FreeRadius - Failed binding to authentication address - radius

When I run the following command, I can get successfull result.
root#ubuntu:/home/can# radtest user password 1812 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 78 to port 1812
User-Name = "user"
User-Password = "password"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=78, length=20
However When I run the "freeradius -X" , I get error message as following :
Failed binding to authentication address * port 1812: Address already in use
/etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf[250]: Error binding to port for port 1812
Please Help Me
Thank you for your efforts.

radiusd is already running. sudo service freeradius stop will stop it, and allow freeradius -X to bind to the address/port that was previously used by the RADIUS daemon.

Run 'service freeradius restart' and 'service freeradius stop' commands
Then run the command,'freeradius -X'
you will not face binding issue anymore.

Even having finished the service, there were pending zombie process.
Searching for a zumbi process I´ve found one:
[root#localhost sites-enabled]# ps aux | grep radi
radiusd 25042 0.0 0.7 186360 14980 ? Ssl Fev17 0:00 /usr/sbin/radiusd -d /etc/raddb
[root#localhost sites-enabled]# kill -9 25042
Service was start sucessfully after this.

Basically the port freeradius is looking to use is already in use by another background running instance of freeradius. Ending the first instance of freeradius will allow you to use that same port for the newly run instance.


You should use a persistent object cache. Why does Memcached on Wordpress not work on a LAMP stack with multiple virtual hosts?

I have a LAMP stack with multiple virtual hosts. Memcached is not working in Wordpress, It used to untill I created more virtual hosts.
From WordPress I get:
You should use a persistent object cache
From W3 Total Cache, I get the following:
The following memcached servers are not responding or not running:
Database Cache:
Object Cache:
This message will automatically disappear once the issue is resolved.
My info.php here
lsof -i :11211
memcached 350432 memcache 22u IPv4 5140918 0t0 TCP localhost:11211 (LISTEN)
memcached 350432 memcache 23u IPv6 5140919 0t0 TCP ip6-localhost:11211 (LISTEN)
In /etc/memcached.conf I have set -l and also l ::1 for ipv6.
Dec 23 20:24:46 a-c-d systemd-memcached-wrapper[369407]: authenticated() in cmd 0x01 is false
Dec 23 20:24:46 a-c-d systemd-memcached-wrapper[369407]: >24 Writing an error: Auth failure.
Dec 23 20:24:46 a-c-d systemd-memcached-wrapper[369407]: >24 Writing bin
PHP message: [ERROR] WP_CACHE constant is not present in wp-config.php
PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/html/ on line 145', referer:
I can see here redis is enabled even though I have deleted it completely, this is weird.
Any help on how to resolve this would be really great, thanks!
I have tried everything I can think of. Logging as much as possible, researching the web. I exspect to get memcached to work again :)

OpenOCD doesn't open a gdb connection for a ST nucleo-h743zi board

I have successfully flashed a nucleo-h743zi board with a small app that blinks an LED and sends strings through the UART.
I'm now trying to connect to it with gdb, using OpenOCD v 0.12.0.
After building it, I execute this:
$./build/bin/openocd -f tcl/interface/stlink.cfg -c "transport select hla_swd" -f tcl/target/stm32h7x.cfg
And I obtain this:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0-rc2+dev-00989-g9501b263e (2022-12-15-15:37)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : clock speed 1800 kHz
(the command line returns after printing that)
I have tried as well
./build/bin/openocd -f ./build/share/openocd/scripts/board/st_nucleo_h743zi.cfg
and I obtain the same result.
I have double checked that the mentioned ports are not open with netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
As you can see, there is no gdb connection. I have tried telnet localhost 4444 as well, and I obtain:
Trying ::1...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
What am I doing wrong?
The problem was that I had the STM32CubeProgrammer connected.

Sendmail Error : opendaemonsocket: daemon TLSMTA: cannot bind: Address already in use

I am installing sendmail/dovecot on my mail sever.
I edited file /etc/mail/
and add the below lines to make sure the domain name is used in sending mail
#add for domain email by deo malamo
define(`confDOMAIN_NAME', `')dnl
#end add domail based email by deo malamo
i installed and Used tls/ssl from Let's Encrypt
#add for Let's Encrypt ssl by deo malamo
define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `A p')dnl
define(`CERT_DIR', `/etc/letsencrypt/live/')dnl
define(`confCACERT', `CERT_DIR/chain.pem')dnl
define(`confCLIENT_CERT', `CERT_DIR/cert.pem')dnl
define(`confCLIENT_KEY', `CERT_DIR/privkey.pem')dnl
define(`confSERVER_CERT', `CERT_DIR/cert.pem')dnl
define(`confSERVER_KEY', `CERT_DIR/privkey.pem')dnl
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtps, Name=TLSMTA, M=s')dnl
#DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp, Name=MTA')dnl
#DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=submission, Name=MSA, M=Ea')dnl
#end add Let's Encrypt ssl by dmalamo
MY PROBLEM is the ports 25,465 and 587 are coming up and then shutdown because of port already in use ,Can any one assist me to fix this problem?
When i save the config (/etc/mail/ and restart sendmail ,port 465 seems to be used and shutdown the whole outgoing ports 25,465 and 587.
logs file have the below entries
daemon TLSMTA: problem creating SMTP socket
Feb 9 13:26:43 mail sm-mta[20646]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon TLSMTA: cannot bind: Address already in use
NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon TLSMTA: cannot bind: Address already in use
daemon TLSMTA: problem creating SMTP socket
NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon TLSMTA: server SMTP socket wedged: exiting
MY PROBLEM is the ports 25,465 and 587 are coming up and then shutdown because of port already in use ,Can any one assist me to fix this problem?
Short list to check...
1st) have You compiled into ?
2nd) TLSMTA: cannot bind: Address already in use... means that one process already use this port (smtps: 465),
- check who is using port (e.g. "netstat -lntp|grep 465")
- and stop this, sometimes port can be in use by connection, maybe instead restart You should: stop, wait few sec./minutes and then start sendmail
- "netstat -lntp|grep sendmail" can be usefull to see sendmail's listening ports
- before start be sure that ports are not occupied (not in use)
- problem may also be in SELINUX (investigate how to allow program to use ports)

xrdp with sesman for port redirection

I am using xrdp in Centos.
1) in /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini I set the port to -1
This is ok. I can login with my user and password.
1) in /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini I want to redirect to port 5902
port 5902: where my vncserver is already running in Xinetd.
How would you configure the sesman.ini to connect to these port 5902?
try to config /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini, and set port as 5902

Bonjour: Can not ping through serviceName on Windows

I develop our application and can succeed to get hotsname through func: ServiceFound(DNSSDService sref, DNSSDFlags flags, uint ifIndex, String serviceName, String regType, String domain)
I checked the wireshark and Log, the serviceName is right.
My question:
Why I can not ping it through "serviceName.domain", e.g: ping serviceName.local. (I want to use ping to test the network available beofre run my application. now it is blocked the failed ping)
But I can ping it through the real IP, e.g: ping (This means that the network is ok)
ServiceFound and ServiceResolved only provide serviceName.
So how to solve this problem:
1) one simple way to get IP
or 2) how to solve the problem of "ping serviceName.local"
Thanks a lot for your support in advance!
I retest it on other PC:
I use dns-sd.exe to debug the network
Using following command can get servicename
$ dns-sd.exe -B _http._tcp
Browsing for _http._tcp
Timestamp A/R Flags if Domain Service Type Instance Name
4:33:52.663 Add 3 3 local. _http._tcp. test
Using following command can get zone file
$ dns-sd.exe -Z _http._tcp
Browsing for _http._tcp
_http._tcp PTR Officejet\032Pro\032L7500\032[FEDCE8]._http._tcp
Officejet\032Pro\032L7500\032[FEDCE8]._http._tcp SRV 0 0 80 HPFEDCE8.local. ; Replace with unicast FQDN of target host
Officejet\032Pro\032L7500\032[FEDCE8]._http._tcp TXT ""
using following command can get IP (based on HPFEDCE8.local. in above feedback)
$ dns-sd.exe -G v4 HPFEDCE8.local.
Timestamp A/R Flags if Hostname Address TTL
4:43:38.965 Add 2 3 bej1301Dell2360.local. 240
So I can ping it through HPFEDCE8.local.
But in my Test PC: "$ dns-sd.exe -B _http._tcp" is ok, but others commands are failed.
So I think this is the root cause.
So my question is:
as I know, we can use "instance Name" to generate the hostname: test.local.
why they are different from "HPFEDCE8.local." in the zone file
why "ping HPFEDCE8.local." ok and "ping test.local." failed
Do you have any others ideas for my Test PC?
Thanks a lot!!