Why does pg_restore return "options -d/--dbname and -f/--file cannot be used together"? - postgresql

The following Windows batch script fails on the line with database restore:
#Echo off
set Path=C:\Program Files (x86)
set Backup_Path=C:\Program Files (x86)
cd \
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin
#echo "Wait ..."
psql.exe -U postgres -c "create database Mydata"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin\pg_restore.exe" -h localhost -U postgres -d Mydata -f "Mydata.backup"
The error is:
pg_restore : -d / - dbname and -f / - file can not be used together
Try " pg_restore --help "

-f is the output filename, not the input file.
The input file does not have any parameter switch.
c:\>pg_restore --help
pg_restore restores a PostgreSQL database from an archive created by pg_dump.
pg_restore [OPTION]... [FILE]
General options:
-d, --dbname=NAME connect to database name
-f, --file=FILENAME output file name
-F, --format=c|d|t backup file format (should be automatic)
-l, --list print summarized TOC of the archive
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-V, --version output version information, then exit
-?, --help show this help, then exit
So you need to use:
pg_restore.exe -h localhost -U postgres -d Mydata "Mydata.backup"
More details in the manual: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-pgrestore.html


PostgreSQL pg_basebackup missing toc.dat header file

I'm using the following command to backup my database (PostgreSQL 11.8):
pg_basebackup -D "C:\\temp" -F tar -X f -z -P -U myUser
And the following to restore:
I manually unpack the base.tar.gz => base.tar
pg_restore -h localhost -W -U myUser -c -C -d myDatabase -F tar -v "C:\\temp\\base.tar"
This results in the following error:
pg_restore: [tar archiver] could not find header for file "toc.dat" in tar archive
What am I doing wrong?
Also, I tried different versions of the restore (only data, etc.) but of course the missing header file issue persists.
Thanks for your help!
You cannot use pg_basebackup and pg_restore together:
pg_basebackup is a physical backup tool
pg_restore can only be used with a logical backup created by pg_dump.
There is no single PostgreSQL command to restore a backup created with pg_basebackup.
To restore a physical backup see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/continuous-archiving.html#BACKUP-PITR-RECOVERY

How to restore a postgres database from a custom-format dump?

I'm having an issue getting a database restore using pg_restore to work. I've got Postgres 12.2 installed on my Mac running High Sierra (10.13.6). It was installed with Brew.
I created a simple database "foo" with table "foo" to test this out:
Nates-MacBook-Pro:k8s natereed$ psql -d foo
psql (12.2, server 12.1)
Type "help" for help.
foo=# SELECT table_schema,table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema='public' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name;
table_schema | table_name
public | foo
(1 row)
Generate dump:
pg_dump -Fc foo -f foo.backup
When I try to restore, nothing happens. pg_restore just hangs:
pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -v -Fc -f foo.backup
I've tried various permutations of this command, but every time it just hangs. In Activity Monitor, I see the process but it is not using any CPU.
Online help says:
pg_restore restores a PostgreSQL database from an archive created by pg_dump.
pg_restore [OPTION]... [FILE]
General options:
-d, --dbname=NAME connect to database name
-f, --file=FILENAME output file name
-F, --format=c|d|t backup file format (should be automatic)
-l, --list print summarized TOC of the archive
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-V, --version output version information, then exit
-?, --help show this help, then exit
For pg_restore -f is parameter for the output file: it is not the input file. Remove -f in your example:
pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -v -Fc foo.backup

PSQL COPY can't find file

I am trying to execute this command:
PS C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin> .\psql.exe -h front.linux-pgsql01.qa.local -p 5432 -d site -U qa -w -c "Delete from product_factor_lolek; COPY product_factor_lolek FROM E'C:\\OP_data\\SEARCH\\1.csv' delimiter '^' CSV;"
My file is located on this path: C:\OP_data\SEARCH\1.csv. But in fact, I've got an error:
ERROR: could not open file "C:\OP_data\SEARCH\1.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
I am using Windows server, PostgreSQL 9.4. What should I write for correct path?
P.S. I can't use \COPY
The COPY command will attempt to access your CSV file on Server (front.linux-pgsql01.qa.local), not in the client. So you must send your CSV to there and point the command to its path or use stdin as you mentioned:
psql.exe -h front.linux-pgsql01.qa.local -p 5432 -d site -U qa -w -c "Delete from product_factor_lolek; COPY product_factor_lolek FROM STDIN' delimiter '^' CSV;" < C:\OP_data\SEARCH\1.csv

PostgreSQL: Automated Backup in Windows

I'm trying to create an automated backup in Postgresql using below link, but I don't know where to find the needed dll, I'm stuck here. Can't proceed to next instruction because of this. Can anyone knows how to do it? Need help please.
Here's batch file script:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ("%date%") do (
set dow=%%i
set month=%%j
set day=%%k
set year=%%l
set datestr=%month%_%day%_%year%
echo datestr is %datestr%
set BACKUP_FILE=<backup_name_>_%datestr%.backup
echo backup file name is %BACKUP_FILE%
echo on
bin\pg_dump -i -h <localhost> -p 5432 -U <postgres> -F c -b -v -f %BACKUP_FILE% <db_name>
Is there missing syntax?
When manually executed error shows:
bin\pg_dump: illegal option -- i
I execute something like this
pg_dump.exe -h %SERVER% -p 5432 -U postgres -Fc -d %basedatos% -v -f %filebackup%
This variables replace value respective.

pgAgent scheduled job failed on Windows

I am trying to set up the step with Batch file path on particular time in pgAgent via pgAdmin. But when I run that it is failing and in Step statistics I got this Output
'psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Postgresql 9.3.5 on local system account (Current User)
pgAdmin 1.18.1
pgAgent via stack builder with Administrator account (Current User)
in run.bat I have only two statement
#echo off
psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -d test -a -f "test.sql"
I have psql in system path variable and able to access it in cmd. When I run that bat file manually it is executing without fail. But when I given the batch file path (C:\postgresql\run.bat) in pgAgent jobs it is giving that error in statistics.
Is there anything wrong in my configuration? Why it is always going to that C:\Windows\system32>?
My run.bat file
SET LBSDatabaseName=Test
SET dbHost=localhost
SET dbPort=5434
SET dbUser=postgres
SET logFile=DbInstall.log
SET sqlFolder="D:\SOURCECODE\archivescripts"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe" -h "%dbHost%" -p "%dbPort%" -d "%LBSDatabaseName%" -U "%dbUser%" -L "%logFile%" -q -f "%sqlFolder%\Archive.sql"
My Archive.sql
update "Archive".emp set "FirstName"='Srikanth Dyapa';
For example,
is the path where psql located.
is the path in which my test.sql placed.
is my bat file to execute test.sql
so my bat file will be like below
#echo off
cd /D D:\\pgAgent_jobs
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d db_name -a -f "D:\pgAgent_jobs\scripts\test.sql"
Note : my pg_hba.conf is configured with trust for all hosts that's why am not passing any password in the above psql command