Updating Data From MongoDB using Web API - mongodb

I have a database that created in MongoDB using Robomongo tool. How can I update these data in Web API by its default POST, PUT, DELETE methods in ValuesControllers.cs?
Database name : StudentInfo
Collection Name : Student
_id : ObjectId(),
name : "lqbal",
department : "CSE",
phone : "0194949402"

Here is an example of the POST Action. WebApi can perform Model binding so it can take content from the body of the POST action and bind it to a c# entity - in this case the Student object.
Here is the content of the Request Body.
"name": "lqbal",
"department": "CSEGlobal",
"phone": "0194949402"
Also make sure to set the Content-Type of the Reqest to application/json so WebApi can perform the correct model binding.
The code in the POST action then has to look up the student in question in the DB. Once it retrieves the Student object, it can update the values and then save the object back to the DB.
public void Post([FromBody]Student value)
var student = ((MongoCollection)collection).AsQueryable<Student>().First(c => c.name == value.name);
student.department = value.department;
student.phone = value.phone;
The concept for the PUT action is similar to this POST action except that a new Student object is created.
The DELETE action is straightforward as well is similar to the GET action - you only need to pass the ID of the record to delete in the query string and then just delete it in the action controller.
Here is a link to how to remove a document with the mongo c# driver
Mongo c# Driver - Remove an Existing Document


Netsuite - REST API - Making query with Token Based Authentication (TBA) - (in Python)

This is a follow up to the successful call using Netsuite Token Based Authentication (TBA) REST webservice,
I would like to get some guidance on how to perform a query.
I am supposed to read records like this (please see screenshot)
how can I perform a specifc query (by table for a list of records and also specific record) ?
https://gist.github.com/axilaris/4386c3537d04737d3775c156562b7545 <-- here is the python code for the TBA that has worked successful. I would like to know how to construct the next step on how to perform the query and read specific record (as shown in the screenshot).
This is a custom record with an ID like this customrecord1589
To query a specific record: You're going to need to create/ deploy a RESTlet in Netsuite similar to the following:
* #NApiVersion 2.1
* #NScriptType Restlet
], function (log, search) {
function post(context) {
return JSON.stringify(getCustomRecords(context));
function getCustomRecords(context) {
log.debug('POST Context', context);
return search.lookupFields({
//Change CUSTOM_RECORD to the type of custom record you are querying
type: search.Type.CUSTOM_RECORD + '1589',
id: context.id,
columns: context.fields,
return {
post: post,
In your Python Script: Make sure you change the URL of the request to the deployment URL of this new RESTlet. Also, make sure to pass any parameters you need (like 'id' or 'fields' in my example) in your POST request payload. So instead of:
payload = {
payload = {
"fields": ["custrecord_field1", "custrecord_field2"],
where id is the internalid of the record you want to query and the fields array are the internalids of the fields you want values from.
If this goes successfully, the result should show up as conn.text in your python script!

How can I create a relation in Strapi if I don't know the id of the field?

I am creating a collection of judges and courthouses. Every judge will be assigned to one courthouse. I have set up my relation to be that courthouse has many judges
I am attempting to do this programmatically when the app loads. I have a function that is able to populate all the fields in judge except the relation to courthouse. My function uses the Strapi API like this
const judge = await strapi.query('judge').create({
name: data[i].name,
courthouse: data[i].courthouse_name // here is where I think the relation is created
I am passing in a string that has the name of courthouse, because I don't know the ID of the courthouse in the Courthouse collection.
My question is it possible to create a relation to another collection by anything other than an ID? How can I create a relation to a courthouse by its name?
I couldn't find a way around building a relationship between two models without the ID, so I created a custom solution using the Strapi lifecycle hooks
Essentially what I did I utilized the beforeCreate lifecycle hook to query and find the courthouse that matches the name like this:
// judges.js
async beforeCreate(result, data) {
const courthouse = await strapi.query('courthouse').find(
); // returns the courthouse that matches the name
result['courthouse'] = courthouse[0].id; // populates the relational field with the
// ID of the courthouse
The response object contained the courthouse's ID and I manipulated the data that is being sent to the create command like this:
const judge = await strapi.query('judge').create({
name: data[i].name,
courthouse: data[i].courthouse_name
The result is an object that looks like this:
{name: 'Garfield Lucas, courthouse: 7463987}

Entity Framework Many to Many and existing data post from angular

Entity Framework from Database First created the Table model classes having many to many relationships in C# WebApi.
Table ACCOUNTS and table METADATA have a many-to-many relationship between them.
I want to add a new entry on ACCOUNTS table and link this entry with some existing entries from METADATA table. How can I do this using AngularJS to post data?
I am sending this data on $http:
var account: {
Title: 'Title',
User: 'User',
Name: 'value1'
Name: 'value2'
The account variable above is based on ACCOUNTS class which is being read by the C# web api using POST and [FromBody] like this:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Add([FromBody]ACCOUNTS account)
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
int accountId = account.AccountId;
return Ok(accountId);
I am getting an error of primary key violation of existence of value1 and value2 on table METADATA.
This is correct because the values exist in the table.
But actually I want these values to be linked to the "intermediate table" which links ACCOUNTS and METADATA as many-to-many relationship, and not to be added.
Any solution to this scenario?
Before inserting the passed disconnected account object, you need to map the child METADATA objects to existing database entities. For instance, using something like this:
var medataNames = account.METADATA.Select(e => e.Name);
account.METADATA = db.METADATA.Where(e => metadataNames.Contains(e.Name)).ToList();
// ...

Grails MongoDB Update object with Association

I can't seem to understand where I am going wrong currently when I attempt to update my User domain model that has a hasOne association to a Profile object.
My domain models are as follows:
class User {
static hasOne = [profile: Profile]
static fetchMode = [profile: 'eager']
ObjectId id
String username
class Profile {
static belongsTo = [user: User]
ObjectId id
String familyName
String givenName
I am able to persist a User with a profile originally but when attempting to update the User object I get validation errors.
Validation error occurred during call to save():
- Field error in object 'co.suitable.User' on field 'profile.familyName': rejected value [null]
- Field error in object 'co.suitable.User' on field 'profile.givenName': rejected value [null]
I am able to print out the user.profile ID and also the user.profile.familyName before saving the object. Like the following:
user.save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
But I still get the validation errors before saving, i'd imagine that the println(user.profile.familyName) call is fetching the profile object if it already hasn't been loaded which I thought setting the fetchMode would have handled.
The object is able to successfully persist and save when I do:
user.profile = Profile.findById(user.profile.id)
user.save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
I could wrap that in a service but I was hoping for a solution that would be handled by Grails if possible. Any advice or thoughts is much appreciated.
You should not apply the logic for the SQL DB to Mongo 1 to 1. Mongo and other document-oriented DBs are not originally intended to store the joins between collections. There are some workarounds, like db-refs, but they are to be used with caution.
For your case - with hasOne - I would suggest using mongo's subdocuments (mirrored as GORM's embedded objects) instead of referencing:
class User {
ObjectId id
String username
Profile profile
static embedded = [ 'profile' ]
class Profile {
String familyName
String givenName
thus you use the mongo in accordance to it's original puprose. Also querying is simpler and faster.

Node + Mongoose: Get last inserted ID?

I want to retrieve the last inserted _id, using mongoose as MongoDB wrapper for node.js. I've found the following tutorial, but I can't change any node modules because the app runs on a public server:
Getting "Last Inserted ID" (hint - you have to hack Mongoose)
Any other ideas? This what I want to do:
Insert new user
Get user's _id value
Set a new session based on user's id
Redirect to /
I'm using mongoose version 1.2.0 and as soon as I created a new instance of a mongoose model, the _id is already set.
coffee> u = new User()
[object Object]
coffee> u._id
I also verified that after I call u.save() the _id remains the same. I verified via MongoHub that this is indeed the real ID saved into MongoDB.
If you explicitly declare
_id: Schema.ObjectId
for your model, then the ObjectId will not be available after new or save.
This is probably a bug.
If you're looking to get the last inserted _id of a sub object, then create the object, and add it to the item. Here's an example in NowJS using MongoDB and Mongoose (to add some schema sugar) which then converts the result to JSON to send back to the client:
var nowRoomID = this.now.room;
var Conversation = mongoose.model('Conversation');
Conversation.findById(convID, function(error, conversation) {
var Blip = mongoose.model('Blip');
var createdBlip = new Blip();
createdBlip.author= nowUserName;
createdBlip.authorid = parsed.authorid;
createdBlip.body = revisedText;
createdBlip.created_at = new Date();
createdBlip.modified_at = new Date();
parsed._id = createdBlip._id; //NOTE: ID ACCESSED HERE
message = JSON.stringify(parsed);
conversation.save(function (err) {
if (!err) {
console.log('Success - saved a blip onto a conversation!');
nowjs.getGroup(nowRoomID).now.receiveMessage(nowUserName, message);
With MongoDB, if you don't explicitly set a document's _id value then the client driver will automatically set it to an ObjectId value. This is different from databases that might generate IDs on the server and need another query to retrieve it, like with SQL Server's scope_identity() or MySQL's last_insert_id().
This allows you to insert data asynchronously because don't need to wait for the server to return an _id value before you continue.
So, as shown is Peter's answer, the _id is available before the document is saved to the database.
I just get the id from the document passed to the callback, since save returns the saved document.
Check below url
you will find following code in given url
var document = {name:"David", title:"About MongoDB"};
collection.insert(document, {w: 1}, function(err, records){
console.log("Record added as "+records[0]._id);