Excel VBA - Date Cells automatically change back to Regional Date Format - date

I need to do validation in the active sheet.
The columns - Q, AA, AI, AS, BH and BI should be in Date format mm/dd/yyyy.
If those are not in mm/dd/yyyy format; then the cells are to be colored in Red Background and those entries to be sent to "Observations" Sheet in the same Excel Workbook as hyperlinks.
(Apart from it I have few other requirements.)
For all those I have the following code.
Dim celArray, arr, Key1, KeyCell, celadr, celval, cell6 As Variant
celArray = ("Q,AA,AI,AS,BI,BH")
arr = Split(celArray, ",")
For Key1 = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
KeyCell = arr(Key1)
Range(KeyCell & "2:" & KeyCell & "" & LastRow).Select
' Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range(KeyCell & "2"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
' TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
' Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
' :=Array(1, 3), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
' Columns(KeyCell & ":" & KeyCell).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
For Each cell6 In Selection
celadr = cell6.Address
celval = cell6.Value '
If Len(celval) > 1 Then
Dim fistby As Integer
Dim secby As Integer
Dim tmpdte As Integer
Dim tmpyr As Integer
Dim tmpmth As Integer
' If KeyCell = "Q" Then
' Debug.Print celadr
' End If
If IsDate(celval) Then
If KeyCell <> "BI" And KeyCell <> "BH" Then
If Range(celadr).Offset(0, 1).Value <> "" Or Range(celadr).Offset(0, 2).Value <> "" Or _
Range(celadr).Offset(0, 3).Value <> "" Or Range(celadr).Offset(0, 4).Value <> "" Or _
Range(celadr).Offset(0, 5).Value <> "" Or Range(celadr).Offset(0, 6).Value <> "" Or _
Range(celadr).Offset(0, 7).Value <> "" Then
Range(celadr & ":" & Range(celadr).Offset(0, 7).Address).Interior.Color = vbRed
shname = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = celval
strstr = "'" & shname & "'!" & Range(celadr).Address(0, 0)
Sheets("Observations").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp), Address:="", SubAddress:= _
End If
End If
End If
fistby = InStr(celval, "/")
secby = InStr(fistby + 1, celval, "/")
If fistby <> 0 Then
tmpdte = Mid(celval, fistby + 1, ((secby - 1) - fistby))
tmpmth = Left(celval, fistby - 1)
'tmpyr = Right(celval, 4)
End If
If KeyCell = "Q" Then
If fistby = 0 Or tmpmth > 12 Or tmpdte > 31 Then
Range(celadr).Interior.Color = vbRed
shname = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = celval
strstr = "'" & shname & "'!" & Range(celadr).Address(0, 0)
Sheets("Observations").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp), Address:="", SubAddress:= _
If (Len(celval) <> 7 + fistby Or Mid(celval, fistby, 1) <> "/" Or Mid(celval, secby, 1) <> "/") Or Range(celadr).Offset(0, 8).Value <> "" Then
Range(celadr).Interior.Color = vbRed
shname = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = celval
strstr = "'" & shname & "'!" & Range(celadr).Address(0, 0)
Sheets("Observations").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp), Address:="", SubAddress:= _
End If
End If
If fistby = 0 Or tmpmth > 12 Or tmpdte > 31 Then
Range(celadr).Interior.Color = vbRed
shname = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = celval
strstr = "'" & shname & "'!" & Range(celadr).Address(0, 0)
Sheets("Observations").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp), Address:="", SubAddress:= _
If (Len(celval) <> 7 + fistby Or Mid(celval, fistby, 1) <> "/" Or Mid(celval, secby, 1) <> "/") Then
Range(celadr).Interior.Color = vbRed
shname = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = celval
strstr = "'" & shname & "'!" & Range(celadr).Address(0, 0)
Dim adrr As Variant
adrr = Sheets("Observations").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Address
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next cell6
'Columns(KeyCell & ":" & KeyCell).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
Next Key1
The above codes work fine and colors cells whichever have entries such as dd-mm-yyyy OR dd/mm/yyyy OR mm-dd-yyyy in Red Background and sends those entries to "Observations" sheet as hyperlinks.
But problem is when I try to correct such erroneous entries to correct format - "mm/dd/yyyy" and re-run my vba code; I find that those cells are not corrected and are back in the original erroneous format.
i.e. Am not able to edit the erroneous cells, though I don't have any code to protect the cells from editing.
Can anyone tell where I am wrong - Or any improvements in the above code?

This happened due to 'Regional formatting problem'
I changed number format of dates from 'date' format category to 'text' and now am able to correct the erroneous date cells.


Libreoffice get bookmark insert in text

In LibreOffice is it possible to get bookmark that is inserted in the text?
With the code below I can get the list of all the bookmarks I have available, but I just wanted the ones that are actually inserted in the text.
XBookmarksSupplier xBookmarksSupplier =
xCurrentComponent); XNameAccess xNamedBookmarks =
Hope this helps:
Sub MyBookmarks
Dim oBookmarks As Variant
Dim oElementNames As Variant
Dim oBookmark As Variant
Dim oTextFields As Variant
Dim oEnum As Variant
Dim oTextField As Variant
Dim sSourceName As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sResult As String
Rem First step - collect Bookmarks
oBookmarks = ThisComponent.getBookmarks()
oElementNames = oBookmarks.getElementNames()
Rem Create list of Bookmarks to count Text Fields with it
ReDim oBookmark(LBound(oElementNames) To UBound(oElementNames))
For i = LBound(oElementNames) To UBound(oElementNames)
oBookmark(i) = Array(oElementNames(i),0)
Next i
Rem Enumerate Text Fields
oTextFields = ThisComponent.getTextFields()
oEnum = oTextFields.createEnumeration()
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements()
oTextField = oEnum.nextElement()
sSourceName = oTextField.SourceName
For i = LBound(oBookmark) To UBound(oBookmark)
If oBookmark(i)(0) = sSourceName Then
oBookmark(i)(1) = oBookmark(i)(1) + 1
Exit For
Next i
Rem Show results
sResult = ""
For i = LBound(oBookmark) To UBound(oBookmark)
If oBookmark(i)(1) > 0 Then
sResult = sResult + oBookmark(i)(0) + " (" + oBookmark(i)(1) + ")" + Chr(10)
Next i
If Len(sResult) > 0 Then
sResult = Left(sResult, Len(sResult)-1)
MsgBox("The text of the document uses Bookmarks:" + Chr(10) + sResult, MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Used Bookmarks")
MsgBox("No Bookmarks are used in the text of the document", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "No Bookmarks")
sResult = ""
For i = LBound(oBookmark) To UBound(oBookmark)
If oBookmark(i)(1) = 0 Then
sResult = sResult + oBookmark(i)(0) + ", "
Next i
If Len(sResult) > 0 Then
MsgBox("Bookmarks that are not used in the text of the document:" + Chr(10) + Left(sResult, Len(sResult)-2), MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Not Used Bookmarks")
End Sub

Is there a MS Word wildcard for frequency?

I learning how to use Microsoft Word wildcards and codes to help me in my position as a medical editor. A big part of my job is submitting manuscripts to medical journals for review, and each journal has very specific requirements.
Most of the journals we submit manuscripts to require that medical terms/phrases be abbreviated only if they are used three or more times. For example, the term “Overall Survival” can be abbreviated to OS if the term is referenced at least three times in the text. If the text only mentions “Overall Survival” once or twice, it is preferred that the term remain expanded, and it should not be abbreviated to OS.
We have been using the PerfectIt system, by Intelligent Editing. This Word widget scans for abbreviations that are only used once and will flag them for our review, but does not pick up if an abbreviation is only used twice in the selected text. We are hoping to find some solution (my thought would be some sort of wildcard search or macro) that will be able to detect if an abbreviation is used only one or two times.
I saw this similar post on stackoverflow, but it seemed to do with code. I will need this to be on a company computer that I do not have administrative access to, and furthermore, I know nothing about code. I appreciate any help, guidance, or directions for further research!
Thank you!
Edit: I could use a wildcard search to make all of the two+ capitalized letters highlighted by using <[A-Z]{2,}>, then formatting them as highlighted, if this would help with any macros.
For any given abbreviation, you could use a macro like:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument.Range
With .Find
.Text = InputBox("What is the Text to Find")
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Do While .Find.Found
i = i + 1
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox i & " instances found."
End Sub
For PC macro installation & usage instructions, see: http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm
For Mac macro installation & usage instructions, see: https://wordmvp.com/Mac/InstallMacro.html
Provided there's at least one occurrence of the abbreviation in parens you could use a macro like the following. The macro checks the contents of a document for upper-case/numeric parenthetic abbreviations it then looks backwards to try to determine what term they abbreviate. For example:
World Wide Web (WWW)
Naturally, given the range of acronyms in use, it’s not foolproof and, if a match isn’t made, the preceding sentence (in VBA terms) is captured so the user can edit the output. A table is then built at the end of the document, which is then searched for all references to the acronym (other than for the definition) and the counts and page numbers added to the table.
Note that the macro won't tell you how many times 'World Wide Web' appears in the document, though. After all, given your criteria, it's impossible to know what terms should have been reduced to an acronym but weren't.
Sub AcronymLister()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim StrTmp As String, StrAcronyms As String, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, Rng As Range, Tbl As Table
StrAcronyms = "Acronym" & vbTab & "Term" & vbTab & "Page" & vbTab & "Cross-Reference Count" & vbTab & "Cross-Reference Pages" & vbCr
With ActiveDocument
With .Range
With .Find
.MatchWildcards = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Text = "\([A-Z0-9]{2,}\)"
.Replacement.Text = ""
End With
Do While .Find.Found = True
StrTmp = Replace(Replace(.Text, "(", ""), ")", "")
If (InStr(1, StrAcronyms, .Text, vbBinaryCompare) = 0) And (Not IsNumeric(StrTmp)) Then
If .Words.First.Previous.Previous.Words(1).Characters.First = Right(StrTmp, 1) Then
For i = Len(StrTmp) To 1 Step -1
.MoveStartUntil Mid(StrTmp, i, 1), wdBackward
.Start = .Start - 1
If InStr(.Text, vbCr) > 0 Then
.MoveStartUntil vbCr, wdForward
.Start = .Start + 1
End If
If .Sentences.Count > 1 Then .Start = .Sentences.Last.Start
If .Characters.Last.Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
If .Characters.First.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then
.Start = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Range.End + 1
End If
ElseIf .Cells.Count > 1 Then
.Start = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Range.Start
End If
End If
StrTmp = Replace(Replace(Replace(.Text, " (", "("), "(", "|"), ")", "")
StrAcronyms = StrAcronyms & Split(StrTmp, "|")(1) & vbTab & Split(StrTmp, "|")(0) & vbTab & .Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber) & vbTab & vbTab & vbCr
End If
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
StrAcronyms = Replace(Replace(Replace(StrAcronyms, " (", "("), "(", vbTab), ")", "")
Set Rng = .Characters.Last
With Rng
If .Characters.First.Previous <> vbCr Then .InsertAfter vbCr
.InsertAfter Chr(12)
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
.Style = "Normal"
.Text = StrAcronyms
Set Tbl = .ConvertToTable(Separator:=vbTab, NumRows:=.Paragraphs.Count, NumColumns:=5)
With Tbl
.Rows(1).HeadingFormat = True
.Rows(1).Range.Style = "Strong"
.Rows.Alignment = wdAlignRowCenter
End With
.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End With
End With
Rng.Start = ActiveDocument.Range.Start
For i = 2 To Tbl.Rows.Count
StrTmp = "": j = 0: k = 0
With .Range
With .Find
.Format = False
.Forward = True
.Text = "[!\(]" & Split(Tbl.Cell(i, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0) & "[!\)]"
.MatchWildcards = True
End With
Do While .Find.Found
If Not .InRange(Rng) Then Exit Do
j = j + 1
If k <> .Duplicate.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber) Then
k = .Duplicate.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
StrTmp = StrTmp & k & " "
End If
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
Tbl.Cell(i, 4).Range.Text = j
StrTmp = Replace(Trim(StrTmp), " ", ",")
If StrTmp <> "" Then
'Add the current record to the output list (StrOut)
StrTmp = Replace(Replace(ParseNumSeq(StrTmp, "&"), ",", ", "), " ", " ")
End If
Tbl.Cell(i, 5).Range.Text = StrTmp
End With
Set Rng = Nothing: Set Tbl = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function ParseNumSeq(StrNums As String, Optional StrEnd As String)
'This function converts multiple sequences of 3 or more consecutive numbers in a
' list to a string consisting of the first & last numbers separated by a hyphen.
' The separator for the last sequence can be set via the StrEnd variable.
Dim ArrTmp(), i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
ReDim ArrTmp(UBound(Split(StrNums, ",")))
For i = 0 To UBound(Split(StrNums, ","))
ArrTmp(i) = Split(StrNums, ",")(i)
For i = 0 To UBound(ArrTmp) - 1
If IsNumeric(ArrTmp(i)) Then
k = 2
For j = i + 2 To UBound(ArrTmp)
If CInt(ArrTmp(i) + k) <> CInt(ArrTmp(j)) Then Exit For
ArrTmp(j - 1) = ""
k = k + 1
i = j - 2
End If
StrNums = Join(ArrTmp, ",")
StrNums = Replace(Replace(Replace(StrNums, ",,", " "), ", ", " "), " ,", " ")
While InStr(StrNums, " ")
StrNums = Replace(StrNums, " ", " ")
StrNums = Replace(Replace(StrNums, " ", "-"), ",", ", ")
If StrEnd <> "" Then
i = InStrRev(StrNums, ",")
If i > 0 Then
StrNums = Left(StrNums, i - 1) & Replace(StrNums, ",", " " & Trim(StrEnd), i)
End If
End If
ParseNumSeq = StrNums
End Function

How can I camelCase a phrase with Dragon NaturallySpeaking's advanced scripting?

From time to time, typically when coding, I would like to dictate a phrase so that it is camelCased a phrase. For example, when I dictate sentence generator I would like Dragon NaturallySpeaking to write sentenceGenerator.
How can I camelCase a phrase with Dragon NaturallySpeaking's advanced scripting?
Same question for Dragon Dictate: How can I convert a series of words into camel case in AppleScript?
You can use this function:
' CamelCases the previous <1to10> words:
' Voice command name: CamelCase <1to10>
' Author: Edgar
' URL: https://www.knowbrainer.com/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear&catid=12&threadid=14634&discTab=true
' URL mirror: https://web.archive.org/web/20170606015010/https://www.knowbrainer.com/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear&catid=12&threadid=14634&discTab=true
' Tested with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 with Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate
Sub Main
Dim camelVariable, dictate, firstCharacter As String
Dim wasSpace, isLower, trailingSpace As Boolean
Dim dictationLength As Integer
For increment = 1 To Val (ListVar1)
SendKeys "+^{Left}", 1
Next increment
Wait 0.2
SendKeys "^c", 1
Wait 0.3
dictate = Clipboard
Wait 0.3
dictationLength = Len (dictate)
If Mid (dictate, dictationLength, 1) = " " Then trailingSpace = True
'Dim testing As String
'testing = "#" + Mid (dictate, 1, dictationLength) + "#"
'MsgBox testing
dictate = Trim (dictate)
firstCharacter = Mid (dictate, 1, 1)
firstCharacter = LCase (firstCharacter)
camelVariable = firstCharacter
dictationLength = Len (dictate)
If dictationLength > 1 Then
For increment = 2 To dictationLength
firstCharacter = Mid (dictate, increment, 1)
If firstCharacter = " " Then
wasSpace = True
If wasSpace = True Then firstCharacter = UCase (firstCharacter)
camelVariable = camelVariable + firstCharacter
wasSpace = False
End If
Next increment
End If
If leadingSpace = True Then camelVariable = " " + camelVariable
If trailingSpace = True Then camelVariable = camelVariable + " "
SendKeys camelVariable
End Sub
' CamelCases the previous dictated words:
' Voice command name: CamelCase that
' Author: Heather
' URL: https://www.knowbrainer.com/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear&catid=12&threadid=14634&discTab=true
' URL mirror: https://web.archive.org/web/20170606015010/https://www.knowbrainer.com/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear&catid=12&threadid=14634&discTab=true
' Tested with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 with Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate
Option Explicit
Sub Main
Dim engCtrl As New DgnEngineControl
Dim Text As String
Dim VarText As String
HeardWord "cut","that"
Text = Clipboard
SendDragonKeys "" & CamelCase(Text)
End Sub
Public Function CamelCase(strInput As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim sMid As String
Dim foundSpace As Boolean
For i = 1 To Len(strInput)
sMid = Mid(strInput, i, 1)
Select Case Asc(sMid)
Case 32:
foundSpace = True
Case 65 To 90:
If i = 1 Then
CamelCase = CamelCase + LCase(sMid)
CamelCase = CamelCase + sMid
End If
foundSpace = False
Case 97 To 122:
If foundSpace Then
CamelCase = CamelCase + UCase(sMid)
CamelCase = CamelCase + sMid
End If
foundSpace = False
Case Else:
CamelCase = CamelCase + sMid
foundSpace = False
End Select
Next i
End Function
' CamelCases the next dictated words:
' Voice command name: CamelCase <dictation>
' Author: Edgar
' URL: https://www.knowbrainer.com/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear&catid=12&threadid=14634&discTab=true
' URL mirror: https://web.archive.org/web/20170606015010/https://www.knowbrainer.com/forums/forum/messageview.cfm?FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=Linear&catid=12&threadid=14634&discTab=true
' Requires Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Professional or higher, because the variable <dictation> was introduced in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Professional.
Sub Main
Dim camelVariable, dictate, firstCharacter As String
Dim wasSpace, isLower As Boolean
Dim dictationLength As Integer
dictate = ListVar1
dictate = Trim (dictate)' probably unnecessary
firstCharacter = Mid (dictate, 1, 1)
firstCharacter = LCase (firstCharacter)
camelVariable = firstCharacter
dictationLength = Len (dictate)
If dictationLength > 1 Then
For increment = 2 To dictationLength
firstCharacter = Mid (dictate, increment, 1)
If firstCharacter = " " Then
wasSpace = True
If wasSpace = True Then firstCharacter = UCase (firstCharacter)
camelVariable = camelVariable + firstCharacter
wasSpace = False
End If
Next increment
End If
SendKeys " " + camelVariable + " "
End Sub
(source) (mirror)
The answer from 2017 has syntax issues. I just coded and tested this for Dragon 15:
'#Language "WWB-COM"
' Command name: case camel <dictation>
' Description:
' Applies camel case to provided phrase.
' Usage:
' "case camel looks good to me" -> "looksGoodToMe"
Option Explicit
Sub Main
Dim phrase As String
Dim result As String
Dim wasSpace As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
phrase = ListVar1
phrase = Trim(phrase)
wasSpace = False
For i = 0 To Len(phrase) - 1
If i = 0 Then
result = LCase(Mid(phrase,i + 1,1))
ElseIf Mid(phrase,i + 1,1) = " " Then
wasSpace = True
ElseIf wasSpace Then
result += UCase(Mid(phrase,i + 1,1))
wasSpace = False
result += LCase(Mid(phrase,i + 1,1))
End If
SendKeys result
End Sub

VB 6 failed send to email server

I am trying to write a program that will send email with an attachment in VB6. I'm using winsock and smtp.gmail.com as my mail server but it doesn't work. Failed to connect to mail server.The code works fine. My only problem is when I try to send message it doesn't connect please help me thanks in advance.
Here's the code
Dim objBase64 As New Base64
Dim bTrans As Boolean
Dim m_iStage As Integer
Dim Sock As Integer
Dim RC As Integer
Dim Bytes As Integer
Dim ResponseCode As Integer
Dim path As String
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Const OFN_EXPLORER = &H80000
Const OFN_LONGNAMES = &H200000
Private Declare Function GetSaveFileName Lib "comdlg32" Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetMenuItemCount Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RemoveMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Const MF_BYPOSITION = &H400&
Const MF_REMOVE = &H1000&
Dim Mime As Boolean
Dim arrRecipients As Variant
Dim CurrentE As Integer
Private Sub Attachment_Click()
path = SaveDialog(Me, "*.*", "Attach File", App.path)
If path = "" Then Exit Sub
AttachmentList.AddItem path
Mime = True
AttachmentList.ListIndex = AttachmentList.ListCount - 1
End Sub
Private Sub AttachmentList_Click()
fSize = Int((FileLen(AttachmentList) / 1024) * 100 + 0.5) / 100
AttachmentList.ToolTipText = AttachmentList & " (" & fSize & " KB)"
End Sub
Private Sub AttachmentList_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
For I = 1 To Data.Files.Count
If (GetAttr(Data.Files.Item(I)) And vbDirectory) = 0 Then AttachmentList.AddItem Data.Files.Item(I): Mime = True: AttachmentList.ListIndex = AttachmentList.ListCount - 1
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub DataArrival_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim MsgBuffer As String * 2048
On Error Resume Next
If Sock > 0 Then
Bytes = recv(Sock, ByVal MsgBuffer, 2048, 0)
If Bytes > 0 Then
ServerResponse = Mid$(MsgBuffer, 1, Bytes)
DataArrival = DataArrival & ServerResponse & vbCrLf
DataArrival.SelStart = Len(DataArrival)
If bTrans Then
If ResponseCode = Left$(MsgBuffer, 3) Then
m_iStage = m_iStage + 1
Transmit m_iStage
closesocket (Sock)
Call EndWinsock
Sock = 0
Process = "The Server responds with an unexpected Response Code!"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
ElseIf WSAGetLastError() <> WSAEWOULDBLOCK Then
closesocket (Sock)
Call EndWinsock
Sock = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub delattach_Click()
If AttachmentList.ListCount = 0 Or AttachmentList.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
tmpIndex = AttachmentList.ListIndex
AttachmentList.RemoveItem (AttachmentList.ListIndex)
If AttachmentList.ListCount = 0 Then Mime = False: Attachment.ToolTipText = "Drag & Drop your attachments here" Else If AttachmentList.ListIndex = 0 Then AttachmentList.ListIndex = tmpIndex Else AttachmentList.ListIndex = tmpIndex - 1
End Sub
Sub DisableX(frm As Form)
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim nCount As Long
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(frm.hWnd, 0)
nCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)
Call RemoveMenu(hMenu, nCount - 1, MF_REMOVE Or MF_BYPOSITION)
Call RemoveMenu(hMenu, nCount - 2, MF_REMOVE Or MF_BYPOSITION)
DrawMenuBar frm.hWnd
End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Call Startrek
closesocket Sock
Call EndWinsock
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call DisableX(Me)
End Sub
Function IsConnected2Internet() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If MyIP = "" Or MyIP = "" Then IsConnected2Internet = False Else IsConnected2Internet = True
End Function
Function SaveDialog(Form1 As Form, Filter As String, Title As String, InitDir As String) As String
Dim A As Long
ofn.lStructSize = Len(ofn)
ofn.hwndOwner = Form1.hWnd
ofn.hInstance = App.hInstance
If Right$(Filter, 1) <> "|" Then Filter = Filter & "|"
For A = 1 To Len(Filter)
If Mid$(Filter, A, 1) = "|" Then Mid$(Filter, A, 1) = Chr$(0)
Next A
ofn.lpstrFilter = Filter
ofn.lpstrFile = Space$(254)
ofn.nMaxFile = 255
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = Space$(254)
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 255
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = InitDir
ofn.lpstrTitle = Title
A = GetSaveFileName(ofn)
If (A) Then
SaveDialog = Left$(Trim$(ofn.lpstrFile), Len(Trim$(ofn.lpstrFile)) - 1)
SaveDialog = ""
End If
End Function
Private Sub SendMimeAttachment()
Dim FileIn As Long
Dim temp As Variant
Dim s As Variant
Dim TempArray() As Byte
Dim Encoded() As Byte
Dim strFile As String
Dim strFile1 As String * 32768
For IAT = 0 To AttachmentList.ListCount - 1
path = AttachmentList.List(IAT)
Mimefilename = Trim$(Right$(path, Len(path) - InStrRev(path, "\")))
FileIn = FreeFile
temp = vbCrLf & "--NextMimePart" & vbCrLf
temp = temp & "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=Mimefilename" & vbCrLf
temp = temp & "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" & vbCrLf
temp = temp & "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" & Chr$(34) & Mimefilename & Chr$(34) & vbCrLf
WinsockSendData (temp & vbCrLf)
Open path For Binary Access Read As FileIn
If GetSetting(App.Title, "Settings", "Too big", "") <> "True" Then
If LOF(FileIn) > 2097152 Then
fSize = Int((LOF(FileIn) / 1048576) * 100 + 0.5) / 100
Setu = MsgBox("The current file is " & fSize & " MB of size, extracting from it could take a few minutes, Click Yes to go ahead, No to skip it or Cancel if you don't want to get this message again", vbYesNoCancel)
If Setu = vbYes Then GoTo Cont
If Setu = vbNo Then Close (FileIn): GoTo Anoth Else SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "Too big", "True"
End If
End If
frm2.Visible = True
Process = "Loading """ & AttachmentList.List(IAT) & """"
Do While Not EOF(FileIn)
If LOF(FileIn) = 0 Then GoTo Anoth
Get FileIn, , strFile1
strFile = strFile & Mid$(strFile1, 1, Len(strFile1) - (Loc(FileIn) - LOF(FileIn)))
strFile1 = ""
frm2.Width = (3300 / 100) * (Len(strFile) * 50 / LOF(FileIn))
lblpcent = Int(Len(strFile) * 50 / LOF(FileIn)) & "%"
If Cancelflag Then Close FileIn: Exit Sub
Close FileIn
If strFile = "" Then Exit Sub
objBase64.Str2ByteArray strFile, TempArray
objBase64.EncodeB64 TempArray, Encoded
objBase64.Span 76, Encoded, TempArray
strFile = ""
s = StrConv(TempArray, vbUnicode)
For I = 1 To Len(s) Step 8192
ss = Trim$(Mid$(s, I, 8192))
tmpServerSpeed = 150
Start = timeGetTime
Loop Until timeGetTime >= Start + tmpServerSpeed * 20
WinsockSendData (ss)
frm2.Width = 1650 + (3300 / 100) * ((I + Len(ss)) * 50 / Len(s))
lblpcent = 50 + Int((I + Len(ss)) * 50 / Len(s)) & "%"
Process = "Sending " & Mimefilename & "... " & I + Len(ss) & " Bytes from " & Len(s)
Next I
s = ""
Next IAT
WinsockSendData (vbCrLf & "--NextMimePart--" & vbCrLf)
WinsockSendData (vbCrLf & "." & vbCrLf)
End Sub
Private Sub SendMimeConnect_Click()
If Tobox = "" Or InStr(Tobox, "#") = 0 Then
MsgBox "To: Is not correct!"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsConnected = False Then
If MsgBox("No Internet connection has been detected, check for Update anyway?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If
Sock = ConnectSock(MailServer, 25, DataArrival.hWnd)
Process = "Cannot Connect to " & MailServer & GetWSAErrorString(WSAGetLastError())
closesocket Sock
Call EndWinsock
Exit Sub
End If
Process = "Connected to " & MailServer
bTrans = True
m_iStage = 0
DataArrival = ""
ResponseCode = 220
Call WaitForResponse
End Sub
Sub SendMimetxt(txtFrom, txtTo, txtSubjekt, txtMail)
Dim strToSend As String
Dim strDataToSend As String
If Mime Then
strDataToSend = "From: " & txtFrom & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "To: " & txtTo & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Date: " & Format$(Now, "DDDD , dd Mmm YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM") & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Subject: " & txtSubjekt & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "X-Mailer: " & App.CompanyName & " - " & App.Title & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Mime-Version: 1.0" & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=NextMimePart" & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "--NextMimePart" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & Trim$(Mailtxt)
strDataToSend = Replace$(strDataToSend, vbCrLf & "." & vbCrLf, vbCrLf & "." & Chr$(0) & vbCrLf)
For I = 1 To Len(strDataToSend) Step 8192
strToSend = Trim$(Mid$(strDataToSend, I, 8192))
WinsockSendData (strToSend)
frm2.Width = (2400 / 100) * ((I + Len(strToSend)) * 100 / Len(strDataToSend))
lblpcent = Int((I + Len(strToSend)) * 100 / Len(strDataToSend)) & "%"
If Cancelflag Then Exit For
Process = "Sending message body... " & I + Len(strToSend) & " Bytes from " & Len(strDataToSend)
Next I
strDataToSend = "From: " & txtFrom & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "To: " & txtTo & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Date: " & Format$(Now, "DDDD , dd Mmm YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM") & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "Subject: " & txtSubjekt & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & "X-Mailer: " & App.CompanyName & " - " & App.Title & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strDataToSend = strDataToSend & Trim$(txtMail)
strDataToSend = Replace$(strDataToSend, vbCrLf & "." & vbCrLf, vbCrLf & "." & Chr$(0) & vbCrLf)
For I = 1 To Len(strDataToSend) Step 8192
strToSend = Trim$(Mid$(strDataToSend, I, 8192))
WinsockSendData (strToSend)
frm2.Width = (2400 / 100) * ((I + Len(strToSend)) * 100 / Len(strDataToSend))
lblpcent = Int((I + Len(strToSend)) * 100 / Len(strDataToSend)) & "%"
If Cancelflag Then Exit For
Process = "Sending message body... " & I + Len(strToSend) & " Bytes from " & Len(strDataToSend)
Next I
WinsockSendData (vbCrLf & "." & vbCrLf)
End If
End Sub
Sub Startrek()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Rate As Integer
Dim Rate2 As Integer
If WindowState <> 0 Then Exit Sub
Caption = "End Transmission"
GotoVal = (Height / 12)
Rate = 50
For Gointo = 1 To GotoVal
Spd = Timer
Rate2 = Rate / 2
Height = Height - Rate
Top = Top + Rate2
Width = Width - Rate
Left = Left + Rate2
If Width <= 2000 Then Exit For
Rate = (Timer - Spd) * 10000
Next Gointo
WindowState = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Tobox_Change()
arrRecipients = Split(Tobox, ",")
End Sub
Private Sub Transmit(iStage As Integer)
Dim Helo As String
Dim pos As Integer
Select Case m_iStage
Case 1
Helo = Frombox
pos = Len(Helo) - InStr(Helo, "#")
Helo = Right$(Helo, pos)
ResponseCode = 250
WinsockSendData ("HELO " & Helo & vbCrLf)
Call WaitForResponse
Case 2
ResponseCode = 250
WinsockSendData ("MAIL FROM: <" & Trim$(Frombox) & ">" & vbCrLf)
Call WaitForResponse
Case 3
ResponseCode = 250
WinsockSendData ("RCPT TO: <" & Trim$(arrRecipients(CurrentE)) & ">" & vbCrLf)
Call WaitForResponse
Case 4
ResponseCode = 354
WinsockSendData ("DATA" & vbCrLf)
Call WaitForResponse
Case 5
ResponseCode = 250
Call SendMimetxt(Frombox, Trim$(arrRecipients(CurrentE)), Subjekt, Mailtxt)
Call WaitForResponse
Case 6
ResponseCode = 221
WinsockSendData ("QUIT" & vbCrLf)
Call WaitForResponse
Process = "Email has been sent!"
frm2.Width = 3300
lblpcent = "100%"
DataArrival = ""
m_iStage = 0
If arrRecipients(CurrentE + 1) <> "" Then
CurrentE = CurrentE + 1
bTrans = False
CurrentE = 0
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub WaitForResponse()
Dim Start As Long
Dim Tmr As Long
Start = timeGetTime
While Bytes > 0
Tmr = timeGetTime - Start
DoEvents '
If Tmr > 20000 Then
Process = "SMTP service error, timed out while waiting for response"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WinsockSendData(DatatoSend As String)
Dim RC As Integer
Dim MsgBuffer As String * 8192
MsgBuffer = DatatoSend
RC = send(Sock, ByVal MsgBuffer, Len(DatatoSend), 0)
Process = "Cannot Send Request." & Str$(WSAGetLastError()) & _
closesocket Sock
Call EndWinsock
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
I didn't bother to read your code. Too hard. Here's how to do it easily.
Set emailObj = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
emailObj.From = "dc#gail.com"
emailObj.To = "dc#gail.com"
emailObj.Subject = "Test CDO"
emailObj.TextBody = "Test CDO"
emailObj.AddAttachment "c:\windows\win.ini"
Set emailConfig = emailObj.Configuration
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com"
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 465
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = true
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "YourUserName"
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "Password1"
If err.number = 0 then Msgbox "Done"
Here's how to get files from internet with a high level object. You must use the exact name with http:// as there no helper for incorrect addresses.
Set File = WScript.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
File.Open "GET", "http://www.microsoft.com", False
File.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; BCD2000; BCD2000)"
Also for binary files use ado stream. To create a database in memory use adodb recordset (better than a dictionary, array, or a collection), makes sorting a one line command.

Excel VBA - Date Format Conversion

I have come across a challenging task which I am not able to solve using many workarounds.
In one column I have dates, the date can be in following three formats:
1) Simple dd/mm/yy
2) dd/mm/yy but may have words "before,after or about" around it. Any
one of it and we just need to delete those words in this case.
3) Date in a numeric format. A long decimal values like 1382923.2323
but actually I can get a date from it after conversion.
The file is uploaded here. Date_format_macro_link
I wrote the following code but it's giving wrong results.
Sub FormatDates_Mine()
ManualSheet.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ManualSheet.Cells.Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
lastRow = ManualSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Col = "A"
For i = 2 To lastRow
Cells(i, Col) = Trim(Replace(Cells(i, Col), vbLf, "", 1, , vbTextCompare))
If InStr(1, Cells(i, Col), "about", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
Cells(i, Col) = Trim(Replace(Cells(i, Col), "about", "", 1, , vbTextCompare))
Cells(i, Col).Interior.Color = RGB(217, 151, 149)
End If
If InStr(1, Cells(i, Col), "after", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
Cells(i, Col) = Trim(Replace(Cells(i, Col), "after", "", 1, , vbTextCompare))
Cells(i, Col).Interior.Color = RGB(228, 109, 10)
End If
If InStr(1, Cells(i, Col), "before", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
Cells(i, Col) = Trim(Replace(Cells(i, Col), "before", "", 1, , vbTextCompare))
Cells(i, Col).Interior.Color = RGB(228, 109, 10)
End If
DateParts = Split(Cells(i, Col), "/", , vbTextCompare)
Cells(i, Col) = Format(Cells(i, Col), "dd/mm/yyyy")
Next i
Range("D:E").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End Sub
The file is uploaded here. Date_format_macro_link
Please help!
Is this what you are trying? I have not added any error handling. I am assuming that you will not be deviating for the existing format of your data. If the format changes then you WILL have to introduce error handling.
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Long, i As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim MyAr() As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
With ws
lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = .Range("A2:A" & lRow)
With rng
'~~> Replace "After " in the entire column
.Replace What:="After ", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
'~~> Replace "About " in the entire column
.Replace What:="About ", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
End With
For i = 2 To lRow
'~~> Remove the End Spaces
.Range("A" & i).Value = Sid_SpecialAlt160(.Range("A" & i).Value)
'~~> Remove time after the space
If InStr(1, .Range("A" & i).Value, " ") Then _
.Range("A" & i).Formula = Split(.Range("A" & i).Value, " ")(0)
'~~> Convert date like text to date
.Range("A" & i).Formula = DateSerial(Split(.Range("A" & i).Value, "/")(2), _
Split(.Range("A" & i).Value, "/")(1), _
Split(.Range("A" & i).Value, "/")(0))
Next i
End With
End Sub
Public Function Sid_SpecialAlt160(s As String)
Dim counter As Long
If Len(s) > 0 Then
counter = Len(s)
While VBA.Mid(s, counter, 1) = " "
counter = counter - 1
Sid_SpecialAlt160 = VBA.Mid(s, 1, counter)
Sid_SpecialAlt160 = s
End If
End Function