Issue with patching Jboss to upgrade to version 7.0.5 - jboss

Issue with patching Jboss to upgrade to version 7.0.5
i receive below conflict message while applying patch:
{"message" => "Conflicts detected","conflicts" => {"misc" => ["bin/standalone.bat","bin/standalone.conf","bin/standalone.conf.bat"],"modules" => ["sun.jdk:main"]}}
and if i override the conflicts and try to run my application it runs loginpage but throws error while encrypting password which was working fine in 7.0.4 version.
Any help suggestion would be really appreciated !!!


Error after updating to meteor v1.11. Conflict: Constraint email#1.2.3 is not satisfied by email 2.0.0

I'm having a problem with Meteor, after upgrading to v1.11.
Apparently is a known issue. Do you have a workaround for this message?
=> Started proxy.
=> Errors prevented startup:
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint email#1.2.3 is not satisfied by email 2.0.0.
Constraints on package "email":
* email#~2.0.0 <- top level
* email#1.2.3 <- vulcan:lib 1.16.0
* email#2.0.0 <- accounts-password 1.6.2
* email#1.2.3 <- vulcan:accounts 1.16.0 <- clearbase:admin 0.1.0
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
I've tried updating the dependencies with meteor update, then manually using packagecheck but still same issue. Also tried the suggestions on the meteor release post.
This error is solved updating to meteor v1.11.1
Plus you need to add ! at the end of the dependency on packages
# .meteor/packages

PHPUnit is Working With Command Line, but not with Eclipse

Whenever I run a test file from eclipse it works and display result as:
. 1/1 (100%)
Time: 371 ms, Memory: 8.00MB
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
But If I run the same test from the Eclipse Oxygen, I get the error:
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of PHPUnitLogger::addFailure(Test $test, AssertionFailedError $e, $time): void must be compatible with PHPUnit\Framework\TestListener::addFailure(PHPUnit\Framework\Test $test, PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e, float $time): void in /tmp/phpunit_printer/PHPUnitLogger.php(415) : eval()'d code on line 1
I downloaded phpunit-7.1.phar, and installed it globally by making it executable and moving it to /usr/local/bin and for Eclipse, I have downloaed in the Download directory and without making it executable I added it into my Eclipse Project as an External Phar but it is not working and giving the above error.
Can someone help me fixing the issue?
By the way, I am a NetBeanse User, but NetBeans is not supporting PHP7.1 that's why moving to Eclipse.
Here is my test file:
namespace tests\Unit\;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class MyTest extends TestCase
public function testSimple() {
$this->assertEquals(1, 1);
I had exactly the same problem with PHPUnit 7.5.14 and didn't find a solution.
Since I wanted to test my application running with PHP 7.1, I decided to try PHPUnit 6 and it worked at once. So PHPUnit 6.5.14 did the trick for me.
It seems Eclipse is not compatible with PHPUnit 7. My Eclipse Version is 2018-12 (4.10.0) with PDT 6.2. After switching to PHPUnit 6 other problems (that I managed to find workarounds for) were gone too. For example the generated class code overrides TestCase::__construct without calling the parent constructor. It seems to be a problem with PHPUnit 7, not so with 6.
I didn't find a compatibility chart of Eclipse PDT to support my thesis.

How can I solve this dependency issue between Fantom pods afBedNap, afBounce and afBedSheet?

I found an issue trying to install afBedNap. The process went...
fanr install -r afBedNap
afBedNap [upgrade ] 0.0.18 => 0.0.20
afBedSheet [downgrade] 1.4.2 => 1.3.16
Installation successful (2 pods)
Then I tried to create myBedNap
fan afBedNap -copyto /Users/lightdye/Documents/myBedNap -podname myBedApp
But got:
sys::UnknownTypeErr: afIoc::ServiceStat
at fan.sys.UnknownTypeErr.make(
at fan.sys.UnknownTypeErr.make(
at fan.sys.Pod.type(
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBedNap': afEfanXtra 1.1
Then I ran
fanr install -r afEfanXtra
afEfan [upgrade] => 1.4.2
afEfanXtra [upgrade] 1.1.12 => 1.1.20
Installation successful (2 pods)
And tried again to create myBedNap but this time I got:
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBounce': afBedSheet 1.3.16 != afBedSheet 1.4.0-1.4
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBedNap': afBounce 1.0
So I ran:
fanr install -r afBounce
afBedSheet [upgrade] 1.3.16 => 1.4.0
afBounce [skip ] 1.0.18 => 1.0.18
Installation successful (2 pods)
Please note that here it changed the afBedSheet version back up to 1.4.0, which was downgraded when I installed afBedNap in the first place. When I tried again to create myBedNap again, this time I got:
fan afBedNap -copyto /Users/lightdye/Documents/myBedNap -podname myBedApp
java.lang.Exception: Missing dependency for 'afBedNap': afBedSheet 1.4.0 != afBedSheet 1.3
At this point there is a loop that I don’t know how to break (or even if I can brake it): afBedNap requires afBedSheet 1.3.16 and afBounce but afBounce requires afBedSheet 1.4.0 which afBedNap can't use. How can I solve this, please?
Good catch! Yes, the dependencies certainly got out of sync somehow.
Your post prompted the release of BedNap 0.0.22 which depends on all the new / current versions of the pods.
Try re-installing the latest BedNap and try again:
fanr install -r afBedNap

EventStore build.cmd Errors

Just getting started with JOlivers event store library and having issues with some of the Nuget commands in the build.cmd. here's the log, perhaps you're already aware of the issue but i thought i'd put it up here.
Compiling / Target: v4.0 / Config: Release
S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\bin\nuget\NuGet.targets(6,9): error : Input string was not in a correct format. [S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\proj\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence.csproj]
S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\bin\nuget\NuGet.targets(6,9): error MSB3073: The command ""S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\..\bin\nuget\nuget.exe" install "S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\proj\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence\packages.config" -source "" -o "S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\..\bin"" exited with code 1. [S:\SourceControl\Test Projects\EventStore\src\proj\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence\EventStore.Persistence.RavenPersistence.csproj]
The master branch of EventStore appears to be broken at the moment. The 3.0 branch is in better shape but is also slightly broken. To fix the 3.0 branch so that it builds, you need to upgrade the 1.5 version of nuget.exe to 1.6. The easiest way to do that is to execute \bin\nuget\NuGet.exe update -self in the repository. I already submitted a pull request to JOliver with that change.
(I also submitted a pull request with a few minor fixes for the example project.)

read.csv(file.choose()) problem in StatET/Eclipse

When trying to read a csv file in StatET/Eclipse (OS X 10.6, Eclipse 3.6) using the following command:
I get the response:
Error in file.choose() : file choice cancelled
The command works as expected in 'R' itself and reading a named csv file works in StatET. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Update: submitting this question to secured a response from Stephan Wahlbrink
Updating StatET to 0.9.2 should fix
the problem.
Updating from within Eclipse (Help > Check for Updates) to the latest version (site-statet-00.09.02 [ 2011-01-03 | stable | Eclipse 3.6 ]) did indeed fix the problem.
Many thanks to Stephan.
Everything seems ok for me. My platform is StatET/Eclipse(win7-x64, Eclipse 3.6).
Only when I click 'cancel' in the select file dialog, it will give that error message.