Evaluating a symbolic summation in MATLAB - matlab

Following code throws out an error.
syms z positive;
syms n;
syms m;
N = 10;
Ms = 10;
Es = 1;
pd = 0.9;
pd_dash = 1-pd;
pf = 0.1;
pf_dash = 1-pf;
pr = 0.1;
qr = 1-pr;
p = 0.005
pi = pf_dash*p;
pb = pd_dash*p;
qi = 1-pi;
qb = 1-pb;
sm = symsum( z^((n+1)*Es), n, 0, N-1 );
temp_sum = symsum(z^((n+m+1)*Es)*qr^(n+m)*pr, m, 0, N-1);
z=1; %assume a value of z
x = eval(sm); %works fine
y = eval(temp_sum);
% Error:The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
Please suggest a way to resolve this.
The problem that I suspect is: the temp_sum comes out to be in piecewise(...) which eval is not capable of evaluating.

What you actually did:
Create a symbolic expression
Create a variable z which is unused
Call a undocumented function sym/eval
I assume you wanted to:
Create a symbolic expression
Substitute z with 1: temp_sum=subs(temp_sum,z,1)
get the result. Here I don't know what you really have because I don't know which variables are symbolic unknowns and which constants. Try simplify(temp_sum). If you substituted all unknowns it should return a number.


SIR model using fsolve and Euler 3BDF

Hi i've been asked to solve SIR model using fsolve command in MATLAB, and Euler 3 point backward. I'm really confused on how to proceed, please help. This is what i have so far. I created a function for 3BDF scheme but i'm not sure how to proceed with fsolve and solve the system of nonlinear ODEs. The SIR model is shown as and 3BDF scheme is formulated as
clear all
ode1= #(R,S,I) -(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R);
ode2= #(R,S,I) (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma;
ode3= #(I) gamma*I;
f(t,[S,I,R]) = [-(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R); (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma; gamma*I];
fun = #root2d;
x0 = [0,0];
x = fsolve(fun,x0)
function [xs,yb] = ThreePointBDF(f,x0, xmax, h, y0)
% This function should return the numerical solution of y at x = xmax.
% (It should not return the entire time history of y.)
for i=1:length(xs)-1
R =R0;
y1(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - R, y1(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
S = S0;
y2(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - S, y2(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
I= I0;
y3(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - I, y3(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
You have an implicit equation
y(i+1) - 2*h/3*f(t(i+1),y(i+1)) = G = (4*y(i) - y(i-1))/3
where the right-side term G is constant in the call to fsolve, that is, during the solution of the implicit step equation.
Note that this is for the vector valued system y'(t)=f(t,y(t)) where
f(t,[S,I,R]) = [-(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R); (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma; gamma*I];
To solve this write
G = (4*y(i,:) - y(i-1,:))/3
y(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - G, y(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
where a midpoint step is used to get an order 2 approximation as initial guess, F(i,:)=f(t(i),y(i,:)). Add solver options for error tolerances as necessary, you want the error in the implicit equation smaller than the truncation error O(h^3) of the step. One can also keep only a short array of function values, then one has to be careful for the correspondence of the position in the short array to the time index.
Using all that and a reference solution by a higher order standard solver produces the following error graphs for the components
where one can see that the first order error of the constant first step results in a first order global error, while with a second order error in the first step using the Euler method results in a clear second order global error.
Implement the method in general terms
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
def BDF2(f,t,y0,y1):
N, h = len(t)-1, t[1]-t[0];
y = (N+1)*[np.asarray(y0)];
y[1] = y1;
for i in range(1,N):
t1, G = t[i+1], (4*y[i]-y[i-1])/3
y[i+1] = fsolve(lambda u: u-2*h/3*f(t1,u)-G, y[i-1]+2*h*f(t[i],y[i]), xtol=1e-3*h**3)
return np.vstack(y)
Set up the model to be solved
print beta, gamma
y0 = np.array([8e6, 10, 0])
P = sum(y0); y0 = y0/P
def f(t,y): S,I,R = y; trns = beta*S*I/(S+I+R); recv=gamma*I; return np.array([-trns, trns-recv, recv])
Compute a reference solution and method solutions for the two initialization variants
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tg = np.linspace(0,120,25*128)
yg = odeint(f,y0,tg,atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-14, tfirst=True)
M = 16; # 8,4
t = tg[::M];
h = t[1]-t[0];
y1 = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0)
e1 = y1-yg[::M]
y2 = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0+h*f(0,y0))
e2 = y2-yg[::M]
Plot the errors, computation as above, but embedded in the plot commands, could be separated in principle by first computing a list of solutions
fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,2,figsize=(12,6))
for M in [16, 8, 4]:
t = tg[::M];
h = t[1]-t[0];
y = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0)
e = (y-yg[::M])
for k in range(3): ax[k,0].plot(t,e[:,k],'-o', ms=1, lw=0.5, label = "h=%.3f"%h)
y = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0+h*f(0,y0))
e = (y-yg[::M])
for k in range(3): ax[k,1].plot(t,e[:,k],'-o', ms=1, lw=0.5, label = "h=%.3f"%h)
for k in range(3):
for j in range(2): ax[k,j].set_ylabel(["$e_S$","$e_I$","$e_R$"][k]); ax[k,j].legend(); ax[k,j].grid()
ax[0,0].set_title("Errors: first step constant");
ax[0,1].set_title("Errors: first step Euler")

Solving coupled nonlinear differential equations

I have a differential equation that is as follows:
%d/dt [x;y] = [m11 m12;m11 m12][x;y]
mat = #(t) sin(cos(w*t))
m11 = mat(t) + 5 ;
m12 = 5;
m21 = -m12 ;
m22 = -m11 ;
So I have that my matrix is specifically dependent on t. For some reason, I am having a super difficult time solving this with ode45. My thoughts were to do as follows ( I want to solve for x,y at a time T that was defined):
t = linspace(0,T,100) ; % Arbitrary 100
x0 = (1 0); %Init cond
[tf,xf] = ode45(#ddt,t,x0)
function xprime = ddt(t,x)
ddt = [m11*x(1)+m12*x(2) ; m12*x(1)+m12*x(2) ]
The first error I get is that
Undefined function or variable 'M11'.
Is there a cleaner way I could be doing this ?
I'm assuming you're running this within a script, which means that your function ddt is a local function instead of a nested function. That means it doesn't have access to your matrix variables m11, etc. Another issue is that you will want to be evaluating your matrix variables at the specific value of t within ddt, which your current code doesn't do.
Here's an alternative way to set things up that should work for you:
% Define constants:
w = 1;
T = 10;
t = linspace(0, T, 100);
x0 = [1 0];
% Define anonymous functions:
fcn = #(t) sin(cos(w*t));
M = {#(t) fcn(t)+5, 5; -5 #(t) -fcn(t)-5};
ddt = #(t, x) [M{1, 1}(t)*x(1)+M{2, 1}*x(2); M{1, 2}*x(1)+M{2, 2}(t)*x(2)];
% Solve equations:
[tf, xf] = ode45(ddt, t, x0);
One glaring error is that the return value of function ddt is xprime, not ddt. Then as mentioned in the previous answer, mm1 at the time of definition should give an error as t is not defined. But even if there is a t value available at definition, it is not the same t the procedure ddt is called with.
mat = #(t) sin(cos(w*t))
function xprime = ddt(t,x)
a = mat(t) + 5 ;
b = 5;
ddt = [ a, b; -b, -a]*x
should work also as inner procedure.

numerical double integral function handle

power = 2;
a = 1 /(sigma*sqrt(2*pi));
c= (sigma^2)*2;
syms x y
f = exp(-(x.^power)./c);
dfdx = diff(f,x);
c1 = diff(dfdx,x);
f = exp(-(y.^power)./c);
dfdy = diff(f,y);
c2 = diff(dfdy,y);
meancurvature = (c1 + c2)./ 2;
gaussiancuravture =(c1 .* c2);
mean_curv = integral2(meancurvature, -Inf,+Inf, -Inf, +Inf)
gauss_curv = integral2(gaussiancurvature, -Inf,+Inf, -Inf, +Inf)
I've tried everything in my limited matlab knowledge and google searching to find an answer to the error that comes up:
Error using integral2
First input argument must be a function handle.
You need pass in anonymous functions for the first argument. Create them using the # sign. For more details, check out these links
Using integral2 in Matlab with vectors

MATLAB Discretizing Sine Function with +/-

Hello I am relatively new to MATLAB and have received and assignment in which we could use any programming language. I would like to continue MATLAB and have decided to use it for this assignment. The questions has to do with the following formula:
x(t) = A[1+a1*E(t)]*sin{w[1+a2*E(t)]*t+y}(+/-)a3*E(t)
The first question we have is to develop an appropriate discretization of x(t) with a time step h. I think i understand how to do this using step but because there is a +/- in the end I am running into errors. Here is what I have (I have simplified the equation by assigning arbitrary values to each variable):
A = 1;
E = 1;
a1 = 1;
a2 = 2;
a3 = 3;
w = 1;
y = 0;
% ts = .1;
% t = 0:ts:10;
t = 1:1:10;
x1(t) = A*(1+a1*E)*sin(w*(1+a2*E)*t+y);
x2(t) = a3*E;
y(t) = [x1(t)+x2(t), x1(t)-x2(t)]
The problem is I keep getting the following error because of the +/-:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in Try1 (line 21)
y(t) = [x1(t)+x2(t), x1(t)-x2(t)]
Any help?? Thanks!
You can remove the (t) from the left-hand side of all three assignments.
y = [x1+x2, x1-x2]
MATLAB knows what to do with vectors and matrices.
Or, if you want to write it out the long way, tell MATLAB there will be two columns:
y(t, 1:2) = [x1(t)'+x2(t)', x1(t)'-x2(t)']
or two rows:
y(1:2, t) = [x1(t)+x2(t); x1(t)-x2(t)]
But this won't work when you have fractional values of t. The value in parentheses is required to be the index, not a dependent variable. If you want the whole vector, just leave it out.

how do I integrate, a function with many arguments using matlab

If I'm to integrate a function
y = -((F+h)M^3(cosh(h*M)+M*beta*sinh(h*M)))/(h*M*cosh(h*M)+(-1+h*M^2*beta)*sinh(h*M))- (alpha*(M^2*(F+h)*(-1+2*h^2*M^2+ cosh(2*h*M)-2*h*M*sinh(2*h*M)))/(8*(h*M*cosh(h*M)+(-1+h*M^2*beta)*sinh(h*M))^2));
with respect to x, where
phi = 0.6;
x = 0.5;
M = 2;
theta = -1:0.5:1.5;
F = theta - 1;
h = 1 + phi*cos(2*pi*x);
alpha = 0.2;beta = 0.0;
I have written an Mfile
function r = parameterIntegrate(F,h,M,beta,alpha,theta,phi)
% defining a nested function that uses one variable
phi = 0.6;
x = 0.5;
r = quad(#testf,0,1 + phi*cos(2*pi*x));
% simpson's rule from 0 to h
function y = testf(x)
h = 1 + phi*cos(2*pi*x);
theta = -1:0.5:1.5;
F = theta - 1;
M = 2;
beta = 0;
alpha = 0;
y = -((F+h)*M^3*(cosh(h*M)+M*beta*sinh(h*M)))/(h*M*cosh(h*M)+(-1+h*M^2*beta)*sinh(h*M))- (alpha*(M^2*(F+h)*(-1+2*h^2*M^2+ cosh(2*h*M)-2*h*M*sinh(2*h*M)))/(8*(h*M*cosh(h*M)+(-1+h*M^2*beta)*sinh(h*M))^2));
and called the function by
tol = [1e-5 1e-3];
q = quad(#parameterIntegrate, 0, h,tol)
q = quad(#parameterIntegrate, 0,1 + phi*cos(2*pi*0.5),tol)
its not working its giving me
Error using ==> plus
Matrix dimensions must agree.
What your error message means is that for some line of code, there are 2 matrices, but the dimensions don't match, so it can't add them. What I suggest you do to solve this is as follows:
Figure out exactly which line of code is causing the problem.
If the line has large numbers of variables, simplify them some.
Remember that if there are any matrixs at all, and you don't want to do matrix multiplication/division, use the .*, ./, and .^.
I suspect that if you change your multiplies/divides with step 3, your problem will go away.