Entity Framework Many to Many and existing data post from angular - entity-framework

Entity Framework from Database First created the Table model classes having many to many relationships in C# WebApi.
Table ACCOUNTS and table METADATA have a many-to-many relationship between them.
I want to add a new entry on ACCOUNTS table and link this entry with some existing entries from METADATA table. How can I do this using AngularJS to post data?
I am sending this data on $http:
var account: {
Title: 'Title',
User: 'User',
Name: 'value1'
Name: 'value2'
The account variable above is based on ACCOUNTS class which is being read by the C# web api using POST and [FromBody] like this:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Add([FromBody]ACCOUNTS account)
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
int accountId = account.AccountId;
return Ok(accountId);
I am getting an error of primary key violation of existence of value1 and value2 on table METADATA.
This is correct because the values exist in the table.
But actually I want these values to be linked to the "intermediate table" which links ACCOUNTS and METADATA as many-to-many relationship, and not to be added.
Any solution to this scenario?

Before inserting the passed disconnected account object, you need to map the child METADATA objects to existing database entities. For instance, using something like this:
var medataNames = account.METADATA.Select(e => e.Name);
account.METADATA = db.METADATA.Where(e => metadataNames.Contains(e.Name)).ToList();
// ...


Prisma, how to preserve foreign data?

It's been a few months since I started prisma and I'm still confused.
In a normal database, foreign key data also exists in table data. However, according to the prisma document, in prisma, the data does not exist at the database level.
So where is it stored? It seems that the things I do "connect:id:1" are stored in the Prisma client. If I delete the prisma dependency and install it again with npm install, will all these relational data be deleted too?? How can I make it as safe as possible????
And it seems too dangerous when I migrate later. what am I misunderstanding?
const user = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
email: 'vlad#prisma.io',
posts: {
connect: [{ id: 8 }, { id: 9 }, { id: 10 }],
include: {
posts: true, // Include all posts in the returned object
in this case, id 8, id 9, id 10, Where are all these stored? Is there any way to check other than prisma studio or select query? I don't know where it is physically stored. It's not even in the planet scale database.
// In the workbench, the foriegn key is actually saved and can be exported. I don't know how it's not at the database level, but where it is referenced and stored.
Considering this Schema:
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
model User {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
name String
email String #unique
posts Post[]
model Post {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
title String
published Boolean #default(true)
author User #relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId Int
There is a one-to-many relationship between User and Posts.
according to the prisma document, in prisma, the data does not exist
at the database level.
Only the relation fields do not exist at the database level, so in this case posts in User model and author in Post model would not exist at database level. But the foreign key exists at the database level, so in this case authorId is actually stored in the database.
Based on the create query you have shared:
in this case, id 8, id 9, id 10, Where are all these stored?
The connect statement in create query is essentially linking the records.
So to elaborate Posts with id 8,9,10 would have the authorId value of the new user record which is created.
So the data is stored in database, you can always check which posts are created by a specific author. You just need to query all the posts which has authorId set to the id which you are querying for.

How can I create a relation in Strapi if I don't know the id of the field?

I am creating a collection of judges and courthouses. Every judge will be assigned to one courthouse. I have set up my relation to be that courthouse has many judges
I am attempting to do this programmatically when the app loads. I have a function that is able to populate all the fields in judge except the relation to courthouse. My function uses the Strapi API like this
const judge = await strapi.query('judge').create({
name: data[i].name,
courthouse: data[i].courthouse_name // here is where I think the relation is created
I am passing in a string that has the name of courthouse, because I don't know the ID of the courthouse in the Courthouse collection.
My question is it possible to create a relation to another collection by anything other than an ID? How can I create a relation to a courthouse by its name?
I couldn't find a way around building a relationship between two models without the ID, so I created a custom solution using the Strapi lifecycle hooks
Essentially what I did I utilized the beforeCreate lifecycle hook to query and find the courthouse that matches the name like this:
// judges.js
async beforeCreate(result, data) {
const courthouse = await strapi.query('courthouse').find(
); // returns the courthouse that matches the name
result['courthouse'] = courthouse[0].id; // populates the relational field with the
// ID of the courthouse
The response object contained the courthouse's ID and I manipulated the data that is being sent to the create command like this:
const judge = await strapi.query('judge').create({
name: data[i].name,
courthouse: data[i].courthouse_name
The result is an object that looks like this:
{name: 'Garfield Lucas, courthouse: 7463987}

How to craft a GET and POST request for a One-To-Many Associated Database in FeathersJS?

I am using FeatherJS with feathers-sequelize and postgresql to expose an endpoint and store information in a database. I think I have been able to set up a 1 to Many relation in my Postgresql database, but I do not know how to test it.
I followed the POST request format in this tutorial: https://www.djamware.com/post/5bb1f05280aca74669894417/node-express-sequelize-and-postgresql-association-example
but in Postman instead. IN pgAdmin, my company table is populated, but my branch table remains empty.
I set up the association like this:
In my Company script:
(company as any).associate = function (models: any) {
company.hasMany(models.branches, { foreignKey: 'companyId', sourceKey: "companyId" });
In my Branch script:
(branch as any).associate = function (models: any) {
branch .belongsTo(models.company, { foreignKey: 'companyId', targetKey: 'companyId' });
I expected both my tables to be populated with companyId as a foreign key in my branch table. However, only my company table is populated with the information from the POST request, while my branch table remains empty.
Have a look at this FAQ how to retrieve associations with Sequelize:
// Find Hulk Hogan and include all the messages he sent
sequelize: {
include: [{
model: Company
More information can be found in the adapter documentation.

How to create and store a (self-tracking) entity object on the server side?

I am trying to achieve the following using Entity framework 4.0 and self-tracking entities:
1) The client application request a book form the server by providing an ISBN number
2) The server performs a query on its database to see if the book is already present
3a) If the book is in the database, it returns it.
3b) If the book is not in the database, it will query Amazon for info, extract the required attributes, create a new book, store it in the database, and return it to the client
Now, 3b) is where the problems are... I can't find any information on how I can create an entity object (a book) on the server side, add it to the context and store it in the database. I have tried all sorts of things:
public class BookBrowserService : IBookBrowserService {
public Book GetBook(string ISBN) {
using (var ctx = new BookBrowserModelContainer()) {
Book book = ctx.Books.Where(b => b.ISBN == ISBN).SingleOrDefault();
if (book == null) {
book = new Book();
book.ISBN = ISBN; // This is the key
book.Title = "This title would be retrieved from Amazon";
Author author = new Author();
author.Name = "The author's name would be retrieved from Amazon";
ctx.SaveChanges(); // This one always throws an exception...
return book;
Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
It looks like the problem is related to the EDMX model.
I have a Book entity and an Author entity, with a many-to-many relationship.
The Book entity's Key is ISBN, which is a string of Max length 13.
StoreGeneratedPattern is set to None.
The Author entity's Key is Id, which is a Guid.
StoreGeneratedPattern is Identity.
The exception message is:
"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Id', table 'BookBrowser.dbo.Authors'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. "
But since StoreGeneratedPattern is set to Identity, shouldn't an Id value be created automatically?
It looks that the problem was that I used a Guid as Key in combination with StoreGeneratedPattern = Identity.
When I set StoreGeneratedPattern to None and create my own Guid using Id = Guid.NewGuid(), the problem is gone.
Apparently, the SQL server cannot generate Guids...
you can use StoreGeneratedPattern=Identity, but generated sql script based on your edmx doesn`t contain newid() in describing primary key(GUID). you can do this manually in generated sql script. 'BookId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
DEFAULT newid()'. So id value will create GUID automatically.

ADO.NET Entity : getting data from 3 tables

I have following table structure:
Table: Plant
PlantID: Primary Key
PlantName: String
Table: Party
PartyID: Primary Key
PartyName: String
PlantID: link to Plant table
Table: Customer
PartyID: Primary Key, link to Party
CustomerCode: String
I'd like to have Customer entity object with following fields:
PartyID: Primary Key
CustomerCode: String
PartyName: String
PlantName: String
I am having trouble with PlantName field (which is brought from Plant table
I connected Customer to Party and Party to Plant with associations
However I can not connect Customer to Plant with association ( because it does not have one)
I can not add Plant table to mapping, when I do that - I am getting following error:
Error 3024: Problem in Mapping Fragment starting at line 352: Must specify mapping for all key properties (CustomerSet.PartyID) of the EntitySet CustomerSet
Removing Plant association works.
Any hints or directions very appreciated.
You can get these fields by using the reference path on the Entity Object.
To get the PartyName, use this syntax: Customer.Party.PartyName
To get the PlantName, use this syntax: Customer.Party.Plant.PlantName
You can extend the Customer entity by using the public partial class:
public partial class Customer
public string PartyName
get { return Party.PartyName; }
set { Party.PartyName = value; }
public string PlantName
get { return Party.Plant.PlantName; }
set { Party.Plant.PlantName = value; }
After some research, I came across this thread on MSDN that says you can create a read-only entity, which is enough of a downside to not use it alone, but it gets worse. You will also lose the ability to update all of the models dynamically based on the schema of the database.