Azure Mobile Services publish target missing - azure-mobile-services

In Azure portal, I have created a new mobile service with Xamarin/Android platform and able to download sample 'Todolist' solution.
When I open the sample solution in Visual Studio 2012 (or 2013) then right click on 'Service' project to choose 'Publish' there is no publish target named 'Azure Mobile Services' to select. I am only able to publish to 'Azure Web Sites' only which is wrong target.
Any helps?

I got a project from my Azure Mobile Service
And then I publish it without problems
Can you confirm that you did the same? And each type of project you got?
Did you got the HTML/JS, and now you are publishing it? Looks like that is....otherwise I think is impossible to publish to Web Sites.


VSCode - Shows Deploy to Function App, instead of Deploy to Web App for blazor (ASP.Net) webapp

VSCode sees my Blazor server app as an Azure Function. Right-clicking on my publish folder I only have the option to Deploy to Function App, instead of Deploy to Web App which logically shows me only my function apps from azure. How is this determined by VSCode? I have checked the project file, but I do not see anything obvious wrong.
I tried Googling this, but the search terms only brings me to tutorials where this problem does not exist.
I was missing the Azure Web App extension. Once that was installed, the option appeared

"Azure Web App Deploy" vs "Deploy Azure App Service"

If we are deploying a basic WebApp / WebApi, both these tasks from Microsoft appear to do the same thing - deploy to an appservice.
How do you choose which one to use in a new YAML release pipeline? I just want to make sure I am using the version that is most future-proof - I have 25 release pipelines and don't want to have to re-do them unless necessary.
The way the help is written, hard to compare feature to feature to spot the key "must-haves". Some Microsoft online examples use both. Both are still marked as "In Development" in the readme and both are >1 year old since last check in.
The simplest way to deploy to an Azure Web App is to use the Azure Web App Deploy (AzureWebApp) task.
By default, your deployment happens to the root application in the Azure Web App. You can deploy to a specific virtual application by using the VirtualApplication property of the AzureRmWebAppDeployment task.
Azure App Service Deploy task allows users to modify configuration settings in configuration files (*.config files) inside web packages and XML parameters files (parameters.xml), based on the stage name specified.
Just my two cents, but I just noticed Web App Deploy takes much less time than Service App Deploy. I was wondering how come a simple zip deploy (Service App Deploy) can take so long. So I looked around and found there's also that Web App Deploy, so I tested it.
My project (React/Next small sized app) normally takes 6-10 min to deploy with Azure Service App Deploy (v4). With Azure Web App Deploy (v1) it took a little more than a minute. Wow.

How to open Bugs/PBIs in Visual Studio instead of a web browser when connecting to Azure DevOps Service?

I want to implement Team Foundation Server (now known as Azure DevOps Server) for source control and issue tracking. I have only used the on-premises solution previously. For this particular use case, it would be beneficial to have it hosted in the cloud.
I have deployed a VSTS/Azure DevOps Services cloud solution (as opposed to an on-premises TFS/Azure DevOps Server solution), and it seems to have all of the functionality I am used to with the web portal, except there seems to be no direct integration/plugin for Visual Studio.
I can connect Team Explorer to it and query the work items for a basic listing (as shown in the screenshot below) - but if I double click a work item, or if I click New Work Item, it opens in the web browser, not within Visual Studio.
Is this expected behaviour for VSTS/DevOps Services? Do I need an on-premises installation just to get Visual Studio integration or am I missing something? I would like to use their cloud solution as it has a lot of benefits for this particular use-case.
Which opens this:
Instead of this (below screenshot taken from the web):
Any help is much appreciated! I am hoping to get something up and running ASAP, and would rather not have to install & configure a full on-premises solution in the cloud myself. Letting Microsoft handle it is perfect.
It seems odd that there's no Visual Studio support/integration. I have tried on 2 different machines. I have connected one machine which is running Visual Studio 2017 Professional and the other has VS 2019 Professional. Both open and create work items in the web browser instead of within VS. But VSTS/DevOps Services does seem to have all of the other features of TFS/DevOps Server, as far as I can see.
The web portal is great for other stakeholders, but as a developer I like working directly within Visual Studio. In an on-premises installation you get both. Is there any way to do this on a cloud installation?
We need set the Work Items experience in Visual Studio, then we can create new work item in the visual studio.
Tools->work items->General->change the option Landing page.

Build and Publish ASP.NET Web Site Team Services

How do you go about setting up the build / publish for an ASP.NET web site (not a compiled application).
I have a classic simple site with primarily static assets. The only reason for the site is an aspx page that is used for a contact form email.
Simple steps:
Install IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM extension if you want to deploy app to your web server
Create new build definition with Asp.Net Build (PREVIEW) template (select ASP.NET Build PREVIEW template when create build definition)
Add Windows Machine File Copy step to copy files to your web server
Add WinRM-IIS Web App Management step to create or update web site in IIS
Add WinRM-IIS Web App Deployment step to deploy app to web site (step 4)
You also can refer to this thread: Automated Deployement of ASP.Net MVC Website In IIS server with a Continuous Deployment
If you want to deploy app to azure, you can add Azure App Service Deploy step to deploy your app to azure (do not install previous extension and remove step 3, 4, 5)
You also can refer to this article: Deploy ASP.NET apps to Azure web apps
What I was looking for was publishing a ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site (not an application that requires a build).
It ended up being pretty easy. I have mostly static files, but there is one aspx page for that is used for a contact form. I followed this solution but tweaked it a bit.
All I needed to do was add the npm and gulp task. My gulp task does as the answer suggests - copies all of my pertinent files to a folder called dist. From there, I copy everything from the dist directory to the $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory).
Then it is just a matter of publishing the $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) to the server (a drop directory similar to the examples of building an MVC app).
I wired in the release for CI / CD.

Deploy Liberty packaged server automatic delivery

I am working in a Websphere Liberty application that, because of particular server.xml configurations, i am deploying via packaged servers to Bluemix.
I want to work the code in GitHub, and have it automatically deployed to Bluemix using Toolchain / Delivery Pipeline. Is it possible ?
Currently, i have to do manually the task of packaging the server and deploying it to Bluemix.
Thanks in advance for your help
Yes, this is totally possible and the toolchain with GitHub and Delivery Pipeline integrations can solve problems just like this. You can even have the toolchain build and publish the application to Bluemix automatically when you push to your GitHub repository.
You can view the toolchain docs
or you can create a toolchain from a template to help you get started and play around with the Delivery Pipeline integration to build your packaged server.
I have an example toolchain (Click Create Toolchain button at the bottom) that may be helpful for you to create and poke around with as it includes a toolchain with GitHub and delivery pipeline integrations to build a liberty app with a packaged server. It also pushes it to Bluemix (the orders application).