How I can customize a datepicker in Sulu? - datepicker

Are there any methods to customize datepicker in Sulu via XML page config (e.g. I need to change date format)?
Sounds trivial, but says "No parameters available."

I am afraid to tell you that this is currently not possible... It would be nice if you create an issue on github also explaining the parameters you'd like to have.
And apart from that, the date format is based on the user language, so if the user has english as UI language he also gets the english formatted date. On the website you can use e.g. the date twig filter to format the date however you like.


Flutter set date of InputDatePickerFormField programmatically

The InputDatePickerFormField is a widget that presents a TextFormField and allows the user to enter a date manually as a string. This is fine and works great on its own (although I can't find a way to set its date format to dd/mm/yyyy instead of the default mm/dd/yyyy).
I want to also give the user the option to choose a date from the datePicker UI, but that means capturing the selected date from the picker and then programmatically setting this date to the form field. The InputDatePickerFormField class does not expose its controller for setting the string on the field, and there are no public methods for doing so.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
In the Flutter documentation is written
When the field is saved or submitted, the text will be parsed into a DateTime according to the ambient locale's compact date format.
It means it is formatted automatically after the date change. The "the ambient locale's compact date format" is automatically determined from user device settings. You can set supported localization at the app level as described here. You can play with user device localization in Chrome to verify it is working properly (the first language is used for app localization). .

Angular7 + Clarity Datepicker customisation

I'm working on an Angular 7 application with Project Clarity v1.0 as a design system.
I did many forms but facing some issue regarding Datepicker custom format.
I went through the documentation but there is no example or text about how to use custom date format, dis-allowed past/previous dates...etc something like ngx-bootstrap. They are mention each and everything about how much you can play around with date picker element.
Project Clarity Example
<form clrForm clrLayout="vertical">
<input type="date" [(clrDate)]="date" newFormLayout="true">
I tried, angular way to setup custom date format as described into Stack Answer, but nothing like works. Can anyone have an idea about this?
The Clarity Date Picker may not have all of the features of another date picker, and there are some enhancements in our backlog currently. If there is a specific issue that is missing, please search for existing issues or you may create a new one.
Also in this case, you shouldn't need to use newFormLayout="true" on the control since you are already using the clrForm directive on your form.
Custom date format: We use the locale from Angular to determine the format. This is not currently overridable beyond that.
Disallow date ranges: This is not currently supported, but issue is

Oracle Mobile MAF Date Time picker

I am using the regular input date-picker. But after selecting a date, there is no convenient way to confirm the selection. Something like a DONE button that will elegant than clicking anywhere outside to "select". Like the 'clear" button, which is there on the frame. Any suggestions where to get a good date-time picker?
I understand there is no easy Calendar-Date pickup available in MAF unless one installs the Cordova-PhoneGap-Calendar for iOS!
BTW, I found a good date-Picker in Oracle-Wiki (Link Below). In fact, I want something imilar,but either the given code is not the right one or I am missing something.
I have no idea, how to use the Oracle WiKi. Any help on a good Date-Time picker is appreciated.

Plone 4.2: DatePicker Widget with YY/MM/DD instead of DD/MM/YY

In my Plone 4.2 site the DatePicker (e.g. when adding a new "event") displays as YEAR MONTH DAY
However, I do have a German Website, where it should be the other way around. That is:
DAY MONTH YEAR. How can I change this?
PS German is already selected as default language from Plone's language control panel.
PPS I don't know if this is related in any way, but since this might be a localisation issue, I'd rather tell: I use raptus.multilanguageplone
edit: added correct image link | say, that this happens when adding/editing a new event
I can't see the image you added because the URL is expired. so I'm going to assume you mean for the add/edit form of an Archetype (In Plone 4.2 the default types are all Archetypes).
There seems to be no easy fix such as a site-wide setting in the control panel, but you can change the ordering in the template. This however means you'll have to change the raw HTML.
To do this, you'll have to go to the Zope Management Interface (reached via the Site Setup page "Plone/##overview-controlpanel").
Then click on the "portal_skins tool" and then "plone_templates". Then click on "calendar_macros" and then click the "Customize" button.
Now you can change the ordering in the raw HTML/TAL.

GWT Dynamic String Internationalization

Can someone explain how to use this feature. i'm trying to search for an example on the web but not getting it. Also, if at run time, the user wants to change language, how to do so??
According to docs, you can
either specify "locale" GET parameter in your URL, for example:
or add meta tag to your host HTML page, for example:
You may find complete internationalization example here - it uses locale get parameter approach.
As far as I understand, there's no way to change localization without GWT module re-loading (see here for details).
Both these approaches are static. But for the dynamic approach, this is very hard. Based on the current user's locale, change the ui rendering is NOT that easy...
If any