Oracle Mobile MAF Date Time picker - date

I am using the regular input date-picker. But after selecting a date, there is no convenient way to confirm the selection. Something like a DONE button that will elegant than clicking anywhere outside to "select". Like the 'clear" button, which is there on the frame. Any suggestions where to get a good date-time picker?
I understand there is no easy Calendar-Date pickup available in MAF unless one installs the Cordova-PhoneGap-Calendar for iOS!
BTW, I found a good date-Picker in Oracle-Wiki (Link Below). In fact, I want something imilar,but either the given code is not the right one or I am missing something.
I have no idea, how to use the Oracle WiKi. Any help on a good Date-Time picker is appreciated.


Detect times and dates in Thunderbird mail

is there a Thunderbird add-on that would find and parse mails like the following and give the user the ability to quickly add the given time and date to the calendar?
Dear Foo,
I suggest we meet _tomorrow at 10am_.
The idea here would be to transform tomorrow at 10am to a clickable link that would result in the creation of a new event in the calendar.
This is more of a question the way you are phrasing it. The built in way to do it is to use the context menu, then convert to, then event or task. It may not catch all kinds of dates, so "tomorrow at 10am" may not work.
There is also a toolbar button you can add from the customize menu that does the same thing but allows you to select the language to use for detection. Make sure you are using a multi-locale Lightning for that (e.g. one from
I've always been wanting to write an extension that allows you to select event details manually, but I never got around to finishing it.

How I can customize a datepicker in Sulu?

Are there any methods to customize datepicker in Sulu via XML page config (e.g. I need to change date format)?
Sounds trivial, but says "No parameters available."
I am afraid to tell you that this is currently not possible... It would be nice if you create an issue on github also explaining the parameters you'd like to have.
And apart from that, the date format is based on the user language, so if the user has english as UI language he also gets the english formatted date. On the website you can use e.g. the date twig filter to format the date however you like.

Zepto Datepicker Library

I've decided to ditch jQuery and go with Zepto for a mobile application that I am making with PhoneGap.
The problem is that most of the date pickers available rely on jQuery (Including the one I was using before).
Does anybody know any good date pickers that work with zepto. The only requirement is that it looks OK.
I have successfully implemented but the UI is awful and I haven't found any documentation on how to change it from using dropdowns to a standard calendar view.
I have also used the following date picker but it seems limited in that it completely takes over the input you're using and I'm not sure how to get the input to display the date once it's been selected.
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks.
This one appears to be working with zepto only :)
(or at least the demo includes zepto only ;) ... (with the DateFormat library, but it's optional))

Displaying an XML string with formatting and syntax highlighting in an Eclipse RCP view

I am currently stuck on what I feel like should be an easy solution, but I am not really getting anywhere with this. I am new to Eclipse RCP. I am trying to implement a view in which, all it does, is display a string, which has been formatted to XML. As in, my application does what it is meant to do, and when the user clicks Save, it saves all the info as an xml. I can get this xml as one long, unformatted string. I want a pane where the user can see (only see, not edit) the XML code that is going to be saved.
The reason I want a view is because this view is a multi-instance view, dependent on the perspective it is in. And I want it to display in XML format, with syntax highlighting. It would be nice for it to look like in an editor with line numbers and such, but with good formatting I am satisfied.
Does anyone know the best (any) way to implement this? Even some 3rd party widget is perfect for me.
IIRC, the Plug-In editor example does basic syntax coloring and you can use the javax.transform packages to go from a stream to a DOM and back to a (formatted) stream.
just make your editor inherit from StructuredTextEditor (org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.StructuredTextEditor.StructuredTextEditor)
For further details here:
FAQ How do I provide syntax coloring in an editor?
Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Programmer's Guide > Editors

Plone 4.2: DatePicker Widget with YY/MM/DD instead of DD/MM/YY

In my Plone 4.2 site the DatePicker (e.g. when adding a new "event") displays as YEAR MONTH DAY
However, I do have a German Website, where it should be the other way around. That is:
DAY MONTH YEAR. How can I change this?
PS German is already selected as default language from Plone's language control panel.
PPS I don't know if this is related in any way, but since this might be a localisation issue, I'd rather tell: I use raptus.multilanguageplone
edit: added correct image link | say, that this happens when adding/editing a new event
I can't see the image you added because the URL is expired. so I'm going to assume you mean for the add/edit form of an Archetype (In Plone 4.2 the default types are all Archetypes).
There seems to be no easy fix such as a site-wide setting in the control panel, but you can change the ordering in the template. This however means you'll have to change the raw HTML.
To do this, you'll have to go to the Zope Management Interface (reached via the Site Setup page "Plone/##overview-controlpanel").
Then click on the "portal_skins tool" and then "plone_templates". Then click on "calendar_macros" and then click the "Customize" button.
Now you can change the ordering in the raw HTML/TAL.