How to increase duration of content-assist popup in eclipse kepler? - eclipse

For some unknown reason, the duration of the popup window for the control assist proposals has been shortened. If my proposals contain a list long enough to scroll the suggestions, the popup auto-hides in the midst of scrolling.
I tried deleting the .metadata folder of my workspace and restarted but it didn't work.
Could someone please help regarding the same?
I am using Eclipse Kepler.

You can adjest the content assist delay in eclipse preference.
Refer this blog.


Eclipse Fix all Problems?

I am in making of an analog Clock in Eclipse. After very hard struggle I am unable to create it. The reason is Error/Problems in Eclipse I want to know how to clear all Error one by one or all in once ?
The main documentation for the latest Eclipse Luna 4.4 is: "Quick Fix "
Left click on the light bulb or invoking Ctrl+1 (Edit > Quick Fix) brings up the proposals for the problem at the cursor position.
Each quick fix shows a preview when selected in the proposal window.
Some quick fixes offer to fix all problems of the same kind in the current file at once.
The information text in the proposal window contains this information for all applicable proposals. To fix all problems of the same kind, press Ctrl+Enter.
Remember: this won't apply to all types of errors, only to certain errors.

Eclipse quick view works but not outline

In eclipse juno i can view the outline of XML/java files from outline view. i can also see the drop down menu options for the outline view.
the problem i have is that for some XML files i get "an outline is not available" message in the outline view, and the drop down menu options disappear. but Quick view still works for the current XML file but outline view shows an error.
i think this maybe an issue with eclipse, i have to restart eclipse about every few hours because it visually starts bugging out (lines of code disappearing when clicked on, but not actually deleted) . this is also a fresh installation of eclipse juno with just Android SDK.
Here is my eclipse workspace log.
Sounds like a memory issue. Please consult: How can I give eclipse more memory than 512M?
If this doesn't help you, please include your Eclipse workspace's logs (located at your {workspace}/.metadata directory) for further investigation.
EDIT: The solution seems to be to update Eclipse to Kepler.

Eclipse freezes on suggestion popup

I am having a problem in Eclipse where it freezes whenever I add a period (to try to bring up the content assist popup with possible methods). I can move the mouse, but the blinking text cursor disappears, I can't switch tabs or save, and I need to use a task manager to close Eclipse. This happens with all Java projects/files.
I have never had a problem like this with Eclipse before, and can't tell what started it. After doing several Google searches, all I found was this bug. However, I don't see a solution and am running Windows 7, not Linux. Also, I have never heard of Xulrunner. Does anybody have a solution or explanation? Is it an Eclipse setting, or a problem with my computer?
Error Log:
When I watched the error view, it seemed to output "Unhandled event loop exception" a lot.
For now, I have disabled the content assist, which seems to fix the problem.
However, this feature is very helpful, so any answers are appreciated!
Try opening Preferences and tick "Suspend all validators".
Try disable the hovers feature:
eclipse menu: Wndow > Preference

How to display editor tabs on the side of the editor pane in Eclipse?

In Eclipse Indigo (I'm on 3.7.2), is it possible to move the editor tabs from the top of the editor pane to the side of the editor pane, creating a vertical stack of tabs? This would allow many more tabs to be seen at once. Given my widescreen display and the large number of active files I am switching between this would be a useful configuration. I cannot find a setting or a plugin that will do so.
Not possible yet. See here and here
I got fed up with not being able to do this and wrote an eclipse plugin. You can find it in the marketplace at:
Here is a screenshot
I do not know of a plugin which would allow one to do this.
This (
In Eclipse, can I view the files I currently have open in a vertical stack instead of a horizontal one?) confirms the same unfortunately.
I just searched a bit. I can see a lot of talk about having multi-line tabs, but vertical tabs don't seem to come up a lot.
The Open-Editors plugin has issue
Works well on Windows10 + Eclipse 4.8 + OpenJDK11. 100%
Have just tested. Dont forget to link your Eclipse to JDK-11
Install Plugin

Javadoc Tooltip with Content Assist in Eclipse

When i started to use Eclipse's Content Assist, Eclipse used to give me Javadoc help of item i focus in a tooltip box next to content assist. However, after a while Javadoc tooltip stopped working. I tried resetting preferences to default but no luck. What should i do?
p.s: Javadoc works when i highlight an element (i.e. a method).
I mingled with various options for 4 hours...even created a new workspace. Finally what worked for me was some preference changes.
Goto Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist, click on Restore Defaults.
Restart Eclipse and you are good to go.
You could try checking you have the latest version (and possibly reinstalling) xulrunner. That's Mozilla's platform independent GUI library, and as far as I'm aware it's used to display the javadoc, both content assist popups and in the javadoc tab. The likely cause of your problem is bugs/communication difficulties between eclipse and xulrunner.
I was facing the same problem here, and then, armed with Gaurav Kumar tip, I managed to solve it.
The problem here was that I had put a lower auto activation delay value. When I put it back to 200 and restarted Eclipse, the javadocs came back.
I solved the problem by changing Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist -> Auto Activation -> Auto activation triggers for Javadoc from "##" to "#".