How do i define generic parameter "on the fly"? - scala

How do i define generic parameter "on the fly"?
I have some method def get[T](name: String)
Simple case class
case class User(name: String, password: String, age: Option[Int])
Then i get all my case accessors
def getMethods[T: TypeTag] = typeOf[T].decls.sorted.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m
val caseAccessors = getMethods[User]
And i need to call get method with every accessor method and parametrize it by accessorMethod return type
For example:{accessorMehtod => get[accessorMehtod.returnType](}
Is there any way to do it?

As it said in the comments to your question - it's not possible to extract type from runtime-reflection of object in compile-time - so you're loosing all typechecks (and possible have to do asInstanceOf somewhere).
But, depending on your needs - you could choose some typesafe alternative, like using Shapeless Records, which could also allow you to access fields by name, but in typesafe way. So, there will be just HList[String :: String :: Option[Int]] (which stores all field types inside) instead of List[Method].
You can also easely convert record into the case class: User(userRecord("name"), userRecord("passsword"),userRecord("age"). But it's all requires that possible field names ("name", "password", etc.) should be known at compile time.


Get type from string termname

Basically I want to read untyped JSON into a type that's specified by a string. Pseudocode.
def getObject(json: Json, typeString: String): typeOf(typeString) = extract[typeOf(typeString)](json)
typeOf is just some random thing that gives a type from a string.
I would say that it is impossible without runtime reflection. With runtime reflection I would try the following:
get the Class[_] by its name from ClassLoader - it would only work if you specified full name (with packages and everything) in String,
then use something like Jackson which uses runtime reflection to (de)serialize things new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, obtainedClass),
obviously return type would be Any - theoretically you could use path-dependent types here, but personally I see little benefit.
it would be pretty fragile - any mismatch between JSON and class and it fails,
you would have to pass full name of a class (again, fragile) - if you passed data from outside, that sounds like a potential security issue, if you passing data internally... why not using type class?
if you need it for persistence... then you could persist it together with a discriminator, which you could use to provide right type class. (After all set of classes that you serialize is finite and could easily be traced). Then type safe approach with e.g. Circe would be possible.
Well I guess you could also change signature into:
def getObject[T: ClassTag](json: Json): T
def getObject[T](json: Json, clazz: Class[T]): T
and be sure that function return what you want. Getting Class[_] by its name and passing it reduces us to original solution.
To show an example of how to extract type from discriminator (pseudocode):
// store discriminator in DB
// use it to deserialize and dispatch with predefined function
def deserializeAndHandle(discriminator: String, json: String): Unit = discriminator match {
case "my.package.A" => decode[my.package.A](json).map(handlerForA)
case "my.package.B" => decode[my.package.B](json).map(handlerForB)
case "my.package.C" => decode[my.package.C](json).map(handlerForC)
case _ =>
deserializeAndHandle(discriminator, json)
// store discriminator in DB
// use it to deserialize to Object which can be pattern-matched later
def deserializeToObject(discriminator: String, json: String): Option[Any] = discriminator match {
case "my.package.A" => decode[my.package.A](json).toOption
case "my.package.B" => decode[my.package.B](json).toOption
case "my.package.C" => decode[my.package.C](json).toOption
case _ => None
deserializeToObject(discriminator, json) map {
case a : A => ...
case b : B => ...
case c : C => ...
} getOrElse ???
// wrap unrelated types with sealed trait to make it sum type
// use sum type support of Circe
sealed trait Envelope
final case class EnvelopeA(a: A) extends Envelope
final case class EnvelopeB(b: B) extends Envelope
final case class EnvelopeA(c: C) extends Envelope
def deserializeEnveloped(json): Option[Envelope] = decode[Envelope](json).toOption
deserializeEnveloped(json) map {
case EnvelopeA(a) => ...
case EnvelopeB(b) => ...
case EnvelopeC(c) => ...
} getOrElse ???

Why can't I apply pattern-matching against non-case classes?

Is there a better explanation than "this is how it works". I mean I tried this one:
class TestShortMatch[T <: AnyRef] {
def foo(t: T): Unit = {
val f = (_: Any) match {
case Val(t) => println(t)
case Sup(l) => println(l)
class Val(t: T)
class Sup(l: Number)
and compiler complaints:
Cannot resolve symbol 'Val'
Cannot resolve symbol 'Sup'
Of course if I add case before each of the classes it will work fine. But what is the reason? Does compiler make some optimization and generate a specific byte-code?
The reason is twofold. Pattern matching is just syntactic sugar for using extractors and case classes happen to give you a couple methods for free, one of which is an extractor method that corresponds to the main constructor.
If you want your example above to work, you need to define an unapply method inside objects Val and Sup. To do that you'd need extractor methods (which are only defined on val fields, so you'll have to make your fields vals):
class Val[T](val t: T)
class Sup(val l: Number)
object Val {
def unapply[T](v: Val[T]): Option[T] = Some(v.t)
object Sup {
def unapply(s: Sup): Option[Number] = Some(s.l)
And which point you can do something like val Val(v) = new Val("hi"). More often than not, though, it is better to make your class a case class. Then, the only times you should be defining extra extractors.
The usual example (to which I can't seem to find a reference) is coordinates:
case class Coordinate(x: Double, val: Double)
And then you can define a custom extractors like
object Polar {
def unapply(c: Coordinate): Option[(Double,Double)] = {...}
object Cartesian {
def unapply(c: Coordinate): Option[(Double,Double)] = Some((c.x,c.y))
to convert to the two different representations, all when you pattern match.
You can use pattern matching on arbitrary classes, but you need to implement an unapply method, used to "de-construct" the object.
With a case class, the unapply method is automatically generated by the compiler, so you don't need to implement it yourself.
When you write match exp { case Val(pattern) => ... case ... }, that is equivalent to something like this:
match Val.unapply(exp) {
case Some(pattern) =>
case _ =>
// code to match the other cases goes here
That is, it uses the result of the companion object's unapply method to see whether the match succeeded.
If you define a case class, it automatically defines a companion object with a suitable unapply method. For a normal class it doesn't. The motivation for that is the same as for the other things that gets automatically defined for case classes (like equals and hashCode for example): By declaring a class as a case class, you're making a statement about how you want the class to behave. Given that, there's a good chance that the auto generated will do what you want. For a general class, it's up to you to define these methods like you want them to behave.
Note that parameters for case classes are vals by default, which isn't true for normal classes. So your class class Val(t: T) doesn't even have any way to access t from the outside. So it isn't even possible to define an unapply method that gets at the value of t. That's another reason why you don't get an automatically generated unapply for normal classes: It isn't even possible to generate one unless all parameters are vals.

implement conversion parameters function with scala

I'm trying to implement something like clever parameters converter function with Scala.
Basically in my program I need to read parameters from a properties file, so obviously they are all strings and I would like then to convert each parameter in a specific type that I pass as parameter.
This is the implementation that I start coding:
def getParam[T](key : String , value : String, paramClass : T): Any = {
value match {
paramClass match {
case i if i == Int => value.trim.toInt
case b if b == Boolean => value.trim.toBoolean
case _ => value.trim
/* Exception handling is missing at the moment */
val convertedInt = getParam("", "10", Int)
val convertedBoolean = getParam("", "true", Boolean)
val plainString = getParam("", "value",String)
Points to note:
For my program now I need just 3 main type of type: String ,Int and Boolean,
if is possible I would like to extends to more object type
This is not clever, cause I need to explicit the matching against every possibile type to convert, I would like an more reflectional like approach
This code doesn't work, it give me compile error: "object java.lang.String is not a value" when I try to convert( actually no conversion happen because property values came as String).
Can anyone help me? I'm quite newbie in Scala and maybe I missing something
The Scala approach for a problem that you are trying to solve is context bounds. Given a type T you can require an object like ParamMeta[T], which will do all conversions for you. So you can rewrite your code to something like this:
trait ParamMeta[T] {
def apply(v: String): T
def getParam[T](key: String, value: String)(implicit meta: ParamMeta[T]): T =
implicit case object IntMeta extends ParamMeta[Int] {
def apply(v: String): Int = v.toInt
// and so on
getParam[Int](/* ... */, "127") // = 127
There is even no need to throw exceptions! If you supply an unsupported type as getParam type argument, code will even not compile. You can rewrite signature of getParam using a syntax sugar for context bounds, T: Bound, which will require implicit value Bound[T], and you will need to use implicitly[Bound[T]] to access that values (because there will be no parameter name for it).
Also this code does not use reflection at all, because compiler searches for an implicit value ParamMeta[Int], founds it in object IntMeta and rewrites function call like getParam[Int](..., "127")(IntMeta), so it will get all required values at compile time.
If you feel that writing those case objects is too boilerplate, and you are sure that you will not need another method in these objects in future (for example, to convert T back to String), you can simplify declarations like this:
case class ParamMeta[T](f: String => T) {
def apply(s: String): T = f(s)
implicit val stringMeta = ParamMeta(identity)
implicit val intMeta = ParamMeta(_.toInt)
To avoid importing them every time you use getParam you can declare these implicits in a companion object of ParamMeta trait/case class, and Scala will pick them automatically.
As for original match approach, you can pass a implicit ClassTag[T] to your function, so you will be able to match classes. You do not need to create any values for ClassTag, as the compiler will pass it automatically. Here is a simple example how to do class matching:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect._
def test[T: ClassTag] = classTag[T].runtimeClass match {
case x if x == classOf[Int] => "I'm an int!"
case x if x == classOf[String] => "I'm a string!"
However, this approach is less flexible than ParamMeta one, and ParamMeta should be preferred.

Scalatest custom matchers for 'should contain'

This is a situation I have encountered frequently, but I have not been able to find a solution yet.
Suppose you have a list of persons and you just want to verify the person names.
This works: should contain theSameElementsAs(List("A","B"))
Instead, I would rather write this like
val toName: Person => String =
persons should contain theSameElementsAs(List("A","B")) (after mapping toName)
because this is how you would say this.
Sometimes however, you'd like to use a custom matcher which matches more than just one property of the object. How would it be possible to use
persons should contain(..)
syntax, but somehow be able to use a custom matcher?
Both these situations I could easily solve using JUnit or TestNG using Hamcrest matchers, but I have not found a way to do this with ScalaTest.
I have tried to use the 'after being' syntax from the Explicitly trait, but that's not possible since this takes a 'Normalization' which defines that the 'normalized' method uses the same type for the argument and return type. So it's not possible to change a Person to a String.
Also I have not succeeded yet in implementing an 'Explicitly' like trait because it does not like the Equality[.] type I return and/or it does not know anymore what the original list type was, so using '' does not compile.
Any suggestions are welcome.
You can manage something similar via the word decided and moderate abuse of the Equality trait. This is because the Equality trait's areEqual method takes a parameter of the generic type and one of type Any, so you can use that to compare Person with String, and decided by simply takes an Equality object which means you don't have to futz around with Normality.
import org.scalactic.Equality
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
final class Test extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
case class Person(name: String)
val people = List(Person("Alice"), Person("Eve"))
val namesBeingEqual = MappingEquality[Person, String](p =>
"test should pass" in {
(people should contain theSameElementsAs List("Alice", "Eve"))(
decided by namesBeingEqual)
"test should fail" in {
(people should contain theSameElementsAs List("Alice", "Bob"))(
decided by namesBeingEqual)
case class MappingEquality[S, T](map: S => T) extends Equality[S] {
override def areEqual(s: S, b: Any): Boolean = b match {
case t: T => map(s) == t
case _ => false
I'm not sure I'd say this is a good idea since it doesn't exactly behave in the way one would expect anything called Equality to behave, but it works.
You can even get the beingMapped syntax you suggest by adding it to after via implicit conversion:
implicit class AfterExtensions(aft: TheAfterWord) {
def beingMapped[S, T](map: S => T): Equality[S] = MappingEquality(map)
I did try getting it work with after via the Uniformity trait, which has similar methods involving Any, but ran into problems because the normalization is the wrong way around: I can create a Uniformity[String] object from your example, but not a Uniformity[Person] one. (The reason is that there's a normalized method returning the generic type which is used to construct the Equality object, meaning that in order to compare strings with strings the left-side input must be a string.) This means that the only way to write it is with the expected vs actual values in the opposite order from normally:
"test should succeed" in {
val mappedToName = MappingUniformity[Person, String](person =>
(List("Alice", "Eve") should contain theSameElementsAs people)(
after being mappedToName)
case class MappingUniformity[S, T](map: S => T) extends Uniformity[T] {
override def normalizedOrSame(b: Any): Any = b match {
case s: S => map(s)
case t: T => t
override def normalizedCanHandle(b: Any): Boolean =
b.isInstanceOf[S] || b.isInstanceOf[T]
override def normalized(s: T): T = s
Definitely not how you'd usually want to write this.
use inspectors
forAll (xs) { x => x should be < 3 }

Easy idiomatic way to define Ordering for a simple case class

I have a list of simple scala case class instances and I want to print them in predictable, lexicographical order using list.sorted, but receive "No implicit Ordering defined for ...".
Is there exist an implicit that provides lexicographical ordering for case classes?
Is there simple idiomatic way to mix-in lexicographical ordering into case class?
scala> case class A(tag:String, load:Int)
scala> val l = List(A("words",50),A("article",2),A("lines",7))
scala> l.sorted.foreach(println)
<console>:11: error: No implicit Ordering defined for A.
I am not happy with a 'hack':
My personal favorite method is to make use of the provided implicit ordering for Tuples, as it is clear, concise, and correct:
case class A(tag: String, load: Int) extends Ordered[A] {
// Required as of Scala 2.11 for reasons unknown - the companion to Ordered
// should already be in implicit scope
import scala.math.Ordered.orderingToOrdered
def compare(that: A): Int = (this.tag, this.load) compare (that.tag, that.load)
This works because the companion to Ordered defines an implicit conversion from Ordering[T] to Ordered[T] which is in scope for any class implementing Ordered. The existence of implicit Orderings for Tuples enables a conversion from TupleN[...] to Ordered[TupleN[...]] provided an implicit Ordering[TN] exists for all elements T1, ..., TN of the tuple, which should always be the case because it makes no sense to sort on a data type with no Ordering.
The implicit ordering for Tuples is your go-to for any sorting scenario involving a composite sort key:
as.sortBy(a => (a.tag, a.load))
As this answer has proven popular I would like to expand on it, noting that a solution resembling the following could under some circumstances be considered enterprise-gradeā„¢:
case class Employee(id: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String)
object Employee {
// Note that because `Ordering[A]` is not contravariant, the declaration
// must be type-parametrized in the event that you want the implicit
// ordering to apply to subclasses of `Employee`.
implicit def orderingByName[A <: Employee]: Ordering[A] = => (e.lastName, e.firstName))
val orderingById: Ordering[Employee] = =>
Given es: SeqLike[Employee], es.sorted() will sort by name, and es.sorted(Employee.orderingById) will sort by id. This has a few benefits:
The sorts are defined in a single location as visible code artifacts. This is useful if you have complex sorts on many fields.
Most sorting functionality implemented in the scala library operates using instances of Ordering, so providing an ordering directly eliminates an implicit conversion in most cases.
object A {
implicit val ord =
This has the benefit that it is updated automatically whenever A changes. But, A's fields need to be placed in the order by which the ordering will use them.
To summarize, there are three ways to do this:
For one-off sorting use .sortBy method, as #Shadowlands have showed
For reusing of sorting extend case class with Ordered trait, as #Keith said.
Define a custom ordering. The benefit of this solution is that you can reuse orderings and have multiple ways to sort instances of the same class:
case class A(tag:String, load:Int)
object A {
val lexicographicalOrdering = { foo: A =>
val loadOrdering = { foo: A =>
implicit val ord = A.lexicographicalOrdering
val l = List(A("words",1), A("article",2), A("lines",3)).sorted
// List(A(article,2), A(lines,3), A(words,1))
// now in some other scope
implicit val ord = A.loadOrdering
val l = List(A("words",1), A("article",2), A("lines",3)).sorted
// List(A(words,1), A(article,2), A(lines,3))
Answering your question Is there any standard function included into the Scala that can do magic like List((2,1),(1,2)).sorted
There is a set of predefined orderings, e.g. for String, tuples up to 9 arity and so on.
No such thing exists for case classes, since it is not easy thing to roll off, given that field names are not known a-priori (at least without macros magic) and you can't access case class fields in a way other than by name/using product iterator.
The unapply method of the companion object provides a conversion from your case class to an Option[Tuple], where the Tuple is the tuple corresponding to the first argument list of the case class. In other words:
case class Person(name : String, age : Int, email : String)
def sortPeople(people : List[Person]) =
The sortBy method would be one typical way of doing this, eg (sort on tag field):
scala> l.sortBy(_.tag)foreach(println)
Since you used a case class you could extend with Ordered like such:
case class A(tag:String, load:Int) extends Ordered[A] {
def compare( a:A ) = tag.compareTo(a.tag)
val ls = List( A("words",50), A("article",2), A("lines",7) )
My personal favorite method is using the SAM(Single abstraction method) with 2.12 as mentioned over the below example:
case class Team(city:String, mascot:String)
//Create two choices to sort by, city and mascot
object MyPredef3 {
// Below used in 2.11
implicit val teamsSortedByCity: Ordering[Team] = new Ordering[Team] {
override def compare(x: Team, y: Team) = compare
implicit val teamsSortedByMascot: Ordering[Team] = new Ordering[Team] {
override def compare(x: Team, y: Team) = x.mascot compare y.mascot
Below used in 2.12
implicit val teamsSortedByCity: Ordering[Team] =
(x: Team, y: Team) => compare
implicit val teamsSortedByMascot: Ordering[Team] =
(x: Team, y: Team) => x.mascot compare y.mascot
object _6OrderingAList extends App {
//Create some sports teams
val teams = List(Team("Cincinnati", "Bengals"),
Team("Madrid", "Real Madrid"),
Team("Las Vegas", "Golden Knights"),
Team("Houston", "Astros"),
Team("Cleveland", "Cavaliers"),
Team("Arizona", "Diamondbacks"))
//import the implicit rule we want, in this case city
import MyPredef3.teamsSortedByCity
//min finds the minimum, since we are sorting
//by city, Arizona wins.