How to implement recursive function in Racket? - racket

I am trying to create a function called lcm-from-factors that computes the Lowest Common Multiple of two numbers (m and n) The inputs to the function are m-co-groups and n-co-groups, which list all the prime factors and their powers. For instance, for m= 2970 and n= 163,800, we will have:
m-co-groups= ’((2 1) (3 3) (5 1) (7 0) (11 1) (13 0))
n-co-groups= ’((2 3) (3 2) (5 2) (7 1) (11 0) (13 1))
These are returned by a function called co-factor which has been given to me. I have written the code but the function is not compiling because I believe I did not implement the recursion properly. I'd appreciate any help in figuring out what I am doing wrong. My code is as follows.
(define (lcm-from-factors m n)
(let-values (((m-co-groups n-co-groups) (co-factor m n)))
(define (recurse m-co-groups n-co-groups)
(let* ((a (first(m-co-groups)))
(b (first(n-co-groups))))
(cond ((>= (rest(a)) (rest(b)))
(+ (expt (first(a)) (rest(a))) (recurse (rest(m-co-groups)) (rest(n-co-groups)))))
(else (+ (expt (first(b)) (rest(b))) (recurse (rest(m-co-groups)) (rest(n-co-groups))))))))))

The following is a stepping stone to get you started.
The code handles the specific situation where m and n has the same prime factors.
It is your job, to figure out how to handle the other cases.
#lang racket
(require math/number-theory)
(define (co-factor m n) (values (factorize m) (factorize n)))
(define (exponent power) (second power))
(define (base power) (first power))
(define (lcm-from-factors m n)
(let-values ([(m-co-groups n-co-groups) (co-factor m n)])
(define (recurse m-co-groups n-co-groups)
[(and (empty? m-co-groups) (empty? n-co-groups)) 1]
[(empty? m-co-groups) 'something-1]
[(empty? n-co-groups) 'something-2]
(define a-power (first m-co-groups))
(define b-power (first n-co-groups))
(define a-base (base a-power))
(define b-base (base b-power))
(define a-exp (exponent a-power))
(define b-exp (exponent b-power))
[(= a-base b-base) (* (expt a-base (max a-exp b-exp))
(recurse (rest m-co-groups) (rest n-co-groups)))]
[(< a-base b-base) 'something-3]
[(> a-base b-base) 'something-4])]))
(recurse m-co-groups n-co-groups)))
(define x (* (expt 2 3) (expt 3 4)))
(define y (* (expt 2 1) (expt 3 5)))
(lcm-from-factors x y) ; gives 1944
(lcm x y) ; gives 1944


a bunch of lists of numbers

I would like to write the Racket function find-subsets. The function produces the list of subsets of a list of numbers w/o helper functions and that only uses lambda, cond, cons, rest, first, and other primitive functions.
For instance, the following check-expects should be satisfied:
(check-expect (find-subsets '(2 2 3 3)) '(() (2) (3) (2 2) (2 3) (3 3) (2 2 3) (2 3 3)
(2 2 3 3)))
(check-expect (find-subsets '(1 2 3)) '(() (1) (2) (3) (1 2) (1 3) (2 3) (1 2 3)))
Basically, this function produces the power set of a set of numbers, but I'm not sure how it can produce all of the elements, without recursion.
#lang racket
(define-syntax-rule (my-let ([var val]) body)
((λ (var) body) val))
(define-syntax-rule (Y e)
((λ (f) ((λ (x) (f (λ (y) ((x x) y))))
(λ (x) (f (λ (y) ((x x) y))))))
(define-syntax-rule (define/rec f e)
(define f (Y (λ (f) e))))
(define/rec my-append
(λ (l1)
(λ (l2)
(cond [(empty? l1) l2]
[else (cons (first l1) ((my-append (rest l1)) l2))]))))
(define/rec my-map
(λ (f)
(λ (l)
(cond [(empty? l) empty]
[else (cons (f (first l)) ((my-map f) (rest l)))]))))
(define/rec my-power-set
(λ (set)
(cond [(empty? set) (cons empty empty)]
[else (my-let ([rst (my-power-set (rest set))])
((my-append ((my-map (λ (x) (cons (first set) x))) rst))
I took the standard definition of powerset from here and curried it. Then I replaced let, append, and map with my-let, my-append, and my-map. I defined the Y combinator as the Y macro and a helper define/rec that makes a function recursive. Then I defined my-append and my-map using the define/rec macro (note that they're curried too). We can substitute everything to get the desired code.

How to make fibonacci sequence in racket using abstract list functions

I am trying to write a racket program that computes the sum of the first n terms in a fibonacci sequence without using recursion, and only using abstract list functions (so map, builld-list, foldr, foldl). I can use helper functions.
I'm stuck on how to make a list of the fibonacci numbers without using recursion. I thought I could use a lambda function:
(lambda (lst) (+ (list-ref lst (- (length lst) 1)) (list-ref lst (- (length lst 2)))))
But I am not sure how to generate the input list/how to add this to a function.
Once I have a fibonacci sequence I know I can just use (foldl + (car lst) (cdr lst)) to find the sum.
Could anyone explain to me how to make the fibonacci sequence/give me a hint?
; This is how I figure out
(1 2 3 4 (0 1))
-> (1 2 3 (1 1))
-> (1 2 (1 2))
-> (1 (2 3))
-> (3 5)
(define (fib n)
[(= n 0) 0]
[(= n 1) 1]
[(> n 1)
(foldr (λ (no-use ls) (list (second ls) (+ (first ls) (second ls))))
'(0 1)
(build-list (- n 1) (λ (x) x))))]))
(fib 10)
(build-list 10 fib)
Upgrade version 2
(define (fib-v2 n)
(foldr (λ (no-use ls) (list (second ls) (+ (first ls) (second ls))))
'(0 1)
(build-list n (λ (x) x)))))
(build-list 10 fib-v2)
fib-seq produces a list of first n fibonacci numbers and fib-sum produces the sum of first n fibonacci numbers.
; Number -> [List-of Number]
(define (fib-seq n)
(cond [(= n 0) '()]
[(= n 1) '(0)]
[else (reverse
(for/fold ([lon '(1 0)]) ([_ (in-range (- n 2))])
(cons (apply + (take lon 2)) lon)))]))
; Number -> Number
(define (fib-sum n)
(if (= n 0) 0 (add1 (apply + (take (fib-seq n) (sub1 n))))))
Note: fib-sum is equivalent to the following recursive versions:
(define (fib0 n)
(if (< n 2) n (+ (fib0 (- n 1)) (fib0 (- n 2)))))
(define (fib1 n)
(let loop ((cnt 0) (a 0) (b 1))
(if (= n cnt) a (loop (+ cnt 1) b (+ a b)))))
(define (fib2 n (a 0) (b 1))
(if (= n 0) 0 (if (< n 2) 1 (+ a (fib2 (- n 1) b (+ a b))))))
Once I have a fibonacci sequence I know I can just use (foldl + (car lst) (cdr lst)) to find the sum.
Note that you don't have to generate an intermediate sequence to find the sum. Consider the (fast) matrix exponentiation solution:
(require math/matrix)
(define (fib3 n)
(matrix-ref (matrix-expt (matrix ([1 1] [1 0])) n) 1 0))
(require rackunit)
(let* ([l (build-list 20 identity)]
[fl (list fib0 fib1 fib2 fib3 fib-sum)]
[ll (make-list (length fl) l)])
(andmap (λ (x) (equal? (map fib0 l) x))
(map (λ (x y) (map x y)) fl ll))))

Errors in Racket for SICP Exercise 1.11

The interpreter for Racket gives me errors
in my attempt to implement the recursive
function for Exercise 1.11:
#lang sicp
(define (f n)
(cond ((< n 3) n)
(else (+ f((- n 1))
(* 2 f((- n 2)))
(* 3 f((- n 3)))))))
(f 2)
(f 5)
The errors given by the Racket intrepreter are:
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: 4
arguments...: [none]
/Users/tanveersalim/Desktop/Git/EPI/EPI/Functional/SICP/chapter_1/exercise_1-11.rkt: [running body]
As others noted, you're calling f incorrectly
Change f((- n 1)) (and other similar instances) to (f (- n 1))
(define (f n)
(cond ((< n 3) n)
(else (+ (f (- n 1))
(* 2 (f (- n 2)))
(* 3 (f (- n 3)))))))
(f 2) ; 2
(f 5) ; 25

Racket - Transform a natural number to a specific base [duplicate]

I want to show the result of my function as a list not as a number.
My result is:
(define lst (list ))
(define (num->base n b)
(if (zero? n)
(append lst (list 0))
(append lst (list (+ (* 10 (num->base (quotient n b) b)) (modulo n b))))))
The next error appears:
expected: number?
given: '(0)
argument position: 2nd
other arguments...:
I think you have to rethink this problem. Appending results to a global variable is definitely not the way to go, let's try a different approach via tail recursion:
(define (num->base n b)
(let loop ((n n) (acc '()))
(if (< n b)
(cons n acc)
(loop (quotient n b)
(cons (modulo n b) acc)))))
It works as expected:
(num->base 12345 10)
=> '(1 2 3 4 5)

Unbound identifier racket operators

This is my first time working with racket, and I am getting an error message (*: unbound identifier;) when trying to evaluate a list in Dr. Racket.
#lang racket
(define (randop)
(define x(random 3))
((= x 0) '+)
((= x 1) '-)
((= x 2) '*)
(define (randexp ht)
(define x(random 10))
(define y(random 10))
(define z(randop))
(eval (list z y x))
(randexp 1)
When executing racket in the console, (eval lst) works fine, though when I execute this code, it comes up with an unbound identifier. Any help is appreciated.
You don't need eval here. Instead of returning the symbols return the procedures instead:
#lang racket
(define (randop)
(define x (random 3))
(cond ((= x 0) +) ; + not quoted means if will return what + evaluates to
((= x 1) -) ; which is the procedures they represent
((= x 2) *)))
(define (randexp)
(define x (random 10))
(define y (random 10))
(define z (randop))
(z y x))) ; call z (the procedure returned by randop) with arguments x and y.
There's a problem with the way you're calling eval, in Racket you have to do this in a file:
(define-namespace-anchor a)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace a))
(define (randop)
(define x (random 3))
((= x 0) '+)
((= x 1) '-)
((= x 2) '*)))
(define (randexp ht)
(define x (random 10))
(define y (random 10))
(define z (randop))
(eval (list z y x) ns))
(randexp 1)
Also, you're not actually using the ht parameter, consider deleting it.