Scalatest custom matchers for 'should contain' - scala

This is a situation I have encountered frequently, but I have not been able to find a solution yet.
Suppose you have a list of persons and you just want to verify the person names.
This works: should contain theSameElementsAs(List("A","B"))
Instead, I would rather write this like
val toName: Person => String =
persons should contain theSameElementsAs(List("A","B")) (after mapping toName)
because this is how you would say this.
Sometimes however, you'd like to use a custom matcher which matches more than just one property of the object. How would it be possible to use
persons should contain(..)
syntax, but somehow be able to use a custom matcher?
Both these situations I could easily solve using JUnit or TestNG using Hamcrest matchers, but I have not found a way to do this with ScalaTest.
I have tried to use the 'after being' syntax from the Explicitly trait, but that's not possible since this takes a 'Normalization' which defines that the 'normalized' method uses the same type for the argument and return type. So it's not possible to change a Person to a String.
Also I have not succeeded yet in implementing an 'Explicitly' like trait because it does not like the Equality[.] type I return and/or it does not know anymore what the original list type was, so using '' does not compile.
Any suggestions are welcome.

You can manage something similar via the word decided and moderate abuse of the Equality trait. This is because the Equality trait's areEqual method takes a parameter of the generic type and one of type Any, so you can use that to compare Person with String, and decided by simply takes an Equality object which means you don't have to futz around with Normality.
import org.scalactic.Equality
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
final class Test extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
case class Person(name: String)
val people = List(Person("Alice"), Person("Eve"))
val namesBeingEqual = MappingEquality[Person, String](p =>
"test should pass" in {
(people should contain theSameElementsAs List("Alice", "Eve"))(
decided by namesBeingEqual)
"test should fail" in {
(people should contain theSameElementsAs List("Alice", "Bob"))(
decided by namesBeingEqual)
case class MappingEquality[S, T](map: S => T) extends Equality[S] {
override def areEqual(s: S, b: Any): Boolean = b match {
case t: T => map(s) == t
case _ => false
I'm not sure I'd say this is a good idea since it doesn't exactly behave in the way one would expect anything called Equality to behave, but it works.
You can even get the beingMapped syntax you suggest by adding it to after via implicit conversion:
implicit class AfterExtensions(aft: TheAfterWord) {
def beingMapped[S, T](map: S => T): Equality[S] = MappingEquality(map)
I did try getting it work with after via the Uniformity trait, which has similar methods involving Any, but ran into problems because the normalization is the wrong way around: I can create a Uniformity[String] object from your example, but not a Uniformity[Person] one. (The reason is that there's a normalized method returning the generic type which is used to construct the Equality object, meaning that in order to compare strings with strings the left-side input must be a string.) This means that the only way to write it is with the expected vs actual values in the opposite order from normally:
"test should succeed" in {
val mappedToName = MappingUniformity[Person, String](person =>
(List("Alice", "Eve") should contain theSameElementsAs people)(
after being mappedToName)
case class MappingUniformity[S, T](map: S => T) extends Uniformity[T] {
override def normalizedOrSame(b: Any): Any = b match {
case s: S => map(s)
case t: T => t
override def normalizedCanHandle(b: Any): Boolean =
b.isInstanceOf[S] || b.isInstanceOf[T]
override def normalized(s: T): T = s
Definitely not how you'd usually want to write this.

use inspectors
forAll (xs) { x => x should be < 3 }


How to normalise a Union Type (T | Option[T])?

I have the following case class:
case class Example[T](
obj: Option[T] | T = None,
This allows me to construct it like Example(myObject) instead of Example(Some(myObject)).
To work with obj I need to normalise it to Option[T]:
lazy val maybeIn = obj match
case o: Option[T] => o
case o: T => Some(o)
the type test for Option[T] cannot be checked at runtime
I tried with TypeTest but I got also warnings - or the solutions I found look really complicated - see
Is there a better way to achieve this pattern in Scala 3?
I don't know about Scala3. But you could simply do this:
case class Example[T](v: Option[T] = None)
object Example {
def apply[T](t: T): Example[T] = Example(Some(t))
One could also go for implicit conversion, regarding the specific use case of the OP:
import scala.language.implicitConversions
case class Optable[Out](value: Option[Out])
object Optable {
implicit def fromOpt[T](o: Option[T]): Optable[T] = Optable(o)
implicit def fromValue[T](v: T): Optable[T] = Optable(Some(v))
case class SomeOpts(i: Option[Int], s: Option[String])
object SomeOpts {
def apply(i: Optable[Int], s: Optable[String]): SomeOpts = SomeOpts(i.value, s.value)
println(SomeOpts(15, Some("foo")))
We have a specialized Option-like type for this purpose: OptArg (in Scala 2 but should be easily portable to 3)
import com.avsystem.commons._
def gimmeLotsOfParams(
intParam: OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty,
strParam: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty
): Unit = ???
gimmeLotsOfParams(strParam = "foo")
It relies on an implicit conversion so you have to be a little careful with it, i.e. don't use it as a drop-in replacement for Option.
The implementation of OptArg is simple enough that if you don't want external dependencies then you can probably just copy it into your project or some kind of "commons" library.
EDIT: the following answer is incorrect. As of Scala 3.1, flow analysis is only able to check for nullability. More information is available on the Scala book.
I think that the already given answer is probably better suited for the use case you proposed (exposing an API can can take a simple value and normalize it to an Option).
However, the question in the title is still interesting and I think it makes sense to address it.
What you are observing is a consequence of type parameters being erased at runtime, i.e. they only exist during compilation, while matching happens at runtime, once those have been erased.
However, the Scala compiler is able to perform flow analysis for union types. Intuitively I'd say there's probably a way to make it work in pattern matching (as you did), but you can make it work for sure using an if and isInstanceOf (not as clean, I agree):
case class Example[T](
obj: Option[T] | T = None
) {
lazy val maybeIn =
if (obj.isInstanceOf[Option[_]]) {
} else {
You can play around with this code here on Scastie.
Here is the announcement from 2019 when flow analysis was added to the compiler.

Scala DSL with non-fixed set of value types

I'm trying to design a DSL which is not fixed in the types it can support as values.
Below I try to achieve this with a Value typeclass. It doesn't have behaviour, though it would in the intended application.
trait Value[T]
object Value {
implicit object IntIsValue extends Value[Int]
implicit object StringIsValue extends Value[String]
The DSL consists of value terms and application terms:
abstract class Term[T: Value]
case class ValueTerm[T: Value](x: T) extends Term[T]
case class AppTerm[Arg: Value, T: Value](fun: Arg => T, arg: Term[Arg]) extends Term[T]
Evaluation function is where I have the compilation issue:
def eval[T: Value](term: Term[T]): T = {
term match {
case ValueTerm(x) => x
case AppTerm(fun, arg) => fun(eval(arg)) // doesn't compile
Here's the representative compilation error I get:
Error:(14, 40) could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type A$A354.this.Value[Any]
case AppTerm(fun, arg) => fun(eval(arg))
So the compiler thinks arg is Term[Any] and doesn't know it's an instance of Value.
I understand I can avoid it by removing Value constraint from eval. However, then I lose the behaviour of Value, I might want to use in eval:
def eval[T](term: Term[T]): T -- loses behaviour of Value typeclass
So my questions would be
why this doesn't compile, and
how to achieve something like this
Here's some usage of the DSL:
val i41: Term[Int] = ValueTerm(41)
val i42: Term[Int] = AppTerm(fun = (_: Int) + 1, arg = i41)
val theAnswer: Term[String] = AppTerm(fun = "The answer is " ++ (_: Int).toString, arg = i42)
The problem is that the terms are carrying the necessary implicits with them but that way they are not automatically part of the implicit scope. A quick fix is to add a method to AppTerm that exposes the Value[Arg]. Then you can pass that to eval explicitly.
def eval[T: Value](term: Term[T]): T = {
term match {
case ValueTerm(x) => x
case t # AppTerm(fun, arg) => fun(eval(arg)(t.implicitArg))
However, you might take this as a sign that you want to design your solution a little differently. For instance it seems dangerous that you capture the implicit Values in the Terms and then in eval you pass in the Term and also again an implicit Value. So it's possible to pass in a different Value to eval than the one that got captured in the Term.

Why can't I apply pattern-matching against non-case classes?

Is there a better explanation than "this is how it works". I mean I tried this one:
class TestShortMatch[T <: AnyRef] {
def foo(t: T): Unit = {
val f = (_: Any) match {
case Val(t) => println(t)
case Sup(l) => println(l)
class Val(t: T)
class Sup(l: Number)
and compiler complaints:
Cannot resolve symbol 'Val'
Cannot resolve symbol 'Sup'
Of course if I add case before each of the classes it will work fine. But what is the reason? Does compiler make some optimization and generate a specific byte-code?
The reason is twofold. Pattern matching is just syntactic sugar for using extractors and case classes happen to give you a couple methods for free, one of which is an extractor method that corresponds to the main constructor.
If you want your example above to work, you need to define an unapply method inside objects Val and Sup. To do that you'd need extractor methods (which are only defined on val fields, so you'll have to make your fields vals):
class Val[T](val t: T)
class Sup(val l: Number)
object Val {
def unapply[T](v: Val[T]): Option[T] = Some(v.t)
object Sup {
def unapply(s: Sup): Option[Number] = Some(s.l)
And which point you can do something like val Val(v) = new Val("hi"). More often than not, though, it is better to make your class a case class. Then, the only times you should be defining extra extractors.
The usual example (to which I can't seem to find a reference) is coordinates:
case class Coordinate(x: Double, val: Double)
And then you can define a custom extractors like
object Polar {
def unapply(c: Coordinate): Option[(Double,Double)] = {...}
object Cartesian {
def unapply(c: Coordinate): Option[(Double,Double)] = Some((c.x,c.y))
to convert to the two different representations, all when you pattern match.
You can use pattern matching on arbitrary classes, but you need to implement an unapply method, used to "de-construct" the object.
With a case class, the unapply method is automatically generated by the compiler, so you don't need to implement it yourself.
When you write match exp { case Val(pattern) => ... case ... }, that is equivalent to something like this:
match Val.unapply(exp) {
case Some(pattern) =>
case _ =>
// code to match the other cases goes here
That is, it uses the result of the companion object's unapply method to see whether the match succeeded.
If you define a case class, it automatically defines a companion object with a suitable unapply method. For a normal class it doesn't. The motivation for that is the same as for the other things that gets automatically defined for case classes (like equals and hashCode for example): By declaring a class as a case class, you're making a statement about how you want the class to behave. Given that, there's a good chance that the auto generated will do what you want. For a general class, it's up to you to define these methods like you want them to behave.
Note that parameters for case classes are vals by default, which isn't true for normal classes. So your class class Val(t: T) doesn't even have any way to access t from the outside. So it isn't even possible to define an unapply method that gets at the value of t. That's another reason why you don't get an automatically generated unapply for normal classes: It isn't even possible to generate one unless all parameters are vals.

implement conversion parameters function with scala

I'm trying to implement something like clever parameters converter function with Scala.
Basically in my program I need to read parameters from a properties file, so obviously they are all strings and I would like then to convert each parameter in a specific type that I pass as parameter.
This is the implementation that I start coding:
def getParam[T](key : String , value : String, paramClass : T): Any = {
value match {
paramClass match {
case i if i == Int => value.trim.toInt
case b if b == Boolean => value.trim.toBoolean
case _ => value.trim
/* Exception handling is missing at the moment */
val convertedInt = getParam("", "10", Int)
val convertedBoolean = getParam("", "true", Boolean)
val plainString = getParam("", "value",String)
Points to note:
For my program now I need just 3 main type of type: String ,Int and Boolean,
if is possible I would like to extends to more object type
This is not clever, cause I need to explicit the matching against every possibile type to convert, I would like an more reflectional like approach
This code doesn't work, it give me compile error: "object java.lang.String is not a value" when I try to convert( actually no conversion happen because property values came as String).
Can anyone help me? I'm quite newbie in Scala and maybe I missing something
The Scala approach for a problem that you are trying to solve is context bounds. Given a type T you can require an object like ParamMeta[T], which will do all conversions for you. So you can rewrite your code to something like this:
trait ParamMeta[T] {
def apply(v: String): T
def getParam[T](key: String, value: String)(implicit meta: ParamMeta[T]): T =
implicit case object IntMeta extends ParamMeta[Int] {
def apply(v: String): Int = v.toInt
// and so on
getParam[Int](/* ... */, "127") // = 127
There is even no need to throw exceptions! If you supply an unsupported type as getParam type argument, code will even not compile. You can rewrite signature of getParam using a syntax sugar for context bounds, T: Bound, which will require implicit value Bound[T], and you will need to use implicitly[Bound[T]] to access that values (because there will be no parameter name for it).
Also this code does not use reflection at all, because compiler searches for an implicit value ParamMeta[Int], founds it in object IntMeta and rewrites function call like getParam[Int](..., "127")(IntMeta), so it will get all required values at compile time.
If you feel that writing those case objects is too boilerplate, and you are sure that you will not need another method in these objects in future (for example, to convert T back to String), you can simplify declarations like this:
case class ParamMeta[T](f: String => T) {
def apply(s: String): T = f(s)
implicit val stringMeta = ParamMeta(identity)
implicit val intMeta = ParamMeta(_.toInt)
To avoid importing them every time you use getParam you can declare these implicits in a companion object of ParamMeta trait/case class, and Scala will pick them automatically.
As for original match approach, you can pass a implicit ClassTag[T] to your function, so you will be able to match classes. You do not need to create any values for ClassTag, as the compiler will pass it automatically. Here is a simple example how to do class matching:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect._
def test[T: ClassTag] = classTag[T].runtimeClass match {
case x if x == classOf[Int] => "I'm an int!"
case x if x == classOf[String] => "I'm a string!"
However, this approach is less flexible than ParamMeta one, and ParamMeta should be preferred.

Scala: Building a complex hierarchy of traits and classes

I have posted several questions on SO recently dealing with Scala traits, representation types, member types, manifests, and implicit evidence. Behind these questions is my project to build modeling software for biological protein networks. Despite the immensely helpful answers, which have gotten me closer than I ever could get on my own, I have still not arrived at an solution for my project. A couple of answers have suggested that my design is flawed, which is why the solutions to the Foo-framed questions don't work in practice. Here I am posting a more complicated (but still greatly simplified) version of my problem. My hope is that the problem and solution will be broadly useful for people trying to build complex hierarchies of traits and classes in Scala.
The highest-level class in my project is the biological reaction rule. A rule describes how one or two reactants are transformed by a reaction. Each reactant is a graph that has nodes called monomers and edges that connect between named sites on the monomers. Each site also has a state that it can be in. Edit: The concept of the edges have been removed from the example code because they complicate the example without contributing much to the question. A rule might say something like this: there is one reactant made of monomer A bound to monomer B through sites a1 and b1, respectively; the bond is broken by the rule leaving sites a1 and b1 unbound; simultaneously on monomer A, the state of site a1 is changed from U to P. I would write this as:
A(a1~U-1).B(b1-1) -> A(a1~P) + B(b1)
(Parsing strings like this in Scala was so easy, it made my head spin.) The -1 indicates that bond #1 is between those sites--the number is just a arbitrary label.
Here is what I have so far along with the reasoning for why I added each component. It compiles, but only with gratuitous use of asInstanceOf. How do I get rid of the asInstanceOfs so that the types match?
I represent rules with a basic class:
case class Rule(
reactants: Seq[ReactantGraph], // The starting monomers and edges
producedMonomers: Seq[ProducedMonomer] // Only new monomers go here
) {
// Example method that shows different monomers being combined and down-cast
def combineIntoOneGraph: Graph = {
val all_monomers = reactants.flatMap(_.monomers) ++ producedMonomers
The class for graphs GraphClass has type parameters because so that I can put constraints on what kinds of monomers and edges are allowed in a particular graph; for example, there cannot be any ProducedMonomers in the Reactant of a Rule. I would also like to be able to collect all the Monomers of a particular type, say ReactantMonomers. I use type aliases to manage the constraints.
case class GraphClass[
+MonomerType <: Monomer
monomers: Seq[MonomerType]
) {
// Methods that demonstrate the need for a manifest on MonomerClass
def justTheProductMonomers: Seq[ProductMonomer] = {
case x if isProductMonomer(x) => x.asInstanceOf[ProductMonomer]
def isProductMonomer(monomer: Monomer): Boolean = (
monomer.manifest <:< manifest[ProductStateSite]
// The most generic Graph
type Graph = GraphClass[Monomer]
// Anything allowed in a reactant
type ReactantGraph = GraphClass[ReactantMonomer]
// Anything allowed in a product, which I sometimes extract from a Rule
type ProductGraph = GraphClass[ProductMonomer]
The class for monomers MonomerClass has type parameters, as well, so that I can put constraints on the sites; for example, a ConsumedMonomer cannot have a StaticStateSite. Furthermore, I need to collect all the monomers of a particular type to, say, collect all the monomers in a rule that are in the product, so I add a Manifest to each type parameter.
case class MonomerClass[
+StateSiteType <: StateSite : Manifest
stateSites: Seq[StateSiteType]
) {
type MyType = MonomerClass[StateSiteType]
def manifest = implicitly[Manifest[_ <: StateSiteType]]
// Method that demonstrates the need for implicit evidence
// This is where it gets bad
def replaceSiteWithIntersection[A >: StateSiteType <: ReactantStateSite](
thisSite: A, // This is a member of this.stateSites
monomer: ReactantMonomer
// Only the sites on ReactantMonomers have the Observed property
implicit evidence: MyType <:< ReactantMonomer
): MyType = {
val new_this = evidence(this) // implicit evidence usually needs some help
monomer.stateSites.find( == match {
case Some(otherSite) =>
val newSites = stateSites map {
case `thisSite` => (
thisSite.asInstanceOf[StateSiteType with ReactantStateSite]
case other => other
copy(stateSites = newSites)
case None => this
type Monomer = MonomerClass[StateSite]
type ReactantMonomer = MonomerClass[ReactantStateSite]
type ProductMonomer = MonomerClass[ProductStateSite]
type ConsumedMonomer = MonomerClass[ConsumedStateSite]
type ProducedMonomer = MonomerClass[ProducedStateSite]
type StaticMonomer = MonomerClass[StaticStateSite]
My current implementation for StateSite does not have type parameters; it is a standard hierarchy of traits, terminating in classes that have a name and some Strings that represent the appropriate state. (Be nice about using strings to hold object states; they are actually name classes in my real code.) One important purpose of these traits is provide functionality that all the subclasses need. Well, isn't that the purpose of all traits. My traits are special in that many of the methods make small changes to a property of the object that is common to all subclasses of the trait and then return a copy. It would be preferable if the return type matched the underlying type of the object. The lame way to do this is to make all the trait methods abstract, and copy the desired methods into all the subclasses. I am unsure of the proper Scala way to do this. Some sources suggest a member type MyType that stores the underlying type (shown here). Other sources suggest a representation type parameter.
trait StateSite {
type MyType <: StateSite
def name: String
trait ReactantStateSite extends StateSite {
type MyType <: ReactantStateSite
def observed: Seq[String]
def stateCopy(observed: Seq[String]): MyType
def createIntersection(otherSite: ReactantStateSite): MyType = {
val newStates = observed.intersect(otherSite.observed)
trait ProductStateSite extends StateSite
trait ConservedStateSite extends ReactantStateSite with ProductStateSite
case class ConsumedStateSite(name: String, consumed: Seq[String])
extends ReactantStateSite {
type MyType = ConsumedStateSite
def observed = consumed
def stateCopy(observed: Seq[String]) = copy(consumed = observed)
case class ProducedStateSite(name: String, Produced: String)
extends ProductStateSite
case class ChangedStateSite(
name: String,
consumed: Seq[String],
Produced: String
extends ConservedStateSite {
type MyType = ChangedStateSite
def observed = consumed
def stateCopy(observed: Seq[String]) = copy(consumed = observed)
case class StaticStateSite(name: String, static: Seq[String])
extends ConservedStateSite {
type MyType = StaticStateSite
def observed = static
def stateCopy(observed: Seq[String]) = copy(static = observed)
My biggest problems are with methods framed like MonomerClass.replaceSiteWithIntersection. A lot of methods do some complicated search for particular members of the class, then pass those members to other functions where complicated changes are made to them and return a copy, which then replaces the original in a copy of the higher-level object. How should I parameterize methods (or the classes) so that the calls are type safe? Right now I can get the code to compile only with lots of asInstanceOfs everywhere. Scala is particularly unhappy with passing instances of a type or member parameter around because of two main reasons that I can see: (1) the covariant type parameter ends up as input to any method that takes them as input, and (2) it is difficult to convince Scala that a method that returns a copy indeed returns an object with exactly the same type as was put in.
I have undoubtedly left some things that will not be clear to everyone. If there are any details I need to add, or excess details I need to delete, I will try to be quick to clear things up.
#0__ replaced the replaceSiteWithIntersection with a method that compiled without asInstanceOf. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to call the method without a type error. His code is essentially the first method in this new class for MonomerClass; I added the second method that calls it.
case class MonomerClass[+StateSiteType <: StateSite/* : Manifest*/](
stateSites: Seq[StateSiteType]) {
type MyType = MonomerClass[StateSiteType]
//def manifest = implicitly[Manifest[_ <: StateSiteType]]
def replaceSiteWithIntersection[A <: ReactantStateSite { type MyType = A }]
(thisSite: A, otherMonomer: ReactantMonomer)
(implicit ev: this.type <:< MonomerClass[A])
: MonomerClass[A] = {
val new_this = ev(this)
otherMonomer.stateSites.find( == match {
case Some(otherSite) =>
val newSites = new_this.stateSites map {
case `thisSite` => thisSite.createIntersection(otherSite)
case other => other
copy(stateSites = newSites)
case None => new_this // This throws an exception in the real program
// Example method that calls the previous method
def replaceSomeSiteOnThisOtherMonomer(otherMonomer: ReactantMonomer)
(implicit ev: MyType <:< ReactantMonomer): MyType = {
// Find a state that is a current member of this.stateSites
// Obviously, a more sophisticated means of selection is actually used
val thisSite = ev(this).stateSites(0)
// I can't get this to compile even with asInstanceOf
replaceSiteWithIntersection(thisSite, otherMonomer)
I have reduced your problem to traits, and I am starting to understand why you are getting into troubles with casts and abstract types.
What you are actually missing is ad-hoc polymorphism, which you obtain through the following:
- Writing a method with generic signature relying on an implicit of the same generic to delegate the work to
- Making the implicit available only for specific value of that generic parameter, which will turn into a "implicit not found" compile time error when you try to do something illegal.
Let's now look to the problem in order. The first is that the signature of your method is wrong for two reasons:
When replacing a site you want to create a new monomer of the new generic type, much as you do when you add to a collection an object which is a superclass of the existing generic type: you get a new collection whose type parameter is the superclass. You should yield this new Monomer as a result.
You are not sure that the operation will yield a result (in case you can't really replace a state). In such a case the right type it's Option[T]
def replaceSiteWithIntersection[A >: StateSiteType <: ReactantStateSite]
(thisSite: A, monomer: ReactantMonomer): Option[MonomerClass[A]]
If we now look digger in the type errors, we can see that the real type error comes from this method:
The reason is simple: it's signature is not coherent with the rest of your types, because it accepts a ReactantSite but you want to call it passing as parameter one of your stateSites (which is of type Seq[StateSiteType] ) but you have no guarantee that
Now let's see how evidences can help you:
trait Intersector[T] {
def apply(observed: Seq[String]): T
trait StateSite {
def name: String
trait ReactantStateSite extends StateSite {
def observed: Seq[String]
def createIntersection[A](otherSite: ReactantStateSite)(implicit intersector: Intersector[A]): A = {
val newStates = observed.intersect(otherSite.observed)
import Monomers._
trait MonomerClass[+StateSiteType <: StateSite] {
val stateSites: Seq[StateSiteType]
def replaceSiteWithIntersection[A >: StateSiteType <: ReactantStateSite](thisSite: A, otherMonomer: ReactantMonomer)(implicit intersector:Intersector[A], ev: StateSiteType <:< ReactantStateSite): Option[MonomerClass[A]] = {
def replaceOrKeep(condition: (StateSiteType) => Boolean)(f: (StateSiteType) => A)(implicit ev: StateSiteType<:<A): Seq[A] = { {
site => if (condition(site)) f(site) else site
val reactantSiteToIntersect:Option[ReactantStateSite] = otherMonomer.stateSites.find( == {
siteToReplace =>
val newSites = replaceOrKeep {_ == thisSite } { item => thisSite.createIntersection( ev(item) ) }
object MonomerClass {
def apply[A <: StateSite](sites:Seq[A]):MonomerClass[A] = new MonomerClass[A] {
val stateSites = sites
object Monomers{
type Monomer = MonomerClass[StateSite]
type ReactantMonomer = MonomerClass[ReactantStateSite]
type ProductMonomer = MonomerClass[ProductStateSite]
type ProducedMonomer = MonomerClass[ProducedStateSite]
Please note that this pattern can be used with no special imports if you use in a clever way implicit resolving rules (for example you put your insector in the companion object of Intersector trait, so that it will be automatically resolved).
While this pattern works perfectly, there is a limitation connected to the fact that your solution works only for a specific StateSiteType. Scala collections solve a similar problem adding another implicit, which is call CanBuildFrom. In our case we will call it CanReact
You will have to make your MonomerClass invariant, which might be a problem though (why do you need covariance, however?)
trait CanReact[A, B] {
implicit val intersector: Intersector[B]
def react(a: A, b: B): B
def reactFunction(b:B) : A=>B = react(_:A,b)
object CanReact {
implicit def CanReactWithReactantSite[A<:ReactantStateSite](implicit inters: Intersector[A]): CanReact[ReactantStateSite,A] = {
new CanReact[ReactantStateSite,A] {
val intersector = inters
def react(a: ReactantStateSite, b: A) = a.createIntersection(b)
trait MonomerClass[StateSiteType <: StateSite] {
val stateSites: Seq[StateSiteType]
def replaceSiteWithIntersection[A >: StateSiteType <: ReactantStateSite](thisSite: A, otherMonomer: ReactantMonomer)(implicit canReact:CanReact[StateSiteType,A]): Option[MonomerClass[A]] = {
def replaceOrKeep(condition: (StateSiteType) => Boolean)(f: (StateSiteType) => A)(implicit ev: StateSiteType<:<A): Seq[A] = { {
site => if (condition(site)) f(site) else site
val reactantSiteToIntersect:Option[ReactantStateSite] = otherMonomer.stateSites.find( == {
siteToReplace =>
val newSites = replaceOrKeep {_ == thisSite } { canReact.reactFunction(thisSite)}
With such an implementation, whenever you want to make the possibility to replace a site with another site of a different type, all you need is to make available new implicit instances of CanReact with different types.
I will conclude with a (I hope) clear explanation of why you should not need covariance.
Let's say you have a Consumer[T] and a Producer[T].
You need covariance when you want to provide to the Consumer[T1] a Producer[T2] where T2<:<T1 . But if you need to use the value produced by T2 inside T1, you can
class ConsumerOfStuff[T <: CanBeContained] {
def doWith(stuff: Stuff[T]) = stuff.t.writeSomething
trait CanBeContained {
def writeSomething: Unit
class A extends CanBeContained {
def writeSomething = println("hello")
class B extends A {
override def writeSomething = println("goodbye")
class Stuff[T <: CanBeContained](val t: T)
object VarianceTest {
val stuff1 = new Stuff(new A)
val stuff2 = new Stuff(new B)
val consumerOfStuff = new ConsumerOfStuff[A]
This stuff clearly not compiles:
error: type mismatch; found : Stuff[B] required: Stuff[A] Note: B <:
A, but class Stuff is invariant in type T. You may wish to define T as
+T instead. (SLS 4.5) consumerOfStuff.doWith(stuff2).
But again, this come from a misinterpretation of usage of variance, as How are co- and contra-variance used in designing business applications? Kris Nuttycombe answer explain. If we refactor like the following
class ConsumerOfStuff[T <: CanBeContained] {
def doWith[A<:T](stuff: Stuff[A]) = stuff.t.writeSomething
You could see everything compiling fine.
Not an answer, but what I can observe from looking over the question:
I see MonomerClass but not Monomer
My guts say you should avoid manifests when possible, as you have seen they can make things complicated. I don't think you will need them. For example the justTheProductMonomers method in GraphClass – since you have complete control over your class hierarchy, why not add test methods for anything involving runtime checks to Monomer directly? E.g.
trait Monomer {
def productOption: Option[ProductMonomer]
then you'll have
def justTheProductMonomers : Seq[ProductMonomer] = monomers.flatMap( _.productOption )
and so forth.
The problem here is that it seems you can have a generic monomer satisfying the product predicate, while you somehow want sub-type ProductMonomer.
The general advise I would give is first to define your matrix of tests that you need to process the rules, and then put those tests as methods into the particular traits, unless you have a flat hierarchy for which you can do pattern matching, which is easier since the disambiguation will appear concentrated at your use site, and not spread across all implementing types.
Also don't try to overdue it with compile-time type constraints. Often it's perfectly fine to have some constraints checked at runtime. That way at least you can construct a fully working system, and then you can try to spot the points where you can convert a runtime check into a compile time check, and decide whether the effort is worth it or not. It is appealing to solve things on the type level in Scala, because of its sophistication, but it also requires the most skills to do it right.
There are multiple problems. First, the whole method is weird: On the one hand you passing in a monomer argument, and if the argument thisState is found, the method has nothing to do with the receiver—then why is this a method in MonomerClass at all and not a "free floating" function—, on the other hand you fall back to returning this if thisSite is not found. Since you originally had also implicit evidence: MyType <:< ReactantMonomer, my guess is the whole monomer argument is obsolete, and you actually wanted to operate on new_this.
A bit of cleanup, forgetting the manifests for the moment, you could have
case class MonomerClass[+StateSiteType <: StateSite, +EdgeSiteType <: EdgeSite](
stateSites: Seq[StateSiteType], edgeSites: Seq[EdgeSiteType]) {
def replaceSiteWithIntersection[A <: ReactantStateSite { type MyType = A }]
(thisSite: A)(implicit ev: this.type <:< MonomerClass[A, ReactantEdgeSite])
: MonomerClass[A, ReactantEdgeSite] = {
val monomer = ev(this)
monomer.stateSites.find( == match {
case Some(otherSite) =>
val newSites = monomer.stateSites map {
case `thisSite` => thisSite.createIntersection(otherSite)
case other => other
monomer.copy(stateSites = newSites)
case None => monomer
This was an interesting problem, it took me some iterations to get rid of the (wrong!) casting. Now it is actually quite readable: This method is restricted to the evidence that StateSiteType is actually a subtype A of ReactantStateSite. Therefore, the type parameter A <: ReactantStateSite { type MyType = A }—the last bit is interesting, and this was a new find for myself: You can specify the type member here to make sure that your return type from createIntersection is actually A.
There is still something odd with your method, because if I'm not mistaken, you will end up calling x.createIntersection(x) (intersecting thisSite with itself, which is a no-op).
One thing that is flawed about replaceSiteWithIntersection is that according to the method signature the type of thisSite (A) is a super-type of StateSiteType and a sub-type of ReactantStateSite.
But then you eventually cast it to StateSiteType with ReactantStateSite. That doesn't make sense to me.
Where do you get the assurance from that A suddenly is a StateSiteType?