How can I solve this dependency issue between Fantom pods afBedNap, afBounce and afBedSheet? - fantom

I found an issue trying to install afBedNap. The process went...
fanr install -r afBedNap
afBedNap [upgrade ] 0.0.18 => 0.0.20
afBedSheet [downgrade] 1.4.2 => 1.3.16
Installation successful (2 pods)
Then I tried to create myBedNap
fan afBedNap -copyto /Users/lightdye/Documents/myBedNap -podname myBedApp
But got:
sys::UnknownTypeErr: afIoc::ServiceStat
at fan.sys.UnknownTypeErr.make(
at fan.sys.UnknownTypeErr.make(
at fan.sys.Pod.type(
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBedNap': afEfanXtra 1.1
Then I ran
fanr install -r afEfanXtra
afEfan [upgrade] => 1.4.2
afEfanXtra [upgrade] 1.1.12 => 1.1.20
Installation successful (2 pods)
And tried again to create myBedNap but this time I got:
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBounce': afBedSheet 1.3.16 != afBedSheet 1.4.0-1.4
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBedNap': afBounce 1.0
So I ran:
fanr install -r afBounce
afBedSheet [upgrade] 1.3.16 => 1.4.0
afBounce [skip ] 1.0.18 => 1.0.18
Installation successful (2 pods)
Please note that here it changed the afBedSheet version back up to 1.4.0, which was downgraded when I installed afBedNap in the first place. When I tried again to create myBedNap again, this time I got:
fan afBedNap -copyto /Users/lightdye/Documents/myBedNap -podname myBedApp
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBedNap': afBedSheet 1.4.0 != afBedSheet 1.3
At this point there is a loop that I don’t know how to break (or even if I can brake it): afBedNap requires afBedSheet 1.3.16 and afBounce but afBounce requires afBedSheet 1.4.0 which afBedNap can't use. How can I solve this, please?

Good catch! Yes, the dependencies certainly got out of sync somehow.
Your post prompted the release of BedNap 0.0.22 which depends on all the new / current versions of the pods.
Try re-installing the latest BedNap and try again:
fanr install -r afBedNap


Kubernetes Pod - External library dependency

I'm using the Vault's Kubernetes Helm Chart.
Before proceeding, I'd like to mention that my issue is extremely similar to this one, but it didn't help.
So, inside Vault, I need to load a custom plugin, which has two dependencies: libpbc and libgmp.
While trying to install the plugin, I get this error:
* fork/exec /vault/plugins/plugin_name: no such file or directory
which is not normal, for the simple reason that everything seems okay (the plugin_directory (a Vault dependency) exists, the plugin is indeed under /vault/plugins etc).
So, by investigating, I found out that there is a big issue.
Executing ldd /vault/plugins/*plugin_name*, I get:
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by vault/plugins/plugin_name)
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by vault/plugins/plugin_name) => /lib64/ (0x7eff0c4ba000) => /lib64/ (0x7eff0c4ba000)
Error relocating vault/plugins/plugin_name: pbc_param_init_a1_gen: symbol not found
Error relocating vault/plugins/plugin_name: pbc_param_init_e_gen: symbol not found
Error relocating vault/plugins/plugin_name: pbc_cm_search_d: symbol not found
What I have already tried:
Moving the libraries inside the pod and under /usr/local/lib. No. Error: tar: can't create symlink '' to '': Permission denied
Moving the libraries "anywhere" and exporting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Again, no. Not working (Expected)
Any other thing that came to my mind and got me a "Permission denied" error.
Issue solved.
I created a custom Vault image and in the Dockerfile I made it to include all the dependencies
RUN apk add build-base gmp-dev ...
For the libpbc, I wget the files, decompress them and then
make install

Error after updating to meteor v1.11. Conflict: Constraint email#1.2.3 is not satisfied by email 2.0.0

I'm having a problem with Meteor, after upgrading to v1.11.
Apparently is a known issue. Do you have a workaround for this message?
=> Started proxy.
=> Errors prevented startup:
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint email#1.2.3 is not satisfied by email 2.0.0.
Constraints on package "email":
* email#~2.0.0 <- top level
* email#1.2.3 <- vulcan:lib 1.16.0
* email#2.0.0 <- accounts-password 1.6.2
* email#1.2.3 <- vulcan:accounts 1.16.0 <- clearbase:admin 0.1.0
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
I've tried updating the dependencies with meteor update, then manually using packagecheck but still same issue. Also tried the suggestions on the meteor release post.
This error is solved updating to meteor v1.11.1
Plus you need to add ! at the end of the dependency on packages
# .meteor/packages

Issue with patching Jboss to upgrade to version 7.0.5

Issue with patching Jboss to upgrade to version 7.0.5
i receive below conflict message while applying patch:
{"message" => "Conflicts detected","conflicts" => {"misc" => ["bin/standalone.bat","bin/standalone.conf","bin/standalone.conf.bat"],"modules" => ["sun.jdk:main"]}}
and if i override the conflicts and try to run my application it runs loginpage but throws error while encrypting password which was working fine in 7.0.4 version.
Any help suggestion would be really appreciated !!!

Modified SRPM conflict resolution

I need to update libvncserver and libvncclient libraries to 0.9.11.
I am running CentOS 7.3, currently, the latest libvncserver RPM is 0.9.9
So I took the libvncserver SRPM, modified the spec file, and updated the libvncserver tarball to create a 0.9.11 version of libvncserver and libvncclient RPM's.
I'm having a dependency challenge upon install.
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Examining ../RPMS/x86_64/libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64.rpm: libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64
Marking ../RPMS/x86_64/libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64.rpm as an update to libvncserver-0.9.9-9.el7_0.1.x86_64
Examining ../RPMS/x86_64/libvncserver-debuginfo-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64.rpm: libvncserver-debuginfo-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64
Marking ../RPMS/x86_64/libvncserver-debuginfo-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64.rpm to be installed
Examining ../RPMS/x86_64/libvncserver-devel-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64.rpm: libvncserver-devel-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64
Marking ../RPMS/x86_64/libvncserver-devel-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64.rpm to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libvncserver.x86_64 0:0.9.9-9.el7_0.1 will be updated
--> Processing Dependency: for package: x11vnc-0.9.13-11.el7.x86_64
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
--> Processing Dependency: for package: x11vnc-0.9.13-11.el7.x86_64
---> Package libvncserver.x86_64 0:0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1 will be an update
---> Package libvncserver-debuginfo.x86_64 0:0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1 will be installed
---> Package libvncserver-devel.x86_64 0:0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: x11vnc-0.9.13-11.el7.x86_64 (#epel)
Removing: libvncserver-0.9.9-9.el7_0.1.x86_64 (#base)
Updated By: libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64 (/libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64)
Error: Package: x11vnc-0.9.13-11.el7.x86_64 (#epel)
Removing: libvncserver-0.9.9-9.el7_0.1.x86_64 (#base)
Updated By: libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64 (/libvncserver-0.9.11-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
x11vnc is using and from 0.9.9
[localhost SPECS]$ sudo ldd /usr/bin/x11vnc | grep -i vnc => /lib64/ (0x00007fee9387d000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fee9365f000)
Running the above in verbose, rpm tries to update x11vnc (to there is none)
Potential Provider: libvncserver.x86_64 0:0.9.9-9.el7_0.1
Mode is ud for provider of libvncserver.x86_64 0:0.9.9-9.el7_0.1
Mode for pkg providing ud
Trying to update x11vnc-0.9.13-11.el7.x86_64 to resolve dep
No update paths found for x11vnc-0.9.13-11.el7.x86_64. Failure!
Searching pkgSack for dep:
I could "force-install" but before I do so I'm interested is there a better way to do this? Is it possible to specify dependency checker to not highlight the dependency? Another approach is to create a custom x11vnc RPM, just to update the library path.
The problem is that your package does not provide, but replaces libvncserver, which provides The easiest solution is to rename your package, so that it can be installed along with the existing libvncserver package.
The -devel subpackage will probably have to conflict with libvncserver-devel because some of the files will overlap, but for the main package, you should be able to enable parallel installation.
You already mentioned the other clean solution: Port all packages from to But that could involve quite a bit of unnecessary work and makes your system less similar to others.
(You could also keep the libvncserver package name and create a compat-libvncserver package with the old library, but that's again quite a bit of work for very little benefit.)

Error installing purescript-list

I'm new to Purescript and am following the tutorial for installation. Purescript itself is working and I can start the CLI using pulp psci, but installing purescript-list runs into trouble.
Having entered the command bower install purescript-lists --save, I get a long list of package names, but when it gets to purescript-eff and purescript-prelude I run into some version conflicts:
bower purescript-eff#^2.0.0 cached
bower purescript-eff#^2.0.0 validate 2.0.0 against^2.0.0
Unable to find a suitable version for purescript-eff, please choose one by typing one of the numbers below:
1) purescript-eff#^1.0.0 which resolved to 1.0.0 and is required by purescript-console#1.0.0
2) purescript-eff#^2.0.0 which resolved to 2.0.0 and is required by purescript-st#2.0.0
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
? Answer
A similar message is shown for purescript-prelude. No matter which options I choose, both pulp build and pulp run fail with:
$ pulp build
* Building project in /Developer/purescript/training1
Error found:
in module PSCI.Support
at /Developer/purescript/training1/bower_components/purescript-psci-support/src/PSCI/Support.purs line 10, column 34 - line 10, column 53
Cannot import value unsafeInterleaveEff from module Control.Monad.Eff.Unsafe
It either does not exist or the module does not export it.
See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.
Compiling PSCI.Support
* ERROR: Subcommand terminated with exit code 1
What have I missed here?
Chris W
If you are using psc version 0.10.* you should go with prelude, lists and eff v2*.
If you are using psc version 0.9.* you should go with prelude, lists and eff v1*.
If you are using psc 0.10.* you might want to update pulp to version 9.1.0
The problem occurs due to breaking changes between psc 0.9 and 0.10 and the relevant libraries. by writing bower install purescript-lists --save you are asking bower for the latest dependencies which conflict with the dependency versions specified in your bower.json.