undefined result during formatting in hexadecimal form - matlab

I can't understand what is reason of following result
>> format hex
>> 10
ans =
>> 12
ans =
as i know this numbers should be written in hexadecimal format,but why such result?i have tried different variant for example like this
>> x=20;
>> format hex
>> x
x =
if i will try different format
>> format long
>> x=10
x =
>> x=10.456
x =
it works nice, so what is problem?

Matlab is behaving absolutely correct, x=12 creates a 64 bit floating point number witch has the presented hexadecimal representation. What you probably want is:
ans =


Controlling the number of significant digits used by jsonencode

I'd like to use jsonencode in Matlab R2022a to encode a structure containing double precision values, like e.g.:
>> s = struct('a', sqrt(2))
s =
struct with fields:
a: 1.4142
>> jsonencode(s)
ans =
But I don't need all the digits and I'd like to keep the JSON file short, so I'd like to have an output like:
There does not seem to have such an option in jsonencode, so I have tried to remove the less significant digits beforehand. Unfortunately there are random rounding errors:
>> s.a = round(s.a*10^3)*10^-3
s =
struct with fields:
a: 1.4140
>> jsonencode(s)
ans =
These errors do not occur all the time, but it seems that the deeper the struct the more often I have these rounding errors.
Then I have tried to use vpa, but it does not seem to be compatible with jsonencode:
>> s.a = vpa(s.a,4)
s =
struct with fields:
a: 1.414
>> jsonencode(s)
ans =
Now I'm out of options. Is it possible to get a clean JSON output with control over the significant digits using pure Matlab ?
I changed the way I round numbers by using a feature of the round function and it removed the random rounding approximations (probably due to the division by the power of 10):
>> s.a = round(s.a, 4, 'significant')
s =
struct with fields:
a: 1.414
>> jsonencode(s)
ans =

Matlab - Use Decimals in Symbolic Expression

In this simple example, using the function vpa in a symbolic expression one can convert the outer fraction into decimal:
>> syms x
>> diff(2*x^(3.7))
>> vpa(diff(2*x^(3.7)))
But the result still preserves a fraction in the exponent.
How could force Matlab to use decimals whenever possible?
Only for MATLAB 2019a and later:
>> sympref('FloatingPointOutput',true);
>> diff(2*x^(3.7))
ans =
And to return to the defaults:
>> sympref('FloatingPointOutput','default');
>> diff(2*x^(3.7))
ans =

Mod function returns 0 for Matlab

I have a problem with the mod function output in Matlab. I am trying to perform some calculations for ECC double and add algorithm. I am reading data from a file and storing it in a variable and then performing some operations. All works smoothly except that I get 0 in temp1 when I use mod(X2,P). However if I put in values stored in X2(3.0323e+153) and P(1.1579e+77) on command window (mod( 3.0323e+153, 1.1579e+77)), I get the correct values. Can anyone please help me? Below is the part of script which is problematic.
line = fread(fileID,[1,67],'*char');
while ~feof(fileID)
PX = line(4:67);
X = hex2dec(PX);
X2 = X^2;
temp1= mod(X2 , P)
line = fread(fileID,[1,69],'*char');
I think the problem lies with how you're initializing P. From the documentation for hex2dec (emphasis mine):
d = hex2dec('hex_value') converts hex_value to its floating-point integer representation. The argument hex_value is a hexadecimal integer stored as text. If the value of hex_value is greater than the hexadecimal equivalent of the value returned by flintmax, then hex2dec might not return an exact conversion.
And the value of flintmax is:
>> flintmax
ans =
Quite a bit smaller than your value for P. In fact, if we use num2hex to look at the two ways you initialize P, you can see a clear difference:
>> num2hex(P)
ans =
>> num2hex(1.1579e+77)
ans =
As it turns out, the inexact conversion done by hex2dec results in a number that evenly divides into 3.0323e+153, thus giving you a remainder of 0:
>> mod(3.0323e+153, P)
ans =
>> mod(3.0323e+153, 1.1579e+77)
ans =

Increase Hex2dec or dec2hex output range in Matlab

I have a strange problem with hex2dec function in Matlab.
I realized in 16bytes data, it omits 2 LSB bytes.
Warning: At least one of the input numbers is larger than the largest integer-valued floating-point
number (2^52). Results may be unpredictable.
ans =
I am using this in Simulink. Therefore I cannot process 16byte data. Simulink interpret this as a 14byte + '00'.
You need to use uint64 to store that value:
which returns
B =
An alternative way in MATLAB using typecast:
>> A = '123123123123123A';
>> B = typecast(uint32(hex2dec([A(9:end);A(1:8)])), 'uint64')
B =
And the reverse in the opposite direction:
>> AA = dec2hex(typecast(B,'uint32'));
>> AA = [AA(2,:) AA(1,:)]
AA =
The idea is to treat the 64-integer as two 32-bit integers.
That said, Simulink does not support int64 and uint64 types as others have already noted..

Matlab/Octave addition, losing digits of precision

In Matlab/octave, when I add two numbers, I am losing some of my digits.
>>> 23.0 + 0.65850
ans = 23.659
How do I get back a double that is 23.65850?
The number is being rounded only for display purposes. Take a look at the format command if you wish to change it.
octave> 23 + 0.65850
ans = 23.659
octave> format free
octave> 23 + 0.65850
ans = 23.7
octave> format long g
octave> 23 + 0.65850
ans = 23.6585
Take a look at help format for the other options but remember, that this only affects the display. You are not losing any precision.