s+" | Where-Object{-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | ForEach-Object{
# Split the block into lines again
$lines = $_ -split "`r`n" | Where-Object{$_ -notmatch "^;" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}
# Edit the first line so we have a full block of key=value pairs.
$lines[0] = "key=$($lines[0])"
# Use ConvertFrom-StringData to do the leg work after we join the lines back as a single string.
[pscustomobject](($lines -join "`r`n") | ConvertFrom-StringData)
} |
# Cannot guarentee column order so we force it with this select statement.
Select-Object KEY,SEC1,SEC2,SEC3,SEC4,SEC5,SEC6
Use Export-CSV to your hearts content now.

Get a part of a text into a variable

I have a .txt file with a content that is delimited by a blank line.
What is your favourite colour?
What is your hobby?
What kind of music do you like?
...and so on.
I would like to put each of the text questions into an array.
I tried this
$shareArray= gc $path
But it gives me every line into a variable.
Can someone give me a tip?
This is a different approach which can handle multiline questions and doesn't need a seperating blank line. The split is ^Question but this text is not excluded. Output is to Out-Gridview.
## LotPings 2016-11-26
$InFile = ".\Questions.txt"
## prepare Table
$Table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable
$col = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "QuestionNo",([string])
$col = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "QuestionBody",([string])
## prepare RegEx for the split
$Delimiter = [regex]'Question'
$Split = "(?!^)(?=$Delimiter)"
(Get-Content $InFile -Raw) -split $Split |
ForEach-Object {
If ($_ -match '(?smi)^(?<QuestionNo>Question\d+)( *)(?<QuestionBody>.*)$') {
$Row = $Table.Newrow()
$Row.QuestionNo = $matches.QuestionNo.Trim()
$Row.QuestionBody = $matches.QuestionBody.Trim()
} else {Write-Host "no Match"}
$Table | Out-Gridview
If you just want an array, you could filter on whether the lines have ? at the end or not:
$Questions = Get-Content $path |Where-Object {$_.Trim() -match '\?$'}
If you want to store the questions by the preceding name, you could use a hashtable.
Start by reading the file as a single string, then split by two consecutive line breaks:
$Blocks = (Get-Content $path -Raw) -split '\r?\n\r?\n' |ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
If you want both lines in each array item, you can stop here.
Otherwise split each block into a "question name" and "question" part, use those to populate your hashtable:
$Questions = #{}
$Blocks |ForEach-Object {
$Name,$Question = $_ -split '\r?\n'
$Questions[$Name.Trim()] = $Question
Now you can access the questions like:
other solution 1
select-string -Path "C:\temp\test.txt" -Pattern "Question[0-1]*" -Context 0,1 |
% {$_.Context.PostContext} |
out-file "c:\temp\result.txt"
other solution 2
{Text:an example of question?}
{Text:other example of question with Upper and digits 12}
gc "C:\temp\test.txt" | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | select Text
other solution 3
gc "C:\temp\test.txt" | ?{$_ -notmatch 'Question\d+' -and $_ -ne "" }

How to merge all contents in two csv files where records match off 1 column

I have two csv files. They both have SamAccountName in common. User records may or may not have a match found for every record between both files (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE).
I am trying to basically just merge all columns (and their values) into one file (based from the SamAccountNames found in the first file...).
If the SamAccountName is not found in the 2nd file, it should add all null values for that user record in the merged file (since the record was found in the first file).
If the SamAccountName is found in the 2nd file, but not in the first, it should ignore merging that record.
Number of columns in each file may vary (5, 10, 2, so forth...).
Function MergeTwoCsvFiles
Param ([String]$baseFile, [String]$fileToBeMerged, [String]$columnTitleLineInFileToBeMerged)
$baseFileCsvContents = Import-Csv $baseFile
$fileToBeMergedCsvContents = Import-Csv $fileToBeMerged
$baseFileContents = Get-Content $baseFile
$baseFileContents[0] += "," + $columnTitleLineInFileToBeMerged
$baseFileCsvContents | ForEach-Object {
$matchFound = $False
$baseSameAccountName = $_.SamAccountName
[String]$mergedLineInFile = $_
[String]$lineMatchFound = $fileToBeMergedCsvContents | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $baseSameAccountName}
Write-Host '$mergedLineInFile =' $mergedLineInFile
Write-Host '$lineMatchFound =' $lineMatchFound
The problem is, the record in the file is being written as a hash table instead of a string like line (if you were to view it as .txt). So I'm not really sure how to do this...
Adding results csv example files...
First CSV File
Second CSV File
Expected Merged CSV File
Note: This will be part of a loop process in merging multiple files, so I would like to avoid hardcoding the title names (with $_.SamAccountName as an exception)
Trying suggestion from "restless 1987" (Not Working)
$baseFileCsvContents = Import-Csv 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\base.csv'
$fileToBeMergedCsvContents = Import-Csv 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\lookup.csv'
$resultsFile = 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\MergedResults.csv'
$resultsFileContents = #()
$baseFileContents = Get-Content 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\base.csv'
$recordsMatched = compare-object $baseFileCsvContents $fileToBeMergedCsvContents -Property SamAccountName
switch ($recordsMatched)
'<=' {}
'=>' {}
'==' {$resultsFileContents += $_}
$resultsFileCsv = $resultsFileContents | ConvertTo-Csv
$resultsFileCsv | Export-Csv $resultsFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
Output gives a blank file :(
The code below outputs the desired results based on the inputs you provided.
function CombineSkip1($s1, $s2){
$s3 = $s1 -split ','
$s2 -split ',' | select -Skip 1 | % {$s3 += $_}
$s4 = $s3 -join ', '
Write-Output "------Combine files------"
# content
$c1 = Get-Content D:\junk\test1.csv
$c2 = Get-Content D:\junk\test2.csv
# users in both files, could be a better way to do this
$t1 = $c1 | ConvertFrom-Csv
$t2 = $c2 | ConvertFrom-Csv
$users = $t1 | Select SamAccountName
# generate final, combined output
$combined = #()
$combined += CombineSkip1 $c1[0] $c2[0]
$c2PropCount = ($c2[0] -split ',').Count - 1
$filler = (', ""' * $c2PropCount)
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $c1.Count; $i++){
$user = $c1[$i].Split(',')[0]
$u2 = $c2 | where {([string]$_).StartsWith($user)}
if ($u2)
$combined += CombineSkip1 $c1[$i] $u2
$combined += ($c1[$i] + $filler)
# write to output and file
Write-Output $combined
$combined | Set-Content -Path D:\junk\test3.csv -Force
You can use compare-object for that purpose. Use -property samaccountname with it. For example:
$a = 1,2,3,4,5
$b = 4,5,6,7
$side = compare-object $a $b
switch ($side){
'<=' {is not in $a}
'=>' {is not in $b}
'==' { is on both sides}
When you have all the data in your output-variable, trow it at convertto-csv and write it in a file
After an entire day, I finally came up with something that works...
Reason: breaking the inner loop and removing the found element from the array will be much faster when merging files with thousands of records...
Function GetTitlesFromFileToBeMerged
Param ($csvFile)
[String]$fileToBeMergedTitles = Get-Content $fileToBeMerged -TotalCount 1
[String[]]$fileToBeMergedTitles = ($fileToBeMergedTitles -replace "`",`"", "|").Trim()
[String[]]$fileToBeMergedTitles = ($fileToBeMergedTitles -replace "`"", "").Trim()
[String[]]$fileToBeMergedTitles = ($fileToBeMergedTitles -replace "SamAccountName", "").Trim()
[String[]]$listOfColumnTitles = $fileToBeMergedTitles.Split('|',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
Write-Output $listOfColumnTitles
$baseFile = 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\base.csv'
$fileToBeMerged = 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\lookup.csv'
$baseFileCsvContents = Import-Csv $baseFile
$baseFileContents = Get-Content $baseFile
$fileToBeMergedCsvContents = Import-Csv $fileToBeMerged
[System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]$fileToBeMergedContents = Get-Content $fileToBeMerged
$resultsFile = 'D:\Scripts\Powershell\Tests\MergedResults.csv'
$resultsFileContents = #()
[String]$baseFileTitles = $baseFileContents[0]
[String]$fileToBeMergedTitles = (Get-Content $fileToBeMerged -TotalCount 1) -replace "`"SamAccountName`",", ""
$resultsFileContents += $baseFileTitles + "," + $fileToBeMergedTitles
[String]$lineMatchNotFound = ""
$arrayFileToBeMergedTitles = GetTitlesFromFileToBeMerged $fileToBeMerged
For ($valueNum = 0; $valueNum -lt $arrayFileToBeMergedTitles.Length; $valueNum++)
$lineMatchNotFound += ",`"`""
$baseLineCounter = 1
$baseFileCsvContents | ForEach-Object {
$baseSameAccountName = $_.SamAccountName
[String]$baseLineInFile = $baseFileContents[$baseLineCounter]
$lineMatchCounter = 1
$lineMatchFound = ""
ForEach ($line in $fileToBeMergedContents) {
If ($line -like "*$baseSameAccountName*") {
[String]$lineMatchFound = "," + ($line -replace '^"[^"]*",', "")
break inner
}; $lineMatchCounter++
If (!($lineMatchFound))
[String]$lineMatchFound = $lineMatchNotFound
$mergedLine = $baseLineInFile + $lineMatchFound
$resultsFileContents += $mergedLine
ForEach ($line in $resultsFileContents)
Write-Host $line
$resultsFileContents | Set-Content $resultsFile -Force
I'm very sure this is not the best approach and there is something better that would handle this much faster. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them. Thanks.

Using Context in Powershell Select-String

I have a script that searches for a series of strings (stored in a txt file) in the contents of files in a directory. I would like to modify it to also list the text around the string found (these are regular strings, not regex expressions). I played around a lot and it seems like I need to use -Context, but I am not sure how to get the text from that.
Also, the files I am searching may not have linefeeds, so if it could just get the xx characters before and after the search term, that would be better.
Here's what I have so far (I omitted the looping though files parts):
$result = Get-Content $file.FullName | Select-String $control -quiet
If ($result -eq $True)
$match = $file.FullName
"Match on string : $control in file : $match" | Out-File $output -Append
Write-host "Match on string : $control in file : $match"
If it could write the context, that would be perfect. Seems like I need to use $_Matches, but not sure how.
If $control is just a regular string, can you turn it into a regular expression?
$n = 3
$re = "(.{0,$n})(" + [Regex]::Escape($control) + ")(.{0,$n})"
$result = (Get-Content $file.FullName) -match $re
With this, the $matches hashtable should give you access to the $n characters before and after the match:
if ($result.Length -gt 0) {
echo "Before: $($matches[1])"
echo "After: $($matches[3])"
Here is what I have now and it seems to work:
$regex = "[\s\S]{0,$ContextChars}$SearchTerm[\s\S]{0,$ContextChars}"
$results = Get-Content $file.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value }
if ($results)
foreach($result in $results)
$display = $result
"File: $file Match ---$display---"
The only thing I wish I had but don't know how to get it is the line number the match is found on.